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A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
Masters in Business Administration International Business
Submitted to:
Ms Poor!a Ran"an
Lecturer, AIBS
Amit# International Business S$hool
Amit# %ni!ersit#& Noida
April& '())

Submitted by:
Pranita Sin*h
MBA (IB & Marketing)
Section C
$%i& i& to certi'y t%at M&( )*A+I$A SI+,-, a &tudent o' )o&t ,raduate .egree in
MBA Internationa/ Bu&ine&& (!"0!11), Amity Internationa/ Bu&ine&& Sc%oo/,
+oida %a& carried out t%i& .i&&ertation )ro1ect $I$L2. 3COMPARATIVE
GAMBLE IN RURAL MARKET-, under t%e ab/e guidance and &u4er5i&ion o'
MS( )66*7A *A+8A+, 9acu/ty at AMI$: I+$2*+$I6+AL B;SI+2SS
$%i& .i&&ertation re4ort %a& t%e re<ui&ite &tandard 'or t%e 4artia/ 'u/'i//ment t%e
)o&t ,raduate .egree in Internationa/ Bu&ine&&( $o t%e be&t o' our kno=/edge no
4art o' t%i& re4ort %a& been re4roduced 'rom any ot%er re4ort and t%e content& are
ba&ed on origina/ re&earc%(
2,a$ult# 0uide3 2Student3

25ery endea5or in it&e/' i& an im4re&&ion o' t%e e''ort& o' not on/y t%o&e =%o 4ur&ue it but
o' t%o&e a& =e// =%o 4ro5ide guidance and moti5ation to=ard& it& &ucce&&'u/ com4/etion(
Like=i&e, t%i& 4ro1ect bear& an im4rint o' a// t%o&e =%o %e/4ed me at 5ariou& &tage& and it
=ou/d be un'air on my 4art not to t%ank t%em(
I =ou/d /ike to e>4re&& my gratitude to PRO, DR 0%RINDER SIN01& .I*2C$6*
,2+2*AL, AIBS 'or 4ro5iding me =it% an o44ortunity to undergo t%i& di&&ertation
4ro1ect at AIBS(
$%e &ucce&&'u/ com4/etion o' t%i& 4ro1ect cou/d not %a5e been 4o&&ib/e =it%out t%e co0
o4eration and encouragement o' MS POOR.A RAN/AN& my 4ro1ect guide& =%o
4ro5ided me =it% %er unending &u44ort 'rom t%e 5ery beginning o' t%e 4ro1ect, =%ic%
%e/4ed in time/y com4/etion o' t%e 4ro1ect(
I =ou/d a/&o /ike to t%ank a// t%e my Marketing 'acu/ty member& at AIBS, MS 4O4I6
/AIN& MS NID1I B1ATIA 7 MR NITIN 0AR0 'or en/ig%tening my =ay =%ene5er
any kind o' &u44ort =a& re<uired in com4/etion o' t%e 4ro1ect(
I?d a/&o e>4re&& my gratitude to=ard& my 'at%er, MR +PSIN01 =%o continued to
%a5e an im4act on my t%inking =%ic% %e/4ed me to com4/ete t%i& 4ro1ect(

C6M)A+: )*69IL2 (-;L)AAAAAAAAAA((
.IS$*IB;$I6+ +2$B6*C 69 -;L AAAAAA((
C6M)A+: )*69IL2 ()&,)AAAAAAAAAA((
.IS$*IB;$I6+ +2$B6*C 69 )&, AAAAAA((


1industan %nile!er 6imited
-indu&tan ;ni/e5er Limited (-;L) i& India?& /arge&t 9a&t Mo5ing Con&umer ,ood& Com4any,
touc%ing t%e /i5e& o' t=o out o' t%ree Indian& =it% o5er ! di&tinct categorie& in -ome &
)er&ona/ Care )roduct& and 9ood& & Be5erage&( $%ey endo= t%e com4any =it% a &ca/e o'
combined 5o/ume& o' about # mi//ion unit& and &a/e& o' *&(1 crore&( -;L i& a/&o one o' t%e
country?& /arge&t e>4orter&D it %a& been recogniEed a& a ,o/den Su4er Star $rading -ou&e by t%e
,o5ernment o' India( -ence, re&earc% aim& i& t%at to &tudy t%e e>i&ting marketing 4ractice&,
emerging marketing 4/an& and under&tanding com4anie& bu&ine&& &trategy =it% it& 4ro'i/e( $%e
main recommendation& %a5e been made on t%e addre&&ing o' t%e ad5erti&ing me&&age to t%e
cu&tomer&( An attem4t %a& been made to 'ormu/ate t%e communication in a =ay to bui/d it on a
4/at'orm o' t%e ba&ic need 'or buying -;L 4roduct&( In anot%er recommendation t%e &ugge&tion&
to=ard& better dea/er intere&t in -;L 4roduct& %a& been gi5en a c%ance(
$%e re&earc% i& ba&ed 4rimari/y on &econdary data( .ata %a& been co//ected t%roug% admini&tered
<ue&tionnaire& by u&ing on/ine &ur5ey met%od(
Pro$ter 7 0amble
$%e )rocter & ,amb/e Com4any, incor4orated in 1"F, i& 'ocu&ed on 4ro5iding branded
con&umer good&( $%e Com4any?& 4roduct& are &o/d in o5er 18 countrie& around t%e =or/d
4rimari/y t%roug% ma&& merc%andi&er&, grocery &tore&, member&%i4 c/ub &tore&, drug &tore& and
in %ig%0're<uency &tore&, t%e neig%bor%ood &tore&, =%ic% &er5e con&umer& in de5e/o4ing
market&( .uring t%e 'i&ca/ year ended 8une G, !" ('i&ca/ !"), one 4roduct category
accounted 'or 1H or more o' con&o/idated net &a/e&( $%e /aundry category con&tituted
a44ro>imate/y 1IH o' net &a/e& during 'i&ca/ !"( In 'i&ca/ !", t%e Com4any =a& organiEed
into t%ree ,/oba/ Bu&ine&& ;nit&: BeautyD -ea/t% and Be//0Being, and -ou&e%o/d Care(

$%e Com4any %ad &i> bu&ine&& &egment& under ;nited State& ,enera//y Acce4ted Accounting
)rinci4/e& (,AA)): BeautyD ,roomingD -ea/t% CareD Snack&, Co''ee and )et CareD 9abric Care
and -ome Care, and Baby Care and 9ami/y Care(
-indu&tan ;ni/e5er Limited (-;L) i& IndiaJ& /arge&t 9a&t Mo5ing Con&umer ,ood& Com4any,
touc%ing t%e /i5e& o' t=o out o' t%ree Indian& =it% o5er ! di&tinct categorie& in -ome &
)er&ona/ Care )roduct& and 9ood& & Be5erage&( $%ey endo= t%e com4any =it% a &ca/e o'
combined 5o/ume& o' about # mi//ion tonne& and &a/e& o' *&(1, crore&(
-;L i& a/&o one o' t%e countryJ& /arge&t e>4orter&, it %a& been recogniEed a& a ,o/den Su4er Star
$rading -ou&e by t%e ,o5ernment o' India(
$%e mi&&ion t%at in&4ire& -;LJ& o5er 1F, em4/oyee&, inc/uding o5er 1,G manager&, i& to
Kadd 5ita/ity to /i'e(K -;L meet& e5eryday need& 'or nutrition, %ygiene, and 4er&ona/ care =it%
brand& t%at %e/4 4eo4/e 'ee/ good, /ook good and get more out o' /i'e( It i& a mi&&ion -;L &%are&
=it% it& 4arent com4any, ;ni/e5er, =%ic% %o/d& F1(FFH o' t%e e<uity( $%e re&t o' t%e
&%are%o/ding i& di&tributed among G8, indi5idua/ &%are%o/der& and 'inancia/ in&titution&(

-;LJ& brand& 0 /ike Li'ebuoy, Lu>, Sur' 2>ce/, *in, B%ee/, 9air & Lo5e/y, )ondJ&, Sun&i/k,
C/inic, )e4&odent, C/o&e0u4, Lakme, Brooke Bond, Ci&&an, Cnorr0Anna4urna, C=a/ity Ba//J&
are %ou&e%o/d name& acro&& t%e country and &4an many categorie& 0 &oa4&, detergent&, 4er&ona/
4roduct&, tea, co''ee, branded &ta4/e&, ice cream and cu/inary 4roduct&( $%ey are manu'actured
o5er # 'actorie& acro&& India( $%e o4eration& in5o/5e o5er !, &u44/ier& and a&&ociate&( -;LJ&
di&tribution net=ork com4ri&ing about #, redi&tribution &tocki&t&, co5ering I(G mi//ion retai/
out/et& reac%ing t%e entire urban 4o4u/ation, and about !F mi//ion rura/ con&umer&(

-;L %a& traditiona//y been a com4any, =%ic% incor4orate& /ate&t tec%no/ogy in a// it& o4eration&(
$%e -indu&tan ;ni/e5er *e&earc% Centre (-L*C) =a& &et u4 in 1"F8, and no= %a& 'aci/itie& in
Mumbai and Banga/ore( -L*C and t%e ,/oba/ $ec%no/ogy Center& in India %a5e o5er !
%ig%/y <ua/i'ied &cienti&t& and tec%no/ogi&t&, many =it% 4o&t0doctora/ e>4erience ac<uired in t%e
;S and 2uro4e(
-;L be/ie5e& t%at an organiEation?& =ort% i& a/&o in t%e &er5ice it render& to t%e community(
-;L i& 'ocu&ing on %ea/t% & %ygiene education, =omen em4o=erment, and =ater management(
It i& a/&o in5o/5ed in education and re%abi/itation o' &4ecia/ or under4ri5i/eged c%i/dren, care 'or
t%e de&titute and -I704o&iti5e, and rura/ de5e/o4ment( -;L %a& a/&o re&4onded in ca&e o'
nationa/ ca/amitie& L ad5er&itie& and contribute& t%roug% 5ariou& =e/'are mea&ure&, mo&t recent

being t%e 5i//age bui/t by -;L in eart%<uake a''ected ,u1arat, and re/ie' & re%abi/itation a'ter
t%e $&unami cau&ed de5a&tation in Sout% India(
In !1, t%e com4any embarked on an ambitiou& 4rogramme, S%akti( $%roug% S%akti, -;L i&
creating micro0enter4ri&e o44ortunitie& 'or rura/ =omen, t%ereby im4ro5ing t%eir /i5e/i%ood and
t%e &tandard o' /i5ing in rura/ communitie&( S%akti a/&o inc/ude& %ea/t% and %ygiene education
t%roug% t%e S%akti 7ani )rogramme, and creating acce&& to re/e5ant in'ormation t%roug% t%e
iS%akti community 4orta/( $%e 4rogram no= co5er& 1F &tate& in India and %a& o5er G1,
=omen entre4reneur& in it& 'o/d, reac%ing out to 1, 5i//age& and direct/y reac%ing to 1F
mi//ion rura/ con&umer&( By t%e end o' !1, S%akti aim& to %a5e 1, S%akti entre4reneur&
co5ering F, 5i//age&, touc%ing t%e /i5e& o' o5er I mi//ion 4eo4/e(

-;L i& a/&o running rura/ %ea/t% 4rogrammer& Li'ebuoy S=a&t%ya C%etana( $%e 4rogramme
endea5or& to induce ado4tion o' %ygienic 4ractice& among rura/ Indian& and aim& to bring do=n
t%e incidence o' diarr%ea( It %a& a/ready touc%ed M mi//ion 4eo4/e in a44ro>imate/y 1F
5i//age& o' 8 &tate&( $%e 5i&ion i& to make a bi//ion Indian& 'ee/ &a'e and &ecure(
I' -indu&tan ;ni/e5er &tradd/e& t%e Indian cor4orate =or/d, it i& becau&e o' being &ing/e0minded
in identi'ying it&e/' =it% Indian a&4iration& and need& in e5ery =a/k o' /i'e(


Or*ani?ational Stru$ture@A
1( C%air Man Mr( -ari&% Man=ani
!( C26 & Managing .irector Mr( +itin )aran14e
G( 9inance & I$ .irector Mr( *( Srid%ar
#( 2>ecuti5e .irector Mr( ,o4a/ 7itta/
F( .irector&
I( Mr( San1i5 Cakkar
II( Mr( A( +arayan
III( Mr( 7( +arayanan
I7( Mr( .( S( )arek%
7( Mr( C( C( )ra%a/ad
7I( Mr( S( *amadorai




Purpose 7 prin$iples
6ur cor4orate 4ur4o&e &tate& t%at to &ucceed re<uire& Kt%e %ig%e&t &tandard& o' cor4orate
be%a5iour to=ard& e5eryone =e =ork =it%, t%e communitie& =e touc%, and t%e en5ironment on
=%ic% =e %a5e an im4act(K
AlCa#s CorDin* Cith inte*rit#
Conducting our o4eration& =it% integrity and =it% re&4ect 'or t%e many 4eo4/e, organi&ation& and
en5ironment& our bu&ine&& touc%e& %a& a/=ay& been at t%e %eart o' our cor4orate re&4on&ibi/ity(
Positi!e impa$t
Be aim to make a 4o&iti5e im4act in many =ay&: t%roug% our brand&, our commercia/ o4eration&
and re/ation&%i4&, t%roug% 5o/untary contribution&, and t%roug% t%e 5ariou& ot%er =ay& in =%ic%
=e engage =it% &ociety(
+ontinuous $ommitment
BeJre a/&o committed to continuou&/y im4ro5ing t%e =ay =e manage our en5ironmenta/ im4act&
and are =orking to=ard& our /onger0term goa/ o' de5e/o4ing a &u&tainab/e bu&ine&&(
Settin* out our aspirations
6ur cor4orate 4ur4o&e &et& out our a&4iration& in running our bu&ine&&( ItJ& under4inned by our
code o' bu&ine&& )rinci4/e& =%ic% de&cribe& t%e o4erationa/ &tandard& t%at e5eryone at ;ni/e5er
'o//o=&, =%ere5er t%ey are in t%e =or/d( $%e code a/&o &u44ort& our a44roac% to go5ernance and
cor4orate re&4on&ibi/ity(
5orDin* Cith others
Be =ant to =ork =it% &u44/ier& =%o %a5e 5a/ue& &imi/ar to our o=n and =ork to t%e &ame
&tandard& =e do( 6ur Bu&ine&& 4artner code, a/igned to our o=n Code o' bu&ine&& 4rinci4/e&,
com4ri&e& ten 4rinci4/e& co5ering bu&ine&& integrity and re&4on&ibi/itie& re/ating to em4/oyee&,
con&umer& and t%e en5ironment(
+orporate So$ial Responsibilit#

