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232 Commonsence Reasoning

We have discussed numerous types of problems and
concepts associated with them in the preceding chapters.
Here, some miscellaneous types of questions have been
given that require the knowledge of basic concepts like
Arguments, Assumptions, Inferences, Statement-
Conclusion, Premises, Cause-Effect, etc. We have
discussed these concepts in earlier chapters. Here, we
wil l di scuss onl y Strengthening and Weakening
Arguments. Without study of this, our study of logical
reasoning would be incomplete.
Strengthening and Weakening Arguments
In Chapter 1 of thi s book, we have studied how
arguments work. We must recall that arguments are based
on (1) certain premises; these premises act as a support
and further, the argument makes (2) certain assumptions;
these assumptions are implicit, they are not stated and
they also provide support, and using the support of these
two, the argument reaches (3) certain conclusion. This
can be shown diagrammatically as in the figure given
bel ow:
Premi se Hidden
(Support) + Assumption = Conclusion
(Hidden support)
This is how an argument work
We know that a standard argument consists of the
following three stages:
(a) the stated premises
(b) the hidden assumptions
(c) the conclusions
This means that
( i ) an argument would be strengthened if
(a) the stated premises are supported by some more
facts of the same nature,
(b) the hidden assumptions are supported by a fact of
the same nature,
(c) the conclusion itself is supported by a fact of the
same nature AND
( i i) an argument would be weakened if
(a) the stated premises are contradicted by some
contradicting facts,
(b) the hidden assumptions are attacked by some
contradicting facts,
(c) the conclusion itself is directly contradicted by
some contradicting facts.
Chapter Seven
This means that if we have an argument by example, this
argument would be strengthened (weakened) if
(a) we prove that the example itself is totally correct
(b) we support (contradict) the assumption,
(c) we support (contradict) the conclusion directly or
by some other means.
This would be clear from the following example:
We must follow the policy of non-violence
because Gandhiji used to practise it.
Analysis: Let us first make a complete post-mortem of
this argument:
Type: Argument by example.
Premise (support): Gandhi ji used to practi se non-
Hidden assumption: What Gandhiji did must be correct.
Conclusion: We must follow the policy of non-violence.
Now we can easily see that statements I, II and III (if
they were true) would strengthen the argument while
statements IV, V and VI would weaken it.
I ( supports the premi se): Even Lord Buddha
advocated non-violence.
II (supports the assumption): We must follow our
great leaders example.
III (supports the conclusion): Non-violence is our
Constitutional obligation.
IV (contradicts the premise): At certain stages,
Gandhi also advocated violence.
V (contradicts the assumption): It is not necessary
that whatever Gandhi did must be correct.
VI (contradicts the conclusion): Non-violence has
been declared to be an unconstitutional policy.
Definition of Some Important Key-Words
Definition of some key-words which play very important
and decisive role in logical reasoning are given below.
Students are advise to learn those keywords properly.
These words will be of immense help while solving logical
reasoning problems.
(i) Hypothesize
The word hypothesis means an idea or a suggestion
that is based on known facts and is used as a basis for
reasoning or further investigation. Now, see the examples
given below that will better clear the meaning:
1. Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.
2. Dif f erent hypotheses (pl ural of the word
hypothesis) have been put forward to explain why
these foods are more likely to cause problems.
To word hypothesize means to assume something as
a hypothesis, or to form a hypothesis. In another words,
if you hypothesize that something will happen, you say
233 Miscellaneous
1. Forty per cent of our products are sold in rural area,
fifty-three per cent are sold in semi-urban area, sixty
per cent of employees are from rural area. Which of
the following statements is definitely true?
1) The companys products are purchased only by
its employees and their family.
2) The company does not desire to recruit urban
3) The companys products are required in big urban
cities and metro areas.
4) The company holds approximately 90% of the
market share in its product line.
5) None of these
2. Cases of food poisoning have been reported from
village `X. After a dinner party arranged for 100
people, 68 have been admitted to the hospital, 36
cases are reported to be out of danger. The food, which
was cooked and stored in open space for almost 12
hours earli er was served af ter reheating it.
Investigation is going on.- A news report.
Which of the following can be hypothesized for
the above information?
1) Late night dinner parties for large number of
people result into food poisoning.
2) State food is likely to be the cause of food poisoning.
3) Cases of f ood poi soni ng need to be handl ed
4) Cases of food poisoning are not reported in urban
dinner parties.
