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The Environmental Management Act, 2000


Arrangement of Rules
1. Ci tati on
2. I nterpretati on
3. Regi ster of Water Pol l utants
4. Requi rements for source appl i cati on
5. Prohi bi ti on agai nst rel ease of water pol l utants
6. Source appl i cati on
7. Regi strati on certi fi cate
8. Requi rement to appl y for a permi t
9. General prohi bi ti on agai nst non compl i ance wi th a noti ce to appl y
for a permi t
10. Appl i cati on for a permi t
11. Further i nformati on
12. I ncompl ete appl i cati on
13. Determi nati on of appl i cati on
14. Durati on of permi ts
15. Permi t condi ti ons
16. Changes after grant of regi strati on certi fi cate or permi t
17. Vari ati on
18. Transfer of permi t
19. Renewal of permi ts
20. Revocati on of permi ts or regi strati on certi fi cate
21. Suspensi on of permi ts or regi strati on certi fi cate
22. Procedure for the revocati on, suspensi on and vari ati on of permi t
or regi strati on certi fi cate and rejecti on of cl ai m
23. Noti fi cati on of deci si ons of the Authori ty
24. Appeal s to the Commi ssi on
25. Water Pol l uters Regi ster
26. Trade secrets and confi denti al busi ness i nformati on
1. These Rul es may be ci ted as the Water Pol l uti on Rul es, 2001.
2. I n these Rul es
Act means the Envi ronmental Management Act, 2000;
aqui fer means a formati on of permeabl e rock saturated wi th
water and wi th a degree of permeabi l i ty that al l ows water
to be wi thdrawn;
agri cul tural means pertai ni ng to horti cul ture, frui t growi ng,
seed growi ng, dai ry farmi ng, the breedi ng and keepi ng of
l i vestock (i ncl udi ng any creature kept for the producti on of
food, cl othi ng, or for the purpose of farmi ng of l and), the
use of l and as gr azi ng l and, meadow l and, osi er l and,
market gardens and nursery grounds, and use of l and for
woodl ands where that use i s anci l l ary to the farmi ng l and
for other purposes;
Authori ty means the Envi ronmental Management Authori ty
establ i shed under secti on 6(1) of the Act;
base fl ow means the contr i buti on of gr oundwater fl ow to
stream fl ow;
coastal nearshore means the area of the mari ne envi ronment
whi ch extends no more than three nauti cal mi l es from the
hi gh water mark;
commerci al means of or pertai ni ng to busi ness or trade;
Commi s s i on mean s th e En v i r on men tal Commi s s i on
establ i shed under secti on 81 of the Act;
di si nfecti on means the use of a chemi cal or techni que to
destr oy or i nhi bi t the gr owth of mi cr oor gani sms that
causes di seases;
emergency means any si tuati on ari si ng from events beyond
th e r eas on abl e con tr ol of an y per s on th at r equ i r es
Legal Supplement Part BVol. 40, No. 20324th October, 2001 855
Ci tati on
I nterpretati on
Act No. 3 of
correcti ve acti on to restore normal operati on and causes a
faci l i ty to br each a per mi t condi ti on or the per mi ssi bl e
l evel s for rel ease of water pol l utants;
faci l i ty means any l ocati on wi thi n the envi ronment, and any
pr emi s es , v eh i cl es , bu i l di n gs , pr oces s , equ i pmen t,
devel opment, or natur al or man-made str uctur e at such
l ocati on, from whi ch water pol l utants may be rel eased;
gr oundwater means the water bel ow the ear ths sur face,
usual l y i n porous rock formati ons;
i ndus tr i al means of or per tai ni ng to the manufactur e,
pr ocessi ng, handl i ng, tr anspor t, stor age or di sposal of
mater i al s (i ncl udi ng r aw mater i al s, mater i al s i n the
pr ocess of manufactur e, manufactur ed mater i al s, by-
products and waste materi al s);
i nl and surface waters means the water from ri vers, creeks,
ti dal water s , es tuar i es , s wamps , s tr eams , l ak es and
i mpounded r eser voi r s that fl ows over or r ests upon the
l and surface of Tri ni dad and Tobago and i n dry condi ti ons
i ncl udes the area over whi ch such waters fl owed or rested;
i nsti tuti on i ncl udes heal th car e establ i shments, hospi tal s,
pri sons, school s and zoos;
Local Authori ty means a Counci l of a Muni ci pal Corporati on
wi thi n the meani ng of the Muni ci pal Cor por ati ons Act,
mari ne offshore means that area of the mari ne envi ronment
seaward of the coastal nearshore;
motor vehi cl e means any mechani cal l y pr opel l ed vehi cl e
i ntended or adapted for use on roads and i ncl udes a trol l ey
v eh i cl e, bu t does n ot i n cl u de v eh i cl es con s tr u cted
excl usi vel y for use on r ai l s or other speci al l y pr otected
n oti ce mean s a n oti ce i n accor dan ce wi th th e for m
determi ned by the Authori ty;
per mi ssi bl e l evel means the l evel speci fi ed i n the Second
Schedul e outsi de of whi ch a per son r el easi ng a water
pol l utant may be requi red by the Authori ty to submi t an
appl i cati on pursuant to rul e 8 for a permi t;
per mi t means a water pol l uti on per mi t gr anted under
secti on 53(1) of the Act;
per mi ttee means a per s on to whom a per mi t has been
856 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
Schedul e
Act No. 21 of
pl ace means
(a) a geogr aphi cal l y conti guous pr oper ty wher e an
acti vi ty i s carri ed out;
(b) a non-conti guous pr oper ty wher e an acti vi ty i s
carri ed out that i s connected by a ri ght of way to
whi ch the publ i c does not have access; or
(c) two or mor e pi eces of pr oper ty, wher e an acti vi ty
occur s, that ar e geogr aphi cal l y conti guous and
di vi ded by publ i c or pri vate ri ght of way(s);
pr escr i bed fee means the fee pr escr i bed by the Mi ni ster
under secti on 96(2) of the Act;
r ecei vi ng envi r onment means any envi r onment speci fi ed i n
the Second Schedul e;
Regi ster means the regi ster of water pol l utants establ i shed
under secti on 52(2) of the Act and mai ntai ned under
rul e 3;
regi strabl e faci l i ty means
(a) an i ndustri al faci l i ty;
(b) a commerci al faci l i ty;
(c) an agri cul tural faci l i ty;
(d) an i nsti tuti on; and
(e) a sewerage faci l i ty;
r egi ster ed faci l i ty means a faci l i ty that i s enter ed i n the
Water Pol l uters Regi ster;
r egi ster ed per son means a per son to whom a r egi str ati on
certi fi cate has been i ssued;
Regi strar means the Regi strar of Compani es appoi nted under
the Compani es Act, 1995;
r egi str ati on cer ti fi cate means a cer ti fi cate i ssued under
rul e 7;
sour ce appl i cati on means an appl i cati on under r ul e 6 to
r egi ster a faci l i ty as a sour ce of the r el ease of a water
pol l utant;
sewerage faci l i ty means street sewers, col l ecti ng sewers and
house sewer s, and wor k s or appl i ances of ever y k i nd
for mi ng par t of the constr ucti on of the sewer system or
necessar y accessor y, or i nci dental ther eto and i ncl udes
pumpi ng stati ons and treatment pl ants;
Tobago House of Assembl y means the Tobago House of
Assembl y referred to i n secti on 141A of the Consti tuti on;
vehi cl e means any form of conveyance or transportati on from
whi ch water pol l utants may be rel eased;
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 857
Act No. 35 of
Schedul e
water means any surface water, sea, groundwater, wetl ands
or mari ne areas wi thi n the envi ronment;
water pol l utant has the meani ng assi gned to i t i n rul e 3(1);
Water Pol l uters Regi ster means the record establ i shed under
rul e 25;
WASA means the Water and Sewerage Authori ty establ i shed
under secti on 3 of the Water and Sewerage Act.
