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Teacher-Created Worksheets Level: Beginning Basic English Grammar: Ch.

QUIZ 7A: Irregular Verbs (Group 6)
Complete the following sentences with the past form of the verbs in the list.
1. esterda! "
############### a pict$re of m!self. %! mom loved it.
&. 'n o$r last vacation we ############### in the beach and in the pool. We had a lot of f$n.
(. Last !ear L)* ############### the "nterschool Chess Championship. We had e+cellent pla!ers.
,. When " was in %iami " ############### a 1--!ear-old girl who.s able to speak si+ lang$ages.
/. %om said " ############## five centimeters this !ear.
0. %! little sister ############## the chocolate bo+ in the free1er. 2nd no one co$ld find it.
3. Last 4$nda! " ############# from a tree and " broke a leg. " co$ldn.t walk for three da!s.
5. "n the park " accidentall! ############### the golf ball at a ho$se and " broke a window.
9. %ar! didn.t come to class last week beca$se she ############# ver! sick.
1-.esterda! afternoon the wind ############ ver! hard.
QUIZ 7B: Irregular Verbs (Group 6)
Complete the following sentences with the past form of the verbs in the list.
1. 2t the %arine *ark6
we ########### food to the dolphins in their pools. The! 7$mped to catch the fish8
&. 2t m! dadd!.s birthda! part!6 " ############## o$t all his ,- candles beca$se he co$ldn.t8
(. %! sister ############## a bea$tif$l pict$re with mo$ntains in her last arts class.
,. 9$an *ablo %onto!a ########### the :ascar race in ;a!tona. <e was ahead from the ver! first lap8
/. When " was in 4anta %arta we ################ in the ocean. "t.s more diffic$lt than in a pool.
0. esterda!6 we were pla!ing6 and " accidentall! moved a table and a cr!stal vase ############# and
broke to pieces on the floor.
3. Last s$mmer in Barichara " ############### a man who.s more than 1-- !ears old8
5. Last night m! bab! brother ############ the ;=; remote control in the refrigerator8
9. %om ############ roses in her garden last spring. :ow the! look bea$tif$l.
1-. " ########### terrible in the morning. 4o " had to go to the doctor $rgentl! and " didn.t come to class.
)$i1 326 3B: "rreg$lar =erbs >?ro$p 0@ *age 1 of 1
Contributed by Keith Pluas, Colegio La Quinta del Puente
blow keep draw know fall swim feel throw grow win
draw fall blow swim put know win grow throw feel

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