5) Food poisoning i s a matter of chance and no
preventive measure can be suggested.
3. Hudco is seeking to increase the interest rates on
loans offered to the economically weaker sections by
2-2.5 per cent. The ministry of urban employment
would soon seek the Cabinet nod for the move.
Otherwise, Hudco would suffer a loss of Rs 988 cr
over the next 15 years.
Which of the following can be inferred from the
given statements?
1) Hudco offers loans at a rate lesser than that offered
by any other institution.
2) Hudco offers loans to only the economically weaker
3) Hudco has been in the red over the past few years.
4) Urban employment is a loss-making ministry.
5) Hudcos emphasis has been on social service rather
than profit-making.
4. In what is believed to be one of the worst disasters
i nvol ving the Indi an Air Forces MiG-21, eight
persons are reported to be killed and 16 injured when
the fighter jet crashed into a bank building in a busy
commerci al area of Basti Adda of Jalandhar.
Investigation is going on. A news report
Which of the following can be hypothesized for
the above information?
1) The Mig-21 was flying at more than 5,000 ft.
2) The pilot was flying over thickly populated urban
that you think that thing will happen because of various
facts you have considered. Look at the examples given
below that will further clear the meaning of the word
3. To explain this, they hypothesize that galaxies
must contain a great deal of missing matter which
cannot be detected.
4. Copernicus hypothesized that the Earth and the
other planets went round the sun.
(ii) Substantiate
The word substantiate means to give facts to support
a claim, statement etc to prove something. To substantiate
a statement, or a paragraph, or a story means to supply
evidence which proves that is true. Now, see the examples
given below that will better illustrate our point:
1. Can you substantiate your accusations against
hi m?
2. There is little scientific evidence to substantiate
the claims.
(iii) Reason
The word reason means a fact, situation etc that
explains or justifies something. Look at the example given
below that will further clear the meaning:
Kumar is my voice of reason. He thinks logically
and points out where I am wrong.
(iv) Result
A result is something that happens or exists because
of something else that has happened. Look at the example
given below:
Compensation is available for people who have
developed asthma as a direct result of their work.
(v) Repercussion
Meaning of the word repercussion is an indirect and
usually unpleasant effect or result of something or a
consequence. In other words, if an action or event has
repercussion, it causes unpleasant things to happen
sometimes after the original action or event. For example,
1. It was an ef f ort whi ch was to have pai nf ul
2. Members of Parliament were warned of possible
repercussions if their vote went through.
(vi) Contradict
The word contradict means to be contrary to something
or to give opposite information. That is if one statement
or piece of evidence contradicts another, the first one
makes the second one appear to be wrong. For example,
The two statements contradict each other.
(vii) Fallout
The work fallout means bad results of a situation. In
other words, if you refer to the fallout from something
that has happened, you mean the unpl easant
consequences that follow it. Look at the example given
below that will further clear the meaning.
Pushkar lost his job in the fallout from the incident.
234 Commonsence Reasoning
3) The pilot of Mig-21 was on a training sortie.
4) Engine of the fighter jet failed in the sky.
5) None of these
5. If you want hassle-free holiday package for city `M
then join only our tour. Hurry up, only few seats
avai l abl e. An advertisement of `XYZ Touri st
If the above statement is true then which of the
f ol l owi ng has been assumed whi l e maki ng the
1) Travel packages offered by other tour operators
are neither cheap nor comfortable.
2) Now a days people have lot of money to spend for
their comforts.
3) No seats may be available with other tour operators
for city M.
4) Many people desire convenience and comfort while
going for a holiday.
5) The XYZ Company strictly follows the concept of
first come first serve.
6. The Union government of country X has decided
that i t wi ll reconsti tute i ts tel ecommuni cati on
department and effort will be made to make it more
attractive for private investment.
If the above statement is true then which of the
f ol l owi ng i s the assumpti on whi l e making thi s
1) There i s tremendous possi bi l i ty i n maki ng
investment in the telecommunication department
of country X.
2) The telecommunication department of country X
is open only for its residents.
3) The telecommunication department of country X
is open for its residents within this country alone.
4) The telecommunication department of country X
is not properly constituted.
5) The telecommunication department of country X
needs advertisement on large scales.
7. The government of state B has now decided to form
a department for information and technology so that
coordination between information and technology is
made easier. A news
If the above statement is true, then which of the
following has been assumed in the statement?