-;L?& cor4orate re&4on&ibi/ity &trategy &eek& to addre&& -;LJ& mo&t &igni'icant &u&tainabi/ity
im4act& o' %ygiene, nutrition, en%ancement o' /i5e/i%ood&, reduction o' green%ou&e ga&e& and
=ater 'oot4rint by integrating t%e&e ob1ecti5e& into our brand&, our 4eo4/e and our 4roce&&e&(
)ro5ided income0generating o44ortunitie& to #F, S%akti entre4reneur& in rura/
area& acro&& 1F &tate& in 1, 5i//age& t%roug% )ro1ect S%akti
Li'ebuoy S=a&t%ya C%etna %a& touc%ed 1!crore 4eo4/e in more t%an FIMI 5i//age&
acro&& India &ince !!
)ureit i& a5ai/ab/e in more t%an 1F to=n& nationa//y and a/ready co5er& o5er G
mi//ion %ou&e%o/d& acro&& India(
2>ceeded t%e target o' reducing C6! emi&&ion& 'rom manu'acturing o4eration& by
!FH on a ba&e o' !#
$=enty 2ig%t o' our manu'acturing &ite& are Eero =ater di&c%arge &ite&(
1%6Bs EEport@
It =a& 1"I!( $%e rea/ity o' India t%en =a& 5ery di''erent 'rom =%at it i& today( IndiaJ& economy
t%en &u''ered 'rom 'oreign e>c%ange &%ortage( -indu&tan ;ni/e5er 5o/untari/y decided to
take u4 2>4ort& to &u44ort t%e countryJ& economy(
$oday, -;L i& IndiaJ& /arge&t e>4orter o' branded 9a&t Mo5ing Con&umer ,ood&( It %a& been
recogniEed by t%e ,o5ernment o' India a& a ,o/den Su4er Star $rading -ou&e( 65er time,
-;L %a& de5e/o4ed a44ro4riate ca4abi/itie& to be g/oba//y com4etiti5e in co&t and <ua/ity
'or a 5iab/e 2>4ort& bu&ine&&(
,o$us areas@
-;LJ& 2>4ort& 'ocu&e& on t=o broad area&( It i& a &ourcing ba&e 'or ;ni/e5er brand& in -ome &
)er&ona/ Care (-)C) and $ea 'or &u44/ie& to ot%er ;ni/e5er com4anie&( It a/&o 'ocu&e& on
becoming a 4re'erred &u44/ier to bot% non0;ni/e5er and ;ni/e5er c/ient& in t%ree categorie& in

=%ic% India, a& a country, %a& com4etiti5e ad5antage 0 Marine )roduct&, Ca&tor and it&
.eri5ati5e& and *ice( -;L en1oy& internationa/ recognition =it%in ;ni/e5er and out&ide 'or it&
<ua/ity, re/iabi/ity and &4eed o' cu&tomer &er5ice( -;LJ& 2>4ort& geogra4%y com4ri&e&, at
4re&ent, countrie& in A&ia, Au&tra/ia, A'rica, +ort% America and 2uro4e(
1%6Bs EEport Portfolio@
$%e categorie& are &oa4&, &kin care 4roduct& and ora/ care 4roduct&( $%e brand& are Lu>,
Li'ebuoy, )ear&, 9air & Lo5e/y, .o5e, 7a&e/ine, C/o&e0;4, )e4&odent, Signa/( -;L i& t%e on/y
&ource o' )ear& &oa4 acro&& t%e =or/d(
$%e categorie& are branded 4acket tea, and in&tant tea 'or ;ni/e5erJ& ready0to0drink tea bu&ine&&(
$%e branded tea& are Brooke Bond, Brooke Bond *ed /abe/, Brooke Bond $a1 Ma%a/, Li4ton,
Li4ton :e//o= Labe/, Li4ton ,reen Labe/, Li4ton Bri&k, Li4ton G0in01 4remi>, C%ine&e
Marine produ$ts@
-;L o''er& a com4re%en&i5e 4ort'o/io, ranging 'rom Surimi, Crab&tick& to S%rim4& and &e5era/
5a/ue0added 4roduct&( Among it& cu&tomer& i& Ice/andic, t%e =or/dJ& t%ird /arge&t &ea'ood
com4any( In addition, -;L %a& a/&o become a 4art o' ;ni/e5erJ& &u44/y c%ain in &ea 'ood& 'or
2uro4e too( -LLJ& Marine )roduct& brand& are 6cean .iamond, 6cean 2>ce//ence, S%ogun,
-ima, ,o/d Sea/, $ara and )rima(
$%e categorie& are Ba&mati *ice and Ba&mati *ice0ba&ed ready0to0eat rice mea/&( $%e brand& are
,o/d Sea/ Indu& 7a//ey, *oEana and Anna4urna(

+asto @
$%e categorie& are Ca&tor 6i/, Ca&tor0oi/ ba&ed 4roduct&, /ike %ydrogenated ca&tor oi/, 1! 0
-ydro>y/ Stearic Acid, *icino/eic Acid (u&ed in grea&e and /ubricant indu&try, 4aint& and &ur'ace
coating&, co&metic&, emu/&i'ier&), and S4ecia/ty Ca&tor 6i/& (;S) grade, B) grade, .AB 1) etc
u&ed in 4%armaceutica/ 4re4aration&( -;LJ& Ca&tor brand i& $o4&oi/(
$oday, 2>4ort& i& a &ub&tantia/ bu&ine&& in -;L, accounting 'or about 1!H o' t%e com4anyJ&
turno5er( -;L be/ie5e& t%at it& com4etiti5e ad5antage& o' co&t com4etiti5ene&&, 4roce&&
com4etiti5ene&& and economie& o' &ca/e bot% at t%e com4any and country /e5e/, %o/d it in good
&tead( $%ey 4o&ition t%e com4any to become one o' t%e %ub& 'or &ourcing by ;ni/e5er com4anie&
in -)C and $ea, and a/&o &imu/taneou&/y become a 4re'erred 4artner to g/oba/ cu&tomer& in
Marine )roduct&(
Dire$t Sellin*@
Produ$t Ran*e
N Le5er %ome range
N Ma/e grooming
N 6ra/ Care
N Ayur5eda
N )er&ona/ Ba&%
N 9ood&
Rea$h A )9(( toCns 26ar*est in India3 +onsultant base A 88(&(((
Be %a5e ana/yEed t%e di&tribution net=ork o' -;L 'rom t%e 'o//o=ing a&4ect&:

1( 25o/ution o' -;L?& di&tribution net=ork
!( $ran&4ortation & Logi&tic&
G( C%anne/ .e&ign
#( Initiati5e& taken 'or c%anne/ member management(
F( 9ie/d 'orce management
) E!olution o!er Time
$%e -;L?& di&tribution net=ork %a& e5o/5ed =it% time( $%e 'ir&t 4%a&e o' t%e -;L di&tribution
net=ork %ad =%o/e&a/er& 4/acing bu/k order& direct/y =it% t%e com4any( Large retai/er& a/&o
4/aced direct order&, =%ic% com4ri&ed a/mo&t G 4er cent o' t%e tota/ order& co//ected( $%e
com4any &a/e&man grou4ed a// t%e&e order& and 4/aced an indent =it% t%e -ead 6''ice( ,ood&
=ere &ent to t%e&e market&, =it% t%e com4any &a/e&man a& t%e con&ignee( $%e &a/e&man t%en
co//ected and di&tributed t%e 4roduct& to t%e re&4ecti5e =%o/e&a/er&, again&t ca&% 4ayment, and
t%e money =a& remitted to t%e com4any(
$%e 'ocu& o' t%e &econd 4%a&e, =%ic% &4anned t%e decade& o' t%e #&, =a& to 4ro5ide de&ired
4roduct& and <ua/ity &er5ice to t%e com4anyJ& cu&tomer&( In order to ac%ie5e t%i&, one =%o/e&a/er
in eac% market =a& a44ointed a& a K*egi&tered B%o/e&a/er,K a &tock 4oint 'or t%e com4anyJ&
4roduct& in t%at market( $%e com4any &a/e&man &ti// co5ered t%e market, can5a&&ing 'or order&
'rom t%e re&t o' t%e trade( -e t%en di&tributed &tock& 'rom t%e *egi&tered B%o/e&a/er t%roug%
di&tribution unit& maintained by t%e com4any( $%e *egi&tered B%o/e&a/er &y&tem, t%ere'ore,
increa&ed t%e di&tribution reac% o' t%e com4any to a /arger number o' cu&tomer&(
$%e %ig%/ig%t o' t%e t%ird 4%a&e =a& t%e conce4t o' K*edi&tribution Stocki&tK (*S) =%o re4/aced
t%e *B&( $%e *S =a& re<uired to 4ro5ide t%e di&tribution unit& to t%e com4any &a/e&man( $%e
&econd c%aracteri&tic o' t%i& 4eriod =a& t%e e&tab/i&%ment o' t%e KCom4any .e4ot&K &y&tem( $%i&
&y&tem %e/4ed in tran&&%i4ment, bu/k breaking, and a& a &tock4oint to minimi&e &tockout& at t%e
*S /e5e/( In t%e recent 4a&t, a &igni'icant c%ange %a& been t%e re4/acement o' t%e Com4any .e4ot
by a &y&tem o' t%ird 4arty Carrying and 9or=arding Agent& (C&9A&)( $%e C&9A& act a& bu''er
&tock4oint& to en&ure t%at &tockout& did not take 4/ace( $%e C&9A &y&tem %a& a/&o re&u/ted in
co&t &a5ing& in term& o' direct tran&4ortation and reduced time /ag in de/i5ery( $%e mo&t
im4ortant bene'it %a& been im4ro5ed cu&tomer &er5ice to t%e *S(

$%e ro/e 4er'ormed by t%e *edi&tribution Stocki&t& inc/ude&: 9inancing &tock&, 4ro5iding
=are%ou&ing 'aci/itie&, 4ro5iding man4o=er, 4ro5iding &er5ice to retai/er&, im4/ementing
4romotiona/ acti5itie&, e>tending indirect co5erage, re4orting &a/e& and &tock data, demand
&imu/ation and &creening 'or tran&it damage&(
' Detailed o!er!ieC@
$%e di&tribution net=ork o' -;L i& one o' t%e key &trengt%& t%at %e/4 it to &u44/y mo&t 4roduct&
to a/mo&t any 4/ace in t%e country 'rom Srinagar to Canyakumari( $%i& inc/ude&, maintaining
'a5orab/e trade re/ation&, 4ro5iding inno5ati5e incenti5e& to retai/er& and organiEing demand
generation acti5itie& among a %o&t o' ot%er t%ing&( 2ac% bu&ine&& o' -;L 4ort'o/io %a&
cu&tomiEed t%e net=ork to meet it& ob1ecti5e&( $%e mo&t ob5iou& 'unction o' 4ro5iding t%e
/ogi&tic& &u44ort i& to get t%e com4any?& 4roduct to t%e end cu&tomer(
Distribution S#stem of 1%6@
-;LJ& 4roduct& are di&tributed t%roug% a net=ork o' #, redi&tribution &tocki&t&, co5ering I(G
mi//ion retai/ out/et& reac%ing t%e entire urban 4o4u/ation, and about !F mi//ion rura/
con&umer&( $%ere are GF C&9A& in t%e country =%o 'eed t%e&e redi&tribution &tocki&t& regu/ar/y(
$%e genera/ trade com4ri&e& grocery &tore&, c%emi&t&, =%o/e&a/e, kio&k& and genera/ &tore&(
-indu&tan ;ni/e5er 4ro5ide& tai/or made &er5ice& to eac% o' it& c%anne/ 4artner&( It %a&
de5e/o4ed cu&tomer management and &u44/y c%ain ca4abi/itie& 'or 4artnering emerging &e/'
&er5ice &tore& and &u4ermarket&( Around !, &u44/ier& and a&&ociate& &er5e -;L?& #
manu'acturing 4/ant& =%ic% are decentra/iEed acro&& ! mi//ion &<uare mi/e& o' territory(

2S$hemati$ of 1%6Bs Distribution NetCorD3
Distribution at the .illa*es@
$%e com4any %a& broug%t a// market& =it% 4o4u/ation& o' be/o= F, under one rura/ &a/e&
organi&ation($%e team com4ri&e& an e>c/u&i5e &a/e& 'orce and e>c/u&i5e redi&tribution
&tocki&t&($%e team 'ocu&e& on bui/ding &u4erior a5ai/abi/ity o' 4roduct&( In rura/ India, t%e
net=ork direct/y co5er& about F, 5i//age&, reac%ing !F mi//ion con&umer&, t%roug% I
-;L a44roac%ed t%e rura/ market =it% t=o criteria t%e acce&&ibi/ity and 5iabi/ity( $o &er5ice
t%i& &egment, -;L a44ointed a *edi&tribution &tocki&t =%o =a& re&4on&ib/e 'or a// out/et& and a//
bu&ine&& =it%in %i& 4articu/ar to=n( In t%e !FH o' t%e acce&&ib/e market& =it% /o= bu&ine&&
4otentia/, -;L a&&igned a sub stoc!st =%o =a& re&4on&ib/e to acce&& a// t%e 5i//age& at /ea&t
once in a 'ortnig%t and &end &tock& to t%o&e market&( $%i& &ub&tocki&t di&tribute& t%e com4anyJ&
4roduct& to out/et& in ad1acent &ma//er 5i//age& u&ing tran&4ortation &uitab/e to interconnecting

road&, /ike cyc/e&, &cooter& or t%e ageo/d bu//ock cart( $%u&, -indu&tan ;ni/e5er i& trying to
circum5ent t%e barrier o' motorab/e road&(
2Rural Distribution Model of 1%63
$%e com4any &imu/taneou&/y u&e& t%e =%o/e&a/e c%anne/, &uitab/y incenti5i&ing t%em to
di&tribute com4any 4roduct&( $%e mo&t common 'orm o' trading remain& t%e gra&&root& buy and
&e// mode( $%i& enab/e& -;L to in'/uence t%e retai/er& &tock& and <uantitie& &o/d t%roug% credit
e>ten&ion and trade di&count&( -;L /aunc%ed t%i& I"#!$%ct Co&%$'(% )IDC* in 1"I&(;nder t%e
Indirect Co5erage (I.C) met%od, com4any 5an& =ere re4/aced by 5an& be/onging to
*edi&tribution Stocki&t&, =%ic% &er5iced a &e/ect grou4 o' neig%bouring market&(
Distribution at the %rban $entres@

.i&tribution o' good& 'rom t%e manu'acturing &ite to C & 9 agent& take 4/ace t%roug% eit%er t%e
truck& or rai/ road& de4ending on t%e time 'actor 'or de/i5ery and co&t o' tran&4ortation(
,enera//y t%e manu'acturing &ite i& /ocated &uc% t%at it co5er& a bigger geogra4%ica/ &egment o'
India( 9rom t%e C & 9 agent&, t%e good& are tran&4orted to *S?& by mean& o' truck& and t%e
4roduct& 'ina//y make t%e O/a&t mi/e? ba&ed on t%e /oca/ 4o4u/ar and c%ea4 mode o' tran&4ort(
NeC distribution $hannels
Pro"e$t ShaDti
$%i& mode/ create& a &ymbiotic 4artner&%i4 bet=een -;L and it& con&umer&( Started in t%e /ate
!, )ro1ect S%akti %ad enab/ed -indu&tan Le5er to acce&& 8, o' IndiaJ& IG8,
5i//age& (-;LJ& 4artner&%i4 =it% Se/' -e/4 ,rou4&(S-,&) o' rura/ =omen, i& becoming an
e>tended arm o' t%e com4anyJ& o4eration in rura/ %inter/and&( )ro1ect S%akti %a& a/ready been
e>tended to about 1! &tate& And%ra )rade&%, Carnataka, ,u1arat, Mad%ya )rade&%, $ami/ +adu,
C%atti&gar%, ;ttar )rade&%, 6ri&&a, )un1ab, *a1a&t%an, Ma%ara&%tra and Be&t Benga/( $%e
re&4ecti5e &tate go5ernment& and &e5era/ +,6& are acti5e/y in5o/5ed in t%e initiati5e( $%e S-,&
%a5e c%o&en to 4artner =it% -;L a& a bu&ine&& 5enture, armed =it% training 'rom -;L and
&u44ort 'rom go5ernment agencie& concerned and +,6&( Armed =it% microcredit, =omen 'rom
S-,& become directto%ome di&tributor& in rura/ market&(
$%e mode/ con&i&t& o' grou4& o' (1F!) 5i//ager& be/o= t%e 4o5erty /ine (*&(MF 4er mont%)
taking microcredit 'rom bank&, and u&ing t%at to buy our 4roduct&, =%ic% t%ey =i// t%en direct/y
&e// to con&umer&( In genera/, a member 'rom a S-, &e/ected a& a S%akti entre4reneur,
common/y re'erred a& JS%akti AmmaJ recei5e& &tock& 'rom t%e -;L rura/ di&tributor( A'ter being
trained by t%e com4any, t%e S%akti entre4reneur t%en &e//& t%o&e good& direct/y to con&umer& and
retai/er& in t%e 5i//age( 2ac% S%akti entre4reneur u&ua//y &er5ice I1 5i//age& in t%e 4o4u/ation
&trata o' 1,!,( $%e S%akti entre4reneur& are gi5en -;L 4roduct& on a Pca&% and carry
$%e 'o//o=ing t=o diagram& &%o= t%e )ro1ect S%akti mode/ a& initiated by -;L(


