Sample Participant Invitation Letter

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Sample Participant Invitation Letter

Invitation Letter
Host Committee
You are cordially invited to attend a program presented by the [list Sponsor(s)! Legally Secure
Your Financial Future is a series o" [2 or 3] seminar sessions to help people take ma#or steps to
sa"eguard their "amily$s inheritance! %he program teaches people about the importance o"
evaluating their legal a""airs related to later li"e issues!
%opics to be discussed include:
&! %he kinds o" personal in"ormation to gather' organi(e' and store so that "amily members
can easily access them)
*! +egal documents that are essential in estate planning)
,! %he importance o" "amily communication about legal issues)
-! .o/ to select and /ork /ith an attorney) and
0! .o/ to prepare a plan to protect' distribute' and trans"er your assets!
Day, Month, Date, Year (o each session!"
#e$innin$ %ime &ntil 'n(in$ %ime"
Cost (i any!"
1lease 2S31 to [*ame] by [Date] at [Phone *&m+er]' [,)- *&m+er]' or ['.mail )((ress]!
4e look "or/ard to seeing you at the seminars! 1lease contact us i" your have any 5uestions!
[Host Committee]
6ooperative E7tension is a publicly "unded' non8"ormal educational partnership o" the 9!S! :epartment o"
;griculture' land8grant universities' and county o""ice!
%he 9S:; is an e5ual opportunity provider and employer!

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