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EPSC 454 Exploration and Environmental Geophysics

PROBLEM SE !" #Ma$netics % Resistivity&

'(E) Octo*er +, "--.
1. Gravity and magnetics are measured at ground level over a spherically shaped
gabbroic pluton that is 1 km in radius and exposed at the surface. Gabbroic
spherical boulders (having the same material properties as the pluton) of 1 m
occur in the soil. The other rocks in the area are non-magnetic. The density
contrast of the boulders with the surrounding material is .! g"cm
(which is the
same as the density contrast of the pluton with its surroundings). $hat is the
amplitude of the anomaly from a boulder relative to the anomaly from the pluton
both for gravity and magnetics% &or which method would the 'scatter' produced
by the presence of boulders near the surface be most important%
!. &ind an expression for the magnetic anomaly resulting from a buried sphere with
remnant magnetism oriented hori(ontally in an )-$ direction. *ssume that the
sphere is located near the e+uator, and that you are measuring the anomaly with a
total field magnetometer. )xpress your answer in terms of - (the magneti(ation)
and the depth and radius of the sphere. -ake a contour plot of the magnetic
anomaly on the earth.s surface above the sphere.
#. /o problem 0-1 in 2urger.
3. /o problem 1-1 in 2urger.
1. /o problem 1-0 in 2urger.
4. /o problem 1-1! in 2urger.

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