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Journal 1
Brain Compatible and Learning
Melia Co!
"eptember #$% &#1'
General Captone
Intru(tor "ma()
T+e a,erage brain i (apable o- learning e,er.da./ 0ear ago people pla(ed limitation on (+ildren
1it+ mental diabilitie% (ogniti,e dela.% illne% and man. ot+er brain dela./ T+e (+ildren o- t+e pat
did not re(ei,e t+e +elp t+e. deer,ed/ T+e ad,an(e in "(ien(e +a lead to edu(ating people 1it+
e,ere diabilitie/ People o- t+e pat impl. did not t+in) t+e people 1it+ e,ere diabilitie (ould not
t+in)% learn% or ad,an(e in o(iet./ "(ientit pro,ed t+e. not onl. (ould learn% but (ould be produ(ti,e
C+ildren 1it+ diabilitie are no1 a part o- a regular (laroom 1it+ peer t+eir age rat+er t+an mi!ing
age a t+e pat/ C+ildren are pla(ed in (orre(t age (laroom/ T+e age and tage t+at are t+e age
t+e (+ild belong/ T+e (+ildren e!(elled and did learn/ C+ildren t+at -all into t+e pe(ial need and
pe(ial edu(ation (lae 1ill +a,e I/E/P/ 3Indi,idual Edu(ational Plan4/ T+e I/E/P/% are a erie o- tet%
ober,ation% medi(al diagnoi% and ot+er area t+at -it into t+e (+ild5 plan to learn and re(ei,e t+e
bet edu(ation poible/ Ea(+ area 1ill in,ol,e di--erent t+erapit and learning domain/ Ea(+ area o-
domain t+e (+ild i gi,en 1ill pa or -ail/ Regardle o- t+e pa or -ail% t+e (+ild 1ill +a,e ea(+ area
teted/ 6pon (ompletion t+e tea(+er% t+erapit% pe(ial ed tea(+er% and (ounelor 1ill de,elop a plan
t+at -it t+e (+ild/ T+e area 1ill be t+e bet area t+at 1ill +elp t+e (+ild learn and bring t+e bet out o-
t+eir little mind/
T+e brain t+at 1a on(e (onidered an organ% i no1 bro)en into part t+at tea(+e u 1+at ea(+ part o-
t+e brain i reponible -or/ Ea(+ part o- t+e brain i di,ided into t+e rig+t and le-t +emip+ere% and
t+e. 1or) toget+er to -orm 1al)ing% 1riting/ T+ro1ing% (at(+ing% and man. ot+er )ill t+at rel. on
ea(+ ot+er/ T+e lobe t+at are reponible -or pea)ing% eeing% pea)ing% (ontrolling bod. temperature%
all t+e 1a. to +ormone regulation/ Man. (+ildren +a,e damage to di--erent part o- t+e brain/ T+e
lobe are bro)e do1n a -ollo1* -rontal% o((ipital%temporal% parietal% and -rontal/ Ea(+ area o- t+e
brain t+at utain in7ur. (an dela. learning or (ompromie t+e learning e!perien(e a a 1+ole/

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