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A More Clever Story Passage 5

David Melnyczuk
In the Man-Cave, Colins Mother had prepared pizza rolls for the boys. odd e!presses his
blunt indi"nation to#ard $teve.
%e &ade an a"ree&ent. It #as practically failure proof. 'eave the &ap at ho&e(
I #as )ust sleepy. I #as up late applyin" for that co&&unity colle"e.
Colle"e, you kno#, +CC. Mockin"ly Cant spell success #ithout +CC
,ou still cant spell success.
-e .uiet. I have had enou"h of your co&&ents.
/fter a brief scuffle, broken up by a pro)ectile pizza roll strikin" odd in the eye, odd even
&ore furiously continues the assault.
here is not enou"h paper in the #orld for &e to e!press ho# &uch I hate you ri"ht no#.
0ela! &an. I& sorry for thro#in" that pizza roll
$tarin" off into the distance, ponderin" the past.
%hatever, I &ean countless hours of Maroikart, drinkin" 1epsis, and talkin" about "irls, and
occasionally for you "uys, has co&e to this( ,ou kno# #hat, I& outta here.
odd an"rily sla&s his fist on the poker table spillin" 1epsi on to the ne#ly carpeted base&ent.
$teve unconsciously shrieks sorry as odd e!its the Man-Cave re"rettin" applyin" to colle"e in
the first place.
$teve feverishly atte&pts to recollect #hat #as on that piece of paper. 2e had co&e across it
after searchin" for his social security nu&ber and &erely for"ot he placed in his folder.
Me&ories of seventh-"rade recalled $teve I #onder if the treasure is still there. I &ean it is
probably all #eathered do#n or a chip&unk burro#ed in it or so&ethin". %ell #hatever
happened it doesnt &atter no#.
-ut then #hy #ould odd "et all upset* .uestioned Colin here &ust be so&ethin" there he
doesnt #ant anyone to find.
%ell #hatever that &ay be. I dont care any&ore.
Colin screa&s for his &other to thro# do#n so&e paper to#els to clean up the soda $teve
conveniently left. here #as only an insi"nificant stain, nothin" visible to the plain si"ht, yet the
t#o friends continued to conte&plate )ust #hy $teve left so distressed.
%anna play so&e Mariocart*
$ure a"reed $teve.


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