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9/7/2014 SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT:<br> Additional Quiz Y 1/2
Additional Quiz Y
From the options provided after each sentence, select the word or phrase that would correct fit
in the blank.
1. Be sure that everyone brings ________ own book.
A. his or her
B. their

You're right!
2. If anyone calls, tell ________ that I'll be back in half an hour.
A. them
B. him or her

You're right!
3. ______ and ______ have been close friends for many years.
A. Him, me
B. He, I

You're right!
4. Did you see Derek and ________ at the game?
A. her
B. she

The correct response is "A".
5. Between you and ______, this politician cannot be trusted.
A. me
B. I

You're right!
6. Each person in the room turned ________ head to the front when the teacher entered.
A. their
9/7/2014 SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT:<br> Additional Quiz Y 2/2
B. his

You're right!
7. Rhonda explained that ________ and her sister had often eaten at that restaurant.
A. her
B. she

You're right!
8. Most of the workers were wearing ________ hard hats.
A. his or her
B. their

You're right!
9. It's always best for a student to ask questions when ________ doesn't understand something.
A. she
B. they

The correct response is "A".
Results: 7 Correct -- 2 Wrong -- 0 Skipped
Sentence Sense: The Online Version

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