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Literacy Homework, Friday 19

September 2014
Complete the Story
Using either of the two stories weve studied in Literacy this week,
complete one of them. Probably, your favourite of the two.
I shall be marking punctuation, grammar, detail (adectives,
adverbs, similes!, use of connectives and sentence starters. "rite in
your homework book please.
The Life of a ad Rabbit
!y "r #elwick
I am a lonely rabbit. #y name is, I dont know. I live in an
old hutch. I never get to see any light because my hutch
has no windows. $here is no light. I only get to see a dirty
hand give me food. I only eat pellets and hay Im given in
a bowl.
$he only bits of the world I see are through the cracks in
my hutch. It lets the cold and damp into my home in
winter. I did live with two other %abbits. $hey were my
sisters but I am now alone.
I wonder what its like outside my hutch& I hear its so
much fun and its great. I wish I could go out and have fun.
'ut I cant.
(ometimes I cry. I cry because I am bored. I cry because I
am sad. I would love to be cuddled because I think it may
be nice. 'ut it does not happen to me, the sad lonely
(o that is my life, please dont think of me, Ill only make
you cry.
Ro$$ie% &reat 'd(e$t)re*
!y "r #elwick
$his is %onnie the %abbit. )e has a good life and is very loved.
)is human mum and dad are always giving him hugs,
playing games and giving him treats from* $)+ $%+,$ '-./
$here is one treat that %onnie wants to eat the most. It is the Iced
,ll these sweet treats have made %onnie a clever rabbit. )is
adventure starts from his run in the garden.
)is plan is to sneak out of his run, up the path and into the house.
)is plan is good because he can hop up the garden
very 0uickly. (o one morning, %onnie went on his
adventure. )e dug under the run and hopped up the
garden to 1nd*

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