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Table of contents
Introduction 2
Our body 3
Stress and te u!an body 3
"o!!on ail!ents of te body #
$nealty lifestyle %
Here enters fastin& '
Fastin& and its a((lications )
Fast facts about fastin& )
Fastin&* Soul+ !ind and body ,
-inds of fastin& ..
/re(arin& to fast .2
Sta&es of fastin& .3
Fastin& for ealin& te body .#
Fast te ealty 0ay .1
Wo sould not fast .%
Ti(s on fastin&.'
Sa!(le fastin& (ro&ra! for starters .)
"onclusion 22
Te idea of fastin& is still tied to te s(iritual and reli&ious (ractices* Wen 0e first eard
about fastin&+ 0e i!!ediately relate te ter! to te "atolics 0o (ractice tis durin& Lent or to
3usli!s durin& 4a!adan* In ancient ti!es 0en (eo(le fasted tey belie5ed tat doin& so
0ould i!(ro5e teir clarity of tou&t+ and brin& s(iritual enli&ten!ent and ins(iration* In fact
!any (eo(le 0o fast relay a feelin& of bein& !ore re!o5ed fro! te (ysical and a !ore
s(iritually focussed consciousness* It sould be reflected o0e5er+ tat a5in& stron& 5alues is
inte&ral to tis 6 as !ental attitude is u&e (art of ones sense of te 0orld*
3ost 0ould consider fastin& as a s(iritual enli&ten!ent* 7ut 0at is really beind
fastin& tat tose 0o (ractice it a5e an aura of 0ell content!ent and a((iness* Tose 0o
(ractice te! don8t see! to a5e te effect of te en5iron!ent on teir (ysical outloo9*
A fe0 of us a5e tried fastin& but not e5eryone understands its conce(t and benefits
terefore te !ore 0e need to 9no0 on te sub:ect to fully &ras( its benefits*
For tose 0o already are in fastin&+ you8re furter &i5en te insi&ts of fastin&* Te
benefits to be fully en:oyed+ one !ust acco!(any it 0it ealty lifestyle and ealty eatin&
abits* Fastin& is useless if 0e don8t a5e te t0o to acco!(any it 0it te t0o*
As you read on+ you 0ill find a lot of infor!ation on te to(ic* And you near te end of
tis+ you can be assured tat you 0ill learn !ore tan 0at you ex(ect* Ten (era(s see tat
can&e you al0ays 0anted*
Ta9e note o0e5er tat results 0ill 5ary 0it eac (erson as eac and e5ery one of us
res(onse differently* T0o (eo(le can be sub:ected to te sa!e conditions and teir reactions can
be ;uite different* So ne5er co!(are your results 0it anoter+ 0at is i!(ortant is tat you feel
tat (ositi5e can&e in your body+ !ind and soul*
"In my opinion, the greatest discovery by modern man is the power to rejuvenate himself
physically, mentally, and spiritually with Rational Fasting." The Miracle of Fasting by Paul
Bragg, !, Ph!
Our body
Te body is a (ysical structure of a li5in& tin&* It is !ade u( of cells+ tissues+ or&ans
and syste!s tat 0or9 and in and* Tey for! a co!(lex syste! of relationsi( tat te
absence of one &reatly cri((les te entire body* Te loss of an eye !a9es it ard for our oter
syste!s to &ras( te e5ents a((enin& around and !ust rely to te re!ainin& senses*
Our body is one 0onderful !acine+ a 0onder of science* Te co!(lexity of it and o0
it is able to (erfor! so !any tin&s at a ti!e often leads it to bein& called te <0onder !acine=*
It ne5er runs out of battery+ it could do 0or9 all by itself+ it could e5en (rocesses different
a((lications+ it could co!e u( 0it solutions and so !uc !ore*
Our body could do so !any tin&s tat al!ost eac and e5ery sin&le one of us are testin&
and (usin& our bodies to te li!it* We defy te la0s set by nature about carin& for our body*
And 0en our body see!s to be slo0in& do0n+ 0e si!(ly re5i5e it 0it caffeine o5er and o5er
a&ain e5en to te (oint of o5erloadin& oursel5es 0it it*
We are in touc 0it our body tat 0e 9no0 0at it8s ca(able of and sad to say+ tis
9no0led&e led to te abuse of our body trou& te years* We eat li9e tere is no to!orro0s
because 0e (erfectly 9no0 tat te body 0ill si!(ly di&est+ absorb and excrete 0at 0e eat* We
drin9 and s!o9e because 0e 9no0 tat our body as its defence syste! 0or9in& round te
cloc9* We drin9 !edicines anyti!e 0e 0ant because 0e 9no0 tat our body could ta9e te!*
>et do 0e also 9no0 tat too !uc abuse of 0at our body can do is also bad? Our body
is :ust li9e any !acine tat once it reaces its li!it+ it brea9s do0n* Too !uc alcool+
unealty food and lifestyle co!bined 0it stress is extre!ely ar!ful to our body* As 0e a&e+
te !axi!u! ca(acity of our body 0ill only reac its (ea9 once and 0ill decrease o5er ti!e*
7ecause of te decrease+ our body beco!es (rone to different ail!ents and sic9ness+ 0e beco!e
0ea9 o5er ti!e and if 0e don8t eed to te (leas of our a&in& body+ tis :ust !i&t cause us our
It !ust be re!e!bered tat our body sould be andled 0it care :ust as 0e do 0it
oter tin&s* We !ust al0ays lo5e and care for it*
Stress and the human body
Wat is stress? It is said tat stress is a condition tat al!ost e5eryone can relate in an
e5eryday sense* Stress is not ne0 and 0e are no stran&er to stress* Al!ost e5erytin& and e5ery
0ere tere is stress+ tere is stress in te 0or9(lace+ at o!e at scool and e5en in e!otional
(ers(ecti5e* And 0e !ust re!e!ber tat stress 0ill ne5er &i5e our bodies &ood benefits+ in sort
stress ne5er ser5e us 0ell*
Ho0 a (erson reacts to stress differs* Stress is caused by different factors and 0it
different resolutions* Our (ersonality and e!otions 0ill deter!ine o0 !uc te effect of stress
on our body 0ill be* So!e !ay a5e i&er stress tresold as co!(ared to us* Tese (eo(le are
able to !eet u( 0it deadlines cal!ly and still &i5e (ositi5e results*
7ut te (ysical effects of stress on our body can be 5ery da!a&in& our e!otional and
(ysical ealt* Wile te effects are subtle+ te lon& ter! effects of stress are deadly* E5en !ore
alar!in& is te lon& ter! effect of stress on our body* It 5ery !uc acce(table to acce(t te fact
tat stress sortens our li5es* Increased ris9 of eart disease+ ner5ous brea9do0ns+ sto!ac
ulcers+ tension eadaces+ and an increased susce(tibility to infection are :ust a fe0 of te tin&s
