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Assignment 1- Journal Recount Due: Lesson 9


Assignment part A:
Rewrite a Journal recount section from the text from
an 11 year old point of view

1) Choose a scene from the book, think about the
events and rewrite a journal section from you
experiencing this event,
2) How you would you feel, what emotions would
you experience, what challenges would you face
being a refugee?
3) Reflect in your journal recount as a 11 year old
today on
- How might you feel in this situation?
- Who or what might you be worried about?
- Who could you help you in this situation?
- What problems you encounter in this event?
- Reflect on what different challenges they face
being a refugee child?

Reflect while writing-
- Did you find rewriting and creating this recount
of the event difficult (if yes why, if no why not).

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