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Design of Rectangular Concrete Tanks

The Islamic University of Gaza

Department of Civil Engineering
The cylindrical shape is structurally best
suited for tank construction, but rectangular
tanks are frequently preferred for specific
Easy formwork and construction process
Rectangular tanks are used where partitions or
tanks with more than one cell are needed.
The behavior of rectangular tanks is
different from the behavior of circular tanks
The behavior of circular tanks is axi-symmetric.
That is the reason for the analysis to use only
unit width of the tank
The ring tension in circular tanks was uniform
around the circumference
The design of rectangular tanks is very
similar in concept to the design of circular
The loading combinations are the same. The
modifications for the liquid pressure loading
factor and the sanitary coefficient are the same.
The major differences are the calculated
moments, shears, and tensions in the
rectangular tank walls.
The requirements for durability are the same for
rectangular and circular tanks.
The requirements for reinforcement (minimum
or otherwise) are very similar to those for
circular tanks.
The loading conditions that must be considered
for the design are similar to those for circular
The restraint condition at the base is needed to
determine deflection, shears and bending
moments for loading conditions.
Base restraint conditions considered in the publication
include both hinged and fixed edges.
However, in reality, neither of these two extremes
actually exist.
It is important that the designer understand the degree
of restraint provided by the reinforcing bars that
extends into the footing from the tank wall.
If the designer is unsure, both extremes should be
Buoyancy forces must be considered in the design
The lifting force of the water pressure is resisted by the
weight of the tank and the weight of soil on top of the
Y-axis is the horizontal axis
X-axis is the vertical axis direction downward
Mx moment per unit width stretching the fibers parallel to the x direction
when the plate is in the x-y plane. This moment determines the steel in
the x (vertical direction).
My moment per unit width stretching the fibers parallel to the y direction
when the plate is in the x-y plane. This moment determines the steel in
the y (horizontal direction).
The Subscript in Mx and My is not the axis of the moment
The moments are not in a particular principal plane
Moment coefficient for Slabs with various edge
Moment coefficient for Slabs with various edge
Moment coefficient for Slabs with various edge
Moment coefficient for Slabs with various edge
Moment coefficient for Tanks with Walls Free at
Top and Hinged at Bottom (Table 5)
Moment coefficient for Tanks with Walls Free at
Top and Hinged at Bottom (Table 5)
Moment coefficient for Tanks with Walls Hinged
at Top and Bottom (Table 6)
Moment coefficient for Tanks with Walls Hinged
at Top and Bottom (Table 6)
Shear Coefficeient
Along vertical edges, shear in one wall is also used as axial tension
in the adjacent wall and must be combined with bending moment to
determine tensile reinforcement
Table 7. Shear at Edges of Slabs Hinged at Top and Bottom
Shear Coefficients
The first five lines in Table 7 are shears per linear length in
terms of wa
The remaining four lines are total shears in kNdepending on
how w is given.
Shears per linear foot are for ratios of b/a = 1/2, 1,2, and
The difference between the shear for b/a = 2 and infinity is so
small that there is no necessity for computing coefficients for
intermediate values.
When b/a is large, a vertical strip of the slab near midpoint of
the b dimension will behave essentially as a simply supported
one-way slab.
Notes on Tables 7
Shear Coefficeient
Total pressure on a strip 1 m wide is 0.50wa
, of which two-
thirds or 0.33wa
is the reaction at the bottom support and one-
third or 0.17wa
is the reaction at the top.
The shear at midpoint of the bottom edge is0.3290wa
for b/a
= 2.0, the coefficient being very close to that of one third for
In other words, maximum bottom shear is practically constant
for all values of b/a greater than 2
At the corner, shear at the bottom edge is negative and
numerically greater than shear at midpoint.
Notes on Tables 7
Shear Coefficients
Unit shears at the fixed edge in
Table 7 were used for plotting
the curves in Fig. 1.
Maximum value occurs at a
depth below the top
somewhere between 0.6aand
Fig. 1 is useful for
determination of shear or axial
tension for any ratio of b/a and
at any point of a fixed side
Shear Coefficeient
For b/a = and 1 it makes little difference in total shear the area
within shear curves-whether the top is supported or not.
Consequently, curves for b/a = and 1 remain practically
For b/a = 2 a change in the support at the top has little effect upon
shear at the bottom of the fixed edge.