tat stress can do to us* No sin&le effect of stress is beneficial to us*
Altou& stress in te sort run can a5e (ositi5e effects suc as te ability to react to te
situation ;uic9ly and resol5e it as i!!ediately as (ossible+ it is ne5er &ood in te lon& run* 7ut+
al!ost eac and e5ery one of us li5es eac sin&le day 0it stress and so!eti!es in te
succeedin& years*
Stress affects our ealt+ body and !ind to suc &reat extent tat 0e are cri((led by its
effects o5er ti!e* So!e of te si&ns of stress include sort6te!(er+ anxiety+ i!(atience+ lo0
!oral+ te!(erature can&es+ blood (ressure increase+ and !i&raines and so on* >et tere are
ti!es 0en te stress is not so ard and tat (erson as a i&er tresold+ te stress condition
!ay actually be of beneficial results tat 0ill end sort 0it a co!(lete relaxation*
3ost often tat not+ inso!nia and de(ression are te !ost co!!on effects of stress on us*
7ecause of te t0o+ our !ental and (ysical state is affected* Li9e0ise+ our diet is affected too
0ic leads to our lo0 ener&y le5els and tus !a9in& us un(roducti5e*
Common ailments of the body
As li5in& tin&s+ 0e too are (rone to different diseases* @es(ite te fact tat our i!!une
syste! 0or9s 2#A'+ it cannot battle te all te diseases tat in5ade our syste! all at once* Often
ti!es te co!!on ail!ents are si&ns of e5en bi&&er catastro(e* Not &i5in& due attention to te
co!!on ail!ents 0ill lead to so!etin& e5en !ore dan&erous and deadly* A si!(le cold if not
treated or &i5en attention+ !i&t (ro&ress to so!etin& 0orse* A cou& if lin&ers for days or
0ee9s could !ean te (atient is a5in& lun& (roble!s*
So 0at are co!!on ail!ents? "o!!on ail!ents are si!(ly diseases 0ic 0e are
(rone to suffer in our e5eryday life* Te ter! arises fro! te fact tat tey are occurrin&
co!!only to al!ost all indi5iduals* 3ost co!!on are eadaces+ sto!ac aces+ (i!(les+ acne
and te list &oes on*
Tese co!!on ail!ents can be 5ery irritatin&+ if not disturbin& for s!all cildren as tey
9ee( on co!in& bac9* Tis olds true for adults too* Te &eneral ealt of te (erson deter!ines
te fre;uency of te ail!ents* A (erson 0it &ood ealt and excellent i!!une syste! 0ill !ost
li9ely not be botered 0it co!!on ail!ents as co!(ared to so!eone 0o isn8t*
@o not be (aranoid of your co!!on ail!ent not unless it8s 0orse tan te usual one*
Tese are not so serious and 0ill be &one after a fe0 days* A 0ee9 of care and rest is usually
enou& for te! ail!ents to lea5e te body* @o not i!!ediately drin9 !edicines on te first day*
Try to obser5e fro oter si&ns and sy!(to!s* Ta9in& !edicine too early 0ill !as9 tese
sy!(to!s 0ic could85e el(ed in dia&nosin& as to te nature and cause*
Tere are a 5ariety of co!!on ail!ents fro! 0ic (eo(le suffer fro!* Tese ail!ents
are not 5ery serious and can be cured by referrin& to so!e o!e re!edies or o5er te counter
!edicines* If your ail!ents (ersist ten you sould i!!ediately consult a doctor or (ysician*
Te "o!!on Ail!ents list is ;uite bi& so!e of te! are as follo0sB
Nasal "on&estion
"ou& and "old
Sto!ac @isorders
Tu!!y aces
Tey could e5en be (re5ented* @octors+ nurses and !oters ali9e 0ould all a&ree to te ti(s
to (re5ent co!!on ail!ents*
If you are (rone to cou& and cold ten try to a5oid sittin& in A* "* for lon& and a5oid
cold drin9s and ice crea!s as !uc as (ossible*
If you a5e fre;uent con&estion (roble! ten try not to breate te (olluted air outside
and use a !as9 0ile &oin& outdoor*
-ee(in& yourself a0ay fro! te :un9 food 0ill lessen te occurrence of sto!ac
disorders lar&ely*
3aintainin& a balanced diet co!(risin&+ seeds+ &reen leafy 5e&etables+ le&u!es+ cereals
fres fruits+ and oter foods enriced in 5ita!ins and (rotein 0ill el( to 9ee( te body
ealty and stron& enou& to fi&t 5arious diseases*
3aintain te basic y&iene and 9ee( yourself clean* Ta9e fre;uent bats and 0as te
face+ ands+ and le&s 0ene5er you are bac9 fro! outdoors* Tis 0ill (re5ent
de5elo(!ent of &er!s in your body*
Wene5er sneeCin& or cou&in&+ co5er te face 0it a an9y*
3aintain a (ro(er slee(in& itinerary of at least %6' ours and a5oid stress and tension*
Tis 0ill el( in (re5entin& eadace and oter suc ele!ents* Tere are oter
si&nificant infor!ation on te co!!on ail!ents and te 0ays to co!bat it*
Unhealthy lifestyle
It is often e!(asiCe tat a ealty lifestyle is al0ays te ideal one es(ecially today tat
0e cannot afford to be sic9 as te bills are 5ery ex(ensi5e* 7ut it as been obser5ed tat our
ealt is de&enerated and 0e are ex(osed to a lot of toxins and ce!icals any0ere 0e &o* Tere
are toxins and ce!ical and 0e are ex(osed e5ery day at 0or9+ o!e+ in te air+ and in te food
tat 0e eat and 0ater 0e drin9*
Wit te fast (aced life+ 0e de(end on (rocessed food and fast foods* We a5e
bo!barded oursel5es 0it !edicines and dru&s and 0it less exercise*
So 0at !a9es a lifestyle unealty? So!e of te factors 0ic !a9e our lifestyle
unealty are as follo0sB
Too much junk food bein& (ut into our ands es(ecially in cildrenDs ands* Eun9
food 0ic contains saturated fat increases blood colesterol le5els and terefore
increases your ris9 of eart disease and so!e cancers*
Life is full of stress* 3odern life is full of assles+ deadlines+ frustrations+ and
de!ands* Wor9 can be a stressful (lace+ 0eter in an office+ a factory+ or a
scool* For !any (eo(le+ stress is so co!!on(lace tat it as beco!e a 0ay of
We are generally dependent on medical drugs and are not a0are tat !edical
dru& side effects are dan&erous to teir ealt* In te 0orld today+ !any (eo(le
see! to tin9 tat tey :ust 0ant !edicines and dru&s to sol5e teir ealt
(roble!sF tey belie5e tey can al0ays see9 !edical assistance* 7ut 0at tey
are not a0are of is tat tese (ar!aceutical !edications !ay a5e (otential
ad5erse reactions* So!e dru&s 0ic are toxic to your li5er and do craCy tin&s to
your ealt and !etabolis!+ (era(s you obediently s0allo0 tose little (oisons
0itout considerin& 0at tey are doin& to your body*
