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CCNA2 Packet Tracer - Who Hears the Broadcast?

Part 1 Observe Broadcast Tra!!ic i" a #$AN %&'(e&e"tatio"
Part 2 Co&'(ete )evie* +,estio"s
- What are at (east 3 other a''(icatio"s avai(ab(e !or ,se?
AN-W.) -o,cre %P Address/ TO-/ -i0e

- C(ick Ca't,re12or*ard t*ice. What ha''e"ed to the 'acket?
AN-W.) The PC3 se"ds 'acket to the s*itch. The" the s*itch se"ds back the 'acket
to PC3-PC4. PC3-PC4 se"ds back the 'acket to s*itch. The" it se"ds back to PC3.
- %! a PC i" #$AN 13 se"ds a broadcast &essa5e/ *hich devices receive it?
AN-W.) -*itch1 receives the broadcast &essa5e the" se"ds back to the PCs
- %! a PC i" #$AN 23 se"ds a broadcast &essa5e devices receive it?
AN-W.) -*itch1 receives the broadcast &essa5e the" se"ds back to the PCs
- %! a PC i" #$AN 33 se"ds a broadcast &essa5e devices receive it?
AN-W.) -*itch1 receives the broadcast &essa5e the" se"ds back to the PCs
- What ha''e"s to a !ra&e se"t !ro& a PC i" #$AN 13 to a PC i" #$AN 33?
AN-W.) %t *i(( !ai( beca,se the6 are i" di!!ere"t #$ANs.

- Which 'orts o" the s*itch (i5ht ,' i! a PC co""ected to 'ort 11 se"ds a ,"icast
&essa5e to a PC co""ected to 'ort 13?
- Which 'orts o" the s*itch (i5ht i! a PC co""ected to 'ort 2 se"ds a ,"icast &essa5e to
a PC co""ected to 'ort 23?
AN-W.) The 2ast.ther"et 'orts are the 'orts o" the s*itch (i5ht i! a PC co""ected to
'ort 2 se"ds a ,"icast &essa5e to a PC co""ected to 'ort 23
- %" ter&s o! 'orts/ *hat are the co((isio" do&ai"s o" the s*itch?

- %" ter&s o! 'orts/ *hat are the broadcast do&ai"s o" the s*itch?
#$ANs a((o* a" ad&i"istrator to se5&e"t "et*orks based o" !actors s,ch as !,"ctio"/
'roject tea&/ or a''(icatio"/ *itho,t re5ard !or the 'h6sica( (ocatio" o! the ,ser or device.
The be"e!its o! #$AN are
Cost red,ctio"
Better 'er!or&a"ce
-hri"k broadcast do&ai"s
%&'roved %T sta!! e!!icie"c6
-i&'(er 'roject a"d a''(icatio" &a"a5e&e"t

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