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Week beginning September 21


How we
Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondence for t! and i!"
So#nd h#nt
Letter formation
$hro% %et sponges at t! and i! %ords and pict#res
P&a' do#gh &etter formation #sing temp&ates
(dentif'ing ob)ects starting %ith ta#ght so#nds
*emonstrate basic kno%&edge of one+to+one &etter+so#nd
correspondence b' prod#cing the primar' so#nd or man' of the most
fre,#ent so#nds for each consonant
With prompting and s#pport- identif' characters- settings and ma)or
events in a stor'
*escribe fami&iar peop&e- p&aces- things and events and %ith
prompting and s#pport provide additiona& detai&
(ntrod#ction to sorting 1". /0b)ective 1 $o introd#ce attrib#tes and
Sand and Water P&a' 1"3 /0b)ective 1 $o introd#ce vo&#me thro#gh
sand and %ater p&a'2"
Constr#ct a bar graph and ask simp&e ,#estions 1"4 /ob)ective 1 $o
introd#ce bar graphs #sing vario#s modes of transportation2"
So#nd and 5otion Patterns 1"6 /ob)ective 1 $o introd#ce patterns
thro#gh m#&ti+sensor' e7perientia& activities2"
Unit of Inquiry
How we Organize Ourselves
Central Idea: In a community people share responsiility towards a
common purpose!
8or o#r #nit of in,#ir' %e are in,#iring into %hat a comm#nit' is and ho% it
f#nctions" $his %eek %e %i&& be in,#iring into o#r fami&' comm#nities- %ho
%e &ive %ith- %here %e &ive and %hat %e can do in o#r home comm#nities"
We tr' to take a transdiscip&inar' approach to the &earning engagements
the chi&dren participate in and connect o#r 9nit of (n,#ir' to &earning in
other areas" We #se the ke' concepts of form- f#nction and connection to
he&p g#ide the in,#ir' and &earning"
Homewor" #as":
:e7t %eek %e %i&& be doing a &ot of ta&king abo#t o#r fami&ies and home
comm#nities" $o promote the respect of a&& o#r fami&ies at G(S- the ;G2
c&asses %o#&d &ike to introd#ce a specia& sho% and te&& %here st#dents are
invited to bring a c#&t#ra& artifact/ob)ect/photograph into c&ass to share %ith
their friends"
Week beginning September 21
*ate 8or
<o#r *iar'
$ednesday %&
'eptemer ( Hopes and )reams )ay
*no classes for students+
=et#rn &ibrar' books on an' of the sched#&ed &ibrar' da's"
P&ease make s#re that 'o#r chi&d brings a f#&& %ater bott&e to schoo& %ith
him/her each da'" Help us to promote healthy living at school y
giving your child a healthy snac" and lunch which includes fruits
and vegetales!
C&ass :e%s
>e&&o 8ami&ies" We have had another b#s' %eek in ;G2?" We are fee&ing
sett&ed in o#r c&ass comm#nit' no%- b#i&ding friendships and &earning to
cooperate %ith each other"
A gent&e reminder that as part of o#r in,#ir' into comm#nities- %e %o#&d &ike
to @nd o#t %hat )obs o#r 5#ms and *ads do" (f 'o# %o#&d be interested in
ta&king to the chi&dren in o#r c&ass abo#t 'o#r )ob- %e %o#&d &ove to hear
from 'o#" P&ease contact 5s" ?ai&e' 1 b"brookeAgisBgemsed#"com"
$hank 'o# to the 5#ms and *ads %ho made it a&ong to o#r C#rric#&#m
Cvening- it %as &ove&' to see 'o# and ( hope it provided 'o# %ith #sef#&
information and promoted some food for tho#ght!"
( &ook for%ard to chatting to 'o# individ#a&&' at o#r >opes and *reams da'
on Wednesda'- p&ease be reminded this is a non+teaching da'"
( &ook for%ard to seeing 'o# then- and hope 'o# have had a &ove&' %eekend"
5s" ?ai&e'

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