Europass Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Manea Delia

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

First name(s) / Surname(s) Manea Delia
(ress(es) )# *urnului# +rasov# ,omania
*elephone(s) %$-'/.&'%&&
Fa/(es) %$'-/.&'%&.

2ationalit3 ,omanian

4ate of 5irth 16'&

7ener Female

Desired employment /
Occupational field

Work experience

4ates $%%- -
8ccupation or position hel (ssistant Professor
9ain activities an responsi5ilities Seminar activities# research activities
2ame an aress of emplo3er Spiru Haret "niversit3# )# *urnului# +rasov# ,omania
*3pe of 5usiness or sector :igher eucation

Education and training

4ates $%%6 -
Principal su5;ects/occupational s<ills
Financial (ccountants
9anagement (ccounting
Financial (uit
2ame an t3pe of organisation
proviing eucation an training
4octoral School in Economics# (ccounting fiel# Facult3 of Economics an +usiness (ministration#
"niversit3 of Craiova
=evel in national or international
>SCE4 '
4ates $%%)-$%%6
*itle of ?ualification a@are 9aster in 9anagement
Principal su5;ects/occupational s<ills
European 9anagement
9ethos an *echni?ues of ,esearch in European 9anagement
9anager Profession in European Aision
*he 4ecision in European 8rganiBations
2ame an t3pe of organisation
proviing eucation an training
Spiru Haret "niversit3C Facult3 of 9anagement +rasov
=evel in national or international
>SCE4 )
4ates $%%--$%%)
*itle of ?ualification a@are 4PP4
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Principal su5;ects/occupational s<ills
Eucational Ps3cholog3
>ntrouction to Peagog3. Curriculum *heor3 an 9ethoolog3
*heor3 an 9ethoolog3 of *raining. *heor3 an 9ethoolog3 of Evaluation
Sociolog3 of Eucation
Eucational 9anagement
2ame an t3pe of organisation
proviing eucation an training
Spiru Haret "niversit3
=evel in national or international

4ates $%%$-$%%-
*itle of ?ualification a@are Economist
Principal su5;ects/occupational s<ills
+asis of (ccounting
Finance Compan3
9anagement >nformation S3stems
Financial (ccounting
9anagement (ccounting
2ame an t3pe of organisation
proviing eucation an training
Spiru Haret "niversit3 C Facult3 of 9anagement +rasov - SpecialiBation: (ccounting an
9anagement >nformation S3stems
=evel in national or international
>SCE4 -
4ates 166'-$%%$
Principal su5;ects/occupational s<ills
2ame an t3pe of organisation
proviing eucation an training
:igh school Andrei Muresanu
=evel in national or international
>SCE4 3
Personal skills and

9other tongue(s) Romanian

8ther language(s) English
nderstanding !peaking Writing
European level (*) =istening ,eaing Spo<en interaction Spo<en prouction
+$ inepenent user +$ inepenent user +$ inepenent user +1 inepenent user +1 inepenent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Lanuaes

Social s<ills an competences Communication s<ills# a5ilit3 to @or< uner stress an aapta5ilit3 to change# team@or< spirit# honest3
an fairness# ethical an religious values.

Computer s<ills an competences 9icrosoft Dorl# E/cel# Po@er Point# E/amAie@.

4riving licence Categor3 +

#dditional information
,eferences given on re?uest

=ist of pu5lications

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Articles published in romanian review
1) Manea, D.,(2006), Accounting operations on provisions for risks and expenses, Review of General
Management, no. 2, Expert Publisher, Bucuresti, pp. 115-118, ISSN 1841-818X.
2) Manea, D.,(2009), Tratamente contabile privind reevaluarea imobilizrilor corporale dup aderarea
Romniei la Uniunea European, Quality access to succes, vol. 10, no. 101, Cibernetica MC Publisher,
Bucuresti, pp. 207- 210, ISSN 1582-2559.
3) Manea, D., (2010), Perfecionarea contabilitii de gestiune i a calculaiei costurilor n industria
constructoare de maini prin utilizarea metodei standard-cost n varianta standard cost-unic, Quality
access to succes, vol. 11, no. 113, Cibernetica MC Publisher, Bucuresti,pp. 1129- 1135, ISSN: 1582-
4) Manea, D., (coautor), (2012), Benefits of indirect costs allocation with cost drivers, Review of General
Management, vol.15, no.1, Expert Publisher, Bucuresti, pp. 214-222, ISSN 1841-818X.
5) Manea, D., (2012), The evolution of managerial accounting, Review of General Management, vol.16,
no.2, Expert Publisher, Bucuresti, pp. 226-231, ISSN 1841-818X.
6) Manea, D., (2012), The development of the cost calculation through the standard - cost method, Quality
access to succes, vol. 13, nr. S3, Cibernetica MC Publisher, Bucuresti, pp. 1582-2559, ISSN: 1582-2559

Articles published in the annals of universities

1) Manea, D., (2009), Managerial issues on advantages and disadvantages of leasing during the current
period, Analele Universitii Spiru Haret, seria Management, no. 2, Fundaia Romnia de Mine
Publisher, Bucuresti, pp. 149 152, ISSN 2066-480X.

Articles published in proceedings of international conferences
1) Manea, D., (coautor), (2009), Analiz i studii de caz privind IAS 20 contabilitatea subveniilor
publice i informaiile de furnizat privind ajutorul public - The 33rd Annual Congress of the American
Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Polytechnic International Press, Quebec, Montreal, pp.320-
322, ISBN 978-2-553-01433-8.
2) Manea, D., (coautor), (2009), Problemele managerului n lumea afacerilor- The 33rd Annual Congress
of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Polytechnic International Press,
Quebec,Montreal, pp. 393-396, ISBN 978-2-553-01433-8.

Articles published in proceedings of national conferences with international participation

1) Manea, D., (2007), Importana realizrii echilibrului financiar n desfurarea activitii unei
ntreprinderi, Eficien, legalitate, etic Managementul n condiiile postaderare, Lux Libris
Publisher, Brasov, pp. 266-274, ISSN 1843-6420.
2) Manea, D., (2009), Greva i modaliti de soluionare- Sisteme informaionale SI-2009, Universitatea
Nationala de Aparare Publisher, Bucuresti, pp. 135-139, ISSN 1844-6183.
3) Manea, D., (2009), Politica financiar, Sisteme informaionale SI-2009, Universitatea Nationala de
Aparare Publisher, Bucuresti, pp. 140-143, ISSN 1844-6183.

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