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Bharat Operating System Solutions (BOSS GNU / Linux)

BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions) GNU/Linux distribution developed by C!"C (Centre #or
!evelopment o# "dvan$ed Computing) #or enhan$ing the use o# %ree/ Open Sour$e So#t&are
throughout 'ndia( Bharat Operating System Solutions ) BOSS GNU / Linux is a produ$t #rom
N*C%OSS( BOSS releases $omes #or
+ !es,tops
+ Servers
+ Noteboo,s
+ -du$ational versions #or S$hools
.he latest *elease o# BOSS GNU/Linux /ersion 0(1 is $oupled &ith GNO2- !es,top -nvironment
&ith &ide 'ndian language support 3 pa$,ages4 relevant #or use in the Government domain( .his
release aims more at the se$urity part and $omes &ith an easy to use appli$ation to harden your
!es,top( Currently BOSS GNU/Linux !es,top is available in all the O##i$ial 'ndian Languages su$h as
"ssamese4 Bengali4 Gu5arati4 6indi4 7annada4 2alayalam4 2arathi4 Oriya4 8un5abi4 Sans,rit4 .amil4
.elugu4 Bodo4 Urdu4 7ashmiri4 2aithili4 7on,ani4 2anipuri &hi$h &ill enable the mainly non-nglish
literate users in the $ountry to be exposed to 'C. and to use the $omputer more e##e$tively(
Admin User : root
Passord: root
!e"ault User: el#ot
Passord: el#ot

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