Exposure to pollution and toxic astes such poisonous agents from the
household items* Our bodies are absorbin& te ar!ful ce!icals surroundin&
te en5iron!ent today* It is tus i!(erati5e tat 0e clean u( our li5in&
en5iron!ent as !uc as (ossible* Tose re&ular deter&ents+ soa(s+ sa!(oos+
toot(astes and (erfu!es tat 0e uses today contain !any ce!icals 0ic are
toxic to our bodies+ so!e e5en carcino&enic*
!ack of exercise* Exercise al0ays i!(ro5es our fitness le5el* No ;uestions as9ed
bout tis*
"ere enters# fasting
Fastin& often described by !any boo9s and ex(erts as (ri!arily te act of 0illin&ly
abstainin& fro! so!e or all food+ drin9+ or bot+ for a (eriod of ti!e* A fast !ay be total or
(artial concernin& tat fro! 0ic one fasts+ and !ay be (rolon&ed or inter!ittent as to te
(eriod of fastin&* Fastin& (ractices !ay (reclude sexual acti5ity as 0ell as food+ in addition to
refrainin& fro! eatin& certain ty(es or &rou(s of foodsF for exa!(le+ one !i&t refrain fro!
eatin& !eat* A co!(lete fast in its traditional definition is abstinence of all food and li;uids*
O5er a (eriod of ti!e+ 0e all 9no0 tat in te absence of food !a9es us 0ea9 and 0ill
a5e detri!ental effect on our body* In fastin& o0e5er+ tis is not al0ays te case* Water or any
fluids is consu!ed at ;uantities tat satisfy tirst and oter durin& te absence of food+ te body
0ill syste!atically cleanse itself of e5erytin& exce(t 5ital tissue* Star5ation 0ill occur only
0en te body is forced to use 5ital tissue to sur5i5e* Altou& (rotein is bein& used by te body
durin& te fast+ a (erson fastin& e5en #2 days on 0ater 0ill not suffer a deficiency of (rotein+
5ita!ins+ !inerals or fatty acids* In te brea9do0n of unealty cells+ all essential substances are
used and conser5ed in a !ost extraordinary !anner* Tere is an un0arranted fear of fastin& tat
stren&t di!inises fro! te catabolis! of (roteins fro! !uscle fibres* E5en durin& lon& fasts+
te nu!ber of !uscle fibres re!ains te sa!e* Altou& te ealty cells !ay be reduced in siCe
and stren&t for a ti!e+ tey re!ain (erfectly sound*
A* E* "arlson+ /rofessor of /ysiolo&y+ $ni5ersity of "ica&o+ states tat a ealty+ 0ell6
nourised !an can li5e fro! 12 to '1 days 0itout food+ (ro5ided e is not ex(osed to ars
ele!ents or e!otional stress* Hu!an fat is 5alued at 3+122 calories (er (ound* Eac extra (ound
of fat 0ill su((ly enou& calories for one day of ard (ysical labor* Ten (ounds of fat are e;ual
to 31+222 caloriesG 3ost of us a5e sufficient reser5es+ ca(able of sustainin& us for !any 0ee9s*
Ho0e5er+ fastin& also as its do0n side* So!e (eo(le do excessi5e fastin& out of intense
fear of beco!in& o5er0ei&t* /airin& tis fear 0it !ental disturbance is 5ery dan&erous and
deadly as in te cases of (eo(le 0it anorexia ner5osa*
It !ust be re!e!bered tat te fastin& tat 0ill be discussed in tis boo9 is for te &ood
ealt and 0ell bein& of te indi5idual* Ne5er use fastin& as a resort to losin& 0ei&t drastically*
Good results co!e 0it ti!e*
$asting and its applications
Tis ca(ter 0ill discuss and (resent so!e a((lications of fastin& in te fields of
!edicine and (olitics*
3edical a((lication* I re!e!bered once 0en a fa!ily !e!ber 0as to under&o sur&ery*
Her sur&eon told er to fast at least ) ours (rior to sur&ery* If one is not fa!iliar 0y te
sur&eon as9ed is (atient to fast+ ten 9no0 tat fastin& is often indicated (rior to sur&ery
or oter (rocedures tat re;uire anaestetics* Wit te (resence of food in a (ersonDs
syste!+ it can cause co!(lications durin& anaestesiaF tus te stron& su&&estion of te
!edical (ersonnel tat teir (atients fast for se5eral ours Hor o5erni&tI before te
(rocedure* Additionally+ certain !edical tests+ suc as colesterol testin& Hli(id (anelI or
certain blood &lucose !easure!ents re;uire fastin& for se5eral ours so tat a baseline
can be establised* In te case of colesterol+ te failure to fast for a full .2 ours
Hincludin& 5ita!insI 0ill &uarantee an ele5ated tri&lyceride !easure!ent* /atients about
to &et a "T scan are re;uired to fast as 0ell*
/olitical a((lication* E5er since+ fastin& is one tool tat is used by (olitical leaders and
(rotesters to air out teir (rotest+ (olitical state!ent or e5en a0areness for a cause* Tis is
often 9no0n as <un&er stri9e=+ a non 5iolent !etod of resistance (racticed by
(artici(ants 0ere tey fast as an act of (olitical (rotest or to acie5e a0areness or &oal
for can&e* Te !ost note0orty e5ents include te fastin& of Gandi and tat ad
si&nificant i!(act on te 7ritis 4a: and te Indian (o(ulation* In istory+ one <un&er
stri9e= resulted in te deat of .2 (ersons* It is in Nortern Ireland in .,).+ tat a
(risoner+ 7obby Sands+ 0as (art of te .,). Iris un&er stri9e+ (rotestin& for better
ri&ts in (rison* Sands ad :ust been elected to te 7ritis /arlia!ent and died after %%
days of not eatin&* His funeral 0as attended by .22+222 (eo(le and te stri9e ended only
after , oter !en died* In all+ te ten !en sur5i5ed 0itout food for #% to '3 days ta9in&
only 0ater and salt*
$ast facts about $asting
In an excer(t fro! te boo9 <Fastin& to Freedo!=+ te autor discusses te effects of
fastin& and 0at is bein& eli!inated in te (rocess* Here 0e are &i5en an o5er5ie0 as to o0
fastin& 0or9s and its effect on us* Its been said tat te oter ealt benefits include stress
resistance+ increased insulin sensiti5ity+ reduced !orbidity+ and increased life s(an
"!uring a fast, a metamorphosis occurs. #he body undergoes a tearing down and
rebuilding of damaged materials. #here is a remar$able redistribution of nutrients in the fasting
body. It hangs on to precious minerals and vitamins while catabolising old tissue, to%ins and
inferior materials. #he end result is a thorough cleansing of the tube, membrane and cellular
structures. #his process of cleansing and rebuilding has made fasting famous for its ability to
rejuvenate, heal disease and give the body a more youthful tone.
