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CE-402E Bridge Engineering

L T P/D Total Max.Marks: 150

1 - 4 T!eor": 100 #arks
$essionals: 50 #arks
D%ration: !rs.
De*inition+ )o#,onents o* -ridge+ )lassi*i)ation o* -ridges+ sele)tion o* site +
e)ono#i)al s,an+ aest!eti)s )onsideration+ ne)essar" in.estigations and essential design
$tandard $,e)i*i)ations *or /oads and /ail0a"s Bridges:
1eneral+ (ndian /oad Congress Bridge Code+ 0idt! o* )arriage 0a"+ )learan)e+ .ario%s
loads to -e )onsidered *or t!e design o* roads and rail0a" -ridges+ detailed ex,lanation
o* (/C standard li.e loads.
Design Consideration *or /. C. C. Bridges:
2ario%s t",es o* /.C.C. -ridges3-rie* des)ri,tion o* ea)! t",e4 + design o* /.C.C.
)%l.ert and T--ea# -ridges.
Design Consideration *or $teel Bridges:
2ario%s t",es o* steel -ridges 3-rie* des)ri,tion o* ea)!4+ design o* tr%ss and ,late
girder -ridges.
5"dra%li) 6 $tr%)t%ral Design:
Piers+ a-%t#ents+ 0ing-0all and a,,roa)!es.
Brie* Des)ri,tion:
Bearings+ 7oints+ arti)%lation and ot!er details.
Bridge 8o%ndation:
2ario%s t",es+ ne)essar" in.estigations and design )riteria o* 0ell *o%ndation.
'ote *or Pa,er-setter: E(15T 9%estions are to set sele)ting at least T:; 9%estions
*ro# ea)! %nit+ )o.ering entire s"lla-%s. $t%dents 0ill -e re9%ired to atte#,t 8(2E
9%estions sele)ting at least ;'E 9%estion *ro# ea)! %nit.
1 Essentials o* Bridge Engineering+ D.<.2i)tor+ ;x*ord 6 (B5 P%-.'.Del!i.
2 Design o* Bridges+ '.=ris!na /a7%+ ;x*ord 6 (B5+ '.Del!i.
Bridge De)k >nal"sis+ /.P.Pa#a 6 >./.C%sens+ <o!n :ile" 6 $ons.
4 Design o* Bridge $tr%)t%res+ T./.<agadis! 6 M.>.<aira#+ Prenti)e 5all o*
(ndia+ '.Del!i.
B. Te)!. 3Ci.il4 2((( $e#ester
CE ? 404E /ail0a" and >ir,ort Engineering
L T P/D Total Max. Marks: 150
1 - 4 T!eor": 100 Marks
$essional: 50 Marks
D%ration: 5o%rs
(ntrod%)tion+ Per#anent :a" >nd /ails
/ail trans,ortation and its i#,ortan)e in (ndia. Per#anent 0a": re9%ire#ents and
)o#,onents. 1a%ges in (ndia and a-road. $ele)tion o* ga%ge. Coning o* 0!eels.
>d@ing o* slee,ers. /ails: *%n)tions+ )o#,osition o* rail steel+ t",es o* rail se)tions+
re9%ire#ents o* an ideal rail se)tion+ lengt! o* rails. De*e)ts in rails. Cree, o* rails.
Long 0elded rails and )ontin%o%sl" 0elded rails.
$lee,ers+ 8astenings >nd Ballast
$lee,ers: *%n)tions+ re9%ire#ents o* an ideal slee,er. T",es o* slee,ers: 0ooden+ )ast
iron+ steel and )on)rete slee,ers+ ad.antages+ disad.antages and s%ita-ilit" o* ea)! t",e.
$lee,er densit". 8astenings *or .ario%s t",es o* slee,ers: *is! ,lates+ s,ikes+ -olts+
-earing ,lates+ ke"s+ )!airs+ 7a0s+ tie -ars. Elasti) *astenings. Ballast: *%n)tions+
re9%ire#ents+ t",es o* -allast and t!eir s%ita-ilit".
