Caesarean Section

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Caesarean section

Nursing process is a patient centered, goal oriented method of caring that provides a framework to the nursing care. The
nursing process exists for every problem that the patient has, andfor every element of patient care, rather than once for each
patient. The nurse's evaluation of care will lead to changes in the implementation of the care and the patient's needs are
likely tochange during their stay in hospital as their health either improves or deteriorates. Nursing process was used in this
case study for a more systematic to care for a client who haveundergone a cesarean section birth.A cesarean birth, also
known as C-section, happens through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus rather than through the vagina. Some C-
sections are planned due to pregnancy complications or because you've had a previous C-section. But, in many cases, the
need for a first-time C-section doesn't become obvious until labor has already started. Knowing what toexpect during the
procedure and recovery can help the mother prepare. There has been a gradual increase in cesarean births over the past 30
years. In November of 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the national cesareanbirth rate
was the highest ever at 29.1%, which is over a quarter of all deliveries. This means that over 1 in 4 women will experience a
cesarean birth.

The significance of the study is for us third year students to apply the principles and conceptsthat we
have learned in the NCM 101 (Maternal and Child Nursing) in our rotation at Region 1
Medical Hospital, with the following learning objectives:

To be able to review concepts and theories in maternal and child nursing.
To be able to describe the development, pathophysiology, medical-surgicalmanagement, and nursing care of a
client who have undergone a cesareansection birth.
To be able to design a Nursing Care Plan for the patient who have undergonecesarean birth.
To be able to provide information and heath teachings to the patient in thepostpartum period.
To be able carry-out hospital routines and the treatment prescribed to the patient.
To be able to perform nursing procedures and nursing considerations for a clientin the preoperative
and postoperative stages.

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