3. (1) For the purpose of these Rul es, the parameters or substances
at the quanti ty, condi ti on or concentr ati on menti oned i n the Fi r st
Schedul e are water pol l utants speci fi c to Tri ni dad and Tobago.
(2) The Authori ty shal l mai ntai n i n any form a Regi ster of Water
Pol l utants.
4. (1) Subject to sub-rul e (2) a person who i ntends to rel ease from a
r egi str abl e faci l i ty a water pol l utant that i s l i kel y to cause har m to
human heal th or to the envi r onment i s r equi r ed to submi t a sour ce
appl i cati on to the Author i ty for ty-fi ve wor ki ng days pr i or to such
rel ease.
(2) A person who i s al ready i n the process of di schargi ng a water
pol l utant fr om a r egi str abl e faci l i ty at the commencement of these
Rul es shal l be requi red to submi t a source appl i cati on not l ater than
forty-fi ve worki ng days from the commencement of these Rul es.
(3) The operati on of the regi strabl e faci l i ty from whi ch a water
pol l utant i s rel eased shal l be al l owed unti l fi nal determi nati on of source
appl i cati on.
(4) For the purpose of any appl i cati on under these Rul es, where
i n one pl ace a person carri es out an acti vi ty i n more than one structure,
that pl ace may, subject to the di screti on of the Authori ty compri se one
faci l i ty.
(5) Unl ess otherwi se authori sed under sub-rul es (1), (2) and (3),
no person shal l al l ow the rel ease of a water pol l utant from a regi strabl e
faci l i ty.
(6) Sub-rul es (1) and (2) do not appl y to
(a) operati onal rel eases from motor vehi cl es;
(b) r el eases fr om househol ds except wher e such househol ds
contai n i ndustri al or commerci al faci l i ti es; or
(c) r el eases author i sed by a competent gover nmental enti ty
i n to s ewer age faci l i ti es own ed or oper ated by s u ch
competent governmental enti ty.
858 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
Chap. 54:50
Regi ster of
pol l utants
Fi rst
Schedul e
Requi rement
for source
appl i cati on
5. (1) A person shal l not rel ease a water pol l utant i nto any water
approved by a competent governmental enti ty for human consumpti on
wi thout tr eatment or wher e tr eatment has been l i mi ted sol el y to
di si nfecti on.
(2) A person shal l not rel ease a water pol l utant i nto groundwater
(a) the groundwater i s vul nerabl e to contami nati on because of
the hydrol ogi cal characteri sti cs of the area under whi ch the
groundwater occurs;
(b) no al ter nati ve sour ce of dr i nk i ng water i s avai l abl e to
substanti al current or future popul ati ons;
(c) the aqui fer provi des the base fl ow for a sensi ti ve ecol ogi cal
(d) the r el ease of a water pol l utant may destr oy a uni que
habi tat; or
(e) the groundwater i s a current or potenti al source of dri nki ng
water or has some other benefi ci al use.
6. (1) A source appl i cati on shal l
(a) be compl eted i n tr i pl i cate and shal l be submi tted to the
Authori ty together wi th the prescri bed fee;
(b) be i n accor dan ce wi th th e for m as deter mi n ed by th e
Authori ty;
(c) be i n respect of one faci l i ty; and
(d) i ncl ude the fol l owi ng i nformati on:
(i ) the company or corporate name, or name of the
i nsti tuti on or i ndi vi dual , the names of di rectors i f
any, the name and posi ti on of the appl i cant, the
n ame of own er or occu pi er an d th e mai l i n g
address of the faci l i ty;
(i i ) the l ocati on of the faci l i ty, i ncl udi ng town or
vi l l age, di stri ct, street name and l ot number;
(i i i ) a br i ef descr i pti on of the pr ocess or acti vi ty
gen er ati n g th e r el eas e i n cl u di n g pr i n ci pal
products and raw materi al s used;
(i v) age, energy use and water use of the faci l i ty;
(v) exi sti ng or proposed vol umetri c rel ease rates;
(vi ) effl uent qual i ty moni tor i ng data whi ch shal l
i ndi cate characteri sti cs of rel ease, i ncl udi ng fl ow
r ate, quanti ty, condi ti ons and concentr ati ons of
consti tuents;
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 859
against release
of water
appl i cati on
(vi i ) an i ndi cati on of whether or not the faci l i ty i s
proposed or i s i n exi stence;
(vi i i ) an i ndi cati on of whether or not other appr oval s
from any other governmental enti ty are requi red
under wr i tten l aw and whether such appr oval s
have been obtai ned;
(i x) topographi c map of the area wi th a scal e of one i n
twenty-fi ve thousand, extendi ng to at l east one
ki l ometre beyond the property boundary;
(x) a des cr i pti on of an y water pol l u ti on con tr ol
(xi ) a descr i pti on of the r ecei vi ng envi r onment i nto
whi ch the rel ease i s di rected;
(xi i ) any other rel evant i nformati on deemed necessary
by the Authori ty.