Pro"e$t Streamline
$o cater to t%e need& o' t%e inacce&&ib/e market =it% %ig% bu&ine&& 4otentia/ -;L initiated a
Stream/ine initiati5e in 1""M( )ro1ect Stream/ine i& an inno5ati5e and e''ecti5e di&tribution
net=ork 'or rura/ area& t%at 'ocu&e& on e>tending di&tribution to 5i//age& =it% /e&& t%an !
4eo4/e =it% t%e %e/4 o' rura/ &ub&tocki&t&LSt'$ S%++%$s =%o are ba&ed in t%e&e 5ery 5i//age&( A& a
re&u/t, t%e di&tribution net=ork direct/y co5er& a& o' no= about # 4er cent o' t%e rura/
;nder )ro1ect Stream/ine, t%e good& are di&tributed 'rom C & 9 Agent& to *ura/ .i&tributor&
(*.), =%o %a& 1F! rura/ &ub&tocki&t& attac%ed to %im( 2ac% o' t%e&e &ub&tocki&t& L &tar &e//er&
i& /ocated in a rura/ market( $%e &ub&tocki&t& t%en 4er'orm t%e ro/e o' dri5ing di&tribution in
neig%boring 5i//age& u&ing uncon5entiona/ mean& o' tran&4ort &uc% a& tractor and bu//ock cart&(
)ro1ect Stream/ine being a cro&& 'unctiona/ initiati5e, t%e Star Se//er &e//& e5eryt%ing 'rom
detergent& to 4er&ona/ 4roduct&(
-ig%er <ua/ity &er5icing, in term& o' 're<uency, credit and 'u///ine a5ai/abi/ity, i& to be 4ro5ided
to rura/ trade a& 4art o' t%e ne= di&tribution &trategy(

$%e diagram in t%e ne>t 4age &%o=& t%e mode/ o' )ro1ect Stream/ine(
1industan 6e!er NetCorD 216N3
It i& t%e com4anyJ& arm in t%e .irect Se//ing c%anne/, one o' t%e 'a&te&t gro=ing in India today( It
a/ready %a& about &e5era/ /ak% con&u/tant& a// inde4endent entre4reneur&, trained and guided by
-L+J& e>4ert manager&( -L+ %a& a/ready &4read to o5er 1F to=n& and citie&, co5ering 8H o'
t%e urban 4o4u/ation, backed by #! o''ice& and !# &er5ice centre& acro&& t%e country( It 4re&ent&
a range o' cu&tomi&ed o''ering& in -ome & )er&ona/ Care and 9ood&(
$%e +e= Com4en&ation 4/an 'or -L+ 4artner& 4ro5ide& ne= e>citing =ay& o' earning
&ub&tantia/ income in addition to o''ering re=ard& /ike re5enue &%aring t%roug% t%e inno5ati5e
conce4t o' 34oo/&
Mother Depot and /ust in Time S#stem
In order to rationa/i&e t%e /ogi&tic& and 4/anning ta&k, an inno5ati5e &te4 %a& been t%e 'ormation
o' t%e Mot%er .e4ot and 8u&t in $ime Sy&tem (M.8I$)( Certain C&9A& =ere &e/ected acro&&
t%e country to act a& mot%er de4ot&( 2ac% o' t%em %a& a minimum number o' 8I$ de4ot& attac%ed
'or &tock re<uirement&( A// brand& and 4ack& re<uired 'or t%e &et o' market& =%ic% t%e M. and

8I$& &er5ice in a gi5en area are &ent to t%e mot%er de4ot by a// manu'acturing unit&( $%e 8I$&
dra= t%eir re<uirement& 'rom t%e M. on a =eek/y or bi=eek/y ba&i&(
6e!era*in* Information te$hnolo*#
-;L cu&tomer& are &er5iced on continuou& re4/eni&%ment( $%i& i& 4o&&ib/e becau&e o' I$
connecti5ity acro&& t%e e>tended &u44/y c%ain o' about !, &u44/ier&, 8 'actorie& and M,
&tocki&t&( $%i& &o4%i&ticated net=ork =it% it& 5oice and data communication 'aci/itie& %a& /inked
more t%an ! /ocation& a// o5er t%e country, inc/uding t%e %ead o''ice, branc% o''ice&, 'actorie&,
de4ot& and t%e key redi&tribution &tocki&t&( $%ey %a5e a/&o combined backend 4roce&&e& into a
common S%ared Ser5ice in'ra&tructure, =%ic% &u44ort& t%e unit& acro&& t%e country( A// t%e&e
initiati5e& toget%er %a5e en%anced o4erationa/ e''iciencie&, im4ro5ed t%e &er5ice to t%e cu&tomer&
and %a5e broug%t u& c/o&er to t%e market4/ace(
RS Net Initiati!e@
$%e *S +et initiati5e, /aunc%ed in !1, aim& at connecting *edi&tribution Stocki&t& (*S&)
t%roug% an internet ba&ed &y&tem( It no= co5er& &tocki&t& o' t%e -ome & )er&ona/ Care bu&ine&&
and 9ood& & Be5erage& in c/o&e to 1! to=n& and citie&( $oget%er t%ey account 'or about 8H
o' t%e com4anyJ& turno5er( *S +et i& one o' t%e /arge&t B!B ecommerce initiati5e& e5er
undertaken in India( It 4ro5ide& /inkage& =it% t%e *S&? o=n tran&action &y&tem&, enab/e&
monitoring o' &tock& and &econdary &a/e& and o4timi&e& *S?& order& and in5entorie& on a dai/y
ba&i& t%roug% on/ine interaction on order&, de&4atc%e&, in'ormation &%aring and monitoring( $%e
I$4o=ered &y&tem %a& been im4/emented to &u44/y &tock& to redi&tribution &tocki&t& on a
continuou& re4/eni&%ment ba&i&( $oday, t%e &a/e& &y&tem get& to kno= e5ery day =%at -;L
&tocki&t& %a5e &o/d to a/mo&t a mi//ion out/et& acro&& t%e country( In'ormation on &econdary &a/e&
i& no= a5ai/ab/e on *S +et e5ery day(
*S +et i& 4art o' )ro1ect Lea4( )ro1ect Lea4 begin& =it% t%e &u44/ier run& t%roug% t%e 'actorie&
and de4ot& and reac%e& u4 to t%e *S&( $%i& en&ure& -;L?& gro=t% by en&uring t%at t%e rig%t
4roduct i& a5ai/ab/e at t%e rig%t 4/ace in t%e rig%t <uantitie& and at t%e rig%t time in t%e mo&t co&t
e''ecti5e manner( Lea4 a/&o aim& at reducing in5entorie& and im4ro5ing e''iciencie& rig%t
t%roug% t%e e>tended &u44/y c%ain(

*S +et %a& come a& a 'orce mu/ti4/ier 'or -;L Bay, t%e com4anyJ& action4/an to not on/y
ma>imi&e t%e number o' out/et& reac%ed but a/&o to ac%ie5e /eader&%i4 in e5ery out/et( *S +et
%a& enab/ed &tocki&t& to 4/ace order& on a Continuou& *e4/eni&%ment Sy&tem( $%i& in turn %a&
un&%ack/ed t%e 'ie/d 'orce to &o/e/y 'ocu& on &econdary &a/e& 'rom t%e &tocki&t& to retai/er& and
market acti5ation( It %a& a/&o enab/ed *S& to 4ro5ide im4ro5ed &er5ice to retai/ out/et&(
Simu/taneou&/y, -;L i& &er5icing t%e rura/ market, key urban out/et&, and t%e modern trade a& a
&ing/e concern(
AdeEa i+ollaboration suite
In !, -;L identi'ied im4ro5ed &u44/y c%ain management a& a critica/ bu&ine&& 4riority and
/aunc%ed a com4re%en&i5e initiati5e, 3)ro1ect Lea4,Q ta&ked =it% increa&ing &u44/ierLdi&tributor
re&4on&i5ene&&, reducing in5entory bu''er&, and o4timiEing 4/anning and &c%edu/ing( -;L c%o&e
t%e Ade>a iCo//aboration &uite 'or 'aci/itating centra/iEed monitoring o' t%e SCM, /i5e
cu&tomer L&u44/ier co//aboration, and integrating demand and di&tribution 4/anning =it%
4roduction &c%edu/ing( Bit% t%e aggregated 5ie= o' data 4ro5ided by t%e iCo//aboration &uite,
-;L =a& ab/e to combine &a/e& and di&tribution e''ort& on t%e di5er&e 4roduct /ine&, =%ic%
re&u/ted in &igni'icant &a5ing& on t%e co&t &ide 'or in5entorie& and di&tribution( -;L u4date&
in5entory 4o&ition&, &%i4ment& and cu&tomer order& on a dai/y ba&i& =it% t%e&e &o't=are 4ackage&
and can get a 4u/&e on t%e market rea/ time(

8 +hannel Desi*n
-indu&tan Le5er Limited (-;L) %a& t=o ty4e& o' c%anne/ &e//ing
i( *egu/ar (traditiona/) retai/ c%anne/,
ii( .irect Se//ing C%anne/ in t%e name o' -indu&tan Le5er +et=ork (-L+)(
-;L %a& a =e// entrenc%ed %ig% di&tribution mode/ =%ic% com4ri&e& o' C&9A&, *edi&tribution
Stocki&t&, =%o/e&a/er& and retai/er& (a& &%o=n ear/ier)( -indu&tan ;ni/e5erJ& di&tribution net=ork
i& recogniEed a& one o' it& key &trengt%&( It& 'ocu&e& on )roduct a5ai/abi/ity, Brand
communication, and %ig%er /e5e/& o' brand e>4erience
9 Initiati!es taDen to Impro!e the Distribution NetCorD
-;L %a& taken t%e 'o//o=ing initiati5e& to im4ro5e it& di&tribution net=ork:
Setting u4 o' a 'u//&ca/e &a/e& organi&ation com4ri&ing key account management and
acti5ation to im4act, 'u//y engage and &er5ice modern retai/er& a& t%ey emerge(
Ser5icing C%anne/ 4artner& and cu&tomer& =it% continuou& dai/y re4/eni&%ment(
Le5eraging &ca/e and bui/ding e>4erti&e to &er5ice Modern $rade and *ura/ Market&(
.e/ayering o' &a/e& 'orce to im4ro5e re&4on&e time& and &er5ice /e5e/&(
*e5am4ing o' it& &a/e& organi&ation in t%e rura/ market& to 'u//y meet t%e emerging need&
and increa&ed 4urc%a&ing 4o=er o' t%e rura/ 4o4u/ation( -;L?& di&tribution net=ork in

rura/ India a/ready direct/y co5er& about F, 5i//age&, reac%ing about !F mi//ion
con&umer& t%roug% about I, &ub &tocki&t&(
Im4/ementation o' &u44/y c%ain &y&tem t%at connect& &tocki&t& acro&& t%e country, and a/&o
inc/ude& a backend &y&tem connecting &u44/ier&, a// com4any &ite& and &tretc%ing rig%t u4
to &tocki&t&( I$ too/& %a5e been de4/oyed 'or connecti5ity acro&& t%e e>tended &u44/y
c%ain&( Backend 4roce&&e& %a5e been combined into a common S%ared Ser5ice
Launc%ing o' )ro1ect S%akti t%roug% =%ic% t%e com4any i& ab/e to e>tend it& o4eration& in
5i//age&( -;L %a& a/&o inc/uded &e5era/ +,6& and &tate go5ernment& a& t%e initiati5e %e/4&
rura/ =omen to im4ro5e t%eir 'inancia/ 4o&ition(
Launc%ing o' -;L +et=ork to /e5erage t%e c%anne/ o' direct &e//ing by 4re&enting
cu&tomi&ed o''ering& in 11 %ome and 4er&ona/ care and 'ood categorie&( Started in !G, it
a/ready %a& a ba&e o' G, con&u/tant& acro&& t%e country(
Starting o' 'ranc%i&ed Lakme Beauty Sa/on& and Ayu&% $%era4y centre& to o''er
&tandardi&ed &er5ice&, in /ine =it% t%e &trategy to /e5erage t%e e<uity o' it& brand& t%roug%
re/e5ant &er5ice&(
9inding out Inno5ati5e =ay& to reac% out to it& con&umer&, 4articu/ar/y in rura/ area& by
/e5eraging noncon5entiona/ media /ike =a// 4ainting&, cinema 5an&, =eek/y market&
(%aat&), 'air& and 'e&ti5a/&(
Initiating t%e conce4t o' Su4er 7a/ue Store& (S7S) in urban area& to 4artner traditiona/
&tore& to 4ro5ide a range o' &er5ice& ranging 'rom managing t%eir in5entory to &etting u4
)6S (4oint o' &a/e) banner&( In addition to t%i&, to boo&t u4 traditiona/ retai/ in t%e 'ace
increa&ing inroad& made by /arge, modern retai/ing c%ain& /ike S4encer?&, *e/iance 9re&%
etc (=%ere -;L i& &<ueeEed %arder 'or di&count&), -;L &tarted re&tructuring &ome o' t%e
&e/ected S7S& into t%e 'orm o' &e/'&er5ice retai/ &%o4& a /a modern retai/&( $%i& i& to
4rotect & maintain t%e com4etiti5e ad5antage t%at -;L %a& o5er it& bigge&t com4etitor& in
t%e ot%er market& (e(g(, )&,), =it% it& 5ery dee4 di&tribution reac% t%roug% traditiona/
Launc%ing t%e ;nicare &c%eme =it% u4market 4%armacie& and retai/er& to &a/e it& 4remium

;ndertaking &e5era/ initiati5e& 'or traditiona/ c%anne/& in order to im4ro5e it& ca4abi/itie&
at t%e 'rontend by de5e/o4ing &ki//& 'or &tocki&t&J &a/e& 'orce( ;nder J)ro1ect .ronac%aryaJ,
t%e 9MC, ma1or continuou&/y im4arted training to o5er 1, &tocki&t &a/e&men(
Launc%ing o' &e5era/ 4romotiona/ &c%eme& 'or e>i&ting =%o/e&a/er& and di&tributor&( 9or
in&tance, it %a& &tarted t%e O7i1eta *i&%ta 8eet Ca? &c%eme /a&t year to 4ro5ide a 4/at'orm
'or t%e =%o/e&a/er and -;L to gro= t%e bu&ine&& by earning 4oint& and redeeming t%em(
: ,ield ,or$e Mana*ement
$%e =orking cyc/e o' a ty4ica/ -;L 'ie/d 'orce member i& 'rom !1&t o' e5ery mont% to t%e !t%
o' t%e ne>t mont%( .uring t%i& 4eriod %e i& gi5en 5ariou& target& t%at %e/4& to ac%ie5e com4any
ob1ecti5e& and gi5e& %im a c%ance to 4ro5e %i& 4er'ormance re/ati5e to ot%er(
$o &tart =it% t%e 'ie/d 'orce member i& gi5en a 4articu/ar area and %i& re&4on&ibi/ity i& to cater to
a// t%e retai/er& in t%at area( B%i/e deciding t%e area 'or eac% member o' t%e 'ie/d 'orce, t%e
com4any make& &ure t%at t%e o4erating area o' eac% 'ie/d member doe&nJt o5er/a4 =it% %i& ot%er
co//eague&( $%ere are 5ariou& met%od& u&ed by t%e com4any to incenti5iEe t%e 'ie/d 'orce
Monetary and +on Monetary(
In -;L, t%e 'ie/d 'orce i& e5a/uated u&ing ,OC ),u'+!t- o. Co"t$!but!o"*( It con&i&t& o' #
1( Secondary Sa/e (Ma> 4oint& R !(F)
!( 2co (Ma> 4oint& R (F)
G( 9ocu& (Ma> 4oint& R (F)
#( 9CS (Ma> )oint& R (F)

