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100 keyboard shortcuts

CTRL+C (Copy)
CTRL+X (Cut)
CTRL+V (Paste)
CTRL+Z (Undo)
DLT (De!ete)
"#$%T+DLT (De!ete the se!ected &te' per'anent!y (&thout p!ac&n) the &te' &n the Recyc!e *&n)
CTRL (h&!e dra))&n) an &te' (Copy the se!ected &te')
CTRL+"#$%T (h&!e dra))&n) an &te' (Create a shortcut to the se!ected &te')
%+ key (Rena'e the se!ected &te')
CTRL+R$,#T -RR./ (0o1e the &nsert&on po&nt to the be)&nn&n) o2 the ne3t (ord)
CTRL+L%T -RR./ (0o1e the &nsert&on po&nt to the be)&nn&n) o2 the pre1&ous (ord)
CTRL+D./4 -RR./ (0o1e the &nsert&on po&nt to the be)&nn&n) o2 the ne3t para)raph)
CTRL+UP -RR./ (0o1e the &nsert&on po&nt to the be)&nn&n) o2 the pre1&ous para)raph)
CTRL+"#$%T (&th any o2 the arro( keys (#&)h!&)ht a b!ock o2 te3t)
"#$%T (&th any o2 the arro( keys ("e!ect 'ore than one &te' &n a (&ndo( or on the desktop5 or se!ect te3t &n
a docu'ent)
CTRL+- ("e!ect a!!)
%6 key ("earch 2or a 2&!e or a 2o!der)
-LT+4TR (V&e( the propert&es 2or the se!ected &te')
-LT+%7 (C!ose the act&1e &te'5 or 8u&t the act&1e pro)ra')
-LT+4TR (D&sp!ay the propert&es o2 the se!ected ob9ect)
-LT+"P-C*-R (.pen the shortcut 'enu 2or the act&1e (&ndo()
CTRL+%7 (C!ose the act&1e docu'ent &n pro)ra's that enab!e you to ha1e 'u!t&p!e docu'ents open
-LT+T-* ("(&tch bet(een the open &te's)
-LT+"C (Cyc!e throu)h &te's &n the order that they had been opened)
%: key (Cyc!e throu)h the screen e!e'ents &n a (&ndo( or on the desktop)
%7 key (D&sp!ay the -ddress bar !&st &n 0y Co'puter or /&ndo(s 3p!orer)
"#$%T+%10 (D&sp!ay the shortcut 'enu 2or the se!ected &te')
-LT+"P-C*-R (D&sp!ay the "yste' 'enu 2or the act&1e (&ndo()
CTRL+"C (D&sp!ay the "tart 'enu)
-LT+Under!&ned !etter &n a 'enu na'e (D&sp!ay the correspond&n) 'enu)
Under!&ned !etter &n a co''and na'e on an open 'enu (Per2or' the correspond&n) co''and)
%10 key (-ct&1ate the 'enu bar &n the act&1e pro)ra')
R$,#T -RR./ (.pen the ne3t 'enu to the r&)ht5 or open a sub'enu)
L%T -RR./ (.pen the ne3t 'enu to the !e2t5 or c!ose a sub'enu)
%; key (Update the act&1e (&ndo()
*-C<"P-C (V&e( the 2o!der one !e1e! up &n 0y Co'puter or /&ndo(s 3p!orer)
"C (Cance! the current task)
"#$%T (hen you &nsert a CD=R.0 &nto the CD=R.0 dr&1e (Pre1ent the CD=R.0 2ro' auto'at&ca!!y
D&a!o) *o3 <eyboard "hortcuts
CTRL+T-* (0o1e 2or(ard throu)h the tabs)
CTRL+"#$%T+T-* (0o1e back(ard throu)h the tabs)
T-* (0o1e 2or(ard throu)h the opt&ons)
"#$%T+T-* (0o1e back(ard throu)h the opt&ons)
-LT+Under!&ned !etter (Per2or' the correspond&n) co''and or se!ect the correspond&n) opt&on)
4TR (Per2or' the co''and 2or the act&1e opt&on or button)
