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Strand: Sub Strand Content Description Elaboration in this unit of work

Language: Text Structure and

Investigate how the organisation of texts into
chapters, headings, subheadings, home pages and
sub pages for online texts and according to
chronology or topic can be used to predict content
and assist navigation (ACELA1797)
Learning Experience Two: Students identify different
parts of books and explain why they are important.
Learning Experience Three: Students identify aspects of
information texts
Literacy: Interpreting,
analysing, evaluating
Identify and explain characteristic text structures
and language features used in imaginative,
informative and persuasive texts to meet the
purpose of the text (ACELY1701)
Learning Experience Four: Students look at the different
information text structures, focusing on sequence.
Learning Experience Six: Students look at the cause
and effect text structure.
Learning Experience Eight: Students look at the
problem and solution structure.
Learning Experience Ten: Students look at the compare
and contrast structure.
Learning Experience Twelve: Students look at the
description structure.
Learning Experience Fifteen: Students complete
formative assessment on all text structures
Learning Experience Sixteen: Students identify different
aspect of a book
Learning Experience Seventeen: Students identify
aspect of the text
Literacy: Creating texts Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and
persuasive print and multimodal texts,
choosing text structures, language features,
images and sound appropriate to purpose
and audience (ACELY1704)
Learning Experience Five: Students do a small writing
task on sequence text structure
Learning Experience Seven: Students do a small writing
task on cause and effect structure.
Learning Experience Nine: Students do a small writing
task on problem and solution structure.
Learning Experience Eleven: Students do a small
writing task on compare and contrast structure.
Learning Experience Thirteen: Students do a small
writing task on description structure.
Learning Experience Seventeen: Teacher and students
rewrite a text
Learning Experience Eighteen: Students are planning
their final assessment text
Learning Experience Nineteen: Students draft their final
assessment text
Learning Experience Twenty-One: Students publish
their final assessment text
Literacy: Interpreting,
analysying, evaluating
Use comprehension strategies to analyse
information, integrating and linking ideas from a
variety of print and digital sources (ACELY1703)
Learning Experience Fourteen: Students look at two
texts and analyse the information.

Literature: Responding to
Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas,
text structures and language features on particular
audiences (ACELT1795)
Learning Experience Five: Students write texts using the
correct language to describe text structures
Learning Experience Seven: Students write texts using
the correct language to describe text structures
Learning Experience Nine: Students write texts using
the correct language to describe text structures
Learning Experience Eleven: Students write texts using
the correct language to describe text structures
Learning Experience Thirteen: Students write texts
using the correct language to describe text structures
Learning Experience Fourteen: Students write texts
using the correct language to describe text structures
Learning Experience Sixteen: Students write texts using
the correct language to describe text structures
Learning Experience Seventeen: Teacher and students
work on forming a new version of a text
Literacy: Creating Texts Reread and edit student's own and others work
using agreed criteria for text structures and
language features (ACELY1705)
Learning Experience Twenty: Students edit each others

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