1) State B is regarded as lax in implementing public
welfare measures.
2) Compared to other states, state B has achieved
tremendous success i n i nf ormati on and
3) There is a need to coordinate and regularise the
work of information and technology of all states.
4) State B has enough money to spend for such
5) It is necessary for state B to demonstrate its
anxiety over information and technology.
8. Statement: We do not advertise, our product speaks
for itself. Statement of manufacturer of two-wheeler
`BJA. Which of the following, if true, would support
and strengthen this statement?
(i) The prices of BJA two-wheelers are on higher
(ii) BJA has won award for Quality Control Systems.
(iii) The BJA two-wheeler is sleek-looking and has
good colours.
(iv) The salaries of BJA employees are better than
government services.
1) Only (i) and (ii) 2) Only (ii) and (iii)
3) Only (iii) and (iv) 4) Only (i), (ii) and (iii)
5) None of these
9. A study reveals that families where parents cannot
give sufficient time for their children report disturbed
behaviour of children and poor performance of the
child at school.
Which of the following, if true, would weaken the
1) Studies regarding behaviour of children of single
parents have reported similar findings.
2) A good and healthy child-parent relationship helps
the child in adjustment at home and school.
3) A high correlation has been found between good
adjustment of the child with his peers/ friends
and high good performance in the school.
4) Schools have now started counselling parents to
spend happy and meaningful time with their
5) Well adjusted children show lot of love and respect
for their parents.
10. The government of state G has banned spitting and
smoking at public places from Jan 1, 2000. In case
of violation the guilty will be either fined a sum of
Rs. 1000 or jailed. Notification of the government
of state G on Dec 31, 1999. Which of the following,
if true, would weaken the statement?
1) State G i s known as an i mportant tourist
destination among all states of India.
2) Legal implementation machinery is neither aware
of this notification nor it has adequate manpower
and resources to implement it.
3) There is a possibility of increase in the number of
tourists coming to this state.
4) Many foreigners and tourists have expressed their
unhappiness and surpri se at the l ack of
cleaniness at public places of state G.
5) Public cooperation is possible for the measures
initiated by the government of state G.
11. Indias aspirations of having a truely strategic air
force took a leap this week with the arrival of two
Russian A-50 airborne early warning and control
systems. Whi ch of the fol lowing, if true, would
weaken the statement?
1) Of late, Russia has witnessed a decline in its
military capabilities.
2) Technology has trodden a downward path in
Russia for the past few years.
3) Indo-US relations have improved with the visit of
US President Bill Clinton.
4) Indo-Russian relations have improved with the
visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
5) Indi a has agreed to sign the Nucl ear Non-
Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
12. Many a time, Indian software companies find their
employees sent abroad on off-shore contracts, brilliant
at work that they are, talk or act in a way that does
no credit to the image of the company.
Which of the following, if true, would weaken the
1) Software employees abroad are inferior to their
Indian counterparts.
2) Only a few employee are sent abroad by Indian
software companies.
3) Brilliance is only one of the traits required in an
employee of a software company.
235 Miscellaneous
4) Software employees are not required to come into
contact with outsiders.
5) None of these
13. If the US software companies choose Indians and not
American blacks, it has nothing to do with colour
and everything to do with talent. Had it been a racist
ploy, companies would have imported only whites
from Eastern Europe, not Asians.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously
strengthens the argument given above?
1) Black American professionals are lobbying the US
Congress to stop granting visas to Indian software
2) Europe and Japan have been left far behind in
information technology precisely because they
resist the infusion of skilled Indians.
3) Choosing top-class Indian professionals does not
amount to segregating blacks or preventing them
from voting.
4) The number of H-1B visas for Indian infotech
professionals could rise from 115,000 this year to
200,000 next year.
5) Three states with the highest demand for H-1B
visas have all taken steps to reduce Afri can-
American and Latino enrolment in their colleges.
14. Accordi ng to Prof essor Amartya Sen, onl y
democracies (but not dictatorships) have in-built
protective systems that prevent famines. That is why
India, even in its greatest crises, has had no famines
since Independence but China has suffered acutely.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously
weakens Professor Sens argument?
1) China has a much larger population than Indias.
2) The Bengal Famine of pre-Independence India
created an undue bias in Professor Sens mind.
3) Nepal, which is a monarchy, has never suffered
from famines.
4) In a democracy, the distribution of food gets
affected due to excessive bureaucratic interference.