Eliminations during the cleansing process
!ead, dying or diseased cell
&nwanted fatty tissue
#rans'fatty acids
(ardened coating of mucus on the intestinal wall
#o%ic waste matter in the lymphatic system and bloodstream
#o%ins in the spleen, liver and $idneys
)ucus from the lungs and sinuses
Imbedded to%ins in the cellular fibres and deeper organ tissues
!eposits in the microscopic tubes responsible for nourishing brain cells
*%cess cholesterol.
The Result
)ental clarity is improved
Rapid, safe weight loss is achieved without flabbiness
#he nervous system is balanced
*nergy level is increased
+rgans are revitali,ed
-ellular biochemistry is harmoni,ed
#he s$in becomes sil$y, soft and sensitive
#here is greater ease of movement
Breathing becomes fuller, freer and deeper
#he digestive system is given a well'deserved rest.
#o heal illness, the body must pull all of its resources toward cleansing and repairing by
removing appetite and reducing or stopping digestion. .ounded animals will fast, emerging to
eat only after their wounds or bro$en bones have healed. #his is the reason why there is little
desire to eat food when sic$/the body wants to focus all of its resources on cleansing.0
$asting our soul# body and mind%
3ost of te ex(erts on te field+ fitness ex(erts+ doctors and s(iritual ex(erts+ 0ould
a&ree as to te effects of fast on te soul and our body* 3ost stri9in& is te article 0ritten by
Gabrielle Li! 0en se su!!ariCed te benefits into fi5e si!(le yet unfor&ettable sentences* In
an excer(t fro! te article+ se &i5es te 1 benefits*
1. Retune your digestive system
ot many people $now this but fasting can be a way for you to give your digestive
system a tune up. 1ccording to !r. aomi eufeld, an endocrinologist at &-21, "3ou re'
tune the body, suppress insulin secretion, reduce the taste for sugar, so sugar becomes
something you4re less fond of ta$ing."
.hat happens is that the body eventually uses up the stored sugar 5glycogen6 so that less
insulin is needed to help the body digest food. 1nd that gives your pancreas a rest.
2. Reduce your intake of free radicals
)ar$ )attson, a scientist with the ational Institute on 1ging, has reported that fasting
can reduce your intake of free radicals, which can cause cancer. In fact, according to
)attson, "#hese free radicals will attac$ proteins, !1, the nucleus of cells, the
membranes of cells. #hey can damage all those different molecules in cells."
*ven just reducing your calorie inta$e can have the same effects as a fast. In a
study amongst rats and mice, it was noted that those who were fed very little and
restricted in their food inta$e had a reduction in disease compared to those who were fed
normal daily diets.
3. peed up your !ourney to self"discovery
.e are all creatures of habit. 1nd eating, just li$e smo$ing and sleeping, is a
habit. .hat happens during a fast is that by ta$ing away such an essential part of your
daily routine, you mess up your #hole schedule. #his sounds bad but it4s not. It4s really a
time to reflect on your routines and give you a pause to thin$ about how you want your
life to move forward.
By fasting, you become more conscious of yourself and you can ta$e the time
usually spent eating to meditate, journal, or do any other form of reflection.
$. %ncrease your gratitude
(ow could you not be grateful to brea$ your fast7 1nd after each day when you
do brea$ fast, it4s a celebration. It is a celebration for a completed day of fasting,
reflection, and persistence. o re!oice and cele&rate your success' 8how gratitude to
yourself and others.
1nd when you brea$ your fast, you will be very happy to taste food again. 1nd
contrary to some beliefs, you won4t binge on food. In fact you will be more conscious of
what you allow into your body and feel gratitude for the food you receive.
(. )aunch yourself into your ideal life
8ounds li$e a pretty big benefit for something as simple as fasting. But it4s true.
.hen you begin your fast you can ta$e this time to brea$ old patterns, e%amine your
current situation, and use it as the starting point for a whole new life.