Table 8. Shear at Edges of Slabs Free at Top and Hinged at Bottom*
Shear Coefficients
The curves in Figs. 1 and 2
are nearly identical at the
As the top is approached
curves for the free top
deviate more and more from
those for the hinged top
Shear Coefficients
In a comparison of Figs. 1 and 2. Whereas for b/a = 2.0 and
3.0 total shear is increased 12% and 22%, respectively, when
top is free instead of hinged, maximum shear is increased but
slightly, 2% at most. The reason is that most of the increase in
shear is near the top where shears are relatively small.
Notes on Tables 8 and Figure 2
MultiCell Tank
Moment coefficients from Tables 5 and 6, designated as
L coefficients, apply to outer or L shaped corners of
multi-cell tanks.
Corner of Multicell Tank:
MultiCell Tank
Three wall forming T-Shape:
If the continuous wall, or top of the T, is part of the long sides
of two adjacent rectangular cells, the moment in the continuous
wall at the intersection is maximum when both cells are filled.
The intersection is then fixed and moment coefficients,
designated as F coefficients, can be taken from Tables 1, 2, or 3
MultiCell Tank
Three wall forming T-Shape:
If the continuous wall is part of the short sides of two adjacent
rectangular cells, moment at one side of the intersection is
maximum, when the cell on that side is filled while the other
cell is empty.
For this loading condition the magnitude of moment will be
somewhere between the L coefficients and the F coefficients.
MultiCell Tank
Three wall forming T-Shape:
If the unloaded third wall of the unit is disregarded, or its
stiffness considered negligible, moments in the loaded walls
would be the sameL coefficients.
If the third wall is assumed to have infinite stiffness, the
corner is fixed and the F coefficients apply.
The intermediate value representing more nearly the true
condition can be obtained by the formula.
where n: number of adjacent unloaded walls

End Moments L L F

MultiCell Tank
MultiCell Tank
Intersecting Walls:
If intersecting walls are the walls of square cells,
moments at the intersection are maximum when any
two cells are filled and the F coefficients in Tables 1,
2, or 3 applybecause there is no rotation of the joint.
If the cells are rectangular, moments in the longer of
the intersecting walls will be maximum when two
cells on the same side of the wall under consideration
are filled, and again the F coefficients apply.
MultiCell Tank
Intersecting Walls:
Maximum moments in the
shorter walls adjacent to
the intersection occur
when diagonally opposite
cells are filled, and for this
condition the L
Coefficients apply.
Example 1 (Open-Top Single-Cell Tank)
The tank shown has a clear height of a = 4 m.
horizontal inside dimensions are b = 10.0 m and
c = 5.0 m. The tops of the walls are considered
free and the bottom hinged.
Coefficients for moment and shear are selected from
tables or diagrams for:
b/a = 10/4.0 = 2.50 and c/a =5/4 = 1.25.
Moments are in ton.mif coefficients are multiplied
by wa
= 1.0 x 64= 64
Shears are in tonif coefficients are multiplied by
= 16.
Moment coefficients taken from Table 5 for b/a = 2.5
and c/a = 1.25 are tabulated below.
Example 1 (Open-Top Single-Cell Tank)
y=0 y=b/4 y=b/2 z=c/4 z=0
0 0 0.069 0 0.035 0 -0.092 0 -0.030 0 -0.010
1/4 0.026 0.059 0.015 0.034 -0.016 -0.089 -0.006 -0.26 -0.002 -0.003
1/2 0.045 0.048 0.031 0.031 -0.016 -0.062 0.003 -0.012 +0.008 +0.007
3/4 0.044 0.029 0.034 0.020 -0.012 -0.059 0.011 -0.002 +0.018 +0.008
Example 1 (Open-Top Single-Cell Tank)
The largest moment occurs in the horizontal direction at the
top of the corner common to both walls (line AB) and equals
= -0.092 x 64 = -5.9 ton-m.
The negative sign simply indicates that tension is on the inside
of the wall.
Maximum horizontal moment at midpoint of the longer wall
(line CD) is: M
= +0.069wa
= 0.069 x 64 = +4.42 ton-m.
The positive sign shows that tension is in the outside of the
There is also some axial tension on this section that can be
taken equal to end shear at the top of the shorter wall.
Example 1 (Open-Top Single-Cell Tank)
For use in connection with Fig. 2, ratio of b/a for the shorter
wall is 5/4 = 1.25. The shear is 0.03wa2 = 0.03 x 16 =0.48
The effect of axial tension is negligible in this case and the
steel area can be determined as for simple bending.
Horizontally at x = a/2 the axial tension taken from Fig. 2 for
b/a = 1.25 is equal to N = -0.30wa
= -0.30 x 16 =-4.80 ton per
linear meter, which is not negligible.