(2) Wher e the faci l i ty i s a company, the appl i cant shal l suppl y
the Authori ty wi th a Regi strars certi fi cate furni shed by the Regi strar of
Compani es under secti on 486(1)(b) of the Compani es Act stati ng that
the name of the company i s on the Regi ster of Compani es.
(3) The sour ce appl i cati on shal l be si gned by the pr i nci pal
executi ve offi cer where the appl i cati on i s wi th respect to a company and
i n other i nstances by the per son owni ng or oper ati ng the r egi str abl e
faci l i ty i n respect of whi ch the regi strati on i s bei ng sought.
7. (1) Subject to subrul e (2), where the Authori ty recei ves a source
appl i cati on and deter mi nes that the appl i cant r el eas es a water
pol l utant, the Author i ty shal l wi thi n ten wor ki ng days i ssue to the
appl i cant a regi strati on certi fi cate.
(2) Where the appl i cant submi ts further i nformati on pursuant to
rul e 11 or 12 and the Authori ty determi nes that the appl i cant rel eases a
water pol l utant, the Authori ty shal l wi thi n ten worki ng days of recei pt
of that i nformati on i ssue to the appl i cant a regi strati on certi fi cate.
(3) A regi strati on certi fi cate i s val i d for a peri od of three years
from the date of i ssue.
(4) Wher e a r egi ster ed per son wi shes to conti nue to r el ease a
water pol l utant beyond the expi r ati on of the r egi str ati on cer ti fi cate,
that per son shal l submi t an appl i cati on for r enewal of a r egi str ati on
certi fi cate to the Authori ty, i n accordance wi th the form as determi ned
by the Author i ty, together wi th the pr escr i bed fee. Pr ovi ded however
that a per son i ssued wi th a per mi t under these Rul es shal l not be
requi red to renew a regi strati on certi fi cate when i t expi res.
860 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
Act No. 35 of
Regi strati on
certi fi cate
(5) An appl i cati on for the r enewal of a r egi str ati on cer ti fi cate
under subrul e (4) shal l be made at l east thi rty worki ng days before the
expi rati on of the regi strati on certi fi cate.
(6) Where a regi stered person has submi tted an appl i cati on for
the renewal of a regi strati on certi fi cate i n accordance wi th subrul es (4)
and (5), the expi red regi strati on certi fi cate shal l conti nue to be i n force
unti l the effecti ve date of the renewed regi strati on certi fi cate.
8. (1) Where any person rel eases a water pol l utant i nto a recei vi ng
envi ronment outsi de the permi ssi bl e l evel , that i s l i kel y to cause harm
to human heal th or to the envi ronment, the Authori ty may at any ti me
noti fy that person to appl y for a permi t.
(2) A per son gr anted a per mi t shal l be r equi r ed to pay the
prescri bed fee.
9. (1) Subject to subrul e (2), a person who recei ves a noti ce under
rul e 8(1) shal l compl y wi th the requi rements of that noti ce.
(2) The operati on of the faci l i ty from whi ch the water pol l utant i s
r el eased shal l be al l owed to conti nue unti l a r equest to submi t an
appl i cati on for a per mi t i s made pur suant to r ul e 8(1) and fi nal
determi nati on of the appl i cati on for the permi t.
(3) Where a person recei ves a noti ce under rul e 8(1), that person
shal l not, after the fi nal determi nati on of the appl i cati on for a permi t
rel ease any water pol l utants outsi de the permi ssi bl e l evel s unl ess that
person has a val i d permi t granted by the Authori ty.
10. (1) An appl i cati on for a permi t shal l
(a) be submi tted wi thi n thi r ty wor ki ng days after the per son
recei ves a noti ce under rul e 8(1);
(b) be compl eted i n tr i pl i cate and shal l be submi tted to the
Au th or i ty togeth er wi th th e pr es cr i bed fee an d i n
accordance wi th the form prescri bed by the Authori ty;
(c) be i n respect of one faci l i ty;
(d) i ncl ude the fol l owi ng i nformati on:
(i ) compan y n ame or cor por ate n ame, n ame of
i nsti tuti on or i ndi vi dual , names of di rectors i f any
name and posi ti on of appl i cant, name of owner or
occupi er and mai l i ng address of the faci l i ty;
(i i ) a map showi ng the l ocati on of any exi sti ng or
proposed i ntake and rel ease poi nts;
(i i i ) an i denti fi cati on of the recei vi ng water or waters
by name;
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 861
Requi rements
to appl y for a
permi t
prohi bi ti on
agai nst non-
compl i ance
wi th a noti ce
to appl y for a
permi t
Appl i cati on
for a permi t
(i v) copi es of any Envi ronmental I mpact Statement or
Assessment Reports or envi ronmental study whi ch
pertai ns to the faci l i ty;
(v) des cr i pti on of an y water pol l u ti on con tr ol
programme; and
(vi ) any other i nfor mati on deemed necessar y by the
Authori ty;
(e) be si gned by the pr i nci pal executi ve offi cer wher e the
appl i cati on i s wi th r espect to a company and i n other
i nstances by the person owni ng or operati ng the faci l i ty i n
respect of whi ch the permi t i s bei ng sought.
(2) Where the appl i cant i s a company, the appl i cant shal l suppl y
the Authori ty wi th a Regi strars certi fi cate furni shed by the Regi strar of
Compani es under secti on 486(1)(b) of the Compani es Act stati ng that
the name of the company i s on the Regi ster of Compani es.
(3) The Authori ty may, at the request of the appl i cant, grant a
reasonabl e extensi on of the ti me prescri bed i n sub-rul e (1)(a).