Points >nd Crossings
'e)essit". T%rno%t: .ario%s )o#,onents+ 0orking ,rin)i,le. $0it)!: )o#,onents+
t",es. Crossing: )o#,onents and t",es. Design ele#ents o* a t%rno%t+ design o* a
si#,le t%rno%t. La"o%t ,lan o* tra)k 7%n)tions: )rosso.ers+ dia#ond )rossing+ single-
o%-le sli,s+ t!ro0 s0it)!+ t%rn ta-le+ triangle. d
$ignaling+ (nterlo)king >nd Train Control
$ignals: o-7e)ts+ t",es and )lassi*i)ation. $e#a,!ore signal: )o#,onents+ 0orking
,rin)i,le. /e9%ire#ents / ,rin)i,les o* a good interlo)king s"ste#. Brie* introd%)tion to
de.i)es %sed in interlo)king. Met!ods o* )ontrol o* train #o.e#ents: a-sol%te -lo)k
s"ste#+ a%to#ati) -lo)k s"ste#+ )entrali@ed train )ontrol and a%to#ati) train )ontrol
1eo#etri) Design ;* T!e Tra)k
1radients+ grade )o#,ensation. $%,er ele.ation+ )ant de*i)ien)"+ negati.e s%,er
ele.ation. Maxi#%# ,er#issi-le s,eed on ) Tra)ti.e resistan)es+ t",es. 5a%ling
)a,a)it" o* a lo)o#oti.e.
$tations+ Aards >nd Tra)k Maintenan)e
$tations: *%n)tions and )lassi*i)ation. <%n)tion+ non-7%n)tion and ter#inal stations.
Aards: *%n)tions+ t",es. Mars!alling "ard: *%n)tions+ t",es. Maintenan)e o* rail0a"
tra)k: ne)essit"+ t",es o* #aintenan)e. Brie* introd%)tion to #e)!ani@ed #aintenan)e+
M.$.P and D.T.M.
(ntrod%)tion >nd >ir,ort Planning
>ir trans,ortation+ its i#,ortan)e and )!ara)teristi)s+ stat%s in (ndia. La"o%t ,lan o* an
air,ort and its -asi) ele#ents: ter#inal area+ a,ron+ taxi0a"+ r%n0a"+ !anger. >ir)ra*t
)!ara)teristi)s+ t!eir e**e)t on ele#ents o* an air,ort. $ite sele)tion o* an air,ort.
lassi*i)ation o* air,orts. C
/%n0a" La"o%t >nd Pa.e#ent Design
/%n0a" orientation+ :ind /ose diagra#. Basi) r%n0a" lengt!. Corre)tions to -asi)
r%n0a" lengt!. /%n0a" ,atterns. Di**eren)e -et0een !ig!0a" and r%n0a" ,a.e#ent.
T",es o* r%n0a" ,a.e#ents. Design *a)tors *or r%n0a" ,a.e#ent. Brie* introd%)tion to
design o* t!i)kness o* a r%n0a" ,a.e#ent.
'ote *or Pa,er-setter: E(15T 9%estions are to set sele)ting at least T:; 9%estions
*ro# ea)! %nit+ )o.ering entire s"lla-%s. $t%dents 0ill -e re9%ired to atte#,t 8(2E
9%estions sele)ting at least ;'E 9%estion *ro# ea)! %nit.
1. > text -ook o* /ail0a" Engineering -" $.C.$axena and $.P.>rora+ D!an,at /ai
P%-li)atios+ '.Del!i.
2. /ail0a" Tra)k Engg. -" <.$.M%ndra"+ Tata M)1ra0-5ill P%-lis!ing Co. Ltd.
. >ir,ort Planning and Design -" $.=.=!anna+ M.1.>rora+ 'e# C!and Bros.+
4. T!e Planning and Design o* >ir,orts -" /o-ort 5orn7e**+ M)1ra0 5ill Book
5. >ir Trans,ortation Planning and Design -" 2irender =%#ar 6 $atis! C!andra+
1algotia P%-li)ations+ '.Del!i.
