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Introduction to Signals & Systems

1. What are the major classifications of the signal?
2. Define discrete time signals and classify them.
3. Define continuous time signals and classify them.
4. Define discrete time unit step &unit impulse.
. Define continuous time unit step and unit impulse.
!. Define unit ramp signal.
". Define periodic signal and non#periodic signal.
$. Define e%en and odd signal?
&. Define 'nergy and po(er signal.
1). Define unit pulse function.
11. Define continuous time comple* e*ponential signal.
12. What is continuous time real e*ponential signal.
13. What is continuous time gro(ing e*ponential signal?
14. State the +I+, criterion for sta-ility.
1. .ind (hether the signal gi%en -y * /n0 1 cos /! 2n0 is periodic .
1!. .or the systems represented -y the follo(ing functions.
1". Determine (hether e%ery system is
/10 sta-le /20 3ausal /30 linear /40 Shift in%ariant
45*/n061 e*/n0 /ii0 45*/n061a*/n07!
1$. Write do(n an e*pression in the 8#domain for Y (z) in terms of X/z0 and H/z0.
1&. Write do(n an e*pression for X/z0 in terms of x/n0 .
2). Write do(n an e*pression for y/ n0 in terms of x/ n0 and h/n0 .
21. Differentiate analog and digital signal processing.
22. 9i%e an e*ample for discrete time signal.
23. :ame any four elementary time domain operations for discrete time
24. Write short notes on system and signals?
2. Distinguish -et(een a causal and non causal system;
2!. Define e%en and odd signals.
2". Distinguish -et(een deterministic and random signals.
2$. What are multichannel signals?
2&. What are the disad%antages of analog signal processing?
3). What are the ad%antages of digital signal processing?
31. Dra( the -asic -loc< diagram of DS= system.
32. Differentiate among analog; >uanti8ed and digital signal.
8 ?transform
33. .ind the in%erse 8 ?transform of @/80;
(here a is constant
34. Determine A/80 using impulse in%ariance method for the
gi%en transfer function;

Bssume 411 Sec
3. .ind the con%olution of @/n0 and h/n0
3!. .ind the 8#transform of * /n0;
3". .ind the in%erse C# transform of @/80;
Where a constant.
3$. State and pro%e important properties of the 8#transforms.
3&. .ind the in%erse 8#transform of the system

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