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Reprez dans les rpliques ci-dessous les tournures utilises pour :

exprimer son accord :

son dsaccord :
donner son opinion tour de rle :
demander des explications :
interrompre quelquun :
manifester sa surprise ou son agacement :
Retrouver lordre logique des rpliques entre les 4 locuteurs.
Tracy: I think its wrong to give rewards.
Linda: Hang on, what if the pupil is mad at you later on and takes his or her revenge?
a- So Mark, wat would !ou do instead" #
b- $ut !ou are wrong% & would tell te adults & know and take te reward' #
c- (ell, teenagers sould tell adults )ecause te! tink te! a*e seen someting )ad, and )ecause
te! want to elp, not )ecause tere is a reward' #
d- +re !ou kidding" ,is is mad% & would ne*er inform on a friend' #
e- (ait a minute, &d )e too scared to tell an!one% #
f- & quite agree wit !ou''' #
g- & dont agree at all' &f a kid doesnt go to scool, its wrong' -e sould )e punised' #
h- (ell, actuall!, & would talk wit te person and tr! to make im or er cange' #

i- (at do !ou mean exactl!" #
Rprez les tournures utilises.
exprimer son accord: & quite agree wit !ou
ou son desaccord : . & dont agree at all /$ut !ou are wrong
donner son opinion a tour de role : &ts 01 to2, )ut2
IMPROVE O!R "O#VER$%&IO# $'I(($* (E&$ PR%"&I$E*
demander des explications : (at do !ou mean exactl!"
interrompre quelquun : -ang on / wait a minute
manifester sa surprise ou son agacement : +re !ou kidding"
Tracy: I think its wrong to give rewards.
Jason: hat do you mean e!a"tly?
Tracy: ell, teenagers should tell adults #e"ause they think they have seen
something #ad,
and #e"ause they want to help, not #e"ause there is a reward.
Mark: $re you kidding? %his is mad& I would never inform on a friend.
Jason: I dont agree at all. If a kid doesnt go to s"hool, its wrong. He should #e
Linda: ait a minute, Id #e too s"ared to tell anyone&
Jason: 'o (ark, what would !ou do instead?
Mark: ell, a"tually, I would talk with the person and try to make him or her "hange.
Linda: I )uite agree with you...
Jason: *ut you are wrong& I would tell the adults I know and take the reward.
Linda: Hang on, what if the pupil is mad at you later on and takes his or her revenge?

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