&inds of fasting
Fastin& can be done in !any different 0ays* 7elo0 is a list of te different ty(es or
cate&ories of fastin& tat is co!!only (racticed*
"o!(lete FastB In co!(lete fast+ e5ery t0o ours you drin9 a &lass of 0ater
and a &lass of 0ar! 0ater to&eter 0it so!e le!on :uice is ta9en an our after* Te
!ain (ur(ose of ta9in& le!on :uice in 0ar! 0ater is to (re5ent &as for!ation* If one
needs so!e ener&y durin& tis (eriod+ ten a s(oon of oney !ay also be ta9en 0it
le!on :uice in ordinary 0ater also* Water of a tender coconut !ay also be ta9en durin&
tis fastin&*
3il967anana diet6 In is 9ind of fast+ one cu( of s9i!!ed !il9 and a banana is ta9en
alternati5ely tree to four ti!es a day* Added to tat oney and le!on :uice and le!on
:uice in 0ar! 0ater !ay also be ta9en*
Fruit dietB In tis 9ind of fast+ a (erson li5es only on fruit and fruit :uices* A&ain+ in tis
fast+ 0ater and le!on :uice in 0ater can be continued* 7ut is fast !ust not exceed %6'
daysF oter0ise te body 0ill beco!e deficient of essential enCy!es and a!ino acids*
Fruit and Je&etable dietB In suc a diet+ li&tly boiled or stea!ed 5e&etables can also be
ta9en besides fruits* 7ut te use of salt !ust be a5oided* Tis fast can also not exceed
!ore tan %6' days at a stretc*
Traditional FastB In tis 9ind of fast+ a li&t !eal is ta9en only once a day* Tis !eal !ay
contain a little of salt+ su&ar and fat* 7ut one does not ta9e any fruit+ 5e&etables+ tea+
:uices besides tat !eal* Ordinary 0ater or le!on :uice in 0ar! 0ater !ay be ta9en
alternati5ely* Tis 9ind of fast is traditionally 9e(t on full !oon day or on te first day of
te solar !ont*
Water FastB >ou can fast fro! . to #2 days* Try to drin9 2 litres of 0ater or !ore (er day*
Te ten day 0ater fast as beco!e a reco!!ended nu!ber of days* Ten days on 0ater
0ill cause te sa!e 0ei&t loss as 32 days on :uice* 7ut 0ater fastin& is far !ore
difficult+ es(ecially if you a5e a fast !etabolis!* Water fastin& cleanses te body
a&&ressi5ely re!o5in& toxins ra(idly* Water fastin& can be !ore beneficial tan :uice
fastin& in co!batin& !ore (ersistent for!s of cancer+ cleansin& te tissues !ore
a&&ressi5ely* Water fastin& de!ands !ental (re(aration+ te less (ressure and
res(onsibility you a5e durin& 0ater fast te better* Tin9 of it a oliday a0ay for! te
nor!al (atterns of li5in&* So!e reco!!end tat te 0ee9 before your fast+ you drin9
fres :uices and eat !ostly ra0 fruits and 5e&etables to cleanse te body so tat te
detoxification durin& 0ater fastin& 0ill be less a&&ressi5e* Water fastin& sould al0ays
include t0o of tree days of :uice fastin& before and after te 0ater fast* Tis alternatin&
bet0een :uice and 0ater fastin& is te !ost effecti5e !etod of acie5in& a full cleansin&
trou& fastin&*
Euice fastB Euice fastin& is safe and can allo0 te body to clean itself of toxins 0ile
&reatly i!(ro5in& conditions for ealt* A benefit is tat your ener&y le5el is i&
because you are recei5in& sufficient nutrients fro! te :uices+ so you can carry out
nor!al acti5ities* A :uice fast ta9es so!e burden off te di&esti5e syste! and frees u(
so!e ener&y for accelerated ealin& tou& 0ater fast does !uc better in tat re&ard*
Also+ :uices can !a9e a5ailable extra ;uantities of nutrients tat a (erson !i&t lac9*
Euices are easy to assi!ilate and ta9e ardly any di&esti5e ener&y fro! te body+ allo0in&
te body to (ut !ore ener&y into ealin& and re:u5enation* /ac9ed 0it 5ita!ins+
!inerals+ li5in& enCy!es+ antioxidants+ (otoce!ical+ yet lo0 enou& in calories to
force te body to cannibaliCe on its filty 0aste+ (ro(ellin& you to 5i&orous (ysical
ealt and clarity of !ind*
'reparing to fast
@e(endin& on te len&t of your (lanned fast it can be el(ful to (re(are yourself for te
can&e and te callen&es you are about to face*
It is al0ays better to infor! yourself about fastin&* Try doin& your o0n in5esti&ation+
read as !uc as you can on te fastin& (rocess+ 0at are te 5arious 9inds of fasts and 0at you
can ex(ect as side affects* Ne5er &o into fastin& if you a5e a (re6existin& ealt condition*
"onsult your doctor if tere are contrary indications 0it fastin& and your condition*
No0+ if it8s your first ti!e to fast and a5e not done any fastin& before+ start by doin&
tin&s in s!aller scale* Try doin& it for+ lets say263 ours or alf6day* Wen you decide to do it in
te e5enin&+ try &oin& to slee( 0itout eatin& or te 0ole !ornin& on fastin&* @o i!!ediately
try te 0ole day fast or . 0ee9 fast as your body 0ill be o5er0el!ed 0it te ne0 situation*
Try to eat one sin&le !eal a day* Te (re(aration sould also include selection of 0at
you 0ill be eatin&* It is i!(ortant to abstain fro! so!etin& tat you al0ays li9e (or9 or beef*
Try to slo0ly cut6do0n your caffeine+ alcool or s!o9in& routine for te follo0in& days* If
you8re a little bolder try to eat notin& but fruits and 5e&etables for a set a!ount of ti!e*
Wate5er 9ind of test you can set u( for yourself 0ill &i5e you an idea of 0at you 0ill face
once you :u!( fully into a !ore co!(lete fast*
3ost 0ould a&ree tat fastin& detoxifies your body* 7y eatin& less or notin& at all your
body as an o((ortunity to clean itself in a 0ay it nor!ally cannot*
Fastin& is useless diet still consists of a lot of !eat+ (rocessed foods+ and you drin9 coffee
and s!o9e* Sudden caffeine 0itdra0al can induce eadaces if you are used to a5in& caffeine
e5ery day* "uttin& bac9 or alterin& your diet days before you fast can el( your bodyDs
detoxification (rocess be less of a soc9 once you &et into your fast*
E5eryone 0ould a&ree 0it 0at one ex(ert on fastin& said+ <!etermine your cleanse
duration and time period9 #ry to arrange that your fast is in a time period where you have low
activity or lobsters. 1void heavy $inds of wor$ if at all possible. .hen it comes to long fasts and
inability of somebody to handle a long fast, you just do the best you can. .hen deto%ification
increases as it does during fasting, the liver, $idneys, lungs and immune system wor$ e%tra hard
to handle the load.0 As te (ur(ose of te (re(aration is not to soc9 and o5er0el! your body
0it fastin&*
Stages of fasting
7elo0 is an excer(t fro! te boo9 KHo0 and Wen to 7e >our O0n @octorK boo9+ by
@r* Isabelle A* 3oser 0it Ste5e Solo!on+ (ublised in .,,'* It clearly described te sta&es of
fastin& and o0 tey 0or9 in relation to our body*
#he best way to understand what happens when we fast is to brea$ up the process into si%
stages9 preparation for the fast, loss of hunger, acidosis, normali,ation, healing, and brea$ing
the fast.
