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Teacher Candidate Megan Schoolcraft Date November 19, 2014

School Dunbar Primar !lementar School "rade#Sub$ect 2
%e&&on To'ic Thematic (nit )Pig&* Math %e&&on
Student& +ill identif different coin& and dollar bill&,
Student& +ill count coin& and bill& to ma-e certain dollar amount&,
Student& +ill demon&trate ho+ to ma-e change after the bu thing& off of a menu given to them,
M,0,2,4,. / 0dentif, count and organi1e coin& and bill& to di&'la a variet of 'rice value& from real2life
e3am'le& +ith a total value of one dollar or le&& and model ma-ing change b u&ing mani'ulative&,
NCTM P!"#e Sta$da!d% 4ecogni1e and a''l mathematic& in conte3t& out&ide of mathematic&
5verall Time 2 .0 Min, %e&&on
Time 6rame / 17 min, 0ntroduction
80 min, 9od
27 min, :&&e&&ment and Clo&ure
0ntroduce and revie+ conce't of mone, revie+ and teach value of mone, +or- out 'roblem& +ith &tudent&, read )Pig&
;ill 9e Pig&* boo-, com'lete +or-&heet for boo-, revie+ +or-&heet and an&+er an <ue&tion&, introduce and e3'lain
a&&e&&ment, collect a&&e&&ment 'a'er&, clo&ure,
=i&ual, -ine&thetic, and logical2mathematical learner& +ill benefit mo&t from a&&ignment, The boo- +ill be di&'laed on
the !%M5 +hile it i& read aloud to the cla&& &o that the can follo+ along reading, and can &ee the mone di&'laed in the
illu&tration&, 6or >ine&thetic learner&, 0 +ill 'rovide mani'ulative mone during a&&e&&ment for them to &ee and +or-
+ith, 6or vi&ual learner& 0 +ill 'rovide a real2life menu to +or- off of for a&&e&&ment, Thi& +ill al&o directl benefit
logical learner& +ho +or- +ell +ith math and have more of a math centered mind,
I$t!"d'#t("$/ Le"$ Set
!3'lain to &tudent& +hat 0 +ill be teaching them,
Start diagno&tic di&cu&&ion +ith &tudent& about mone,
4evie+ the conce't of counting mone and the value of mone
;or- out 'roblem& +ith &tudent& on the board,
B"d) * T!a$(t("$
4ead )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* boo- to &tudent&,
!3'lain +or-&heet a&&ignment to &tudent&,
:llo+ time for &tudent& to +or- on their a&&ignment,
"o over the a&&ignment +ith &tudent&,
Collect +or-&heet and tran&ition to a&&e&&ment,
!3'lain their a&&ignment for a&&e&&ment,
Pa&& out all material& needed for a&&e&&ment,
:llo+ time for &tudent& to +or- on their final a&&e&&ment,
Collect a&&e&&ment and clo&e le&&on
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
6or m diagno&tic a&&e&&ment, 0 +ill o'en u' revie+ing +ith the &tudent& +hat all the -no+ about mone, 0 +ill a&-
them if the -no+ the value of all of the coin& a dollar bill&, 5nce 0 &ee that the under&tand that conce't 0 +ill move on
to &ee if the under&tand ho+ to add and &ubtract mone, 5b&erving and li&tening to ho+ +ell the remember or
under&tand the&e conce't& +ill allo+ me to -no+ +hether 0 need to &'end more time in&tructing or to move onto the
M formative a&&e&&ment +ill ta-e 'lace +hile the &tudent& are +or-ing on the )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* math +or-&heet, 0
+ill be +al-ing around the room to ma-e &ure that the &tudent& -no+ and under&tand +hat i& a&-ed of them, 0 +ill al&o
chec- to ma-e &ure &tudent& under&tand the material and ho+ to correctl add or &ubtract mone,
6or m &ummative a&&e&&ment, 0 +ill allo+ &tudent& to +or- +ith real life adding and &ubtracting mone, 0 +ill do &o b
-ee'ing the &tudent& in their de&-& grou'& the are alread in and giving each table a certain amount of mone, !ach
&tudent in the grou' +ill be given the &ame amount of mone ?e,g, if grou' 1 ha& @21,14, then each 'er&on at that table
ha& @21,14A, !ach &tudent +ill be given a menu and a +or-&heet that the can record an&+er& on, The activit i& that each
&tudent u&e& the mone the are given to bu +hatever the +ant on that menu, The have to -no+ ho+ much mone
then can &'end +ithout going over the amount of mone given to them, 5n their +or-&heet, the +ill record +hat the
bought, the 'rice of the item the bought, and ho+ much change the get bac-, :t the end, the +ill be able to tell me
