Money Maximum: Terms and Conditions

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The Ultimate Money Making Guide

Terms and Conditions:
All information provided in this eBook is for educational purpose only. Although all
of this is purely whitehat, nothing illegal I (author) am in no way responsible for any
actions taken by you after reading this book. You are solely responsible for all your
Actual money making process is dependent on you only. You are only eligible for a
refund after you have tried the methods for more than ! days.
You have no rights to resell this or distribute this in any way. If you are found doing
such things, you will be reported to the "# authorities as well as a dispute$scam
report will be opened on "#.
%book cost & '!(
* This method is 100% legal in all countries and states.
* This method takes no longer than 5 minutes to set up.
* This method cannot be saturated (registrations are limited, so be quick!)
* NOTES: 1! "E#S$TE %O&scenity on '$(ST page) "*(N$NG+ ,, -o NOT need any
&ank account) credit card or payment in.ormation/ 1001 '(EE *CCOUNT
2isit this 3e&site : Click here %(egister here+
)lick anywhere on the website to register an account (it will pop*up on your screen),
)reate an account * go to your e*mail and activate your account.
+nce you,ve created your account, simply follow the instructions below&
* - ,.y Account,
* - ,Affiliate /tatus,
* - %nter either your 0ay0al, 0ayoneer, .oneyBookers or whatever payment gateway
you,d prefer. (+nly need your email$username).
%(emem&er that you need to &e logged in to see this in.os4+
You are now ready to get paid. You,ll be getting paid (! per !1 visitors ((1.21 per
visitor3), let,s proceed to getting A45+.A5%6, 5EG$T visitors now3
/o you,ve setup your payment details, and it,s now time to start earning the big
Go to the .ollo3ing 3e&site: Click here
#ollow the instructions below&
* - ,.y Account,
* - ,7eferral 8ink, ()+0Y 5"I/)
* - 9o to& )lick here
* - In the address, 0A/5% your referral link
* - You,ll receive anywhere from :1 * ;1 visitors within ! minutes. * You,ve <ust made
(: * (;, "ow easy was that=
5o make more money, 7%0%A5 the process every 21 minutes * +r, use the following
method B%8+> for %?%@ .+7%&
* - 9o to
* - 0ut in the 478& )lick here
- 7epeat the above step * paste in your referral link * you,ll get another (: * (;
within ! minutes * "+> %A/Y I/ 5"A5=
Good luck4

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