11. (1) Th e Au th or i ty may , du r i n g th e deter mi n ati on of an
appl i cati on under these Rul es, r equest or al or addi ti onal wr i tten
i nformati on from
(a) an appl i cant;
(b) a person who i s di rectl y affected by the appl i cati on;
(c) a Local Author i ty, any agency of the Tobago House of
Assembl y or any other government enti ty; or
(d) any source the Authori ty consi ders appropri ate.
(2) Where the Authori ty recei ves i nformati on under subrul e 1(b),
1(c) or 1(d) the Authori ty shal l
(a) for war d to the appl i cant a summar y of such i nfor mati on;
(b) r equ es t th e appl i can t to s u bmi t a r es pon s e wi th i n a
speci fi ed ti me.
(3) Wher e dur i ng the deter mi nati on of an appl i cati on under
these Rul es the appl i cant becomes aware
(a) that i n an appl i cati on or i n a r epor t to the Author i ty the
appl i cant has fai l ed to submi t any r el evant facts or has
submi tted i ncorrect i nformati on; or
(b) that ther e i s any change affecti ng the accur acy of any
i nformati on provi ded to the Authori ty,
the appl i cant shal l wi thi n ten worki ng days, noti fy and submi t to the
Authori ty the rel evant facts and correct i nformati on.
862 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
Act No. 35 of
i nformati on
12. (1) Where the Authori ty consi ders that the appl i cant has omi tted
to pr ovi de any of the i nfor mati on r equi r ed under these Rul es, the
Authori ty shal l noti fy the appl i cant i n wri ti ng of the omi ssi on wi thi n
ten worki ng days of recei pt of the appl i cati on and shal l request wi thi n a
speci fi ed ti me the omi tted i nformati on.
(2) The Authori ty may, at the request of the appl i cant al l ow an
extensi on of the ti me l i mi t speci fi ed by the Author i ty pur suant to
subrul e (1) or rul e 11(2).
(3) Wi thout pr ej udi ce to the gener al i ty of r ul e 13(1), wher e
the appl i cant does not suppl y the i nfor mati on as r equested under
subrul e (1) or rul e 11(1)(a) or 11(2)(b) wi thi n the ti me l i mi t speci fi ed by
the Authori ty under subrul e (1) or (2), or rul e 11(1)(a) or 11(2)(b) the
Au th or i ty may r efu s e to gr an t a per mi t or i s s u e a r egi s tr ati on
certi fi cate.
13. (1) Subj ect to subr ul e (2) the Author i ty shal l wi thi n thi r ty
worki ng days of recei pt of a compl eted appl i cati on under rul e 10 grant
or refuse to grant wi th or wi thout condi ti ons, a permi t to the appl i cant.
(2) Wh er e th e appl i can t u n der r u l e 10 s u bmi ts fu r th er
i nformati on under rul e 11(2), 11(3) or 12 the Authori ty shal l grant or
r efuse to gr ant a per mi t wi thi n thi r ty wor ki ng days of r ecei pt of the
i nformati on.
14. Unl ess previ ousl y revoked, vari ed or suspended by the Authori ty,
a per mi t shal l be effecti ve unti l a fi xed date speci fi ed i n the per mi t,
whi ch date shal l not be more than fi ve years from the date on whi ch the
permi t was granted.
15. (1) The Authori ty shal l establ i sh i n each permi t
(a) the water pol l utants authori sed to be rel eased;
(b) the quanti ty, condi ti ons and concentr ati ons the per mi ttee
may rel ease;
(c) the exact l ocati on where the sampl i ng of the rel ease shal l be
performed; and
(d) reporti ng requi rements.
(2) The Author i ty may establ i sh i n each per mi t, condi ti ons, as
r equ i r ed i n th e cas e of each faci l i ty , i n cl u di n g th e fol l owi n g
requi rements:
(a) that the permi ttee shal l take al l reasonabl e steps to
(i ) avoi d al l adver se envi r onmental i mpacts whi ch
coul d resul t from the acti vi ty;
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 863
I ncompl ete
appl i cati on
Determi nati on
of appl i cati on
Durati on of
permi ts
Permi t
condi ti ons
(i i ) mi ni mi ze the adverse envi ronmental i mpact where
the avoi dance i s i mpracti cal ;
(i i i ) mi ti gate the i mpact wher e the i mpact cannot be
avoi ded;
(b) that moni tori ng of the condi ti ons of the permi t be conducted
i n accordance wi th the methods speci fi ed i n the permi t;
(c) that measur ements taken for the pur pose of moni tor i ng
shal l be representati ve of the rel ease;
(d) that the per mi ttee shal l r etai n r ecor ds of al l moni tor i ng,
i ncl udi ng
(i ) al l cal i brati on and mai ntenance records;
(i i ) al l ori gi nal stri p chart or el ectroni c recordi ngs for
conti nuous moni tori ng i nstrumentati on;
(i i i ) copi es of al l reports requi red by the permi t; and
(i v) records of al l data used to compl ete the appl i cati on
for a permi t,
for a per i od of at l east four year s fr om the date of the
expi rati on of a permi t whi ch peri od may be extended by the
Authori ty;
(e) that records of moni tori ng i nformati on i ncl ude
(i ) th e date, ex act pl ace an d ti me s ampl es or
measurements were taken;
(i i ) the name(s) of i ndi vi dual (s) who took the sampl es
or measurements;
(i i i ) the date(s) anal yses were performed;
(i v) the i ndi vi dual (s) who performed the anal yses;
(v) the anal yti cal methods used;
(vi ) the resul ts of such anal yses;
(vi i ) the methods supporti ng the i nformati on such as
obser vati ons, r eadi ngs, cal cul ati ons and bench
data used and the resul ts of such methodol ogi es;
(vi i i ) the state of the operati on of the faci l i ty i ncl udi ng,
bu t n ot l i mi ted to, pl an n ed an d u n pl an n ed
shutdowns, producti on l evel s and achi evement of
desi gn capaci ty; and
(i x) handl i ng of sampl es;
(f) that the per mi ttee shal l at al l ti mes pr oper l y oper ate and
mai ntai n al l faci l i ti es and systems of treatment and control
whi ch ar e i nstal l ed and used by the per mi ttee to achi eve
compl i ance wi th the permi t;