1 person that has consumed the typical 1merican diet most of their life and whose life is
not in immediate danger would be very wise to gently prepare their body for the fast. #wo wee$s
would be a minimum amount of time, and if the prospective faster wants an easier time of it, they
should allow a month or even two for preliminary housecleaning !uring this time, eliminate all
meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, coffee, blac$ tea, salt, sugar, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and
greasy foods. #his de'addiction will ma$e the process of fasting much more pleasant, and is
strongly recommended. (owever, eliminating all these harmful substances is withdrawal from
addictive substances and will not be easy for most. I have more to say about this later when I
tal$ about allergies and addictions.
#he second stage, psychological hunger, usually is felt as an intense desire for food. #his
passes within three or four days of not eating anything. Psychological hunger usually begins
with the first missed meal. If the faster seems to be losing their resolve, I have them drin$
unlimited :uantities of good'tasting herb teas, 5sweetened ''only if absolutely necessary''with
nutrisweet6. 8alt'free broths made from meatless instant powder 5obtainable at the health food
store6 can also fend off the desire to eat until the stage of hunger has passed.
1cidosis, the third stage, usually begins a couple of days after the last meal and lasts
about one wee$. !uring acidosis the body vigorously throws off acid waste products. )ost
people starting a fast begin with an overly acid blood p( from the typical 1merican diet that
contains a predominance of acid'forming foods. 8witching over to burning fat for fuel triggers
the release of even more acidic substances. 1cidosis is usually accompanied by fatigue, blurred
vision, and possibly di,,iness. #he breath smells very bad, the tongue is coated with bad'tasting
dryish mucus, and the urine may be concentrated and foul unless a good deal of water is ta$en
daily. #wo to three :uarts a day is a reasonable amount.
)ost fasters feel much more comfortable by the end of the first seven to ten days, when
they enter the normali,ation phase; here the acidic blood chemistry is gradually corrected. #his
sets the stage for serious healing of body tissues and organs. ormali,ation may ta$e one or two
more wee$s depending on how badly the body was out of balance. 1s the blood chemistry
steadily approaches perfection, the faster usually feels an increasing sense of well'being, bro$en
by short spells of discomfort that are usually healing crises or retracing.
#he ne%t stage, accelerated healing, can ta$e one or many wee$s more, again depending
on how badly the body has been damaged. (ealing proceeds rapidly after the blood chemistry
has been stabili,ed, the person is usually in a state of profound rest and the ma%imum amount of
vital force can be directed toward repair and regeneration of tissues. #his is a miraculous time
when tumors are metaboli,ed as food for the body, when arthritic deposits dissolve, when scar
tissues tend to disappear, when damaged organs regain lost function 5if they can6. 8eriously ill
people who never fast long enough to get into this stage 5usually it ta$es about ten days to two
wee$s of water fasting to seriously begin healing6 never find out what fasting can really do for
Brea$ing the fast is e:ually or more important a stage than the fast itself. It is the most
dangerous time in the entire fast. If you stop fasting prematurely, that is, before the body has
completed deto%ification and healing, e%pect the body to reject food when you try to ma$e it eat,
even if you introduce foods very gradually. #he faster, the spiritual being running the body, may
have become bored and want some action, but the faster<s body hasn<t finished. #he body wants
to continue healing.
$asting for healing the body
One of te !ost 0anted benefits of fastin& is te ealin& (rocess tat be&ins in te body
durin& te fast* Te ealin& (rocess is said to a((en 0en te body is searcin& for ener&y
resources* Wen fastin&+ a fast ener&y is said to be di5erted fro! te di&esti5e syste! to anoter
syste!+ li9e te i!!une syste!+ due to its lac9 of use*
/ro(erly carried out+ fastin& can (ro!ote ealin&+ is re:u5enatin& and can (rolon& oneDs
life* Fastin& is actually all about ealin& te body+ unli9e te con5entional and alternati5e
!edicine* 4on La&ue;uist in is boo9 (ointed out tat ealin& could be acie5ed trou& fastin&*
He said tat+ "Fasting intensifies healing as deep tissue and tired organs are repaired
rapidly. #o heal illness the body must pull all of its resources toward cleansing and repairing by
removing appetite and reducing or stopping digestion. .ounded animals will fast, emerging to
eat only after their injury or bro$en bones have healed. #here are testimonies of people<s old
wounds aching during a fast for the first time in years; unnecessary scare tissue is being bro$en
down as fuel. #his is the reason why there is little desire to eat food when sic$/the body wants
to focus all of its resources on healing.
.hy does fasting have such a powerful effect on healing the body7 In the fasting state,
the body scours for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors and abscesses, all of
which are burned for fuel or e%pelled as waste. !iseased cells are dissolved in a systematic
manner, leaving healthy tissue. #he result is a thorough cleansing of the tubes, membranes and
cellular structures. Ingestion of mucus'forming foods clogs the body4s microscopic tubes and
membranes, all of which are the highways used by the immune system. Fasting dissolves this
internal mucus. !uring a fast it is common for the nose, throat and ears to pass stic$y mucus,
clogging the sinuses. 8trands of mucus may be found in the stool after the first bowel
movement. #here is a remar$able redistribution of nutrients in the fasting body. It hangs on to
precious minerals and vitamins while cataboli,ing on old tissue, to%ins and inferior materials0.

$ast the healthy ay
After 9no0in& te benefits fro! fastin&+ 9ee( in !ind tat 0en fastin&+ it sould al0ays
be te ealty 0ay* @o not fast for te sa9e tat it8s te trend or because you 0ant loo9 sexy
because oters are* It sould be olistic and beneficial to you and your outloo9*
So+ o0 do you fast te ealty 0ay?