5) A famine can occur only after a certain length of
15. If the women are single, then perhaps they would
have time to wait late in the office to surf the Web, or
would have singular access to a computer at home
without having to compete with husband or children.
If they are married, there is a slim chance of them
having the time, either at work or at home, to browse
the Internet.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously
weakens the argument given above?
1) Most of the females rise early in the morning and
get ready for their office.
2) Half of the new websites being created are devoted
to womens interests.
3) Married women spend more time on computer than
spinsters do.
4) Internet browsing does not discriminate on the
basis of gender.
5) Competition adds charm to Web browsing.
16. We have formulated a 10-point programme to curb
molestati on cases agai nst woman and we are
confident of restricting the eve-teasing cases with
the help of our sincere cops. Director-General of
Police of city X.
Which of the following, if true, would weaken
the statement?
1) City X is known among those cities where there
are least crime records.
2) City X is the most populated city in the world.
3) On several occasions women have complained
against police cops and have charged them of
indulging in eve-teasing.
4) Literacy rate of city X is the highest amongst all
5) Many NGOs are co-operating with the police forces
in ensuring a peaceful life in city X.
17. The president should not live in Rashtrapati Bhawan.
Statement of an architect
Which of the following, if true, would certainly
support and strengthen the statement?
(i) Rashtrapat i Bhawan was made for the British
Viceroy of India.
(ii) The famed rivalry between Herbert Baker and
Lutyens (the archi tect associ ated wi th the
building) appears in the work.
(iii) Rasht rapat i Bhawan is an example of Indo-
Saracenic architecture.
(iv) The building is located in one of the metropolitan
1) Only (i) and (ii) 2) Only (i) and (iii)
3) Only (ii) and (iii) 4) Only (ii) and (iv)
5) None of these
18. The Centre for Science and Environment announced
that samples of 12 soft drink brands collected for
testing from in and around capital of India contained
residues of f our extremely toxi c pesticides and
Assuming the above finding to be true consider the
statements I and II and decide which of the following
options is most appropriate.
I. Each sample had enough poison to cause long-
term cancer, damage to the nervous and
reproductive systems, birth defects and severe
disruption of the immune system.
II. These products are world class and are the same
as are sold in Europe and the US and are tested
by top-grade labs like Vimta in Hyderabad and
TNO in the Netherlands.
1) I is strengtheni ng the f i ndi ng whi le II i s not
weakening it.
2) I is not strengtheni ng the f i ndi ng whi le II i s
weakening it.
3) I is strengthening the finding while II is weakening
4) I is weakening the finding while II is strengthening
5) None of these
19. We do not advertise our result. We do not advertise
how our services are exclusive. Our results deal with
all the enquiries regarding our interview coaching
for probationary officers. Director of XYZ coaching
Which of the following, if true, would support and
strengthen this statement?
I. XYZ coaching institute has hiked its fee recently.
II. XYZ coaching institute has launched a branch
expansion programme recently.
III. Final result of Corporation Banks examination
for PO consists of five students who had taken
interview classes in XYZ institute, in a batch of
six students only.
236 Commonsence Reasoning
IV. XYZ coaching institute coached only a single
batch for lack of time and there were only six
students in this batch.
1) Only (I) and (II) 2) Only (II) and (III)
3) Only (III) and (IV) 4) Only (I), (II) and (III)
5) None of these
20. Statement: Many patients suffering from malaria
were administered anti-malarial drug for a week.
Some of them did not respond to the traditional drug
and their condition deteriorated after four days. Which
of the f ol lowi ng woul d weaken the fi ndings
mentioned in the above statement ?
1) Those patients who responded to the traditional
drugs and recovered were needed to be given
addi ti onal doses as they reported rel apse of
2) The mosquitoes carrying malaria are found to be
resistant to traditional malarial drugs.
3) Majority of the patients suffering from malaria
responded well to the traditional malarial drugs
and recovered from the illness.
4) Many drug companies have stopped manufacturing
traditional malarial drugs.
5) None of these
21. Statement : The cost of manufacturing cars in state
A is 30 per cent less than the cost of manufacturing
cars in state B. After transportation fee for the
differential distances of states A and B and the
interstate taxes, it is cheaper to manufacture cars in
state B than in state A for selling these cars in State
Which of the following supports the conclusion
drawn in the above statement?
1) The cost of transportation from state A to state C
is more than 30 per cent of the production cost.