Moment is M = 0.048wa
= 0.048 x 64 = 3.06 ton-m
Example 1 (Open-Top Single-Cell Tank)
In the shorter wall, positive moments are all relatively small.
Maximum positive moment is vertical: 0.018wa
= 0.018 x 64
=1.15 ton-m.
Maximum M
in the vertical strip at midpoint of longer panel
= 0.045 x 64 = 2.88 ton-m.
Example 1 (Open-Top Single-Cell Tank)
The tank in this example differs from the preceding one
only in that the tops of the walls are considered hinged
rather than free.
This condition exists when the tank is covered by a
concrete slab with dowels extending from the wall into
the slab without moment reinforcement across the
bearing surface.
Example 2 (Closed Single-Cell Tank)
Coefficients for moment and shear are selected from tables or
diagrams for:
b/a = 10/4.0 = 2.50and c/a =5/4 = 1.25.
Moments are in ton-m if coefficients are multiplied by wa
1.0 x 64= 64
Shears are in ton if coefficients are multiplied by wa
= 16.
Moment coefficients taken fromTable 6for b/a = 2.5 and c/a =
1.25are tabulated below.
Example 2 (Closed Single-Cell Tank)
y=0 y=b/4 y=b/2 z=c/4 z=0
1/4 0.032 0.011 0.022 0.010 -0.006 -0.032 0.003 0.004 0.007 0.012
1/2 0.052 0.018 0.038 0.017 -0.011 -0.053 0.008 0.007 0.018 0.019
3/4 0.048 0.015 0.037 0.014 -0.010 -0.048 0.014 0.008 0.022 0.016
Moment coefficients taken fromTable6aregiven below. All
coefficients for x =0 (top edge) and x =a (bottomedge),
beingequal tozero, areomitted.
Example 2 (Closed Single-Cell Tank)
With a free top, maximum M
= +0.045wa
and maximum M
= -0.092wa
With a hinged top, maximum M
and maximum
It is to be expected that a wall with hinged top will carry more
load vertically and less horizontally, but it is worth noting that
maximum coefficient for vertical moment is only 13% less for
wall with free top than with hinged top.
The maximum M
coefficient at y=0is 0.069 for a free top but
0.018 for a hinged top. Adding top support causes
considerable reduction in horizontal moments, especially at
Example 2 (Closed Single-Cell Tank)
Maximum moment is M
=-0.053 x 64=-3.4 ton-m.
Maximum moment in a vertical strip is M
= 0.052wa
= 0.052
x 64 = 3.3 ton-m.
Axial compression (N) on the section subject to this moment,
and loads per linear meter can be taken as follows:
4 meter high wall: 2 x 0.30 x 2.5 = 1.5 ton
30 cm. top concrete slab: 0.30x 2.5 x5/2 = 1.9 ton
1-meter fill on top of slab: 1x1.75 x 5/2 = 4.4 ton
Live load on top of fill: 0.50 x 5/2 = 1.25 ton
Total = 9.05 ton
Example 2 (Closed Single-Cell Tank)
The closed single-cell tank is covered with a concrete slab.
Assume the slab is simply supported along all four sides and
has a live load of 500 kg/m
and an earthfill weighing 1.75
Estimating slab thickness as 30 cm. gives a total design load of
0.50 + 1.75 + 2.5(0.3) = 3.0 t/m
From Table 4, for a ratio of 10/5 = 2, select maximum
coefficient of 0.100, which gives maximum M=0.100wa
0.100 x 3.0 x 25 = 7.5 ton-m.
Top and Base Slabs
Top and Base Slabs
At the corners, a two-way slab tends to lift off the supports;
and if this tendency is prevented by doweling slab to support,
cracks may develop in the top of the slab across its corners.
Nominal top reinforcement should therefore be supplied at the
corners, say 0.005bd cm
in each direction.
Length of these bars can be taken as = a= x 5 = 1.25 m.
Assume the closed single-cell tank has a base slab of reinforced
Weight of base slab and liquid does not create any bending or
shearing stresses in concrete provided the subsoil is uniformly
well compacted.
Weight transferred to the base through the bottom of the wall is:
Top slab: 3.0 x 5.6 x 10.6 = 178.1 ton.
Walls: 4x0.3x2.5(2x10.3 +2x5.3) = 93.6 ton
Total = 271.7 ton
Top and Base Slabs
If the base slab extends 20 cm. outside the walls, its area is 11
x 6 = 66 m
The average load of w = 271.7/66 = 4.1 t/m
is used for design
of the base slab just as w = 3.0 t/m
was used for design of the
top slab.