"P-C*-R ("e!ect or c!ear the check bo3 &2 the act&1e opt&on &s a check bo3)
-rro( keys ("e!ect a button &2 the act&1e opt&on &s a )roup o2 opt&on buttons)
%1 key (D&sp!ay #e!p)
%7 key (D&sp!ay the &te's &n the act&1e !&st)
*-C<"P-C (.pen a 2o!der one !e1e! up &2 a 2o!der &s se!ected &n the "a1e -s or .pen d&a!o) bo3)
'>cro?o2t 4atura! <eyboard "hortcuts
/&ndo(s Lo)o (D&sp!ay or h&de the "tart 'enu)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+*R-< (D&sp!ay the "yste' Propert&es d&a!o) bo3)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+D (D&sp!ay the desktop)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+0 (0&n&'&@e a!! o2 the (&ndo(s)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+"#$%T+0 (Restore the '&n&'&@ed (&ndo(s)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+ (.pen 0y Co'puter)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+% ("earch 2or a 2&!e or a 2o!der)
CTRL+/&ndo(s Lo)o+% ("earch 2or co'puters)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+%1 (D&sp!ay /&ndo(s #e!p)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+ L (Lock the keyboard)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+R (.pen the Run d&a!o) bo3)
/&ndo(s Lo)o+U (.pen Ut&!&ty 0ana)er)
-ccess&b&!&ty <eyboard "hortcuts
R&)ht "#$%T 2or e&)ht seconds ("(&tch %&!ter<eys e&ther on or o22)
Le2t -LT+!e2t "#$%T+PR$4T "CR4 ("(&tch #&)h Contrast e&ther on or o22)
Le2t -LT+!e2t "#$%T+4U0 L.C< ("(&tch the 0ouse<eys e&ther on or o22)
"#$%T 2&1e t&'es ("(&tch the "t&cky<eys e&ther on or o22)
4U0 L.C< 2or 2&1e seconds ("(&tch the To))!e<eys e&ther on or o22)
/&ndo(s Lo)o +U (.pen Ut&!&ty 0ana)er)
/&ndo(s 3p!orer <eyboard "hortcuts
4D (D&sp!ay the botto' o2 the act&1e (&ndo()
#.0 (D&sp!ay the top o2 the act&1e (&ndo()
4U0 L.C<+-ster&sk s&)n (>) (D&sp!ay a!! o2 the sub2o!ders that are under the se!ected 2o!der)
4U0 L.C<+P!us s&)n (+) (D&sp!ay the contents o2 the se!ected 2o!der)
4U0 L.C<+0&nus s&)n (=) (Co!!apse the se!ected 2o!der)
L%T -RR./ (Co!!apse the current se!ect&on &2 &t &s e3panded5 or se!ect the parent 2o!der)
R$,#T -RR./ (D&sp!ay the current se!ect&on &2 &t &s co!!apsed5 or se!ect the 2&rst sub2o!der)
"hortcut <eys 2or Character 0ap
-2ter you doub!e=c!&ck a character on the )r&d o2 characters5 you can 'o1e throu)h the )r&d by us&n) the
keyboard shortcutsA
R$,#T -RR./ (0o1e to the r&)ht or to the be)&nn&n) o2 the ne3t !&ne)
L%T -RR./ (0o1e to the !e2t or to the end o2 the pre1&ous !&ne)
UP -RR./ (0o1e up one ro()
D./4 -RR./ (0o1e do(n one ro()
P-, UP (0o1e up one screen at a t&'e)
P-, D./4 (0o1e do(n one screen at a t&'e)
#.0 (0o1e to the be)&nn&n) o2 the !&ne)
