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1. Anar sense visat, com a turista, amb vol de tornada 3 mesos

Es pot marxar a Austrlia!Indon"sia etc. i tornar per 3 mesos m#s $en total % mesos en un
per&ode de 1' mesos(
'. )isitor )isa, necessites %mil eur. al compte i vol de tornada $o els diners necessaris pel vol(
* mesos en un per&ode de 1+ mesos
Pots comprar un vol barat a Austrlia $amb asse,uran-a( i cancelar.lo despr#s
3. /ue el 0 1i va,i primer, trobi 2eina i obtin,ui el 3or4 )isa5 6o despr#s 2ai, visat de c7pia
8. 09 3or4in, :olida; immediat i 6o9 3or4in, :olida; a l<abril $'== places( 1 an;
No podem 2er Aamil; Stream )isa $Partners1ip( abans de marxarB
Es pot combinar l<opciC ' amb l<opciC 3B Primer )isitor )isa pels dos i, Duan 1i si,uem,
obtenir el 3or4 )isa primer el 0 i despr#s 6o $c7pia( En cas Due s&, podrien ser m#s de *
Si 1i anem amb visat o sense, ens posaran moltes pe,ues per entrarB I per trobar 2einaB
0ema allot6ament
0ema 2eina, amb )isitor )isa #s 2cilB /u" tal traducciC i turismeB
.Evidence t1at ;ou are a bona 2ide visitor, 2or example9
E evidence t1at ;ou intend to return to ;our 1ome countr; at t1e end o2 ;our sta;
E evidence t1at ;ou are ,enuinel; visitin, 2or t1e purpose o2 1olida;in,, si,1tseein, or
visitin, 2amil; or 2riends
.Evidence o2 onFard travel arran,ements out o2 NeF Gealand
Spain Working Holiday Scheme
be coming to New Zealand to holiday, with work or study being secondary intentions for your visit
When you are here
You must not take up permanent employment (unless you apply for and are granted an ordinary work
visa while you are here!
You must not work for a period e"ceeding si" months!
You must not work for the same employer for more than three months!
You can enrol in one or more courses of training or study of up to three months# duration in total
during your visit!
%ike all New Zealand workers, you will need an &'( number so that your employer can deduct ta" from
your earnings at the correct rate! &n New Zealand, you pay ta" on a pay as you earn ()*Y+ basis! $his
means that there should not be a large refund or an amount to pay when you leave! ,or more
information see &nland 'evenue-s $ravelling to New Zealand webpage .e"ternal link/!

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