Total average load on the subsoil is water weight (4 x 1.0) +
4.1 + weight of base slab, say 4.0 + 4.1+1 = 9.1 ton/m
, which
the subsoil must be able to carry.
If there is an appreciable upward hydrostatic pressure on the
base slab, the slab should also be investigated for this pressure
when the tank is considered empty
Top and Base Slabs
Two-Cell Tank, Long Center Wall
The tank in Figure consists of two adjacent cells, each with
the same inside dimensions as the open-top single cell tank
(a clear height of a = 4 m. Horizontal inside dimensions are
b = 10.0 m and c = 5.0 m). The top is considered free.
The tank consists of four L-shaped and two T-shaped units.
L coefficients from Table 5 for b/a = 2.50 and c/a = 1.25, and
F coefficients from Table 2, for b/a = 2.50 and 1.25, are
tabulated in the following tables:
Two-Cell Tank, Long Center Wall
Two-Cell Tank, Long Center Wall
Note that F coefficients in this tabulation are used only for
calculation of coefficients L-(L-F)/3 that are to be used for
design at the intersection of the center and outer walls as
Two-Cell Tank, Long Center Wall
Coefficients for the center wall are for one cell filled, the
negative sign indicating tension on the loaded side. All signs
must be reversed when the other cell is filled.
Shear coefficients in Tables 7 and 8 as well as in Figs. 1 and 2
(in PCA report) can be applied both to center and outer walls.
Two-Cell Tank, Long Center Wall
Two-Cell Tank, Short Center Wall
The tank in Figure consists of two cells with the same
inside dimensions as the cells in the two-cell tank with
the long center wall. The center wall is 5 m wide in this
Two-Cell Tank, Short Center Wall
Design procedure is identical for both two-cell tanks, but
the schedule of coefficients is different because the
longer side of the cell in this example is continuous
instead of the shorter side.
Note from the following tabulation that the long wall
must be designed for a maximum My coefficient that
occurs at the center wall of -0.138 instead of -0.092 at
the corner in the tank in previous example.
Maximum moment is My=-0.1 38wa
= -0.138 x 64 = -
8.83 ton-m.
Two-Cell Tank, Short Center Wall
Two-Cell Tank, Short Center Wall
Two-Cell Tank, Short Center Wall
Counterforted Tank Walls
In a tank or reservoir with large horizontal dimensions, say
three or four times the height, and without a reinforced
concrete cover slab, it becomes necessary to design walls as
cantilevers or, when they are quite high, as counterforted
The slab shown in Figure is free at
the top and may be considered fixed
at the bottom.
If counterforts are spaced
equidistantly, the slab may also be
taken as fixed at counterforts.
For this type of construction,
coefficients in Table 3 apply.
Counterforted Tank Walls
Consider for illustration a wall panel of a counterforted wall in
which spacing of counterforts is b=10m and height is a = 5 m.
From Table 3, for b/a = 10/5 = 2, select the following
Procedure for using these coefficients to determine moments
and design of the wall is similar to that illustrated for the open-
top single-cell tank.
Details at Bottom Edge
All tables except one are based on the assumption that the bottom
edge is hinged. It is believed that this assumption in general is
closer to the actual condition than that of a fixed edge.
Consider first the detail in Fig. 9, which shows the wall
supported on a relatively narrow continuous wall footing,
Details at Bottom Edge
In Fig. 9 the condition of restraint at the bottom of the footing
is somewhere between hinged and fixed but much closer to
hinged than to fixed.
The base slab in Fig. 9 is placed on top of the wall footing and
the bearing surface is brushed with a heavy coat of asphalt to
break the adhesion and reduce friction between slab and
The vertical joint between slab and wall should be made
watertight. A joint width of 2.5 cm at the bottom is considered
A waterstop may not be needed in the construction joints when
the vertical joint is made watertight
Details at Bottom Edge
In Fig. 10 a continuous concrete base slab is provided either
for transmitting the load coming down through the wall or for
upward hydrostatic pressure.
In either case, the slab deflects upward in the middle and tends
to rotate the wall base in Fig. 10 in a counterclockwrse
Details at Bottom Edge
The wall therefore is not fixed at the bottom edge and it is
difficult to predict the degree of restraint
The waterstop must then be placed off center as indicated.
Provision for transmitting shear through direct bearing can be
made by inserting a key as in Fig. 9 or by a shear ledge as in
Fig. 10.
At top of wall the detail in Fig. 10 may be applied except that
the waterstop and the shear key are not essential. The main
thing is to prevent moments from being transmitted from the
top of the slab into the wall because the wall is not designed
for such moments.

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