.* 7e accountable* Wate5er te conse;uences are+ be accountable for your actions
and for oter tin&s* Li9e0ise+ be sensiti5e to te res(onse or reaction of oters
to0ards your fastin&* Tey !i&t a5e seen so!etin& 0ron& 0it your fastin&*
2* /re(are in ad5ance* Wen you 0ant to fast+ do not act on i!(ulse+ it best to be
(re(ared* Try to 9no0 0at could be tin&s tat !i&t actually a((en before+
durin& and after te fast* It is al0ays safe to (re(are in ad5ance te tin&s you are
about to do* Te ti!e of transition is useful for te body+ but can also be used to
(re(are on s(iritual and (ractical le5els as 0ell* If you don8t s9i!( on te
(re(aration ti!e+ your fast 0ill li9ely &o !ore s!ootly and be !ore effecti5e*
3* $nderstand te effects on your body* >our body &oes trou& se5eral distinct
(ases 0en you be&in to fast* It is (ossible tat durin& te first fe0 ours+ you
0ill feel 0ea9* @on8t be alar!ed yet as tis is natural since your body be&ins to
eli!inate te toxins in your syste!* Tere are a lot !ore of tin&s tat 0ill
a((en but a&ain+ don8t be alar!ed as tey are nor!al and 0ill disa((ear as soon
your fastin& is o5er*
#* 7rea9 te fast (ro(erly* Te body trou& a (eriod of ei&tened detoxification*
An extended fast sould a5e !edical &uidance tat includes (lans on o0 to deal
0it so!e (otentially serious issues once your fast ends* Te body as ad:usted to
a different state and !ust not be se5erely soc9 it by eatin& and drin9in& tin&s
tat 0ill cause disco!fort and (ysical (roble!s*
Who should not fast(
Fastin&+ no !atter o0 (ro(erly it is done+ 0ill al0ays a5e dan&erous effects on certain
(eo(le* It is best ad5ised tat tese sould not fast e5en if tey 0ant to* Here are te cate&ories
of (eo(le 0o sould ne5er fast or !ust (ractice extre!e caution*
.* Infants and cildren* Tere is really no reason for infants and cildren to fast* @ue to
teir lac9 of !aturity+ tey 0ould li9ely not really understand te s(iritual (ur(ose of fastin&+
and teir bodies need to ta9e in a!(le nutrients re&ularly*
2* /re&nant 0o!en* Water6only fasts sould definitely be a5oided by 0o!en 0o are
(re&nant or nursin&* Te baby re;uires so !any nutrients for nor!al de5elo(!ent+ and is
de(endent on te !oter8s (ro(er nutrition to recei5e tose nutrients* >ou are forcin& te unborn
baby to fast as 0ell if te !oter decides to fast*
3* /eo(le 0it cancer* "ancer is usually indicati5e of+ a!on& oter tin&s+ an i!!une
syste! tat is not in &ood sa(e*
#* /eo(le 0it oter ealt concerns* Water6only fasts sould be a5oided by tose 0it
si&nificant ealt issues suc as diabetes* Ho0e5er+ :uice fasts 3A> be an o(tion+ but sould be
underta9en only under a doctor8s close su(er5ision*
1* Te elderly* Water6only fasts sould be a5oided by elderly (eo(le* Tere is no need for
te elderly to fast as teir body !ay not be able to carry suc tas9*
And if one as still so!e concerns or ;uestions+ tey sould al0ays as9 0it teir doctor*
4e!e!ber+ fastin& is su((osed to brin& out te best and ealty us*
Tips on fasting
Here are so!e fastin& ti(s sared by @ebo(riya 7ose
For those who do not fast regularly or are doing it for the first time, it is better to adopt a
moderate approach towards fasting and then graduate to stricter regimes. 8tart with a = day
program. #hen move on to programs for > days, ? days and so on. In between the fasting days,
one can have food consisting of raw fruits, vegetables, soups and juices. #his is a good way of
@raduating to a A or =B days fast.
1 first timer could consider juice fasting than water fasting as juice fasting is easier than
water fast. 1lso juice fast provides most of the nutrients and calories that solid foods provide.
(ence one would not miss solid food when on a juice fast.
+ne of the important fasting tips is to prepare the body slowly for the process. For
beginners, it is helpful to start fasting with a little bit of food each day. *%tend the fast to => to
=C hours in the evening 5including sleep6. 8uch a method could also be adopted for a couple of
days before actually starting the fast. For greater benefits from fasting, one should stop the
inta$e of alcohol, caffeine, red meat, sugar and poultry for a few days before going in for a fast.
1lso the inta$e of nutritional supplements should be limited. atural is the way to go during
For the first > days one may feel irritated and e%perience headaches. (owever, from the
?rd day onwards, one4s body adjusts better to the fasting program. #o avoid such symptoms, one
could ta$e a meal that would comprise of water, juices, tea or snac$s made from fresh fruits and
vegetables, sometime around ? p.m.
1s it is clear that even during fasting, all the nutritional re:uirements of the body are
met; there is no reason to stop wor$ing out. In fact regular e%ercise will help e%pedite the
cleansing process. (owever, beginners can go easy with their wor$outs in case they are used to
heavy wor$outs. 3oga and meditation are great ways to complement the healing process during
+ne of the important tips for fasting is not to start binging on food once you are out of it.
8ince the body has already got accustomed to eating healthy and only as much as re:uired,
fasting is good opportunity to start off with healthy eating habits.
#hose who are underweight or pregnant should not fast. People who have undergone a
surgery or are suffering from anemia, hyperglycemia, and chronic problems of heart, $idneys or
lungs should avoid going on a fast. evertheless, if one is suffering from some health condition it
is always better to consult a physician before starting a fast.
Fasting is not a crash course for weight loss. !espite all the benefits, listen to your body.
If one feels ill while fasting, call in the doctor. It is important to follow the fasting tips in order to
reap the benefits of fasting that ensures overall well being of the body.