B. Te)!. 2((( $e#ester 3Ci.il4
CE-40BE (nd%strial :aste :ater Treat#ent
L T P/D Total Max. Marks: 150
1 - 4 T!eor": 100 #arks
$essional: 50 #arks
D%ration: !rs.
E**e)ts o* ind%strial 0astes on strea#s+ se0erage s"ste#s and 0aste0ater treat#ent
Mini#i@ing t!e e**e)ts o* ind%strial e**l%ents on 0aste 0ater treat#ent ,lants and
re) strea#s-)onser.ation o* 0ater+ ,ro)ess )!ange+ re%se o* 0aste 0ater+ .ol%#e
red%)tion+ strengt! red%)tion+ ne%trali@ation+ e9%ali@ation and ,ro,ortioning.
Po,%lation e9%i.alent. (nd%strial e**l%ent standards *or dis,osal into inland s%r*a)e
0ater so%r)es and on land *or irrigation.
$t%d" o* t!e *ollo0ing (nd%stries *ro# 0aste generation+ 9%alit" and its treat#ent
in)l%ding -rie* o* #an%*a)t%ring ,ro)ess:
Textile+ tanner"+ s%gar #ill+ distiller"+ dair"+ ,%l, 6 ,a,er+ #etal ,lating+ oil re*iner"+
nitrogeno%s *ertili@ers+ t!er#al ,o0er ,lants and radio a)ti.e 0astes.
'ote *or Pa,er-setter: E(15T 9%estions are to set sele)ting at least T:; 9%estions
*ro# ea)! %nit+ )o.ering entire s"lla-%s. $t%dents 0ill -e re9%ired to atte#,t 8(2E
9%estions sele)ting at least ;'E 9%estion *ro# ea)! %nit.
1. (nd%strial and 5a@ardo%s :aste Treat#ent -" '.L.'e#ero0 6 >.Dasg%,ta.
2. (nd%strial E**l%ents -" '.Mani.asaka#.
. :aste :ater Treat#ent -" M.'./ao 6 >.=.D%tta.
B. Te)!. 2((( $e#ester 3Ci.il4
CE-40CE Esti#ation and >))o%nts
L T P/D Total Max. Marks: D5
- - 2i.a 2o)e: 25 #arks
$essional: 50 #arks
D%ration: !rs.
Prin)i,les o* esti#ation+ %nits+ ite#s o* 0ork+ di**erent kinds o* esti#ates+ di**erent
#et!ods o* esti#ation+ esti#ation o* #aterials in single roo# -%ilding+ t0o roo#ed
-%ilding 0it! di**erent se)tions o* 0alls+ *o%ndation+ *loors and roo*s+ /.B. and
/.2C.C. 0orks+ Plastering+ :!ite-0as!ing+ Diste#,ering and ,ainting+ doors and
0indo0s+ l%#, s%# ite#s+ Esti#ates o* )anals+ roads et).
$,e)i*i)ation o* :orks:
'e)essit" o* s,e)i*i)ations+ t",es o* s,e)i*i)ations+ general s,e)i*i)ations+ s,e)i*i)ation
*or -ri)ks+ )e#ent+ sand+ 0ater+ li#e+ rein*or)e#entE Detailed s,e)i*i)ations *or
Eart!0ork+ Ce#ent+ )on)rete+ -ri)k 0ork+ *loorings+ D.P.C.+ /.C.C.+ )e#ent ,lastering+
0!ite and )olo%r 0as!ing+ diste#,ering+ ,ainting.
/ate >nal"sis:
P%r,ose+ i#,ortan)e and re9%ire#ents o* rate anal"sis+ %nits o* #eas%re#ent+
,re,aration o* rate anal"sis+ ,ro)ed%re o* rate anal"sis *or ite#s:- Eart!0ork+ )on)rete
0orks+ /.C.C. 0orks+ rein*or)ed -ri)k 0ork+ ,lastering+ ,ainting+ *inis!ing30!ite-
0as!ing+ diste#,ering4.