S%co"#'$- S'+% Ba&ed on t%e o4erating area, eac% member i& gi5en a &4eci'ic target in term& o'
5a/ue (e(g(, *&( 1F /ac&) 'or t%e o4erating mont% (!1
o' ne>t mont%)( I' %e ac%ie5e& 1H
o' t%e target %e get& !(F 4oint&, i' %e ac%ie5e& "FH target %e get& 1(F 4oint&( $%e&e 4oint& are
u&ed to add to t%e tota/ S6C &core a& =e// a& /inked to monetary incenti5e(
ECO / 0!#t1 2'c T'$(%t $%i& i& u&ed 'or t%e 4enetrationLreac% o' certain 4roduct& in t%e
e>i&ting market( $%e 'o//o=ing i& a ty4ica/ 2C6 target a&&igned to a 'ie/d 'orce agent:
Lu> Internationa/ 1F out/et& > 1 SC;
)ear& Soa4 1GF out/et& > 1 SC;
*in 1# out/et& > 1SC;
BreeEe Soa4 1 out/et& > 1 SC;
$%e out/et& mentioned are =it%in t%e o4erating area o' t%e 4er&on and 1 SC; R *&( !ML( Ba&ed
on t%i& t%e 9ie/d 4er&on ca/cu/ate& number o' 4ack& %e &%ou/d &e// to t%e retai/er&( $%e concerned
agent recei5e& t%i& target around !F
o' eac% mont% and %a& to com4/ete t%i& target =it%in t%e F
day o' ne>t mont%( ;4on com4/etion %e get& additiona/ (F 4oint& added to %i& S6C &core a/ong
=it% monetary incenti5e a&&ociated =it% it( -o=e5er i' t%i& i& not met =it%in F
, %e /oo&e& t%e

Focus / D%2t1 P'c t'$(%t $%i& i& main/y u&ed to increa&e t%e &a/e& 5o/ume o' certain
4roduct&( A ty4ica/ O9ocu&? target i& gi5en be/o=:
Lu> Internationa/ *& !,I# L T *& IL 4er unit
Li'e Buoy *& M,!! L T *& 1L 4er unit
B%ee/ *& "", L T *& 1L 4er unit
BreeEe Soa4 *& !M, L T *& 1 L 4er unit
$%i& target need& to be ac%ie5ed =it%in !
o' ne>t mont%( ;4on ac%ie5ing t%e target t%e 'ie/d
4er&on i& a=arded (F 4oint& =%ic% i& t%en added to %i& o5era// S6C &core(
F!%+# C'2'b!+!t- Sco$% )FCS* In t%i& com4onent, t%e 'ie/d 'orce 4er&on& are re<uired to en&ure
t%at t%e &c%edu/ed 5i&itLout/et bi//ing i& &uc% t%at at /ea&t 1F item& are demanded 4er order( I' t%i&
i& ac%ie5ed t%e retai/er get& a di&count o' 1H on t%e bi//ed amount and on t%e ot%er %and t%e 'ie/d
4er&on get& an additiona/ &core o' (F =%ic% i& added to %i& S6C &core( 2ac% &c%edu/ed 5i&it 4er
out/et i& one 4er =eek( 9or e>am4/e i' t%ere are 1 out/et& =it%in t%e o4erating area o' a 'ie/d
4er&on t%en t%e number o' 5i&it 4er =eek i& 1 and tota/ number o' 5i&it 4er mont% R 1># R
$%e &a/e& 4er&on i& re<uired to ac%ie5e "H &ucce&& rate to get (F 4oint& 'or %i& S6C &core and
at /ea&t IFH 'or a &ati&'actory 4er'ormance(
Non Monetar# Methods
$%e ot%er 4ur4o&e o' t%e S6C &core& i& to %ig%/ig%t t%e 4er'ormance o' t%e 'ie/d 4er&on among
%i& 4eer&( Ba&ed on t%e S6C 5ariou& a=ard& are di&tributed to t%e 'ie/d 4er&on& at t%e end o'
e5ery mont%( $%e&e a=ard& are a/&o kno=n a& OM6C Star? a=ard&( M6C &tand& 'or Mont%/y
o4erating Cyc/e(
I' S6C &core U #(F $%e 4er&on i& e/igib/e 'or M &tar a=ard
I' S6C &core U # $%e 4er&on i& e/igib/e 'or F &tar a=ard
I' S6C &core U G(F $%e 4er&on i& e/igib/e 'or G &tar a=ard
In t%e e5ent o' e>ce4tiona/ 4er'ormance, management re4re&entati5e& 'rom t%e regiona/ o''ice
come to t%e Eona/ o''ice to di&tribute t%e a=ard&( $%e 4%otogra4% o' t%e a=ard =inner& i&
di&4/ayed in t%e o''ice a& a &ource o' in&4iration 'or ot%er &a/e& 4er&on(

Tar*et Settin* Me$hanism and monitorin*
$%e regiona/ o''ice monitor& t%e 4er'ormance o' 5ariou& Eone&( A t%oroug% ana/y&i& i& done at
t%e end o' eac% mont% and ba&ed on t%at t%e =eak 4roduct& are identi'ied or t%o&e 'or =%ic% t%e
demand %a& =eakened( $%i& i& t%e ba&i& o' &etting 2C6 and 96C;S target& 'or t%e 'ie/d 4er&on&(
2ac% 'ie/d 4er&on i& gi5en a 4a/mto4 =%erein %e can 'eed t%e entrie& on t%e &4ot =%ere t%e
tran&action i& done( $%i& &o/5e& ba&ica//y t%e t=o 4ur4o&e&
a3 $%e 'ie/d 4er&on i& 'reed 'rom t%e tediou& ta&k o' maintaining cumber&ome record& and can
t%en concentrate on t%e 1ob (t%u& I$ i& re4/acing &ome o' t%e 'ie/d 'orce or ot%er c%anne/
b3 $%e &o/d item i& immediate/y u4dated in t%e com4any in'ormation &y&tem(

S5OT ANA6>SIS O, 1%6
.i&tinct/y 4/aced 4roduct& 4ro5iding reac% to e5ery &egment o' &ociety(
Integrated &u44/y c%ain and =e// &4read manu'acturing unit&
.i&tribution &tructure =it% =ide reac%, %ig% <ua/ity co5erage $%e /aunc% o' 4ro1ect
3S%aktiQ %a& %e/4ed -;L to create brand a=arene&& and e>ten&i5e reac% in rura/ India(
Acce&& to ;ni/e5er g/oba/ tec%no/ogy, ca4abi/ity and &%aring o' be&t 4ractice& 'rom ot%er
;ni/e5er com4anie&(
Be// 4/aced to take ad5antage o' gro=t% in rura/ India and /o=er &trata o' t%e &ociety
t%roug% 3S%aktiQ(
It can be a /eader in e>4ort& by 4o&itioning it&e/' a& a &ourcing %ub 'or ;ni/e5er com4anie&
in 5ariou& countrie&(
)rice 4o&itioning in &ome categorie& a//o=& 'or /o= 4rice com4etition /ike Amu/ ca4tured
C=a/ity?& market(
Limited &ucce&& in c%anging eating %abit& o' 4eo4/e(
Com4etitor& 'ocu&ing on a 4articu/ar 4roduct and eating u4 -;L?& &%are, /ike +irma
'ocu&ing on &oa4& and detergent&(
,ro=ing con&umer ba&e due to increa&ing income /e5e/& and ne= con&umer& 'rom /o=er
&trata o' t%e &ociety
;nta44ed market in branded Ayur5edic medicine& and ot%er &uc% con&umer 4roduct&(
644ortunity in 9ood &ector: c%anging con&umer ta&te&
2>4an&ion o' %oriEon& to=ard& more and more countrie&
;n'a5ourab/e ra= materia/ 4rice& due to in'/ation, reducing 4ro'itabi/ity(
-ea5y on&/aug%t o' com4etition in t%e core categorie& 'rom emerging 4/ayer& /ike I$C
=i// re&u/t in %ig%er ad5erti&ing e>4enditure
S4uriou&Lcounter'eit 4roduct& in rura/ area& and &ma// to=n&(

$%e )rocter & ,amb/e Com4any ()&,) boa&t& boat/oad& o' brand&( $%e =or/dJ& V1 maker o'
%ou&e%o/d 4roduct& court& market &%are and bi//ion0do//ar name&( ItJ& di5ided into t%ree g/oba/
unit&: %ea/t% and =e// being, beauty, and %ou&e%o/d care( $%e com4any a/&o make& 4et 'ood and
=ater 'i/ter& and 4roduce& &oa4 o4era&( Some !F o' )&,J& brand& are bi//ion0do//ar &e//er&,
inc/uding 9u&ion, A/=ay&LB%i&4er, Braun, Bounty, C%armin, Cre&t, .o=nyLLenor, ,i//ette,
Iam&, 6/ay, )am4er&, )antene, )ring/e&, $ide, and Be//a, among ot%er&( )&, &%ed it& co''ee
brand& in /ate !8( Being t%e ac<ui&iti5e ty4e, =it% C/airo/ and Be//a a& notab/e con<ue&t&,
)&,J& bigge&t buy in com4any %i&tory =a& ,i//ette in /ate !F(

P70 at a *lan$e@
0B% Reportable
4e# Produ$ts BillionADollar
Net Sales
b# 0B%
BEA%T> Beauty Co&metic&, .eodorant&, -air
Care, )er&ona/
C/ean&ing, )re&tige
9ragrance&, Skin Care
-ead & S%ou/der&,
)antene, Be//a
,rooming B/ade& and *aEor&, 2/ectric
-air *emo5a/ .e5ice&,
9ace and S%a5e )roduct&,
-ome A44/iance&
Braun, 9u&ion,
,i//ette, Mac%G
-ea/t% Care 9eminine Care, 6ra/ Care,
)er&ona/ -ea/t% Care,
Actone/, A/=ay&,
Cre&t, 6ra/0B
Snack& and )et
)et 9ood, Snack& Iam&, )ring/e&
9abric Care and
-ome Care
Air Care, Batterie&, .i&%
Care, 9abric Care,
Sur'ace Care
Arie/, .a=n,
.o=ny, .urace//,
,ain, $ide
Baby Care and
9ami/y Care
Baby Bi4e&, Bat% $i&&ue,
9acia/ $i&&ue, )a4er $o=e/&
Bounty, C%armin,

P70 Purpose@
Be =i// 4ro5ide branded 4roduct& and &er5ice& o' &u4erior <ua/ity and 5a/ue t%at im4ro5e t%e
/i5e& o' t%e =or/dJ& con&umer&( A& a re&u/t, con&umer& =i// re=ard u& =it% /eader&%i4 &a/e&,
4ro'it, and 5a/ue creation, a//o=ing our 4eo4/e, our &%are%o/der&, and t%e communitie& in =%ic%
=e /i5e and =ork to 4ro&4er(
P70 .alues@
)&, i& it& 4eo4/e and t%e 5a/ue& by =%ic% =e /i5e(Be attract and recruit t%e 'ine&t 4eo4/e in t%e
=or/d( Be bui/d our organiEation 'rom =it%in, 4romoting and re=arding 4eo4/e =it%out regard to

any di''erence unre/ated to 4er'ormance( Be act on t%e con5iction t%at t%e men and =omen o'
)rocter & ,amb/e =i// a/=ay& be our mo&t im4ortant a&&et(
Be are a// /eader& in our area o' re&4on&ibi/ity, =it% a dee4 commitment to de/i5er
/eader&%i4 re&u/t&(
Be %a5e a c/ear 5i&ion o' =%ere =e are going(
Be 'ocu& our re&ource& to ac%ie5e /eader&%i4 ob1ecti5e& and &trategie&(
Be de5e/o4 t%e ca4abi/ity to de/i5er our &trategie& and e/iminate organiEationa/ barrier&(
Be acce4t 4er&ona/ accountabi/ity to meet our bu&ine&& need&, im4ro5e our &y&tem&, and
%e/4 ot%er& im4ro5e t%eir e''ecti5ene&&(
Be a// act /ike o=ner&, treating t%e Com4anyJ& a&&et& a& our o=n and be%a5ing =it% t%e
Com4anyJ& /ong0term &ucce&& in mind(
Be a/=ay& try to do t%e rig%t t%ing(
Be are %one&t and &traig%t'or=ard =it% eac% ot%er(
Be o4erate =it%in t%e /etter and &4irit o' t%e /a=(
Be u4%o/d t%e 5a/ue& and 4rinci4/e& o' )&, in e5ery action and deci&ion(
Be are data0ba&ed and inte//ectua//y %one&t in ad5ocating 4ro4o&a/&, inc/uding
recogniEing ri&k&(
Passion for Cinnin*@
Be are determined to be t%e be&t at doing =%at matter& mo&t(

Be %a5e a %ea/t%y di&&ati&'action =it% t%e &tatu& <uo(
Be %a5e a com4e//ing de&ire to im4ro5e and to =in in t%e market4/ace(
Be re&4ect our )&, co//eague&, cu&tomer&, and con&umer&, and treat t%em a& =e =ant to
be treated(
Be %a5e con'idence in eac% ot%erJ& ca4abi/itie& and intention&(
Be be/ie5e t%at 4eo4/e =ork be&t =%en t%ere i& a 'oundation o' tru&t(

Business 0roCth
,ol*ers Sale
6n 8une #, !8, )&, &o/d it& 9o/ger& co''ee unit to 8(M( Smucker Co 'or W!("F bi//ion( A& 4art
o' t%e dea/, )&, &%are%o/der& =i// recei5e a FG(F 4ercent &take in Smucker& and t%e com4any
=i// a&&ume WGF mi//ion o' 9o/gerJ& debt((
0illette A$quisition
)rocter & ,amb/e ac<uired ,i//ette in !F 'or o5er WF bi//ion in it& /arge&t ac<ui&ition to date(
In !#, t%e /a&t 'u// year be'ore t%e ac<ui&ition, ,i//ette generated o5er W1 bi//ion in &a/e&,
about WI bi//ion o' =%ic% came 'rom raEor& and .urace// and Braun 4roduct& and t%e remainder
&ourced 'rom t%e 6ra/0B brand, =%ic% =a& mo5ed into t%e -ea/t% & Be//0Being &egment( A key
4iece o' t%e ac<ui&ition beyond ,i//etteJ& 4roduct /ine& =a& it& di&tribution net=ork and &u44/y
c%ain( ,i//etteJ& di&tribution net=ork and &u44/y c%ain in emerging market& %ad been e>treme/y
&ucce&&'u/ 'or ,i//ette and, once ac<uired, %a& =orked to com4/ement )&,J& o=n di&tribution
Trends and ,or$es
Different produ$t pri$e points pro!ide some insulation a*ainst re$ession

