Invertebrate - : Caco Caf So Ca Po Ca

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Protozoa No skeleton.
Porifera Calcarius spicules + silicious spicules + spongin fibre.
Spicules in porifera represent endoskeleton.
Coelentrata Calcareous corals.
Helminth No skeleton, cuticle present.
Annaelida No skeleton, cuticle present.
In earthworm and ascaris is hydrostatic skeleton is found that is fluid is filled in coelom and
form turgid skeleton.
Arthropoda Chitinus exoskeleton.
Chitin is modified cuticle.
Mollusca Calcarius shell.
Echinodermata Calcareous plates are present.
In vertebrates exoskeleton may be epidermal or dermal.
Vertebrates : In vertebrates dermal skeleton is formed by bones. Bone is the connective tissue
with intercellular spaces filled with ossein matrix composed of calcium salts 2/3

3 2 3 4 2 4
, , CaCO CaF SO Ca Po Ca
and calcium oxalate) and organic matter 1/3. In the ossein
osteocyte cells are found and outer surface of bone is covered by periosteum. The inner most
region is full of bone marrow having various types of cells. In mammals the bone is full of
haversian canals. The bones are of three types :
(a) Cartilage bones : The bones which are formed by the ossification of preexisting cartilage
are called cartilage bones or replacing bones.
(b) Membrane or dermal bones : The bones which are formed by independent ossification in
connective tissue are called dermal, membrane or investing bones.
(c) Sesmoid bone : Ossification takes place on Ligament and Tendons.
(1) Functions of endoskeleton : Chief function of vertebrate endoskeleton can be
enumerated as follows
(a) To provide physical support to body by forming a firm and rigid internal framework.
(b) To give definite body shape and form.
(c) To protect by surrounding delicate internal organs like brain, heart, lungs etc.
(d) To permit growth of huge body size (whale, elephant, extinct dinosaurs), since it is living and
(e) To provide surface for attachment of muscles.
(f) To serve as levers on which muscles can act.
(g) To manufacture blood corpuscles in bone marrow.
(h) To help in breathing (tracheal rings, ribs).

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