864 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
(g) that the permi ttee shal l at al l ti mes carry out and mai ntai n
(i ) best management practi ces;
(i i ) pol l uti on and preventi on measures;
(i i i ) adequate l aboratory control s;
(i v) the appropri ate qual i ty assurance procedures; and
(v) back -u p or au x i l i ar y faci l i ti es to ach i ev e
compl i ance wi th the permi t;
(h) that the per mi ttee shal l fur ni sh the Author i ty wi th any
i nformati on whi ch the Authori ty may request to determi ne
whether cause exi sts for var yi ng, suspendi ng, r evoki ng or
r enewi ng the per mi t or to deter mi ne compl i ance wi th the
permi t;
(i) that the per mi ttee shal l fur ni sh to the Author i ty, upon
r equ es t, copi es of r ecor ds r equ i r ed to be k ept by th e
permi ttee;
(j) that the permi ttee report al l i nstances of anti ci pated non-
compl i ance to the Author i ty and shal l gi ve r easonabl e
advance noti ce to the Authori ty of any pl anned changes i n
the permi tted faci l i ty or acti vi ty whi ch may resul t i n non-
compl i ance wi th the permi t requi rements;
(k) that, where there has been non-compl i ance wi th the permi t
requi rements, the permi ttee shal l
(i ) report to the Authori ty, wi thi n forty-ei ght hours of
the ti me the per mi ttee becomes awar e of the
ci r cu ms tan ces of th e n on -compl i an ce, th e
anti ci pated manner i n whi ch i t may endanger
heal th or the envi ronment;
(i i ) wi thi n fi ve worki ng days submi t to the Authori ty a
wri tten report contai ni ng a descri pti on of the non-
compl i an ce, i ts cau s e an d th e per i od of n on -
compl i ance i ncl udi ng exact dates and ti me, the
response, cl ean-up and counter measures taken;
(i i i ) i f the non-compl i ance has not been cor r ected,
submi t a r epor t to the Author i ty i ndi cati ng the
anti ci pated ti me i t i s expected to conti nue; and
(i v) state whether the per mi ttee consi der s that the
non-compl i ance was due to an emergency and the
reasons for such a bel i ef;
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 865
(l) that the permi ttee shal l al l ow an authori sed representati ve
of the Authori ty, upon the presentati on of i denti fi cati on, to
(i ) enter upon the faci l i ty where the water pol l utant
i s r el eased or wher e r ecor ds must be kept under
the condi ti on of the permi t;
(i i ) have access to and copy, at reasonabl e ti mes, any
records that must be kept under the condi ti ons of
the permi t;
(i i i ) i n s pect at r eas on abl e ti mes an y faci l i ti es ,
equi pment (i ncl udi ng moni tor i ng and contr ol
equi pment), pr acti ces, or oper ati ons r egul ated or
requi red under the permi t; and
(i v) sampl e or moni tor at r easonabl e ti mes, for the
purposes of ensuri ng permi t compl i ance.
(3) I n deci di n g th e ter ms an d con di ti on s of a per mi t, th e
Authori ty shal l have regard to i nformati on submi tted under rul e 6, 10,
11, 12 or 16.
(4) I n deter mi ni ng the condi ti ons of a per mi t, the factor s to be
consi dered by the Authori ty shal l i ncl ude but not be l i mi ted to
(a) the i ndustr i al pr ofi l e of the acti vi ti es conducted at the
faci l i ty;
(b) the vol umetri c rel ease rates of effl uents;
(c) th e qu al i ty of th e effl u en t i n cl u di n g con di ti on s an d
concentrati ons of consti tutents;
(e) characteri sti cs of recei vi ng waters (exampl e whether mari ne
or i nl and, fl ow rates, depth, water qual i ty);
(f) uses of recei vi ng water;
(g) age of the faci l i ty;
(h) pol l uti on control equi pment i nstal l ed;
(i) l ocati on of poi nt source;
(j) best avai l abl e practi cabl e technol ogy; and
(k) other rel evant i nformati on.
16. (1) A r egi ster ed per son or per mi ttee shal l , wi thi n twenty-one
wor ki ng days of the fol l owi ng events, gi ve the Author i ty noti ce i n
wri ti ng of:
(a) a change affecti ng the accuracy of any parti cul ars provi ded
i n an appl i cati on for a regi strati on certi fi cate or permi t; or
(b) the cessati on of the oper ati on of the faci l i ty i n r espect of
whi ch the regi strati on certi fi cate or permi t has been i ssued.
866 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
Changes after
grant of
regi strati on
certi fi cate or
permi t
(2) A regi stered person or a permi ttee shal l , upon payment of the
pr escr i bed fee, gi ve noti ce to the Author i ty at l east one hundr ed and
ei ghty wor ki ng days pr i or to any faci l i ty expansi on or modi fi cati on,
producti on i ncrease or modi fi cati on, or process i ncrease or modi fi cati on
whi ch wi l l r esul t i n a new or i ncr eased r el ease of one or mor e water
pol l utants.
(3) The noti ce i n subrul e (2) shal l
(a) i ndi cate the proposed characteri sti cs of rel ease i ncl udi ng the
method of rel ease, quanti ty, condi ti ons and concentrati ons;
(b) i denti fy the recei vi ng water or waters by name; and
(c) con tai n a map s h owi n g th e pr opos ed l ocati on of an y
proposed i ntake and rel ease structures.
(4) Where a regi stered person or permi ttee
(a) di es;
(b) becomes bankrupt;
(c) transfers ownershi p;
(d) goes i nto l i qui dati on or recei vershi p; or
(e) becomes a party to an amal gamati on,
that per son or the per son r esponsi bl e for hi s affai r s, shal l wi thi n
twenty-one wor ki ng days of the event, gi ve the Author i ty noti ce i n
wri ti ng thereof.
17. (1) The Authori ty may
(a) on i ts own i ni ti ati ve var y the condi ti ons of a per mi t or a
vari ati on granted pursuant to subrul e (8); or
(b) on the appl i cati on of the permi ttee vary the condi ti ons of a
permi t or the permi ssi bl e l evel s for the faci l i ty.