4D (0o1e to the end o2 the !&ne)
CTRL+#.0 (0o1e to the 2&rst character)
CTRL+4D (0o1e to the !ast character)
"P-C*-R ("(&tch bet(een n!ar)ed and 4or'a! 'ode (hen a character &s se!ected)
'>cro?o2t 0ana)e'ent Conso!e (00C) 0a&n /&ndo( <eyboard "hortcuts
CTRL+. (.pen a sa1ed conso!e)
CTRL+4 (.pen a ne( conso!e)
CTRL+" ("a1e the open conso!e)
CTRL+0 (-dd or re'o1e a conso!e &te')
CTRL+/ (.pen a ne( (&ndo()
%; key (Update the content o2 a!! conso!e (&ndo(s)
-LT+"P-C*-R (D&sp!ay the 00C (&ndo( 'enu)
-LT+%7 (C!ose the conso!e)
-LT+- (D&sp!ay the -ct&on 'enu)
-LT+V (D&sp!ay the V&e( 'enu)
-LT+% (D&sp!ay the %&!e 'enu)
-LT+. (D&sp!ay the %a1or&tes 'enu)
00C Conso!e /&ndo( <eyboard "hortcuts
CTRL+P (Pr&nt the current pa)e or act&1e pane)
-LT+0&nus s&)n (=) (D&sp!ay the (&ndo( 'enu 2or the act&1e conso!e (&ndo()
"#$%T+%10 (D&sp!ay the -ct&on shortcut 'enu 2or the se!ected &te')
%1 key (.pen the #e!p top&c5 &2 any5 2or the se!ected &te')
%; key (Update the content o2 a!! conso!e (&ndo(s)
CTRL+%10 (0a3&'&@e the act&1e conso!e (&ndo()
CTRL+%; (Restore the act&1e conso!e (&ndo()
-LT+4TR (D&sp!ay the Propert&es d&a!o) bo35 &2 any5 2or the se!ected &te')
%+ key (Rena'e the se!ected &te')
CTRL+%7 (C!ose the act&1e conso!e (&ndo(B /hen a conso!e has on!y one conso!e (&ndo(5 th&s shortcut c!oses
the conso!e)
Re'ote Desktop Connect&on 4a1&)at&on
CTRL+-LT+4D (.pen the '>cro?o2t /&ndo(s 4T "ecur&ty d&a!o) bo3)
-LT+P-, UP ("(&tch bet(een pro)ra's 2ro' !e2t to r&)ht)
-LT+P-, D./4 ("(&tch bet(een pro)ra's 2ro' r&)ht to !e2t)
-LT+$4"RT (Cyc!e throu)h the pro)ra's &n 'ost recent!y used order)
-LT+#.0 (D&sp!ay the "tart 'enu)
CTRL+-LT+*R-< ("(&tch the c!&ent co'puter bet(een a (&ndo( and a 2u!! screen)
-LT+DLT (D&sp!ay the /&ndo(s 'enu)
CTRL+-LT+0&nus s&)n (=) (P!ace a snapshot o2 the act&1e (&ndo( &n the c!&ent on the Ter'&na! ser1er
c!&pboard and pro1&de the sa'e 2unct&ona!&ty as press&n) PR$4T "CR4 on a !oca! co'puterB)
CTRL+-LT+P!us s&)n (+) (P!ace a snapshot o2 the ent&re c!&ent (&ndo( area on the Ter'&na! ser1er c!&pboard
and pro1&de the sa'e 2unct&ona!&ty as press&n) -LT+PR$4T "CR4 on a !oca! co'puterB)
'>cro?o2t $nternet 3p!orer 4a1&)at&on
CTRL+* (.pen the .r)an&@e %a1or&tes d&a!o) bo3)
CTRL+ (.pen the "earch bar)
CTRL+% ("tart the %&nd ut&!&ty)
CTRL+# (.pen the #&story bar)
CTRL+$ (.pen the %a1or&tes bar)
CTRL+L (.pen the .pen d&a!o) bo3)
CTRL+4 ("tart another &nstance o2 the bro(ser (&th the sa'e /eb address)
CTRL+. (.pen the .pen d&a!o) bo35 the sa'e as CTRL+L)
CTRL+P (.pen the Pr&nt d&a!o) bo3)
CTRL+R (Update the current /eb pa)e)
CTRL+/ (C!ose the current (&ndo()

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