Major Events in President Noynoy Aquino's Life

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Major events in President Noynoy

Aquino's life

Feb. 8, 1960: Born as the only son and third of five children of Senator Benigno "Ninoy"
Aquino Jr. and Corazon "Cory" Cojuangco Aquino, who will later be hailed as democracy icons
for their opposition to dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

Aug. 21, 1983: Father is assassinated upon return from U.S. exile to unite the political
opposition against Marcos, triggering massive protests.

Feb. 25, 1986: Mother Corazon "Cory" Aquino takes oath as president at the end of the four-
day "people power" revolt that ousted Marcos, who flees with his family to Hawaii. Marcos dies
in Honolulu three years later.

Aug. 28, 1987: Wounded and left for dead in an ambush by rebel troops during a coup
attempt, one of seven by right-wing military officers that clobbered his mother's rule.

May 1998: Elected to his first three-year term as congressman representing his northern home
district of Tarlac province. Re-elected to two more terms in the House of Representatives before
winning a Senate seat.

June 2005: Joins the opposition seeking the impeachment of President Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo, his former economics professor, over allegations she rigged the 2004 elections and

Aug. 1, 2009: Mother Corazon "Cory" Aquino dies of colon cancer. Massive outpouring of
emotion for the Philippines' democracy icon generates groundswell of support for Aquino's
presidential candidacy.

May 10, 2010: Elected president by a landslide on strong anti-corruption platform, promising
to investigate alleged wrongdoing of outgoing President Arroyo.

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