(2) The Authori ty may vary a permi t under subrul e (1)(a)
(a) where i t appears to the Authori ty that a si tuati on speci fi ed
i n rul e 16 has occurred;
(b) wher e i t appear s to the Author i ty that an emer gency has
(c) i n order to ensure the attai nment or mai ntenance of water
qual i ty;
(d) i n order to protect and ensure the propagati on of a bal anced
communi ty of pl ant and ani mal l i fe speci fi c to an ar ea or
regi on;
(e) i n order to al l ow recreati onal acti vi ti es i n water; or
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 867
Vari ati on
(f) wher e i t appear s to the Author i ty that any other change,
si tuati on or acti vi ty r el ati ng to the use of the per mi t has
occurred that i s not consi stent wi th these Rul es.
(3) Where the Authori ty vari es a permi t under subrul e (1)(a) i t
s h al l i s s u e to th e per mi ttee an amen ded per mi t or r emov e th e
requi rement for a permi t where the permi ttee by vi rtue of a vari ati on i s
wi thi n al l the prescri bed l i mi ts.
(4) An appl i cati on under subrul e (1)(b) shal l be submi tted to the
Authori ty, together wi th the prescri bed fee.
(5) Subject to subrul es (6) and (7), where the Authori ty recei ves
an appl i cati on under subr ul e (1)(b) for a var i ati on other than a
var i ati on of the per mi ssi bl e l evel s for a faci l i ty, the Author i ty shal l ,
wi thi n thi rty worki ng days of recei pt of the compl eted appl i cati on, i ssue
to the appl i cant an amended permi t or refuse to grant a vari ati on.
(6) Subj ect to s ubr ul e (7) wher e the Author i ty r ecei v es an
appl i cati on under subrul e (1)(b) for a vari ati on of the permi ssi bl e l evel s
for a faci l i ty, the Author i ty may i n the case of an appl i cati on for a
var i ati on of the per mi ssi bl e l evel s for the faci l i ty i ssue an amended
permi t or make a deci si on to remove the requi rement for a permi t or
refuse to grant the vari ati on wi thi n a reasonabl e ti me of recei pt of the
appl i cati on by the Authori ty so as to al l ow the Authori ty to careful l y
assess the i mpl i cati ons of varyi ng the permi ssi bl e l evel s for the faci l i ty.
(7) Wher e the per mi ttee under subr ul e (1)(b) submi ts fur ther
i nformati on under rul e 11(1), 11(2), 12 or 16 the Authori ty may i ssue to
the appl i cant an amended permi t wi thi n thi rty worki ng days of recei pt
of such i nformati on and i n the case of an appl i cati on for a vari ati on of
the permi ssi bl e l evel s for the faci l i ty i ssue an amended permi t or make
a deci si on to remove the requi rement for a permi t or refuse to grant the
vari ati on wi thi n a reasonabl e ti me.
(8) The Author i ty may appr ove the appl i cati on under sub-
rul e (1)(b), i f the appl i cati on i s based on supported sci enti fi c rati onal e i n
the fol l owi ng areas:
(a) var i ati on of pr escr i bed methods of sampl i ng pr eser vati on
and anal ysi s;
(b) var i ati on of per mi ssi bl e l evel s of water pol l utants fr om
faci l i ti es i nto the envi ronment;
(c) vari ati on of the water pol l utants to be moni tored; and
(d) vari ati on of the frequency of moni tori ng.
868 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
(9) The Authori ty shal l not approve an appl i cati on under subrul e
(1)(b) where a vari ati on wi l l i mpai r
(a) the attai nment or mai ntenance of water qual i ty;
(b) the protecti on and propagati on of a bal anced communi ty of
pl ant or ani mal l i fe speci fi c to an area or regi on;
(c) a source of dri nki ng water;
(d) recreati onal acti vi ti es i n the water.
18. (1) No permi t i s assi gnabl e or transferabl e to any person wi thout
the consent of the Authori ty and the payment of the prescri bed fee.
(2) The Authori ty may, on the appl i cati on of a permi ttee, transfer
a permi t to another person.
(3) Th e Au th or i ty s h al l n ot appr ov e an appl i cati on u n der
subrul e (2) unl ess the appl i cati on i s i n respect of the rel ease to whi ch
the permi t appl i es.
(4) An appl i cati on for a tr an s fer s h al l be i n tr i pl i cate i n
accordance wi th the form as determi ned by the Authori ty, and shal l be
submi tted to the Authori ty together wi th the prescri bed fee.
(5) An appl i cati on for a transfer shal l contai n
(a) the name and address of the proposed transferee; and
(b) the si gnatures of the proposed transferee and the appl i cant.
(6) An appl i cati on for a tr ansfer shal l be accompani ed by the
permi t whi ch i s to be transferred.
(7) Where the proposed transferee i s a company, an appl i cati on
for a tr an s fer s h al l be accompan i ed by a Regi s tr ar s cer ti fi cate
furni shed by the Regi strar of Compani es under secti on 486 (1)(b) of the
Compani es Act stati ng that the name of the company i s on the Regi ster
of Compani es.
(8) Wh er e th e Au th or i ty appr ov es an appl i cati on u n der
subrul e (2), the Authori ty shal l
(a) en dor s e th e tr an s fer on th e per mi t s u bmi tted u n der
subrul e (6);
(b) substi tute the name of the appl i cant on the permi t for that
of the transferee; and
(c) endorse date on whi ch the appl i cati on was approved.
19. (1) Wher e a per mi ttee desi r es to conti nue to r el ease a water
pol l utant beyond the expi rati on of a permi t, the permi ttee shal l submi t
an appl i cati on for th e r en ewal of a per mi t to th e Au th or i ty , i n
accordance wi th the form as determi ned by the Authori ty, together wi th
the prescri bed fee.
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 869
Transfer of
permi t
Renewal of
permi ts
Act No. 35 of
(2) An appl i cati on for a new permi t shal l be made at l east thi rty
worki ng days before the expi rati on of the permi t.
(3) Wher e, after the expi r ati on of a per mi t, a per mi ttee has
submi tted an appl i cati on for the new per mi t i n accor dance wi th
subrul es (1) and (2), the expi red permi t shal l conti nue i n force unti l the
effecti ve date of the renewed permi t.
(4) A person whose permi t has been renewed shal l be requi red to
pay the prescri bed fees.