2) The production cost of cars in state B is lower in
comparison to state A.
3) Only entry tax at state C is more for the products
originating in state A.
4) Entry tax at state C is more for the products
originating in state B.
5) The total of transportation cost of cars from state
B to state C and entry tax of cars at state C is less
than 30 per cent of the production cost of cars in
state B.
22. Statement: Many people are of the opinion that the
use of cell phones in offices for personal use should
totally be banned. It has been found in a research
study that there was significant drop in output of
employees in the organisation where the use of cell
phones was l i berall y al l owed vi s-a-vi s those
organisations wheres use of cell phones was banned
for making personal calls.
Which of the following contradicts the findings
stated in the above statement ?
1) People spend more time on talking while using
cell phone for personal calls.
2) The use of cell phones has become common in all
the organisations.
3) In the organisation where employees were allowed
to use cell phones for making personal calls the
employees are found to be more motivated to carry
out their duties than those worki ng i n other
4) Many organisations who provide cell phones to
their employees for making official calls advise
them to refrain from making personal calls during
office hours.
5) None of these
23. Statement: The Govt has decided to construct an
eight-lane super highway across the state to facilitate
fast movement of vehicles.
Which of the following can be an assumption which
is implicit in the above statement ?
1) The Govt has adequate resources to construct the
proposed super highway.
2) The people of the state may protest against the
Govts decision as their farm land will be taken
over by the Govt for constructing the highway.
3) The Govt may find it difficult to enrol a suitable
contractor for constructing the highway.
4) There is no other highway which can be used for
transportation of goods across the state.
5) None of these
24. Statement: It has been reported in a recent research
report that taller people are found to be happier than
those who are relatively shorter.
Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng contradi cts the above
fi nding?
1) People are generally truthful when they respond
to the questions of such research studies.
2) Those people who have a comfortable lifestyle are
f ound to be happi er than those who l ead a
strenuous lifestyle irrespective of their height.
3) Shorter people suffer from inferiority complex
throughout their life.
4) Taller people are found to be more positive in
approach to daily chores of life.
5) None of these
25. Statement: There was a slow decline in the number
of patients with flu-like symptoms visiting various
health facilities in the city during the last fortnight.
Which of the f ol lowi ng substanti ates the f act
mentioned in the above statement?
1) Majority of the people suffering from flu visit the
health facilities in the city.
2) There has been a continuous increase in the sale
of medicines for curing flu in the city limits.
3) People have started visiting the crowded places
l i ke mal l s and ci nema hal l s during the last
fortnight after a cautioned gap of one month.
4) There is a sudden increase in the number of deaths
caused by flu-like symptoms followed by respiratory
5) None of these
26. Statement: Most of the companies in IT and ITES
sectors in India have started hiring from engineering
college campuses this year and are likely to recruit
much more than yearly recruitment of the earlier years.
Which of the following substantiates the facts
stated in the above statement?
1) IT and ITES are the only sectors in India which
are hiring from engineering college campuses.
2) Govt has stepped up recruitment activities after a
gap of five years.
3) The IT and ITES companies have now decided to
visit the engineering college campuses for tier-II
cities in India as well.
4) The avai l abi l ity of qual i fi ed engineers wil l
substantially increase in the near future.
5) None of these
237 Miscellaneous
27. Statement: The Govt has decided to instruct the
banks to open new branches in such a way that
there is one branch of any of the banks in every
village of population 1000 and above or a cluster
of villages with population l ess than 1000 to
provide banking services to all the citizens.
Which of the following will weaken the step taken
by the Govt?
1) The private sector banks in India have stepped
up their branch expansion activities in rural India.
2) Many Govt-owned banks have surplus manpower
in its urban branches.
3) All the banks, including those in private sector,
will follow the Govt directive.
4) Large number of branches of many Govt-owned
banks in the rural areas are making huge losses
every year due to lack of adequate business
5) None of these
28. Statement: The Income Tax authorities carried out
raids at three different business houses in the city
last week.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of
the above statement?
1) The three business houses are regular defaulters
in payment of their income tax.
2) The Income Tax department had received a tip-
off about the illegal activities going on in the three
business houses.
3) The Government decided to look into the matter
and has appointed an inquiry committee.
4) Other business houses took immediate action to
clear off all their income tax dues in order to avoid
raid at their establishments.
5) The authorities intend to conduct raids in several
other business houses in the vicinity.
