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Date: 21

of July

Subject: Maths
Year Level: 3

Lesson Focus: Subtraction, Aus Maths Mentals
Duration: 2 hours

Teaching Strategies:

Essential Learnings (ACARA) Think: What section of the curriculum does this lesson fit into?

Rationale (Goal) Think: Why are you teaching this? How does this help me guide the students to essential learnings?
To teach the students (verbs)

How to do subtraction using exchanging
How to use hands on materials to show division

Cross Curricular Think: What other learning does this relate to? How can I link ideas?
I can integrate the following understandings

Objectives of the lesson Think: What opportunities will I create for the learners?
That the children will be able to

o Complete subtraction sums using exchanging
o Use hands on materials to show division

Key Vocabulary
I will use the following words

Hands on

Learning Sequence
Introduction Think: What are the new ideas? What ideas am I making links with or revisiting?

Write some subtraction sums on the board and explain that we are going to do the first as a whole class
together however then I am going to give two really tricky ones to you to test you!
Write 518-209=
Do as a whole class
Write next one on the board and get them to set it out first before they start working it out
Write 2897-1489=
When you have explicitly marked that one using volunteers write another on the board
Write 5662-3429=
Get them to do this and then mark as a whole class
Core instruction (Questions Blooms Taxonomy) Think: What learning activities and resources will I use?
Explain they need to get their AUS MATHS mentals books and complete unit
Go through all the questions first to make sure there are no tricky ones before anyone starts
Mark as a whole class
o Explain that everyone will be working in table groups again to figure out some division problems!
o Lets do one as a whole class first so we can all remember
o Miss Clark had 20 pairs of shoes, and she felt like sharing them with her 4 other friends she wanted it do
be fair, how many shoes would each friend get?
o Now introduce the Rugrats Party division sheet and explain they must work within their Kagan groups to
figure out the answers and then we will share as a whole class
o Hand out the characters per table and the lollies
o Ask How will you make it easier for yourself by using these hands on materials? What could you use them
o Walk around and observe the groups

Conclusion Think: What were the main ideas/concepts of the lesson?
Give out a hand out with all that information on it from the quiz + some more about calendars and fill out as
a whole class

Differentiation Think: How can I modify (different content) or adjust (same content simplified / extended) this lesson?

My reflections Think: Evaluate using de Bonos six thinking hats.
Red Hat Think: How did I feel about my lesson?

Yellow Hat Think: What were the positive things about my lesson?

Black Hat Think: How could I improve my lesson?

Blue Hat Think: What thinking did I observe?

White Hat Think: What facts still need to be learnt or built on?

Green Hat Think: How could I develop my lesson further?

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