20. The Authori ty may revoke a permi t or regi strati on certi fi cate i f i t
appears to the Authori ty that
(a) the conti nuati on of the rel ease authori sed by the permi t or
regi strati on certi fi cate woul d cause seri ous pol l uti on of the
envi ronment or seri ous harm to human heal th that cannot
be avoi ded by var yi ng the condi ti ons of the per mi t or
regi strati on certi fi cate;
(b) th e r egi s ter ed per s on or per mi ttee h as made a
mi srepresentati on or wi l ful omi ssi on i n obtai ni ng the permi t
or regi strati on certi fi cate or i n any report submi tted to the
Authori ty;
(c) the permi ttee has vi ol ated any fundamental condi ti on of the
permi t;
(d) there has been any other change i n ci rcumstances rel ati ng
to the per mi t or r egi str ati on cer ti fi cate that r equi r es a
permanent reducti on i n the rel ease.
21. (1) Th e Au th or i ty may s u s pen d a per mi t or r egi s tr ati on
certi fi cate i f i t appears to the Authori ty that
(a) the conti nuati on of the rel ease authori sed by the permi t or
regi strati on certi fi cate woul d cause seri ous pol l uti on of the
envi ronment or seri ous harm to human heal th;
(b) the permi ttee has vi ol ated any condi ti on i n the permi t;
(c) there has been any other change i n ci rcumstances rel ati ng
to the permi t or regi strati on certi fi cate that requi res ei ther
a temporary reducti on i n the rel ease.
(2) A permi t or regi strati on certi fi cate suspended under thi s rul e
shal l be of no effect to authori se the rel ease al l owed i n the permi t or
regi strati on certi fi cate.
(3) Where a permi t or regi strati on certi fi cate i s suspended under
thi s r ul e, the Author i ty i n suspendi ng i t or at any ti me whi l e i t i s
suspended, may r equi r e the per mi ttee or the per son i n r ecei pt of the
regi strati on certi fi cate to take such measures to deal wi th or avert the
pol l uti on or harm.
870 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
Revocati on of
permi ts or
regi strati on
certi fi cate
Suspensi on of
permi ts or
regi strati on
certi fi cate
22. The Author i ty shal l not r evoke, suspend or var y a per mi t or
regi strati on certi fi cate or reject a cl ai m under rul e 26 unl ess i t has
(a) gi ven wri tten noti ce to the permi ttee or appl i cant or person
i n recei pt of a regi strati on certi fi cate that i t i ntends to do so;
(b) speci fi ed i n the noti ce the reasons for i ts i ntenti on to do so;
(c) gi ven the per mi ttee or appl i cant or per son i n r ecei pt of a
r egi str ati on cer ti fi cate a r easonabl e oppor tuni ty to make
submi ssi ons i n r el ati on to the r evocati on, suspensi on,
vari ati on or rejecti on; and
(d) tak en i nto consi der ati on any submi ssi ons made by the
permi ttee or appl i cant or person i n recei pt of a regi strati on
certi fi cate wi thi n fi ve worki ng days of servi ce of the noti ce
prescri bed i n paragraph (a).
23. The Author i ty s hal l by noti ce i nfor m the appl i cant or the
permi ttee, as the case may be, of the fol l owi ng deci si ons i n rel ati on to a
permi t or regi strati on certi fi cate:
(a) r efusal of a gr ant of a per mi t or i ssue of a r egi str ati on
certi fi cate under rul e 12(3) or 13;
(b) condi ti ons attached to a grant under rul e 13;
(c) a vari ati on under rul e 17(1)(a);
(d) refusal of an appl i cati on for a vari ati on under rul e 17(1)(b);
(e) refusal of an appl i cati on for a transfer under rul e 18;
(f) refusal of an appl i cati on for a renewal under rul e 19;
(g) a revocati on under rul e 20;
(h) a suspensi on under rul e 21; or
(i) a rejecti on of a cl ai m under rul e 26.
24. A deci si on of the Author i ty menti oned i n r ul e 23 i s subject to
appeal to the Commi ssi on.
25. (1) The Authori ty shal l establ i sh and mai ntai n a Water Pol l uters
Regi ster
(a) consi sti ng of any r egi str abl e faci l i ti es that ar e a sour ce of
rel eases of a water pol l utant and whi ch shal l be open to the
publ i c for i nspecti on at the Author i tys pr i nci pal offi ce
duri ng worki ng hours; and
(b) whi ch may be kept i n any form.
(2) Subject to rul e 26, the Water Pol l uters Regi ster shal l contai n
parti cul ars of, or rel ati ng to
(a) every source appl i cati on and every appl i cati on for a permi t;
(b) every regi strati on certi fi cate and permi t;
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 871
Procedure for
revocati on,
suspensi on
and vari ati on
of permi t or
regi strati on
certi fi cate
and rejecti on
of cl ai m
Noti fi cati on
of deci si ons of
the Authori ty
Appeal s to
Commi ssi on
Pol l uters
Regi ster
(c) ever y r efusal to gr ant a per mi t under r ul es 12(3) and 13
together wi th the reasons for the refusal ;
(d) every vari ance under rul e 17(1)(a);
(e) every refusal to vary the condi ti ons of a permi t under rul e
17(1)(b) together wi th reasons for refusal ;
(f) every refusal of a renewal of a permi t under rul e 19;
(g) every revocati on under rul e 20;
(h) every suspensi on under rul e 21;
(i) mi ni steri al di recti ves under secti on 5 of the Act;
(j) i nspecti on reports pursuant to secti ons 22 and 23 of the Act;
(k) noti ces of al l types i ncl udi ng noti ces of vi ol ati on under
secti on 63 of the Act;
(l) admi ni strati ve orders under secti ons 64 and 65 of the Act;
(m) admi ni strati ve ci vi l assessments under secti on 66 of the Act;
(n) appl i cati ons for enforcement under secti on 67 of the Act;
(o) other acti ons by the Author i ty under secti on 68 of the
Act; and
(p) compl ai nts agai nst permi ttees under secti on 69 of the Act.
(3) An ex tr act fr om th e Water Pol l u ter s Regi s ter s h al l be
suppl i ed at the request of any person on payment of the prescri bed fee.