-ou&e%o/d &ta4/e& are &ome=%at 4rotected 'rom t%e ;S rece&&ion and g/oba/ economic
do=nturn( -o=e5er, in a rece&&ion con&umer& o'ten turn to c%ea4er 4ri5ate /abe/ or &tore brand&
in&tead o' Kbrand nameK 4roduct& 'rom )&,( $o combat 4ri5ate /abe/ encroac%ment, )&, o''er&
at /ea&t t=o 4roduct 'orm& in many 4roduct categorie&( 9or e>am4/e, t%e com4any %a& &een
increa&e& &a/e& in Lu5& 'rom )am4er& dia4er& and an increa&e in ,ain detergent &a/e& 'rom $ide(
In addition, )&, o''er& KBa&icK 5er&ion& o' it& C%armin toi/et 4a4er and Bounty 4a4er to=e/&(
$%e com4anyJ& broad o''ering&, combined =it% t%e nece&&ity o' %ou&e%o/d item&, 4ro5ide a
degree o' in&u/ation again&t rece&&ion(
Retail +onsolidation
$%e ri&e o' a %and'u/ o' 4o=er'u/ /o=04riced retai/er& %a& negati5e/y im4acted con&umer
4roduct& com4anie&( A %and'u/ o' big retai/er& %a5e ca4tured a /arge &%are o' t%e market( 9or
e>am4/e, 'rom 1""" to !#, t%e to4 1 'ood retai/er& in t%e ;S increa&ed t%eir &%are o' 'ood
retai/ &a/e& 'rom FG(#H to F8("H( $%e&e /arge retai/er& %a5e &%i'ted t%e ba/ance o' 4o=er =it%in
t%e &u44/y c%ain( 9or e>am4/e, t%e com4anyJ& /arge&t cu&tomer, Ba/0Mart, accounted 'or 1FH o'
net &a/e& in !I, !M, and !8( Ba/0Mart %a& e>erted it& 4o=er o5er ot%er &u44/ier& to t%eir
detriment in t%e 4a&t, &uc% a& 'orcing record com4anie& to 4roduce c/ean0/abe/ C.& and 4u//ing
adu/t magaEine&( A deci&ion by Ba/0Mart not to &e// a 4articu/ar )&, con&umer 4roduct =ou/d
4re5ent )&, 'rom reac%ing it& entire target market( In addition, many retai/er& %a5e 4u&%ed t%eir
o=n %ig%er margin 4ri5ate /abe/ brand& in com4etition =it% )&,(
Rise of Pri!ate 6abels
In t%e 4a&t decade, )&, %a& 'aced &ti'' com4etition 'rom 4ri5ate /abe/ brand& or K&tore brand&K
o' /arge retai/er& &uc% a& Ba/0Mart, $arget, and &u4ermarket c%ain&( )ri5ate /abe/ 4roduct& o'ten
&e// at /o=er 4rice 4oint& and earn %ig%er margin& becau&e t%e retai/er& can contro/ t%e co&t o'
t%eir 4roduction( 9or e>am4/e, Ba/0Mart o''er& F,F 4roduct& t%roug% it& K,reat 7a/ueK brand,
=%ic% %a& increa&ing/y &o/d a& con&umer& 'ee/ t%e rece&&ion &<ueeEe on t%eir di&4o&ab/e income(
9rom !G to !8, &a/e& o' $argetJ& 4ri5ate /abe/ 4roduct& ro&e an a5erage o' 1FH annua//y(
Large retai/er& are c/o&e to t%e con&umer&, %a5e t%e 4oint o' &a/e data on con&umer be%a5ior and
are in better 4o&ition to under&tand con&umer be%a5ior( $%e&e &trengt%& contribute to better

4ri5ate /abe/ 4roduct de5e/o4ment, =%ic% direct/y com4ete =it% )&, 4roduct&( *etai/er& a/&o
4romote t%eir o=n brand& a& t%ey earn %ig%er margin& on t%em( )&, %a& addre&&ed t%i& i&&ue by
continuou&/y in5e&ting in *e&earc% & .e5e/o4ment and introducing ne= 4roduct& a& =e// a&
o''ering di''erent 5er&ion& o' it& o=n 4roduct& at di''erent 4rice 4oint&(
So$ial Responsibilit#@
At )&,, Socia/ *e&4on&ibi/ity &tem& 'rom our Cor4orate )7) ()ur4o&e, 7a/ue&, )rinci4/e&)(
Socia/ )ro1ect& are in kee4ing =it% )&,?& credo o' OBu&ine&& Bit% a )ur4o&e?( )&, %a& a/=ay&
demon&trated it& commitment to t%e community not 1u&t t%roug% t%e <ua/ity o' it& 4roduct& and
&er5ice&, but a/&o t%roug% &ocia//y re&4on&ib/e initiati5e& 'or t%e community( Be be/ie5e in
bui/ding t%e community in =%ic% =e /i5e and o4erate by &u44orting it& ongoing de5e/o4ment(
P70 Cith +R> 7 Son# laun$hes FShiDsha- to help edu$ate %nderpri!ile*ed +hildren
Ea$h time #ou bu# a P70 produ$t& #ou help support one da#Bs edu$ation of one $hild
.id you kno= t%at India not on/y %a& t%e =or/d?& /arge&t number o' c%i/dren but a/&o t%e =or/d?&
/arge&t number o' c%i/dren =%o are unab/e to acce&& educationX Bit% a mi&&ion to make a
di''erence to t%i& a/arming &ituation, )rocter & ,amb/e ()&,) %a& 1oined %and& =it% India?&
4remier c%i/d rig%t& organi&ation C%i/d *e/ie' and :ou (C*:) and Sony 2ntertainment $e/e5i&ion
to /aunc% OShiDshaB& a 4rogram to %e/4 educate under4ri5i/eged c%i/dren acro&& India( ;nder
ShiDsha& )&, and Sony =i// a44ea/ to t%eir con&umer& and 5ie=er& to &u44ort t%e cau&e and
make it ea&y 'or t%em to do &o 0 a// an indi5idua/ %a& to do i& 4urc%a&e a /arge 4ack o' eit%er
Tide& Ariel& Pantene& 1ead 7 Shoulders& Re"oi$e& .i$Ds .apoRub or Pampers during A4ri/,
May and 8une !F, and %eL&%e =i// %e/4 &u44ort one da#Bs edu$ation of one $hild 4er 4ack
Irre&4ecti5e o' t%e &a/e o' it& brand& 'rom S%ik&%a, )&, %a& committed a minimum o' *&( 1
crore to C*:, =%ic% =i// be a//ocated by C*: to 4ro1ect& =it% a 'ocu& on education, &4read
acro&& IndiaD .e/%i, Barrack4ore (Be&t Benga/), 6ngo/e and C%i/ka/uri4et (And%ra )rade&%),

Be//ary (Carnataka), Sa/em ($ami/ +adu), Bo/angir (6ri&&a), and 6&manabad, Bard%a, +a5i
Mumbai, Bori5a/i (Ma%ara&%tra)(
)&, in 4artner&%i4 =it% S=ayam S%ik&%an )rayog (SS)) o4ened 'our Community *e&ource
Center& 'or t%e eart%<uake 5ictim& in t%e C%aka&ari, )aggi5and, -an1iya and 8od%4ar 5and&
(%am/et&) o' *a4ar $a/uka, Cutc% .i&trict, ,u1arat( $%e Community Center& 4ro5ide ba&ic
education 'or c%i/drenD training on bui/ding eart%<uake0re&i&tant &%e/ter& and %a& &u44orted t%e
'ormation o' !! BomenJ& Sa5ing& ,rou4& =%ic% contribute to=ard& an income0generating 'und,
'or 'uture entre4reneuria/ acti5ity( $%e )&,0SS) 4ro1ect 4o&iti5e/y im4act& !F 5i//age&, GMF
'ami/ie& and !!,F 4eo4/e and %e/4ed mobi/iEe =omen?& grou4& and communitie& in ,u1arat 'or
t%eir /ong0term &u&tainab/e de5e/o4ment( Credit 'und =i// be 4ro5ided a& a re5o/5ing 'und to
&e/'0%e/4 grou4&(
$%e o4erationa/ co&t 'or eac% Centre i& *&, !F, met by )&,( $%e center& %a5e been bui/t
'rom a ,u1arat 2art%<uake *e/ie' 9und created a'ter t%e eart%<uake o' !It% 8anuary !1 by
em4/oyee& o' )&, India, Bru&&e/&, 8a4an, Canada, among ot%er& and t%e Com4any contribution(
)&, em4/oyee& a/&o made contribution& direct/y to t%e *ed Cro&& Society 'or ot%er
re%abi/itation =ork in ,u1arat(
In addition, )&, i& current/y =orking on 'orming =omen?& micro0credit grou4& to en&ure t%e
&u&tainabi/ity o' t%e&e community center& and to 'urt%er em4o=er t%e&e =omen and increa&ing
t%e number o' community center& 'rom 'our to &e5en(
)&, and ;+IC29 /aunc%ed )ro1ect )o&%an to combat ma/nutrition in India( India %a& #H o'
t%e =or/d?& ma/nouri&%ed c%i/dren( )6S-A+ targeted t%ree key 4ro1ect&: an Ado/e&cent ,ir/&?
Initiati5e to educate gir/& in Mumbai &/um& on %ea/t% 4rob/em& and im4ro5e t%eir /i5e& =it%
Anemia 4re5ention t%roug% I9A tab/et&D a Bomen?& )arenting +et=ork in C%ennai to 4ro5ide

in'ormation on care during 4regnancyD and .ay care 4ro1ect& in 8ai4ur, =%ic% 'ocu&ed on
increa&ed 'ood intake and micro0nutrient&( 6nce again, )&, rai&ed *&( F /ak%& by contributing
*e( 1L0 'rom &a/e& o' /arge &iEe 4ack& o' Arie/, B%i&4er, -ead & S%ou/der& and )antene &o/d in
t%e mont%& o' May, 8une and 8u/y !(
)&, /aunc%ed )2AC2 a uni<ue 2n5ironmenta/ 2ducation )rogram 'or c%i/dren in &c%oo/&
acro&& Bombay and $%ane re4re&enting a cro&&0&ection o' economic background&( C%i/dren =ere
e>4o&ed to a 'a&cinating account o' t%e Indian en5ironmenta/ &cenario( $%e Mu/ti4/icity o' 2co0
Sy&tem& in India, Air Around ;&, Bater, So/id Ba&te and Ado4ting Con&er5ation in our
Li'e&ty/e& =ere t%e to4ic& dea/t =it% u&ing intere&ting media /ike mu&ic, game&, 4ro1ect0=ork,
&/ide&, 5ideo 'i/m&, grou4 di&cu&&ion&, etc(

)rocter & ,amb/e, a =or/d /eader in con&umer 4ackaged good&, &e//& near/y G brand& in more
t%an 1I countrie&( It %a& &a/e& o' W# bi//ion a year and 1G manu'acturing &ite& around t%e
)&, mea&ure& con&umer &ati&'action at t=o /e5e/&, =%ic% it ca//& t%e t=o 3moment& o' trut%(Q
$%e 'ir&t moment o' trut% occur& =%en t%e con&umer reac%e& t%e &%e/' and 'ind& t%at t%e de&ired
4roduct i&, or i& not, a5ai/ab/e( $%i& i& a critica/ moment, becau&e i' t%e 4roduct i& not
immediate/y a5ai/ab/e, t%e con&umer u&ua//y mo5e& on to buy a ri5a/ 4roduct( $%e &econd
moment o' trut% de4end& on t%e buyer?& &ati&'action =%en con&uming t%e 4roduct(
.etai/ed con&umer &ur5ey& in 8u/y ! to/d )&, t%at in FFH o' ca&e& (MFH 'or 4romotiona/
item&), con&umer& =ere not &ati&'ied =%en t%ey /ooked on t%e &%e/' 'or t%e 4roduct& t%ey =anted(
$%e e>act 4roduct 5ariant, in t%e &iEe and 4ackaging t%e &%o44er &oug%t, =a& a5ai/ab/e /e&& t%an
%a/' t%e time(
Somet%ing %ad to be done( *e&4on&ibi/ity 'or %a5ing t%e 4roduct on t%e &%e/' e5ery time a
&%o44er =ant& it u&ed to be &een a& 4ure/y a matter 'or t%e retai/er( I' retai/er& got t%eir 'oreca&t&
=rong and ordered t%e =rong 5o/ume&, t%e manu'acturer =a& not a=are o' t%e 4rob/em, or at
/ea&t not concerned about it( But, at t%e end o' t%e day, bot% t%e manu'acturer and t%e retai/er
=ere /o&ing( )&, =a& a%ead o' t%e 4ack in rea/iEing t%e &igni'icance o' t%i&, t%oug% ot%er
manu'acturer& are no= a/&o 'ocu&ing on t%e end con&umer, =%ic% i& one rea&on =%y t%e indu&try
i& &eeing &o many ne= C)9* (co//aborati5e 4/anning, 'oreca&ting and re4/eni&%ment) and 7MI
(5endor0managed in5entory) 4rogram&(
$o4 manager& in )&, began to rea/iEe t%at t%e com4any?& &u44/y net=ork needed to be re0
engineered &o t%at it =a& genuine/y re&4on&i5e to con&umer demand( $%i& =a& e&4ecia//y
im4ortant 'or 4romotiona/ item&, becau&e o' t%e co&t o' merc%andi&ing and 4romotiona/
acti5itie&, and t%e /ong0term negati5e im4act o' &tock0out& on con&umer&( A'ter cu&tomer& %a5e
been unab/e to buy t%e de&ired 4roduct and %a5e &=itc%ed to a/ternati5e&, it become& %ard to
4er&uade t%em to return to buying t%e initia/ 4roduct =%en t%ey go &%o44ing again( )&, decided
t%at &o4%i&ticated demand c%ain management, e&tab/i&%ing direct connection& bet=een &a/e& and

&u44/y c%ain bu&ine&& 4roce&&e&, cou/d be t%e key to maintaining it& /eading 4o&ition in t%e
con&umer 4ackaged good& indu&try( A& a re&u/t, a mu/ti0/e5e/ initiati5e =a& /aunc%ed, =%ic%
)&, ca//& it& 3con&umer0dri5en &u44/y net=orkQ (C.S+) 4rogram(
Problems for P70 and Suppliers@
9or t%e ma1or con&umer 4ackaged good& manu'acturer&, t%e &trategie& t%at are current/y being
4ur&ued by t%e =or/d?& mo&t com4etiti5e retai/ c%ain& are c%anging t%e game in t=o im4ortant
A& con&umer& come to e>4ect a greater a&&ortment o' 4roduct o4tion&, retai/er& are
re&4onding =it% greater 4roduct di''erentiation, dri5ing u4 &er5ice /e5e/ e>4ectation&(
Ca&% re<uirement& are creating 4re&&ure 'or &%orter order0to0de/i5ery cyc/e& and a mo5e
to=ard& '/o=0t%roug% di&tribution net=ork&( $%e&e trend& are a/ready beginning to
e/iminate t%e &a'ety &tock& t%at u&ed to be %e/d in re&er5e in t%e retai/ &u44/y net=ork(
$%i& &ituation create& &e5era/ ne= 4rob/em& t%at )&, and ot%er manu'acturer& need to come to
term& =it%(
Rea$tion times a$ross the suppl# netCorD ha!e been $ompressed
+urrent pro$esses $annot mo!e fast enou*h to deli!er Chat retailers need
Suppl# de$isions require timel#& detailed information that is not usuall# a!ailable
64timiEing &u44/y c%ain 4er'ormance demand& a radica/ ne= /ook at t%e =ay t%e 4artner& in t%e
&u44/y net=ork co//aborate, in5o/5ing retai/er&, manu'acturer& and &er5ice 4ro5ider&( )&,?& aim
%a& been to create ada4ti5e, re&4on&i5e &u44/y net=ork& t%at =i// /ink toget%er &a/e& and &u44/y
4roce&&e&, in&ide and out&ide t%e organiEation, to im4ro5e 4roduct a5ai/abi/ity( $%i& =i// a//o= it
to de5e/o4 demand c%ain management ca4abi/itie&, e&4ecia//y 'or 4romotion&( )romotiona/ item&
are t%e %ig%e&t 4riority, becau&e o' t%e /arge amount& o' money in5o/5ed in marketing 4rogram&(
I' manu'acturer& cannot de/i5er t%e 4roduct, t%ey /o&e a// t%e gro=t% t%at &%ou/d be generated by
t%eir marketing 4romotion&, %o=e5er muc% demand i& &toked u4(
NeC thinDin*& neC te$hniques& and neC te$hnolo*#
)&,?& 5i&ion o' a con&umer0dri5en &u44/y net=ork %a& t=o e&&entia/ e/ement&(

o Bui/ding co//aborati5e &u44/y c%ain& at &e5era/ /e5e/& (/oca/ market and g/oba/ market&,
'or e>am4/e)(
o 2n&uring t%at manu'acturing &ite& &er5ing bot% /oca/ and g/oba/ &u44/y net=ork& are
%ig%/y re&4on&i5e to c%ange& in demand, ba&ed on rea/0time data 'rom t%e &tore&(
Main requirements for su$$essful netCorD $ollaboration@
)&, %a& identi'ied t%e main re<uirement& 'or &ucce&&'u/ net=ork co//aboration under 'our
The potential to mo!e lar*e !olumes of data fast@ .ata &%ou/d be %and/ed
automatica//y, =it%out needing to be tran&'ormed or tran&/ated on arri5a/(
An adapti!e& d#nami$ approa$h that uses neC business appli$ations to monitor&
alert& e!aluate and& Chere appropriate& tri**er a$tion
The abilit# to establish $onne$tions qui$Dl# on demand& if ne$essar# Cithin hours
Enhan$ed ba$DAup and re$o!er# strate*ies for all the s#stems in!ol!ed@ $%e tec%nica/
c%a//enge& cannot be ignored, becau&e batc% 4roce&&ing =indo=& &oon narro= rig%t
do=n( $%i& i& e&4ecia//y critica/ i' t%e&e %armoniEed bu&ine&& a44/ication& are going to be
de4/oyed on a g/oba/ &ca/e(
)&, i& =orking =it% it& I$ &u44/ier& to de5e/o4 additiona/ 'unctiona/ity and to re&o/5e t%e
&ca/abi/ity 4rob/em& in%erent in mo&t ne= a44/ication&( But it %a& a/&o /earned t%e 5a/ue o'
a&&emb/ing and making a 'irm commitment to a &ma// grou4 o' tec%no/ogy 4artner& 'or &uc% an
ambitiou& g/oba/ 4ro1ect(