ho+ much the &'end, and ho+ much mone the got bac-,
;hite 9oard
!3'o Mar-er&
)Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* boo-
)Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* ;or-&heet
Mani'ulative Mone
;or-&heet& for +hat the bought
I1 St'de$t F($(2e Ea!+)
0f &tudent fini&he& earl, the can 'ic- another 'artner +ho ha& alread fini&hed and the can com'ete +ith each other to
&ee +ho can bu the mo&t item& +ith $u&t @20,
I1 Le"$ F($(2e Ea!+)
0f le&&on fini&he& earl, 0 +ill revie+ +ith the &tudent& +hat all the could have bought, 0f there i& &till time 0 +ill al&o
read )The 9ig 9uc- :dventure* that al&o i& about counting mone and ma-ing change,
I1 Te#2$"+",) Fa(+/N"t A##e(3+e
0f technolog fail&, then 0 +ill read the )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* boo- at the front of the cla&&room ma-ing &ure to &ho+ the
children each 'icture,
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
Food Court
Chicken Nuggets
Hamburger with fries and a
4 Ta#" 5(t2 $a#2" a$d #2eee
Basketball Gal
!ccer Ball
"lle# Ball
Baseball Gl%e
Small Dog
Big Dog
Lizard $&$
)edd# Bear
"ide Game
B"a!d Ga-e
S(de Wa+6 C2a+6
s Super
M!9 S#2""+#!a1t: S'pe! St"!e C2e#6 L(t/
19 D(d I pe$d -"!e -"$e) t2a$ I 5a ,(.e$; NO<<<<<< =ES<<<<<<
49 D" I 6$"5 52at ea#2 #"($ +""6 +(6e; NO<<<<<< =ES<<<<<<
>9 D(d I 5!(te d"5$ 2"5 -'#2 -"$e) I 2ad +e1t ".e! a1te! ea#2 p'!#2ae; NO<<<<<<
?9 D(d I d"'3+e #2e#6 -) a$5e! t" -a6e '!e -) a$5e! 5e!e !(,2t; NO<<<<<<
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
Megan Schoolcraft
Dunbar Primar School
Dodie E'e&
Mr&, ;illiam&
November 19, 2018
M 'lanning for m third and final le&&on +a& the mo&t fun in m o'inion, ;hen 0 +a& thin-ing
about +hat 0 +anted to center m thematic le&&on on, 0 had the math le&&on 'lanned out fir&tF 0 $u&t
ended u' teaching it la&t, 0 had multi'le different t'e& of activitie& and a&&e&&ment& that 0 had
'lanned to do +ith the &tudent&, 0 did lot& of re&earch online and 'lent of &earching on +eb&ite& li-e
Pintere&t, or Teacher& Pa Teacher&, 6inall, 0 came u' +ith a game 'lan and -ne+ e3actl +hat 0
+anted to do, Mr&, ;illiam& had told me at the beginning of m ob&ervation& that the &tudent&
&truggled +ith mone, The +ere &u''o&ed to learn the ba&ic& of mone at the end of fir&t grade, but
it +a& -ind of 'u&hed a&ide and never touched, :& the came into &econd grade, the &tudent&
&truggled big time +ith adding and &ubtracting mone, The &tudent& had been +or-ing on mone
&ince the beginning of the ear, and Mr&, ;illiam& &till +anted me +or-ing +ith the &tudent& on a
math le&&on, Since m le&&on +a& themed around 'ig&, Mr&, ;illiam& had a boo- for me to read +ith
the &tudent& called, )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&*, 0t i& a boo- about a 'ig famil +ho ha& to &earch through the
hou&e for mone &o that the can go out to eat, The find little mone amount& &uch a& dime&,
<uarter&, and nic-el&, 0 found a )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* +or-&heet online that made the &tudent& add u'
all the mone that the 'ig& found and total u' ho+ much it all +ould have been, 0 decided that thi&
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
+ould have been m formative a&&e&&ment, 0 alread -ne+ in the bac- of m mind that 0 +anted to
ma-e a menu for the &tudent& to order off of and to give them a &et amount of mone, 6or m
&ummative a&&e&&ment, 0 decided to ma-e menu& for the &tudent&, 0 gave each table a &et amount of
mone and let the &tudent& bu +hatever the +anted to on the menu, 5nce the +rote &omething
do+n, 0 +ould have them &ubtract each item from the mone the had left over, 5nce 0 got all of m
material& read, 0 +a& &et to ma-e m le&&on 'lan,
The im'lementation for thi& le&&on 0 felt li-e +a& the be&t out of all three le&&on&, 0 made &ure to
&'end 'lent of time revie+ing +ith &tudent& ho+ to identif mone and al&o add and &ubtract
mone, ;e +ent over 'lent of 'roblem& on the SM:4Tboard and &tudent& too- ver +ell to the
