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Faculty of Engineering, Sciences and Technology

EE2233 Dynamics (SEM May2014)

Tutorial 4 (Kinetics of particles: Impulse and Momentum)
1. Two balls A and B with identical mass are collide to each other as shown in Figure
Q1. It is observed that before collision, ball A is at rest while ball B moving at 5 m/s in
the direction as shown. Determine the velocity of the balls immediately after the
collision in the direction as shown.

Figure Q1

2. The 0.3 kg body in the Figure Q2 moves with an initial velocity of v
=10 m/s and is
acted upon by an impulse of 5 Ns. Find the final velocity for the body.

Figure Q2

3. The bumper cars A and B in Figure Q3 each have a mass of 150 kg and are coasting
with the velocities shown before they freely collide head on. If no energy is lost
during the collision, determine their velocities after collision.

Figure Q3

4. A 3000 kg bus collided with a 5 tonnes lorry. The bus and the lorry are travelling at
40 km/h at the time impact. After impact the lorry rebounds at 2 km/h. Determine
the velocity of the bus after collision (assume perfect elastic collision).

Figure Q4

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