Basi$ distribution $hannel of P70@
Operations 7 suppliers@
)&,?& Su&tainabi/ity =ork goe& beyond t%e core o' our manu'acturing o4eration&, e>tending to
a %o/i&tic end0to0end 5ie= o' o44ortunitie&( Be de/i5er &trong re&u/t& acro&& t%e &u44/y c%ain,
ranging 'rom manu'acturing to 'ini&%ed 4roduct /ogi&tic&, and =e engage our &u44/ier&
t%roug%out t%e 4roce&&(
a) Manufa$turin*@
Bet=een t%e 4rocurement o' ra= materia/& and t%e creation o' a 4roduct, =e &tri5e to reduce
=a&te, =ater, energy, and C6! t%roug% &y&temic con&er5ation e''ort&( Be a44/y &mart eco0
de&ign t%roug% inno5ati5e con&truction 4roce&& im4ro5ement&( And, =e re0u&e =%ere
'ea&ib/e, gi5ing ne= /i'e to =%at =a& once =a&te(
b) ,inished Produ$t 6o*isti$s@
In t%e /ogi&tic& &tage, =e reduce =a&te in cu&tomiEation by a44/ying more &u&tainab/e
de&ign&( Be o4timiEe tran&4ortation e''iciency t%roug% a com4re%en&i5e mu/ti0mode

a44roac%, and no= go 'urt%er by /e5eraging common 3intermoda/Q container& acro&&
di''erent mode& o' tran&4ortation(
c) Supplier En*a*ement@
Be co//aborate c/o&e/y =it% &u44/ier& acro&& t%e entire &u44/y c%ain( 6ur ne= Su44/ier
Su&tainabi/ity Board inc/ude& member& 'rom o5er ! /eading g/oba/ &u44/ier& and i& c%arged
=it% guiding t%e de5e/o4ment o' &u44/ier0re/ated Su&tainabi/ity acti5itie& and goa/&(
9or decade&, )&, %a& tran&4orted 4roduct in a 3mu/ti0moda/Q 'a&%ion, t%at i&, u&ing mu/ti4/e
'orm& o' tran&4ort( But today, =e?re &%i'ting to=ard 3intermoda/Q tran&4ortation, =%ic% u&e&
&%i44ing container& t%at tran&'er &moot%/y 'rom one mode to anot%er(
An intermoda/ a44roac% o4timiEe& t%e tran&4ortation 4roce&&( And by &%i'ting a=ay 'rom truck&
and 4/ane& to boat& and train&, it &a5e& 'ue/ and reduce& C6! emi&&ion&(
) 5estern Europe@ More Trains& More 0ains
An intermoda/ 4rogram in Be&tern 2uro4e increa&e& t%e u&e o' train& in it& di&tribution
net=ork( Be'ore t%e e''ort, more t%an "H o' Be&tern 2uro4e?& 'ini&%ed 4roduct tra5e/ed on
truck&, co5ering o5er ! mi//ion ki/ometer& o' road&(
$%e intermoda/ 4rogram aim& to increa&e rai/ tran&4ortation 'rom 1H to GH by !1F,
reducing C6! emi&&ion& =it%out any trade0o''& in cu&tomer &er5ice or co&t( )i/ot 4rogram& in
Be/gium and 9rance %a5e been o4erating &ince 8u/y !8, and eac% %a& remo5ed u4 to F,
truck& 4er year 'rom t%e road&( $%e 4i/ot& %a5e reduced C6! emi&&ion& by more t%an #,
metric ton& 4er yearYan amount e<ua/ to t%e C6! 4roduced by /ig%ting more t%an 1F,
%ome& annua//y(
' North Ameri$a@ Tru$Ds and Trains Sa!e Diesel
A tran&4ort 4rogram in +ort% America, )&,?& 'ir&t to incor4orate an intermoda/ com4onent
combining truck& and train&, %a& reduced tran&4ortation co&t& and im4ro5ed Su&tainabi/ity

acro&& t%e region( ;&e o' intermoda/ tran&4ort %a& increa&ed by GH &a5ing 11 mi//ion /iter&
o' die&e/ 'ue/( 65era// mi/e& in +ort% America %a5e reduced by 1!H &ince t%e !ML!8
'i&ca/ year, =%i/e t%e &ame 5o/ume o' 4roduct %a& been de/i5ered(



6eadin* MarDet Position
Di!ersified and inno!ati!e produ$t
Stron* ,inan$es in past #ears
Gualit# $ontrol Problem
De$reased Re!enues in their
Northeast Asian MarDet
De!elopin* MarDets
Demo*raphi$ trends a$ross the
Risin* $ost of ener*# pri$es
E$onomi$ sloCdoCn in the %S and
NeC Re*ulations
Share0#an$om NeCsDesD& /anuar# H& '((H
1%6 read# to streamline distribution netCorD
-indu&tan ;ni/e5er Ltd (-;L), t%e country?& /arge&t %ou&e%o/d and 4er&ona/ care 4roduct&
maker by &a/e& i& increa&ing it& &o0ca//ed go to market (,$M) initiati5e, introduced in Mumbai
/a&t year, in an attem4t to re'urbi&% it& nationa/ di&tribution net=ork and &tream/ine it& &u44/y
c%ain( -;L?& ,$M initiati5e in Mumbai =a& aimed at rationa/iEing it& di&tribution net=ork,
make it more 4ro'icient, de/i5er &tock& to retai/er& 'a&ter and reduce in5entory on t%eir 4roduct
&%e/5e&( It 'armed out t%e ta&k o' &tock de/i5erie& to /ogi&tic& 4ro5ider Ma%indra Logi&tic& a& 4art
o' t%e Mumbai 4ro1ect(
Sai Prasanna Ra*u& Muthu 4umar R& IBS +ase De!elopment +entre& '((I
P70Bs 6o*isti$s Re!olution@ +oA$reatin* .alue
)ro/i'eration o' 4roduct&, brand&, com4anie& and e5en di&tribution c%anne/& and media, %a5e
nece&&itated con&umer good& indu&try giant& to &%i't t%eir attention 'rom brand marketing and
4o&itioning to=ard& a cro&&0'unctiona/ 'ocu&( B%i/e manu'acturer& 5ied 'or &igni'icant &%e/'
&4ace, retai/er& com4eted 'or =inning cu&tomer attention and /oya/ty( -o=e5er, t%eir inabi/ity in
rig%t/y a&&e&&ing con&umer demand created market imba/ance in t%e 'orm o' eit%er e>ce&&i5e
&tock& or &tock out&( $%e need to 4roduce and de/i5er good& ba&ed on rea/ demand made bot%
manu'acturer& and retai/er& ret%inkLre5ie= t%eir bu&ine&& re/ation&%i4& and co0create 5a/ue 'or
eac% ot%er( $%i& in5o/5ed integration o' t%eir o4eration& acro&& t%e &u44/y c%ain and de/i5ery o'
t%e rig%t& good& to t%e rig%t 4/ace at t%e rig%t time =it% t%e rig%t o4erationa/ co&t&(
/ohn 4err& +ontributin* Editor AA 6o*isti$s Mana*ement& 'J)J'((I
Pro$ter 7 *amble taDes in!entor# up a not$h
)rocter & ,amb/e i& 5ery muc% on to4 o' it& &u44/y c%ain game, it &ti// &ee& o44ortunity in
reducing it& =or/d=ide in5entory /e5e/&( $%at e>4/ain& =%y t%e com4any i& 4utting &o
muc% em4%a&i& on emerging 3mu/ti0ec%e/onQ in5entory management tec%no/ogy to kee4
in5entory /e5e/& do=n and cu&tomer &er5ice %ig%( )&, 'ocu&e& on in5entory o4timiEation,
64tion a& &o't=are 4artner, 'rame=ork 'or &e/ecting M2I too/&(

Prahlad 4rishnamurthi& IT+ 6td& O$tober 9& '((<
Suppl# +hain Mana*ement Solution for 1industan %nile!er
$%e Ade>a im4/ementation %a& im4ro5ed -LL?& 4roacti5e 4/anning ca4abi/ity and
manu'acturing and di&tribution e''iciency, =%ic% %a5e %e/4ed en&ure a more re&4on&i5e &u44/y
c%ain( $%e &o/ution %a& a/&o %e/4ed t%e com4any gain 5i&ibi/ity acro&& it& &u44/y c%ain, reduce
di&tribution /ead0time, and minimiEe t%e tota/ &u44/y0c%ain co&t(
Stock a5ai/abi/ity, mea&ured in term& o' Stock Ser5ice Inde>, %a& &igni'icant/y increa&ed, mo5ing
'rom IFH to "H( $%e com4any %a& a/&o rea/iEed a more e<uitab/e di&tribution o' &tock& =it%
o5era// ma/0di&tribution reducing 'rom 1"H to IH o' tota/ 5o/ume tran&4orted( Manua/
inter5ention %a& come do=n 'rom #H to &ub0Eero /e5e/&( .irect di&4atc%e& 'rom t%e 'actorie& to
t%e =%o/e&a/er net=ork %a5e increa&ed( 9ina//y, in term& o' 5o/ume, indirect di&4atc%e& 'rom
'ini&%ed good& =are%ou&e& %a5e come do=n 'rom a range bet=een M08H to bet=een G0#H
1arrison& 4eith& Suppl# +hain Mana*ement Re!ieC, O$tober )& '((;
P70Ks *lobal suppl# $hain starts Cith the $onsumer
$%i& &tudy &ay& t%at )rocter & ,amb/e i& dedicated to acce/erating gro=t% in de5e/o4ing market&
but t%i& &trategy 4re&ent& ne= c%a//enge& 'or t%e &u44/y c%ain( Since t%e beginning o' t%i&
decade, $%e )rocter & ,amb/e Com4any ()&,) %a& 'o//o=ed t%ree 4rimary gro=t% &trategie&:
1) 'ocu& on )&,J& bigge&t brand&, countrie&, and retai/ cu&tomer&D !) de5e/o4 'a&ter0gro=ing,
%ig%er0margin bu&ine&&e& &uc% a& beauty, %ea/t%, and %omeD and G) &er5e more o' t%e =or/dJ&
con&umer& by acce/erating gro=t% in de5e/o4ing market&( 2ac% o' t%e&e &trategie& %a&
contributed to )&,J& abi/ity to de/i5er to40/ine gro=t% at or abo5e t%e com4anyJ& target& 'or t%e
4a&t 'i5e con&ecuti5e year&(
. Rishi 4umar& 1#derabad & De$ '& '((;& The 1indu Business 6ine
6o*isti$s& suppl# $hain in rural areas $ould be neEt bi* opportunit#K
$%i& &tudy &ay& t%at A& t%e Indian retai/, manu'acturing and in'ra&tructure &ector& are 4oi&ed 'or
ra4id gro=t%, t%ey are 'aced =it% ne= c%a//enge& =%en it come& to /ogi&tic& and &u44/y c%ain
i&&ue& Y 4articu/ar/y in t%e unta44ed rura/ area& 'or 'arm 4roduce and de/i5ery o' good& and

Bit% o5er M 4er cent o' t%e economy centred around t%e rura/ 4art& o' t%e country, /ogi&tic&
4/ayer& are no= &eeking =ay& to addre&& t%i& i&&ue a& about W1 bi//ion =ort% 4otentia/ i& /atent
in t%e rura/ 4art& o' t%e country, according to )ro'e&&or 7i&=anad%am, 2>ecuti5e .irector o' t%e
Centre 'or ,/oba/ Logi&tic& and Manu'acturing Strategie& (,LAMS), at t%e Indian Sc%oo/ o'
Tom SteinertAThrelDeld& '((9A(<
Pro$ter 7 0amble@ Deli!erin* 0oods
$%i& &tudy &ay& )rocter & ,amb/e %a& &tream/ined it& &u44/y c%ain to 4ut more o' it& 4roduct& on
&tore &%e/5e& =%en cu&tomer& are ready to buy( 8ake Barr i& in c%arge o' K&u44/y c%ain
inno5ationK at $%e )rocter & ,amb/e Co( -e i& &u44o&ed to 'igure out %o= to get t%e con&umer
4roduct& giantJ& detergent&, &oa4& and 4er&ona/ care 4roduct& into t%e %and& o' F bi//ion
cu&tomer& in 1M countrie& more e''icient/y(

*e&earc% met%odo/ogy dea/& =it% t%e 5ariou& met%od& o' re&earc%( $%e 4ur4o&e o' t%e re&earc%
met%odo/ogy i& to de&cribe t%e re&earc% 4rocedure u&ed in t%e re&earc%( *e&earc% met%odo/ogy
o5era// inc/ude& t%e re&earc% de&ign, data co//ection met%od etc( *e&earc% Met%odo/ogy %e/4& in
carrying out t%e 4ro1ect re4ort by ana/yEing t%e 5ariou& re&earc% 'inding& co//ected t%roug% t%e
data co//ection met%od&(
Resear$h desi*n
*e&earc% de&ign i& an im4ortant and t%e 5ita/ 4art o' t%e re&earc%( *e&earc% de&ign 4ro5ide& an
e>ce//ent 'rame=ork 'or t%e re&earc% 4/an o' action( $%e 'unction o' t%e *e&earc% de&ign i& to
en&ure t%at t%e re<uired data i& in accordanceD re&earc% de&ign i& a b/ue 4rint 'or t%e re&earc%
&tudy, =%ic% guide& re&earc% in co//ecting and ana/y&i& t%e data(
9or t%i& re&earc% 4ro1ect eEplorator# method i& u&ed =%ic% o'ten re/ie& on &econdary
re&earc% &uc% a& re5ie=ing a5ai/ab/e /iterature andLor data, or <ua/itati5e a44roac%e& &uc% a&
in'orma/ di&cu&&ion& =it% con&umer&, em4/oyee&, management or com4etitor&, and more 'orma/
a44roac%e& t%roug% in0de4t% inter5ie=&, 'ocu& grou4&, 4ro1ecti5e met%od&, ca&e &tudie& or 4i/ot
&tudie&( $%e Internet a//o=& 'or re&earc% met%od& t%at are more interacti5e in nature
Data $olle$tion method@
$%e data co//ected 'or t%e re&earc% i& Se$ondar# data ie 'rom internet, book&, magaEine etc(
$%e <ue&tionnaire i& been 'i//ed manua//y and &ent to t%e di''erent con&umer& and retai/er& , and
re&4on&e& are a=aited(
Resear$h instrument
$%e in&trument u&e 'or data co//ection i& &tructured <ue&tionnaire( Sue&tion i& o4en and c/o&e
ended de4ending u4on t%e in'ormation t%at needed to be e/icited( I am a/&o u&ing t%e &ca/ing
tec%ni<ue to a&&e&& t%e attitude o' t%e cu&tomer(