conce't, 5nce 0 -ne+ that all of the &tudent& under&tood +hat 0 +anted them to -no+, 0 moved onto
reading the boo- aloud to the &tudent&, :fter 0 read the boo- to the &tudent&, 0 e3'lained to them +hat
0 +anted them to do on the )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* +or-&heet and ho+ to do it, 0 +or-ed out the fir&t
'roblem +ith the &tudent& and let the fini&h the re&t, 0 gave the &tudent& &ome time to fini&h their
a&&ignment and once mo&t of the &tudent& +ere fini&hed, 0 +ent ahead and +ent over the +or-&heet
+ith the &tudent& on the SM:4Tboard, allo+ing them to correct their an&+er& +hen needed, :fter
about 17 minute& of going over the +or-&heet 0 made the &tudent& 'a&& them u', 5nce 0 had
everoneG& 'a'er&, 0 e3'lained to them +hat the la&t activit +ould be, 0 'ut u' the menu 0 had made
on the +hiteboard and then gave each &tudent a co' of hi& or her o+n, 0 then 'a&&ed out their
+or-&heet that the +ould u&e to +rite do+n all of their 'urcha&e& and dollar amount& on, 0 +or-ed
out one of m o+n +ith the &tudent& to &ho+ them e3actl +hat 0 +anted, :fter the e3am'le, 0
allo+ed &tudent& 80 minute& to com'lete the activit, :& the &tudent& com'leted the activit 0 +al-ed
around ob&erving the &tudent& a& the +or-ed, During the a&&e&&ment, &ome of the &tudent& +ere
goofing off and getting off trac-, 0 made &ure to not &'end &o much time +ith one &tudent unle&& the
needed it, :& the &tudent& &tarted getting &ome+hat out of hand, 0 &im'l cla''ed m hand& and the
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
cla''ed the &ame rhthm bac-, Thi& got them com'letel under control a& 0 told the &tudent& to calm
do+n, The &tudent& &hortl fini&hed u' their a&&e&&ment& and turned all of the +or-&heet& 0 needed,
The &tudent& +ere ver +ell behaved and all of the tran&ition& +ent ver &moothl during thi& le&&on,
Clarit of Pre&entation
Thi& 're&entation of m le&&on +a& much clearer than m other t+o, 0n thi& one, 0 made &ure that
during m diagno&tic di&cu&&ion +ith the &tudent&, 0 'aid attention to ho+ much time 0 needed to
&'end on the in&truction of the le&&on, M &tudent& &eemed li-e the under&tood the le&&on 'rett
+ell, 0 made &ure to give them a fe+ more <ue&tion& to hel' reinforce +hat 0 taught the &tudent&,
During the fir&t activit of the )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&* +or-&heet, the &tudent& com'letel under&tood
+hat 0 +anted, The under&tood for the mo&t 'art ho+ to add and &ubtract the number&, So that the
&tudent& -ne+ e3actl ho+ to do the a&&ignment +ithout having to a&- <ue&tion& all of the time,
before each activit 0 made &ure to do an e3am'le +ith the &tudent& before 0 let them go on their o+n
and do their o+n +or-, The &tudent& under&tood everthing 0 need and +anted them to do, ;hen 0
're&ented the material 0 +anted m &tudent& to -no+ and the in&truction& of ho+ to do the
a&&ignment, the le&&on +ent much &moother and m &tudent& had a much better time +or-ingH
:ttention to 0ndividual Difference&
0n m le&&on, 0 made &ure that the &tudent& +ith individual difference& +ere accommodated for, 6or
the &tudent& +ho +ere vi&uall im'aired in the cla&&, 0 made &ure to let them &it at the front of the
cla&& or move their &eat& around to +here the could &ee anthing the needed to, 6or univer&al
de&ign, 0 di&'laed the boo- 0 read on the board &o that everone could &ee, Thi& al&o hel'ed for the
&tudent& +ho +ere vi&uall im'aired or +ho +ere vi&ual learner&, 6or the -inetic& learner& 0 'rovided
mani'ulative mone during the a&&e&&ment &o that the could have &omething to hand& on +or- +ith
to hel' them come u' +ith the an&+er& the needed, 6inall, for vi&ual learner&, -ine&thetic, and
logical learner&, 0 'rovided a real life menu for the &tudent& to have in front of them &o that the -ne+
+hat to go off of,
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
Student 4e&'on&e
The &tudent& re&'onded +ell to thi& le&&on, The &eemed to have a lot of fun +ith being able to have a
