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Semester September 2014

Course Planning

Week Lecture Tutorial Lab Remarks
CLB 10703 Course
No Tutorial
Lab Group

W2 Chapter 1 No Tutorial Lab 1

W3 Chapter 2A Tutorial 1 Lab 2
Preparation of
Assignment 1
(group work)
W4 Chapter 2B Tutorial 2 Lab 3
W5 Chapter 2C
Tutorial 3
Quiz 1 (online)
No Lab
W6 Chapter 3A
Tutorial 4
Test 1
Lab 4
Submission of
Assignment 1
W7 Chapter 3B Tutorial 5 No Lab

W8 Chapter 3C Tutorial 6 No Lab

W9 Chapter 4A Tutorial 7 No Lab
Preparation of
Assignment 2
(group work)
W10 Chapter 4B
Tutorial 8
Quiz 2 (online)
No Lab

W11 Chapter 5A
Tutorial 8
Test 2
No Lab

W12 Chapter 5B Tutorial 9 No Lab
Submission of
Assignment 2
W13 No Lecture Tutorial 9
Lab Test

Assignment 2
No Tutorial No Lab

*subject to change

Quiz 1 : Chapter 1 2
Quiz 2 : Chapter 3 4B
Test 1: Chapter 1 2
Test 2 : Chapter 3 4

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