SBRC Vs Majucon

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lue Ribbon vs. Judge
G.R. No. 136760, July 29, 2003
The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee conducted an inquiry on thealleged fund irregularities of the Armed
Forces Retirement and SEparation BEnefits System (AFP-RSBS).It subpoenaed Atty. Flavianoto appear before
it. Atty. Flaviano secured a TR
O against the Senate issued by Judge Majaducon of RTC-23 of General Santos City.
Is the TRO issued by the Judge ordering the
Senate to cease anddesist from proceeding with its heaing valid?
No. The principle of separation of powers essentially means that legislation belongs to Congress,
execution to the Executive and settlement of legal controversies to the Judiciary. Each is preventedfrom invading the
domain of the others. The RTC of General Santos or any court for that matter, had no authority to prohibit the Senate
committee from requiring the respondent (Atty. Flaviano) to appearand testify before it.

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