P%-li) :orks >))o%nt:
(ntrod%)tion+ *%n)tion o* P.:. de,art#ent+ )ontra)t+ g%idelines+ t",es o* )ontra)ts+ t!eir
ad.antages and disad.antages+ Tender and a))e,tan)e o* tender+ Earnest #one"+
se)%rit" #one"+ retention #one"+ #eas%re#ent -ook+ )as! -ook+ ,re,aration+
exa#ination and ,a"#ent o* -ills+ *irst and *inal -ills+ ad#inistrati.e san)tion+
te)!ni)al san)tion.
1. Esti#ating and Costing *or B%ilding 6 Engg.:orks -" P.L.B!asin+
$.C!and 6 Co.+ '.Del!i.
2. Esti#ating+ Costing 6 $,e)i*i)ation in Engg. -" M.C!akar-ort"+
. Esti#ating 6 Costing in Engg..: T!eor" 6 Pra)ti)e -" B.'.D%tta+
$.D%tta 6 Co.+ L%)kno0.
4. B%ilding Constr%)tion Esti#ating -" 1eorge 5.Coo,er+ M)1ra0 5ill Book
Co.+ 'e0 Aork.
'ote *or Pa,er-setter: E(15T 9%estions are to set sele)ting at least T:; 9%estions
*ro# ea)! %nit+ )o.ering entire s"lla-%s. $t%dents 0ill -e re9%ired to atte#,t 8(2E
9%estions sele)ting at least ;'E 9%estion *ro# ea)! %nit.
B. Te)!. 3Ci.il4 2((( $e#ester
CE - 42BE T/>'$P;/T>T(;' E'1('EE/('1 ? (( 3P4
L T P/D Total Max. Marks : D5
- - 2 2 $essional : 50 Marks
Pra)t /2i.a .o)e: 25 Marks
D%ration : 5o%rs
L($T ;8 EFPE/(ME'T$
1. 8lakiness and Elongation (ndex o* aggregates.
2. $,e)i*i)" and 0ater a-sor,tion test on aggregates.
. $,e)i*i)" o* -it%#en.
4. Pro,ortioning o* aggregates.
5. Mars!allGs sta-ilit" test.
B. $tri,,ing test on aggregates.
D. Deter#ination o* -it%#en )ontent.
C. CB/ la- test on soil.
H. Tra**i) .ol%#e st%d" %sing .ideogra,!" te)!ni9%e.
10. Tra**i) s,eed st%d" %sing .ideogra,!" te)!ni9%e.
Mi)ros)o,i) st%dies o* a se0age.
B. Te)!. 2((( $e#ester 3Ci.il4
CE-42CE E'2(/;'ME'T>L E'1('EE/('1-((3P4
L T P/D Total Max.Marks:D5
- - 2 2 Pra)t:25 #arks
$essional:50 #arks
D%ration: !rs.
1. To deter#ine t!e a)idit" o* a se0age sa#,le.
2. To deter#ine t!e alkalinit" o* a se0age sa#,le.
. To deter#ine total+ s%s,ended+ dissol.ed and setta-le solids in a se0age sa#,le.
4. To deter#ine .olatile and *ixed solids in a se0age sa#,le.
5. To deter#ine oil and grease in a se0age sa#,le.
B. To deter#ine t!e )!loride )on)entration in a se0age sa#,le.
D. To deter#ine t!e s%l,!ate )on)entration in a se0age sa#,le.
C. To deter#ine t!e B.;.D. o* a gi.en se0age sa#,le.
H. To deter#ine t!e C.;.D. o* a gi.en se0age sa#,le.
10. To deter#ine t!e T.;.C. o* a gi.en se0age sa#,le.
11. To deter#ine t!e *e)al )o%nt o* a gi.en se0age sa#,le.

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