Samplin* plan
Cee4ing a// t%e con&traint& in mind, I took a &am4/e &iEe o' a44ro>( G con&umer& and 1F
retai/er& ($%e &am4/ing 4rocedure i& &y&tematic &am4/ing( Sy&tematic &am4/ing re/ie& on
arranging t%e target 4o4u/ation according to &ome ordering &c%eme and t%en &e/ecting e/ement&
at regu/ar inter5a/& t%roug% t%at ordered /i&t( Sy&tematic &am4/ing in5o/5e& a random &tart and
t%en 4roceed& =it% t%e &e/ection o' e5ery kt% e/ement 'rom t%en on=ard&( In t%i& ca&e, k i&
(4o4u/ation &iEeL&am4/e &iEe)(
$%e Indian 9MC, market current/y a44ear& to be at a cro&&road&, and -;L are attem4ting to
c%ange cu&tomer 4erce4tion& o' t%eir brand& and =%ere &4eci'ic buying moti5ation& a44ear to be
re4/acing genera/itie&(
$%i& mean=%i/e i& <uite un/ike t%e =e&t =%ere buyer& con&ider ae&t%etic&, com'ort and &a'ety,
not nece&&ari/y in t%at order, be'ore 'ina/iEing a 4urc%a&e( 3It?& &marter to t%ink about emotion&
and attitude&, i' marketer& are to do a better 1ob o' marrying =%at a -;L o''er& to t%e con&umer?&
image o' t%e o''ering&( Anot%er im4ortant outcome o' t%e re&earc% i& t%e be/ie5abi/ity o' t%e
c/aim&( Mo&t o' t%e c/aim& are rea/i&tic and ea&y to under&tand( Mo&t o' t%e 4eo4/e don?t
under&tand t%e <ua/ity c/aim& by -;L(
$%e mind&et o' t%e Indian con&umer i& &uc% t%at %e i& de/ig%ted i' %e buy& a 4en a /itt/e c%ea4er
t%an %i& neig%bour( $%ing& are, %o=e5er, &/o=/y c%anging and cu&tomer& at t%e u44er end o' t%e
market are no= ready to 4ay more 'or more( I %o4e t%at t%i& a44roac% =i// &oon enter t%e ne=
era, maybe not =it% t%e &ame inten&ity(
Succe&& =i// /arge/y be determined to t%e e>tent a com4any can di''erentiate it&e/' in term& o'
intangib/e& t%at go =it% a )roductQ( $%u&, &ucce&& cou/d =e// %inge on t%e be&t o' bund/e o'
&er5ice& t%at -;L 4ro5ide&( -;L gre= 'rom Eero to t%e !,!I8 Mi//ion W, mark and t%e number
6ne 9MC, com4any in India t%i& year( Looking at t%e 4re&ent &cenario it can be &aid t%at t%oug%
t%ere i& /ot o' com4etition in t%e market but -;L i& 4icking u4 =e//( $%e /andmark ac%ie5ement
come& in M# year& in India a'ter c/inc%ing it& 'ir&t o5er&ea& &a/e(

25eryt%ing in t%i& =or/d %a& it& o=n ad5antage& and di&ad5antage& =%ic% &%o=& Onot%ing i&
4er'ect?( Some o' t%e /imitation& are a& 'o//o=&:
1( 6oC parti$ipation@ 6b5iou&/y many re&4ondent& %a5e not 4artici4ated in t%i& and %a5e a/&o
created &ome 4rob/em& =%ic% &im4/y &%o=& t%at t%ey =ere not intere&ted(
!( Biasness@ Sometime& intere&ted cu&tomer& =ere a/&o bia&ed &o t%e co//ected 'igure& in5o/5e
bot% 4o&iti5e and negati5e 'igure&(
G( It doe& not co5er a// t%e a&4ect& o' t%e com4any(
#( Sub"e$ti!e@ $%i& 4ro1ect on/y te//& you =%at it i& a// about(

6n t%e ba&i& o' re&earc%, =e 'ound t%at t%ere i& a nomina/ di''erence in t%e e''iciency o'
-indu&tan ;ni/e5er /imited 7i&0Z05i& )rocter and ,amb/e Ltd( I %a5e reac%ed to t%i& conc/u&ion
on t%e ba&i& o' 'o//o=ing 'inding&( $%ey are a& 'o//o=&(
A& 9rom t%e &tudy, I conc/uded t%at -indu&tan ;ni/e5er /imited %a& more brand& in it& ba&ket
t%en )rocter and gamb/e &o it i& more c/o&e to common man and touc%ing %i& or %er dai/y /i'e in a
more com4re%en&i5e manner(
Mo&t o' t%e 4eo4/e ("H) are u&ing t%e 4roduct o' -;L and are 5ery &ati&'ied =%i/e on/y 1H
con&umer& are not &ati&'ied(

1ul Brand ACareness

-;L &4end& /arge&t &4ender o' money on ad5erti&ement in t%e India( La&t year, -;L &4ent *&(
IF crore on ad5erti&ement&(
Pro$ter 7 0amble
It doe& not %a5e &trong di&tribution c%anne/ in India( In India, MIH 4o4u/ation i& re&iding in rura/
area& and t%eir di&tribution c%anne/ i& 5ery =eek in rura/ India and con&umer& are not a=are
about t%e 4roduct& o' )&,(
Bot% t%e com4anie& u&e t%i& ty4e o' &e/ection criteria to &e/ect t%e dea/er& in any 4articu/ar area(

+on$lusion@ .ea/er& o' -;L are &ati&'ied by t%e com4anie& &u44ort in t%ere &a/e& becau&e t%e
com4any 4ro5ide& t%em =it% 5ariou& &c%eme& and di&count&, =%erea& &ati&'action o' )&,
dea/er& /ie& in good 4romotiona/ acti5itie&, ad5erti&ement and t%e '/e>ibi/ity t%at t%e com4any
4ro5ide& t%em( According to t%e &enior o''icia/& o' )&, it =a& 'ound t%at it?& a 5o/ume ba&ed
com4any, %ence a// t%e abo5e &tated 4arameter& %e/4& t%e dea/er to attract more and more
1industan %nile!er limited@ -;L u&e& modi'ied truck& and rai/& to de/i5er t%e 4roduct& 'rom
5ariou& 4roduction &ite& to t%e dea/er&( $%ey are u&ing ne= &tate o' t%e art tec%no/ogy &o t%at t%ey
can e5en track e5ery &ing/e bott/e o' &%am4oo( $ran&4ortation co&t i& &%ared by -;L and t%e
Pro$ter and 0amble: )&, i& a/&o u&ing road and rai/=ay tran&4ortation &y&tem to de/i5er
4roduct 'rom 5ariou& 4roduction &ite& to t%e dea/er&( $%ey are a/&o u&ing /ate&t In'ormation
$ec%no/ogy to track t%ere con&ignment =%o&e backend i& managed by in'o&y&( 2ac% dea/er %a& to
kee4 t%e ,ood *ecei4t +ote (,*+) number and re4ort o' t%e =%o/e item& o' de/i5ered 4roduct&(
$ran&4ortation co&t i& 4aid by )&,(

+on$lusion@ Bot% )&, and -;L u&e& ad5anced tracking tec%no/ogy to track t%e good& and bot%
com4anie& u&e rai/=ay& and road=ay& 'or tran&4orting t%eir 4roduct&( In -;L tran&4ortation co&t
i& &%ared by -;L and t%e dea/er, =%ere a& at )&,, tran&4ortation co&t i& 4aid by )&,(
1industan %nile!er limited@ A& 'ar a& '/e>ibi/ity i& concernedD our grou4 'ound t%at -;L
4ro5ide& more '/e>ibi/ity in term& o' de/i5ery o' 4roduce( -;L %a& t%ere o=n =are%ou&e& in
e5ery &tate and i' t%e dea/er order& more, %e i& &u44/ied =it% t%e 4roduct& in time(
Pro$ter and 0amble: A& 'ar a& '/e>ibi/ity i& concernedD our grou4 'ound t%at )&, doe& not
4ro5ide& more '/e>ibi/ity in term& o' de/i5ery o' 4roduce and in taking order 'rom dea/er&(

+on$lusion@ our grou4 %a& 'ound t%at .ea/er& o' -;L are more &ati&'ied t%an t%e dea/er& o'
)&, and t%ere'ore -;L i& a &te4 a%ead in term& o' '/e>ibi/ity o' 4/acing order& and acce4ting
order& 'rom t%e dea/er&(
1industan %nile!er limited@ -indu&tan ;ni/e5er /imited c%anne/ &tructure& con&i&t o' =%o/e
&e//er, ma&& retai/er&, rura/ and modern trade( $%eir ne= a44roac% to di&tribution i& %o/i&tic and
&eek& a t%ree =ay con5ergence o' 4roduct a5ai/abi/ity brand communication and brand
e>4erience( $%ey are rein5enting di&tributionYcreating ne= c%anne/& and rede'ining t%e =ay
current c%anne/& are &er5iced( $%ey are bui/ding ne= ca4abi/itie& in training t%e /arge number o'
4eo4/e in5o/5ed in t%e&e initiati5e&(
Pro$ter and *amble@ )rocter and gamb/e?& c%anne/ &tructure a/&o %a5e =%o/e &e//er&, ma&&
retai/er&( $%ey are re5am4ing t%e com4any?& di&tribution &y&tem u&ing e''icient con&umer
re&4on&e [2 C *\ 4rinci4/e&( $%e ne= di&tribution &y&tem %a& gi5en t%e com4any con&iderab/e

co&t and 4roce&& e''iciencie& =%i/e &igni'icant/y a5ai/abi/ity and 5i&ibi/ity o' t%e com4any?&
4roduct in t%e &tore&(
+on$lusion@ -;L %a& more e''ecti5e and e''icient di&tribution net=ork a& com4ared to ) & ,,
=%ic% increa&e& t%e a5ai/abi/ity and 4re&ence o' -;L 4roduct( -;L i& a/&o gi5en em4%a&i& on
4enetrating t%e rura/ market a& =e//(
1industan %nile!er 6imited@ It de4end& on t%e condition and ty4e o' t%e 4roduct( I' com4any
'ee/& t%at it i& not t%e 'au/t o' t%e dea/er t%en com4any =ou/d return it, un&o/d 4roduct& are
mo&t/y taken back by -;L(
Pro$ter 7 0amble@ ) & , re4/ace& t%e damaged 4roduct =it% t%e ne= one, it mean& t%at t%e
damaged 4roduct are re4/aced by ne= 4roduct(

+on$lusion@ I 'ound t%at bot% t%e com4anie& take back t%e un&o/d 4roduct %o=e5er ) & , i&
more '/e>ib/e in returning t%e damaged 4roduct a& com4ared to t%e -;L( -ence ) & , i& more
'/e>ib/e %ere(
1industan %nile!er 6imited@ $%e 4er'ormance a44rai&a/ &y&tem in -indu&tan ;ni/e5er Limited
i& done under t%e &u4er5i&ory o' t%e A44rai&a/ &u4er5i&or( $%e &u4er5i&or kee4& track o' t%e
4er'ormance o' t%e em4/oyee& and ba&ed on t%eir 4er'ormance %e c%oo&e t%e rig%t met%od o'
4er'ormance a44rai&a/( t%e main met%od o' 4er'ormance a44rai&a/ t%at %a5e been ado4ted by
-indu&tan ;ni/e5er /imited are GI degree a44rai&a/ and &u4er5i&ory a44rai&a/ met%od&( it i&
done a& an ear/y e>erci&e and 4er'ormance a44rai&a/ 4arameter i& t%e 4a&t 4er'ormance o' t%e
Pro$ter And 0amble@ t%e 4er'ormance a44rai&a/ &y&tem in )rocter and gamb/e i& a/&o done
under t%e &u4er5i&ory o''icer and a/mo&t &ame met%od are u&ed a& in t%e -indu&tan;ni/e5er
+on$lusion@ $%ere i& %ard/y any di''erence& i& t%e 4er'ormance a44rai&a/ met%od& in bot% t%e
com4anie& (bot% t%e com4anie& are taking a/mo&t t%e &ame mea&ure& and &ame 4arameter& 'or
4er'ormance a44rai&a/ , %o=e5er bot% t%e com4any =ere not =i//ing to di&c/o&ed any c%ange&

broug%t in 4er'ormance a44rai&a/ &y&tem during t%e 4a&t 'i5e year& (bot% o' t%e com4anie& &aid
t%at t%ere %a5e been c%ange in &ome area& and =%ic% %a& &%o=n 4o&iti5e re&u/t&, but not =i//ing
to gi5e any rea&on& and =%at c%ange& %a5e been broug%t(
1industan %nile!er 6imited@ -;L %a& di''erent c%anne/ member& =it% &4eci'ied target& and
t%ey are intended to increa&e &a/e&, -;L %a& a/&o made c%ange& in c%anne/ member& during
!G0!8 to increa&e &a/e& o' t%e com4any( 25ery c%anne/ member %a& to 'u/'i// t%ere gi5en
target&, c%anne/ member& e>4ect t%e com4any o' *6I( 25ery c%anne/ member get& credit 4eriod
o' t=o =eek&( $%ere =a& a/&o c%ange in 4er'ormance a44rai&a/ &y&tem during !G0!8 to
im4ro5e &a/e&( -;L %a& a/&o made c%ange& in commercia/ term& intended to increa&e t%e &a/e& in
di''erent c%anne/& and a/&o to increa&e 4ro'it margin& to com4any(
Pro$ter 7 0amble@ )&, a/&o %a& di''erent c%anne/ member& =it% &4eci'ied target& and t%ey are
intended to increa&e &a/e& ()&, a/&o made c%ange& in c%anne/ member& during !G0!8 to
increa&e &a/e& o' t%e com4any( $%e c%anne/ member& e>4ect *6I de4ending on t%ere kno=/edge
and on t%ere 4er'ormance to( C%anne/ member& get credit 4eriod o' G day&( )ayment term& o'
)&, are a/&o '/e>ib/e to t%e c%anne/ member& and )&, a/&o %a& '/e>ib/e 4ayment term& )&,

a/&o o''er& many di&count& to t%e&e c%anne/ member&( )&, %a& made many c%ange& to t%ere
commercia/ term& during !G0!8 to increa&e &a/e&(