26. (1) An appl i cant, upon payment of the prescri bed fee, may assert
a cl ai m i n accordance wi th the form as determi ned by the Authori ty,
that any of the i nformati on suppl i ed to the Authori ty under rul e 6, 10,
11, 12 or 16 i s a trade secret or confi denti al busi ness i nformati on and
that i t be omi tted from the Water Pol l uters Regi ster.
(2) The Authori ty may reject the cl ai m for the reason
(a) that the appl i cant has not di scl osed the basi s for the cl ai m;
(b) that the basi s thereof i s i nval i d; or
(c) that the publ i c i nterest i n di scl osi ng the i nformati on cl earl y
outwei ghs any prejudi ce to the appl i cant.
(3) The Author i ty shal l omi t the i nfor mati on fr om the Water
Pol l uters Regi ster where
(a) the Authori ty does not contest the cl ai m; or
(b) the Author i ty r ejects the cl ai m under subr ul e (2) but the
cl ai m i s uphel d on an appeal pursuant to rul e 24.
872 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
Trade secrets
confi denti al
busi ness
i nformati on
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 873
1. Temperature Maxi mum vari ati on of 3C from ambi ent
2. Hydrogen i on (pH) Less than 6 or greater than 9.
3. Di ssol ved Oxygen Content (DO) <4
4. Fi ve day Bi ol ogi cal Oxygen Demand >10
at 20 C)
5. Chemi cal Oxygen Demand (COD) >60
6. Total Suspended Sol i ds (TSS) >l 5
7. Total Oi l and Grease (TO&G) or >10
n-Hexane Extractabl e Materi al (HEM)
8. Ammoni acal Ni trogen (as NH
-N) >0.01
9. Total Phosphorus (as P) >0.1
10. Sul phi de (as H
S) >0.2
11. Chl ori de (as Cl
) >250
12. Total Resi dual Chl ori ne (as Cl
) 0. 2
13. Di ssol ved Hexaval ent Chromi um (Cr
) >0.01
14. Total Chromi um (Cr) >0.1
15. Di ssol ved I ron (Fe) >1.0
16. Total Petrol eum Hydrocarbons (TPH) NI AA
17. Total Ni ckel (Ni ) >0.5
18. Total Copper (Cu) >0.01
19. Total Zi nc (Zn) >0.1
20. Total Arseni c (As) >0.01
21. Total Cadmi um (Cd) >0.01
22. Total Mercury (Hg) >0.005
23. Total Lead (Pb) >0.05
24. Total Cyani de (as CN
) >0.01
25. Phenol i c Compounds (as phenol ) >0.1
26. Radi oacti vi ty NI AA
27. Toxi ci ty NATE
28. Faecal Col i forms >100
29. Sol i d Waste No sol i d debri s
(Rul e 3)
Quanti ty, Condi ti on or Concentrati on
at whi ch substance or parameter i s
defi ned as a pol l utant
al l uni ts are i n mi l l i grams per l i tre (mg/L) except for temperature (C), pH (pH uni ts),
tur bi di ty (NTU), faecal col i for ms (counts per 100 ml ), r adi oacti vi ty (Bq/L) and toxi ci ty
(toxi c uni ts).
NI AAno i ncrease above ambi ent
NATEno acute toxi c effects
>greater than <l ess than
No. Parameters or Substances
874 Water Pollution Rules, 2001
1. Temperature 35 40 45 NI AA
2. Di ssol ved Oxygen <4 <4 <4 <4
3. Hydrogeni on (pH) 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9
4. Fi ve day Bi ol ogi cal Oxygen 30 50 100 10
Demand (BOD
at 20C)
5. Chemi cal Oxygen Demand 250 250 250 60
6. Total Suspended Sol i ds (TSS) 50 150 200 15
7. Total Oi l and Grease (TO&G) 10 15 100 No rel ease
or n-Hexane Extractabl e\
Materi al (HEM)
8. Ammoni acal Ni trogen (as 10 10 10 0.1
9. Total Phosphorus (as P) 5 5 5 0.1
10. Sul phi de (as H
S) 1 1 1 0.2
11. Chl ori de (as Cl
12. Total Resi dual Chl ori ne 1 1 2 0.2
(as Cl
13. Di ssol ved Hexaval ent 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01
Chromi um (Cr
14. Total Chromi um (Cr) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1
15. Di ssol ved I ron (Fe) 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.0
16. Total Petrol eum 25 40 80 No rel ease
Hydrocarbons (TPH)
17. Total Ni ckel (Ni ) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
18. Total Copper (Cu) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01
19. Total Zi nc (Zn) 2 2 2 0.1
20. Total Arseni c (As) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01
21. Total Cadmi um (Cd) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01
22. Total Mercury (Hg) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.005
23. Total Lead (Pb) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05
24. Total Cyani de (as CN
) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01
25. Phenol i c Compounds (as 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1
phenol )
26. Radi oacti vi ty NI AA NI AA NI AA NI AA
I nl and Coastal Mari ne Envi ronmental l y
Surface Nearshore Offshore Sensi ti ve Areas
Water and/or Groundwater
(Rul e 8)
Water Pol l utants Recei vi ng Envi ronment
Level s or Condi ti ons
No. Parameters or Substances
Made thi s 22nd day of June, 2001.
Minister of the Environment
Lai d i n the House of Representati ves thi s 20th day of September,
Clerk of the House
Lai d i n the Senate thi s 26th day of September, 2001.
Clerk of the Senate
Water Pollution Rules, 2001 875
I nl and Coastal Mari ne Envi ronmental l y
Surface Nearshore Offshore Sensi ti ve Areas
Water and/or Groundwater
(Rul e 8)
Water Pol l utants Recei vi ng Envi ronment
Level s or Condi ti ons
27. Toxi ci ty NATE NATE NATE NATE
28. Faecal Col i forms 400 400 400 100
29. Sol i d Waste NSD NSD NSD NSD
al l uni ts are i n mi l l i grams per l i tre (mg/L) except for temperature (C), pH (pH uni ts),
faecal col i forms (counts per 100 ml ), radi oacti vi ty (Bq/L) and toxi ci ty (toxi c uni ts)
NI AAno i ncrease above ambi ent
NATEno acute toxi c effects
NSDNo sol i d debri s
<l ess than
No. Parameters or Substances

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