menu in front of them and u&ing it in real life &ituation&, :fter 0 +ent bac- and loo-ed and graded
their 'a'er& from their &ummative a&&e&&ment 0 could tell that the &tudent& under&tood the material
taught, Throughout the entire le&&on, the &tudent& +ere ver engaged and intere&ted in the le&&on,
Mo&t all of the &tudent& +ere volunteering and +ere engaged in the a&&ignment, 0 onl had one
&tudent that 0 had to &ta on to' of &o that he +ould fini&h hi& a&&ignment&, 0t +a&nGt that he +a& not
intere&ted in the le&&on though, he al+a& ha& trouble &taing on ta&-, 9ut the thing that encouraged
me and hel'ed to reall &ee that m &tudent& +ere engaged +a& +hen that one certain &tudent became
&u'er e3cited and a&-ed lot& of <ue&tion& during &ummative a&&e&&ment, 5ver all 0 thin- the &tudent&
+ere ver engaged and intere&ted in the le&&on 0 +a& teaching, The all &eemed to love the menu idea
+here the could bu their o+n thing&,
Planning and 0m'lementing Eigher 5rder Thin-ing S-ill&
:& 0 'lanned and im'lemented higher order thin-ing &-ill&, 0 tried to 'lan for tho&e to be im'lemented
in m a&&e&&ment&, 0n m formative a&&e&&ment, the &tudent& had to thin- about +hat all the 'ig& in
the boo- found and add u' their total amount of mone the found, :fter that, the had to be able to
ta-e the total, and &ubtract it from their bill, to find out ho+ much change the got bac-, 0n their
&ummative a&&e&&ment, &tudent& had to ta-e all of the &-ill& the had learned during the le&&on and
a''l them in a real life li-e &ituation, The &tudent& +ere given a &et number of mone ?e,g, @2.,00A
and a menu, The had to u&e higher order thin-ing to be able to 'ic- out &ome thing& that the
+anted, but the had to be careful not to go over the amount of mone 0 gave them,
6or m diagno&tic a&&e&&ment, 0 had a conver&ation +ith &tudent&, 0 +ent over +ith them the different
coin& and ho+ much their amount& +ere, 5nce 0 got a good idea of ho+ much the -ne+ about
adding and &ubtracting mone, 0 could $udge ho+ much time to &'end on the in&truction 'art or if 0
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018
could ea&il move onto the ne3t activit 0 had laid our for the -id&, The &tudent& demon&trated to me
that the &till needed &ome in&truction in the addition and &ubtraction of coin&, 5n the +hite board, 0
revie+ed +ith &tudent& &ome &im'le mone 'roblem& that +ould hel' them +ith their a&&e&&ment&
that 0 +ould give later in the le&&on, 6or m formative a&&e&&ment 0 read the boo- )Pig& ;ill 9e Pig&*
to the &tudent& and had them fill out a +or-&heet according to the boo-, 0n the +or-&heet, the &tudent&
had to add u' ho+ much mone each 'ig found and ho+ much the famil found together, 5nce the
&tudent& did tho&e +or-&heet&, +e moved onto the &ummative a&&e&&ment, 0n m &ummative
a&&e&&ment, 0 made the &tudent& menu& +ith fun item& on them +ith a 'rice, 0 then gave each &tudent
a &et number that the &tarted out +ith, !ach &tudent had to 'ic- out item& from the menu that the
+anted and +rote do+n everthing the bought, The then had to tell me ho+ much mone the
&'ent over all and ho+ much mone the had left over on a +or-&heet,
S'ecial :dditionB :rea& of 0m'rovement
0n m &econd le&&on, 0 tried to im'rove t+o certain area&, The fir&t le&&on 0 +anted to im'rove +a&
u&ing the &tudentG& name&, 0 definitel im'roved in thi& area, a& 0 made &ure to be 'er&onal +ith each
&tudent, 0f 0 didnGt -no+ their name&, 0 +ould loo- at their nametag&, There +a&nGt one time in m
le&&on +here 0 $u&t 'ointed at a child or &aid, )ou* +hen 0 +anted &omeone to an&+er a <ue&tion,
:nother area 0 +anted to im'rove in +a& ending a <ue&tion +ith, )rightI* 0 ended u' &aing it once
and caught m&elf, Throughout the re&t of m le&&on, 0 made &ure 0 never &aid it again, M teacher
actuall com'lemented me on it at the end of m le&&on for the da, 5ver all 0 thin- 0 im'roved ver
+ell on the area& 0 -ne+ 0 +anted to im'rove,
!D( 800201 S'ring 2018

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