Four Caps

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Four golden caps of high end selling

a. In case of business continuity:---

1. Green cap:- I am not here just to sell a product, am here for your estate planning (i.e.
whatever happens to you, either you are no more or you live longer after your
retirement your asset will grow)
- If you are alive you get enough of financial freedom to lead your life further, you can
expand your business or you can take this amount as your retirement benefit as just
sit and relax.
- My nature is of a permanent connect with the client
2. White cap: - scenario analysis of life with offer and life without offer.
- Without offer means you have to ask money from your children and that will be
your 2
death for a simple reason that it is only because of you that your son has
reached this level and you have to ask 4m him.
- Channel change incident for old
- Option for both
- In partnership
a) Partner has done a fraud and he alive and untraceable
b) Partner has died
c) Partner has done a fraud and he alive and traceable
3. Blue cap: - in terms of money and affordability of the client. Breakup into per day cost
and affordability, show him how small Is the amount for him to invest
More info needed
4. Red cap:- critical issues, in partnership show how they invested I the joint capital and
how they represent individually for joint capital more info

b. In case of gratuity:-
1. Green cap

2. White cap:- easy settlement of EoSB, earning for company at the same time, no
headache, and liability given to others
8 points to be discussed
3. Blue cap:- cost will be roughly 10% of the basic salary monthly or 5 to 10 Aed per day
4. Critical issues:- points needed

I have created an asset, can I ever think in my dreams that this asset can die unexpectedly one day

Bring out the real fear in partnership

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