+on$lusion@ Bot% -;L and )&, are '/e>ib/e to c%anne/ member&, but -;L run& &ome
mono4o/y o5er t%e market by o''ering a credit 4eriod o' on/y t=o =eek& =%ere a& )&, o''er&
credit 4eriod o' G day&( -;L a/&o &et& target& to t%ere c%anne/ member& and 4ro5ide& 5ery /e&&
margin& to dea/er& com4ared to )&,(
1industan %nile!er 6imited@ -;L i& em4%a&iEing on rura/ area& t%roug% 4ro1ect S%akti t%e&e
day& and &a/e& a/&o %a5e been increa&ed and -;L doe& not %a5e any &a/e& out/et& -;L a&&ign&
&a/e& territory to t%ere &a/e& 4er&on& according to t%ere &ki// and e>4erience and a&&ign& target& to
t%em( )er'ormance a44rai&a/ o' &a/e& 'orce i& done by a44rai&a/ &u4er5i&or and it i& done t%roug%
GI degree a44rai&a/ met%od, 4arameter u&ed i& 4er'ormance o' t%e &a/e& 4er&onne/( -;L ado4t&
on t%e 1ob and o'' t%e 1ob training &y&tem to t%ere &a/e& 'orce it i& em4%a&iEed on im4ro5ing &ki//
and e>4erience o' t%e &a/e& 4er&onne/( Sa/e& 4er&onne/ are moti5ated t%roug% incenti5e& and
Pro$ter and 0amble@ )&, %a& increa&ed t%e number o' out/et& in t%e country and t%e
4o4u/ation in t%e area a/&o increa&ed and t%ere i& no e''ect on &a/e&( )&, &et& target& to t%ere

&a/e& 'orce on t%e ba&i& o' increa&e or decrea&e in demand and a/&o according to t%e 4re5iou&
&a/e& , &a/e& territorie& are a&&igned according to t%e ca4abi/itie& o' t%e &a/e& 4er&onne/,
re&4on&ibi/ity o' t%e &a/e& 4er&onne/ i& to c/ari'y t%e doubt& o' t%e cu&tomer and make &a/e& o' t%e
4roduct( )er'ormance a44rai&a/ o' &a/e& 'orce i& done by t%e manager by doing meeting =it%
t%em 4arameter& o' a44rai&a/ i& increa&e or decrea&e in &a/e& it i& done on mont%/y ba&i&( )&,
train& t%eir &a/e& 'orce by on t%e 1ob training and training 4roce&& i& em4%a&iEed on &ki// and
e>4erience, )&, %a& a/&o broug%t many c%ange& in t%e training &y&tem t%at %a& a''ected it& &a/e&
too( )&, moti5ate& t%eir &a/e& 'orce by 4ro5iding t%em =it% target& and incenti5e&(
+on$lusion@ Bot% )&, and -;L train& t%eir &a/e& 'orce and %a& a good 4er'ormance a44rai&a/
&y&tem, )&, doe& a44rai&a/ on a mont%/y ba&i& de4ending on increa&e and decrea&e o' &a/e&
=%ere a& -;L doe& it once in a year(


Bot% t%e com4anie& %a5ing good market &%are in India and it kee4 on increa&ing( Bot% t%e co( i(e(
-;L and )&, &%ou/d o4en e>c/u&i5e &%o4( -;L i& a/ready %a5ing e>c/u&i5e &%o4 in Mumbai
ca//ed SA+,AM S$6*2( But it i& on/y in India &o it &%ou/d be increa&ed( $%e em4/oyee &%ou/d
be gi5en uni'orm& in =%ic% t%e name o' t%e com4any &%ou/d be 4rinted, by doing t%i& t%e &a/e&
4eo4/e get moti5ated( $%e&e &%o4& &%ou/d be o4ened 'or !# %our&( $%ey &%ou/d o''er !# %our&
'ree %ome de/i5ery &y&tem( $%e de/i5ery 5e%ic/e &%ou/d be attracti5e t%e name o' t%e com4any
&%ou/d be 4rinted in t%at &o t%at it become& t%e &ource& o' ad5erti&ement(
$%e com4anie& &%ou/d em4%a&i& on it& ad5erti&ementD t%ere &%ou/d be B*A+. 9I$ in t%at( 9or
e>am4/e =%en /u> /aunc% it& ad5erti&ement in =%ic% S%aruk% C%an =a& =it% gir/D( It =a&
%ea5i/y criticiEed becau&e it =a& not 'it =it% t%e brand( It ad5er&e/y a''ect& t%e o4inion o' t%e
cu&tomer and it re&u/t& in decrea&e in &a/e&(
Bot% com4anie& &%ou/d em4%a&i& t%eir bu&ine&& in area&( $%ey &%ou/d 4enetrate t%eir bu&ine&& in
t%e rura/ area&( MGH o' t%e Indian 4o4u/ation /i5e& in rura/ area&( $%ere i& %uge market t%ere and
5ery /e&& market %a& been 4enetrated( Bot% t%e&e com4anie& &%ou/d concentrate on rura/ area&(
)&, %a& been %ard/y been &een in t%e rura/ area&( So t%ey &%ou/d increa&e t%eir 4re&ence(
$%ey &%ou/d increa&e t%eir CS* acti5itie& in nort%ern India( At 4re&ent t%ey are current/y doing
t%eir CS* in &out%ern India( So t%ey &%ou/d increa&e t%eir acti5itie& in nort% India a/&o(
Re$ommendations to Impro!e the Distribution NetCorD of 1%6@
Ser5icing C%anne/ 4artner& and cu&tomer& =it% continuou& dai/y re4/eni&%ment(
Le5eraging &ca/e and bui/ding e>4erti&e to &er5ice Modern $rade and *ura/ Market&(
.e/i5ering o' &a/e& 'orce to im4ro5e re&4on&e time& and &er5ice /e5e/&(
;ndertaking &e5era/ initiati5e& 'or traditiona/ c%anne/& in order to im4ro5e it& ca4abi/itie&
at t%e 'ront end by de5e/o4ing &ki//& 'or &tocki&t&J &a/e& 'orce(
Launc%ing o' &e5era/ 4romotiona/ &c%eme& 'or e>i&ting =%o/e&a/er& and di&tributor&( 9or
in&tance, it %a& &tarted t%e O7i1eta0 *i&%ta 8eet Ca? &c%eme /a&t year to 4ro5ide a 4/at'orm
'or t%e =%o/e&a/er and -;L to gro= t%e bu&ine&& by earning 4oint& and redeeming t%em(

+ustomer Sur!e# Guestionnaire
D!sc+'!4%$3 T1% #'t' co++%ct%# b- t1% .o++o5!"( 6u%st!o""'!$% !s 2u$%+- .o$ 'c'#%4!c 2u$2os%7 '"# "ot
.o$ '"- .u$t1%$ co44%$c!'+ o$ 2%$so"'+ us%.
Name Age 1F 0 ! year& ]]]
!10 !F year& ]]]
!I 0 G year& ]]]
G1 0 GF year& ]]]
GI 0 # year& ]]]
#10 F year& ]]]

)/ace )ro''e&ion Sa/ary
S1( 1oC man# members are there in #our famil#X
S!( 1a!e #ou e!er heard of 1%6 21industan %nile!er 6imited3X
:2S ]]] +6 ]]]
1a!e #ou e!er heard of P70 2 Pro$tor 7 0amble3M
:2S ]]] +6 ]]]
I' :e&, 'rom =%ereX
+e=&4a4er MagaEine&
$e/e5i&ion 6t%er& ]]]]]]]

SG( Are #ou usin* an# of folloCin* produ$tsX
]]]] ]]]]
]]]] ]]]]

]]]] ]]]]
]]]] ]]]]
]]]] ]]]]
]]]] ]]]]
]]]] ]]]]
]]]] ]]]]
S#( If #es& then are #ou satisfiedX
:2S +6 CA+?$ SA:
SF( If No& then reason bein*
)oor <ua/ity -ig% 4rice&
+o &er5ice& 6t%er&

SI( 5hi$h brand do #ou use in the folloCin* $ate*ories
Personal 5ash
B*A+. )ACCA,I+,
1Fgm& !F gm& Fgm& 8Fgm& 1gm&
B*A+. )ACCA,I+,
Fgm& 1Fgm& !Fgm& Fgm& 1 Cg& FCg&
S;*9 2@C2L

SDin +are
B*A+. )ACCA,I+,
Fgm& MFgm& 1!Fgm& !Fgm&
9air n Lo5e/y
)ond?& cream
6/ay cream
Lakme moi&turiEer

Oral +are
B*A+. )ACCA,I+,
Fgm& MFgm& 1!Fgm& !Fgm&
C/o&e ;4

+olor +osmeti$s

SM( B%at *ecommendation& or &ugge&tion& =ou/d you /ike to gi5e 'or
Im4ro5ement o' our 4roduct&X


Retailer Sur!e# Guestionnaire
D!sc+'!4%$3 T1% #'t' co++%ct%# b- t1% .o++o5!"( 6u%st!o""'!$% !s 2u$%+- .o$ 'c'#%4!c 2u$2os%7 '"# "ot
.o$ '"- .u$t1%$ co44%$c!'+ o$ 2%$so"'+ us%.
+AM2: ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] +AM2 69 $-2 S-6)]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
7ILLA,2]]]]]]]]]]]]] $2-SIL]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] .IS$*IC$]]]]]]]]]]]]]
C6+$AC$ .2$AILS ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
) Do #ou Deep produ$ts of 1%6 and P70 in #our shopM 2 please ti$D marD on the
appropriate ansCer3
a)(:e& AA( b)( +o AAA(
(I' t%e an&=er i& ye& t%en go to <ue&tion number: G )
' 5h# donBt #ou Deep the produ$ts of 1%6 and P70 in #our shop or Ch# did #ou stop
Deepin* its produ$tsM
:e& +o
a)( erratic &u44/y
b)( /ack o' demand
c)( /o= margin
d)( no &u44/ier
e)( don?t kno= about t%e com4any
8 ,rom Chom do #ou pur$hase #our produ$tM
1)( .i&tributor
!)( .ea/er
G)( Agency
#)( B%o/e&a/er

9 1oC do #ou rate the deli!er# pro$ess b# the dealerM
1( 2>ce//ent
!( Abo5e A5erage
G( A5erage
#( Be/o= A5erage
F( 2>treme/y )oor
: 1oC man# dealers are there in the distri$tM
b) $=o(
c) $%ree(
d) More t%an t%ree(

; 5hi$h !ehi$le do the# mainl# use for deli!er#M
1)( $=o =%ee/er
a)( &cooter&]] , b) motorbike]](
!) $%ree =%ee/er
G) 9our =%ee/er
a) 7an]], b) truck]], c) ot%er&]](
< 5hat are the other s$hemes and in$enti!es offered b# themM
I 5hi$h of the folloCin* produ$ts do #ou DeepM
Personal 5ash
6uE :(*ms
Rs ):JA
Rs ':JA
1amaam :(*ms
Rs <JA
Rs ):JA
Do!e :(*ms
Rs 8(JA
Rs 9:JA
6irl :(*ms
Rs ):JA
Rs ':JA
Bree?e :(*ms
Rs )(JA
Rs '(JA

Surf eE$el ':(*ms
) D*s
Rs 9:JA
Rs <:JA
5heel ':(*ms
) D*s
Rs )(JA
Rs ':JA
Rs :(JA
Tide ':(*ms
) D*s
Rs ):JA
Rs ':JA
DaCn ':(*ms
) D*s
Rs 8:JA
Rs <:JA
Rin poCder ':(*ms
) D*s
Rs )(JA
Rs ''JA

SDin +are
,air n lo!el# $ream )': ml
':( ml
:(( ml
Rs 9:JA
Rs <:JA
PondBs Chite $ream )': ml
':( ml
:(( ml
Rs )'(JA
Rs '9:JA
Rs 9:(JA
6aDme fruit
)': ml
':( ml
:(( ml
Rs ):(JA
Rs ':(JA
Oral +are
Pepsodent :(*ms
Rs 8:JA
Rs 9:JA
+lose up :(*ms
Rs 8(JA
Rs 9(JA
+rest toothpaste :(*ms
Rs :(JA
Rs <:JA


A>e ]]]]]]]] Lakme ]]]]]]]]
*e>ona ]]]]]]]]

+olour +osmeti$s

Lakme ]]]]]]]] 6t%er& ]]]]]]]]

1( B%at im4ro5ement& =ou/d you /ike to %a5e in t%e di&tribution 4roce&&X

.ana0+ico/eta La&cu, Internationa/ Marketing, Managing Bor/d=ide 64eration& in a
C%anging Internationa/ 2n5ironment, BiEtantra )ub/ication&, 2dition (!I), 44 1M"0!"M(
)%i/i4 Cot/er, Marketing Management, 11t% 2dition, )rentice %a// India 4ub/ication&, 4410
+orman ,ait%er, ,reg 9raEier, 64eration& Management, Indian 2dition, "t% 2dition,
Cengage Learning 4ub/ication&, 44 !!"0!IF(
7a/arie A ^eit%am/, .=ayne . ,rem/er, Mary 1o Bitner, A1ay )andit, Ser5ice& Marketing0
Integrated cu&tomer 'ocu& acro&& t%e 'irm, #t% edition, S4ecia/ India 2dition, $ata Mc,ra=0
-i// )ub/ication& +e= .e/%i, 44 180!1G(
A5tar Sing%, La= o' In&urance, !nd edition, 2a&tern Book Com4any, 44 18G0!GI
Cam4,*(C((1"8"),Benc%marking: Searc% 'or indu&try Be&t )ractice& t%at /ead to &u4erior
4er'ormance, ASSC Sua/ity )re&&, Mi/=aukee, Bi&con&in, (;(S(A)
,o4a/ Iyangar, M Cru&%nakumar, Anand ,oda&e: Su44/y c%ain management A conce4tua/
'rame=ork: )age G1G0!1", ICCSM 8ourna/, May!!
+(M(and )rice, A(.(9( 1""F, Benc%marking: )er'ormance im4ro5ement to=ard& Com4etiti5e
ad5antage, 8ourna/ o' Management in 2ngg(,11(1),!80GM
)/oo& 5an Am&te/ and ,uideo .( (1""I), )er'ormance indicator& in .i&tribution,
Internationa/ 8ourna/ o' Logi&tic& Management, M(1), 44 MG08!(

B( 8o&e4% )ine, 8ame& -( ,i/more (1"""), The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre &
Every Business a Stage, )ub/i&%ed by -ar5ard Bu&ine&& )re&&, !F# 4age&(
Maria 8imeneE, Lora Cecere, Caren )eter&on and 9rank Buytendi1k (23 May 2!",#
Mea&uring Co//aborati5e Su44/y C%ain 2''ecti5ene&&Q(
Cat%y S4encer (!$ %cto&er 2!",# $%e Bra5e +e= Bor/d o' Su44/ier *e/ation&%i4
-ung Le-ong (!' %cto&er 22",#;nder&tand B%at?& .ri5ing :our *etai/ .emand
,i// Mander (!! %cto&er 22",#S<uare Sou4 -e/4& S<ueeEe Air 6ut o' t%e Su44/y
Lar&on, )(.( and -a//dor&&on, A( (!#)( Logi&tic& 5er&u& &u44/y c%ain management: an
internationa/ &ur5ey( Internationa/ 8ourna/ o' Logi&tic&: *e&earc% & A44/ication, 7o/( M,
I&&ue 1, 1M0G1(
;ni/e5er admit& to>ic dum4ing: =i// c/ean u4 but not come c/eanK( ,reen4eace( *etrie5ed
KMon&anto, ;ni/e5er u&e C%i/d Labour in IndiaK( India Committee o' t%e +et%er/and&(
*etrie5ed !M080!(
-indu&tan ;ni/e5er agree& to =it%dra= /ock out, .omdooma 'actory to reo4en A&&am
$ime& ! Se4tember, !M
K;ni/e5er %a& announced it& intention to %a5e a// o' it& 4a/m oi/ certi'ied &u&tainab/e by
!1FK( *etrie5ed !80F01
*o/' ,( )o/u%a: (pp)ication o* the S+%, Mo-e) in Supp)y +hain Management(
:oung&to=n, +e= :ork !M, ISB+ 1"G##G!G(
*a1e&%, :( )( (!80110!M)( KCarkareJ& re&4on&e to deat% t%reat: a &mi/eyK( $%e Indian
2>4re&&( *etrie5ed !80110!"
KArre&t& o' J-indu terrori&t&J embara&&e& B8)K( -indu&tan $ime&( !8010!8( *etrie5ed

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