Genres of Childrens Literature1

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A genre is a category of literature which is defined by the pattern or structure of a literary work.

genre contains universal elements of form and content. However, books belonging to a particular genre
share the same characteristics of plot, tone, mood, settings, characters and themes. There may be
several sub-genres within each genre. These literary elements are the same for both children's and young
adult literature.

Category: Brief Description:
Picture books
Are considered a format and not a genre. They are a format
in which art and text are interdependent. All genres appear in
picture books.
Poetry and Verse
Condensed language, expression of imaginative thoughts
and perceptions, often containing rhythm and other devices
of sound, imagery, and figurative language.
Traditional stories, myths, legends, nursery rhymes, and
songs from the past. Oral tradition with no known author,
passed on from generation to generation.
Stories set in places that do not exist, about people and
creatures that could not exist or events that could not
happen. Make-believe and imaginative worlds.
Science Fiction
Based on extending physical laws and scientific principles to
their logical outcomes, usually futuristic. Describes worlds
that are plausible and could exist someday.
Realistic Fiction
Stories could happen in the real world; characters seem real;
contemporary setting.
Historical Fiction
Stories reconstruct life in the past, using realistic actual and
fictional characters, events and historical setting.
An account of a person's life, or part of a life history by
someone else or the person him or herself. Includes,
autobiographies, memoirs, letters, diaries, journals.
Informational books that explain a subject or concept using
facts about the real world.

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