Sample fasting program for starters
No0 tat you (retty !uc 9no0 about fastin& and its benefits+ try tis si!(le fastin&
re&i!e usin& fruit :uice*
.* 7e&in by clearin& out any :un9 food fro! your o!e if you intend to do e5en a sort 2 or
36day :uice fast* Ha5in& coo9ies and (otato ci(s nearby in your 9itcen 0ile you :uice
fast 0ill re;uire enor!ous 0ill (o0er to refrain fro! eatin& te!* >ou can &i5e tese
ite!s to a friend to store until you co!(lete your :uice fast or si!(ly donate te! to your
local sou( 9itcen*
2* /urcase or&anic fruits and 5e&etables fro! your local far!er8s !ar9ets or te ealt
food store* If you (urcase non6or&anic (roduce+ a5oid buyin& &ra(es+ a((les+ or (eaces
as tese ite!s are &enerally &ro0n 0it ea5y (esticide
3* 3a9e a detox bat for non6or&anic (roduce by fillin& a lar&e tub 0it filtered 0ater and 2
teas(oons of "lorox bleac* Sub!er&e te non6or&anic (roduce only in tis bleac bat
for .1 !inutes* 4inse torou&ly and drain*
#* Euice fastin& re;uires you co(+ cut and (eel assorted 5e&etables and fruits before you
:uice te! trou& a ea5y duty :uicer so tat you are consu!in& te 5ita!ins and
!inerals i!!ediately* Tere is ;uite a difference bet0een canned fruit :uice and fresly
(re(ared :uices* Storin& fres :uices in your refri&erator for # to 1 ours is acce(table but
a5oid doin& so o5erni&t*
1* "o!binin& fruits and 5e&etables is &enerally o9ay but tere are certain co!binations tat
!ay be ard to di&est or are si!(ly not (alatable* A classic rule of tu!b 0as tat a((les
of all ty(es can be :uiced 0it any oter fruit and 5e&etable as a((les 0ill di&est easily
for !ost (eo(le* 3elons are best eaten alone* 3elons tend to di&est 5ery ;uic9ly and if
consu!ed 0it oter foods+ you !ay ex(erience indi&estion of te foods or li;uids tat
ta9e te body !ore ti!e to di&est* "o!!on sense and (ersonal taste (reference 0ill
&uide you* For exa!(le+ :uicin& carrots and bananas and 9ale to&eter 0ill (robably not
yield a :uice you 0ill en:oy*
%* Euicin& basicsB (re(are only as !uc as you 0ill need to consu!e at eac settin&* For
exa!(le a &ood snac9in& :uice is !ade fro! :uicin& 2 a((les+ . s!all carrot+ one alf of a
s!all le!on and L teas(oon of &in&erroot* For an excellent brea9fast :uice+ co!bine L
lar&e !ed:ool date Hfor te date su&arI+ . !ediu! banana+ li;uid fro! a coconut Hor to
ceat+ use <lite= coconut !il9 fro! a can+ if diluted . (art coconut !il9 to 3 (arts filtered
0aterI+ addin& filtered 0ater to tin to your desired consistency*
'* Euicin& for lunc or dinner drin9s could include co!binations any 5e&etable 0it a((les
to s0eeten* For exa!(le+ :uice 1 to % lar&e lea5es of curly 9ale Hor lacinto or dinosaur
9aleI+ L cu( (arsley+ 2 stal9s of celery+ . lar&e carrot and L teas(oon of &in&erroot or
cayenne (e((er* Try % lea5es of rainbo0 card+ % lea5es of baby bo9coy+ beets Hte to(s
as 0ellI+ and a 5ery s!all bulb of &arlic for a s(icy dinner drin9*
)* @rin9 at least % to )+ )6ounce &lasses of filtered 0ater to el( you ad:ust to te cleansin&
effects of :uice fastin&* If you intend to :uice fast for !ore tan a day+ add . tables(oon
&round flax seeds to any drin9 and consu!e tree ti!es a day to !a9e certain you are
!o5in& your bo0els in te absence of soluble and insoluble fiber Has is found in te s9ins
and cellulose of 5e&etables*I
,* @o not be a!bitious 0ile :uice fastin&* @o not star5e yourself by consu!in& too fe0
:uice drin9s* /re(are fro! scratc and consu!e at least 1 to % fres :uice drin9s in any
2#6our (eriod alon& 0it te % to ) &lasses of filtered 0ater*
.2* If you find tat after te first % ours of suc a :uice fast you ex(erience any can&es in
eart rate H5ery ra(id or slo0er tan nor!alI+ diCCiness+ eadaces+ or extre!e (ysical
fati&ue+ consider li!itin& your :uicin& to only tat %6our ti!e fra!e* For exa!(le+ :uice
Friday !ornin& until noon* If you are !iserable+ consider brea9in& te fast &ently 0it
stea!ed 5e&etables+ 5e&etable sou(+ (lain toast and uns0eetened or&anic yo&urt* @o not
brea9 your :uice fast 0it a stea9 and fries or a (iCCa*
..* @e(endin& on your &eneral ealt (rior to :uice fastin&+ it is co!!on to ex(erience
eadaces and se5eral additional bo0el !o5e!ents as your body be&ins to cleanse*
Transition slo0ly bac9 to solid foods by introducin& stea!ed 5e&etables+ easy6to6di&est
(roteins suc as scra!bled e&&s+ yo&urt+ or cic9en sou(*
.2* 7rea9 te :uice fast slo0ly so tat you are not o5er0el!in& your di&esti5e syste!* If
you ex(erience 0at is called a <ealin& crisis= and find te :uice fast 9ic9s off a flu or
!inor cold brin& your :uice fast slo0ly to a close+ addin& 5e&etable and cic9en sou(s
bac9 into your diet slo0ly* 4est as needed and cut bac9 on 5ery strenuous exercise 0ile
Tere are lot of tin&s to 9no0 !ore about fastin&* As 0e a&e+ 0e ear so !uc
about fastin& tat 0e don8t 9no0 0ic are real and 0ic are not* 7ut tere are !any
reasons to consider fastin& as a benefit to oneDs ealt* Te body is one a!aCin& tin& as
rids itself of te toxins tat a5e built u( in our fat stores trou&out te years* It also
eals itself+ re(airs all te da!a&ed or&ans durin& a fast* And finally tere is &ood
e5idence to so0 tat re&ulated fastin& contributes to lon&er life*
>et !any doctors 0arn a&ainst fastin& for extended (eriods of ti!e 0itout
su(er5ision* Tere are still !any doctors today 0o deny all of tese (oints and clai!
tat fastin& is detri!ental to oneDs ealt and a5e e5idence to bac9 teir state!ents* Tat
is because fastin& is still considered to be as :ust te si!(le de(ri5ation of te body te
!uc needed food* Te idea of de(ri5in& a body of 0at society as co!e to 5ie0 as so
essential to our sur5i5al in order to eal continues to be a to(ic of contro5ersy*
Let us not for&et o0e5er tat te effecti5eness of te fastin& 0e do still de(ends
on oursel5es* Ho0 0e loo9 at fastin& and 0y 0e fast 0ill still (lay a !a:or role in
deter!inin& te success of te fastin& 0e :ust did*
All in all+ te reason 0e fast !ay be about 0ei&t reduction+ ealt i!(ro5e!ent+
or ealin& of te body* 4e&ardless of te reason+ fastin& sould be not be scary and
0at8s i!(ortant is tat 0e en:oy and relax oursel5es as 0e fast* It sould be a
!eanin&ful ex(erience for us*
So+ better (ic9 u( tat (en and (lan a0ay to ealty+ ne0 youG

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