29. Statement: The constable has been recommended
for a suitable reward by his superior in recognition
of his sincere duty and busting of several gangs of
criminals actively involved in the lot and incidents
of pick-pocketing.
Which of the fol lowing can be an assumpti on
implicit in the above statement?
1) The superior is certain that the recommendation
would be denied.
2) The number of criminals apprehended by this
particular constable was exceptionally high.
3) The constabl e desi res to be monetari l y
compensated for his efforts.
4) The superior wants to set an example for his other
juniors by recommending the reward.
5) Rewards recognizing the sincerity and accomplish-
ments of policemen are given.
30. Statement: The col l ege has f i nal l y received
accreditation and has gained the status of a deemed
Which of the following can be a possible effect of
the above statement?
1) The principal of the college will now have to be a
retired government official.
2) The number of students seeking admission to this
college in the next academic year would drop
3) The college will charge lesser fees from all its
students despite not getting a grant from the
4) The college will reduce the number of courses
that it runs by a significant margin.
5) The reputation of the college amongst the student
population in general has improved.
Directions ( Q. 31-33) : Study the following
information carefully and answer the questions given
bel ow:
The Centre reportedly wants to continue providing
subsidy to consumers for cooking gas and kerosene for
five more years. This is not good news from the point of
view of reining in the fiscal deficit. Mounting subventions
for subsidies means diversion of savings by the government
from investment to consumption, raising the cost of capital
in the process. The government must cut expenditure on
subsidies to create more fiscal space for investments in
both physical and social infrastructure. It should outline
a plan f or comprehensi ve ref orm in major subsidi es
including petroleum, food and fertilizers and set goal posts.
31. Which of the following is a conclusion which can
be drawn from the facts stated in the above paragraph?
1) Subsidy provided by the government under various
heads to the citizen increases the cost of capital.
2) Govt is unable to withdraw subsidies provided to
various items.
3) Govt subsidy on kerosene is purely a political
4) Govt does not have enough resources to continue
providing subsidy on petroleum products.
5) None of these
32. Which of the following is an inference which can
be made from the facts stated in the above paragraph?
1) Indias fiscal deficit is negligible in comparison
to other merging economies in the world.
2) Subsidy on food and fertilizers are essential for
the growth of Indian economy.
3) Reform in financial sector will weaken Indias
position in the international arena.
4) Gradual withdrawal of subsidy is essential for
effectively managing fiscal deficit in India.
5) None of these
33. Which of the following is an assumption which is
implicit in the facts stated in the above paragraph?
1) People in India may not be able to pay more for
petroleum products.
2) Many people in India are ri ch enough to buy
petroleum products at market cost.
3) Govt may not be able to create more infrastructural
facilities if the present level of subsidy continues
for a longer time.
4) Govt of Indi a has sought assi stance f rom
i nternati onal f i nanci al organisations f or i ts
infrastructural projects.
5) None of these
Directions ( Q. 34-36) : Study the following
information carefully and answer the questions given
bel ow:
Poverty measurement i s an unsettled i ssue, both
conceptually and methodologically. Since poverty is a
process as well as an outcome, many come out of it while
others may be falling into it. The net effect of these two
parallel processes is a proportion commonly identified as
the head count ratio, but these ratios hide the fundamental
dynamism that characterises poverty in practice. The most
recent poverty re-estimates by an expert group has also
missed the crucial dynamism. In a study conducted on
13,000 households which represented the entire country
238 Commonsence Reasoning
in 1993-94 and again in 2004-05, it was found that in
the ten-year period 18.2% rural population moved out of
poverty whereas another 22.1% fell into it over this period.
This net increase of about four percentage points was
seen to have a considerable variation across states and
34. Which of the following is a conclusion which can
be drawn from the facts stated in the above paragraph?
1) Accurate estimates of number of people living below
poverty line in India is possible to be made.
2) Many expert groups in India are not interested to
measure poverty objectively.
3) Process of poverty measurement needs to take into
account vari ous factors to tackle its dynamic
4) People living below poverty line remain in that
position for a very long time.
5) None of these
35. Which of the following is an assumption which is
implicit in the facts stated in the above paragraph?
1) It may not be possible to have an accurate poverty
measurement in India.
2) Level of poverty in India is static over the years.
3) Researchers avoid making conclusions on poverty
measurement data in India.
4) Govt of India has a mechanism to measure level
of poverty effectively and accurately.
5) None of these
36. Which of the following is an inference which can
be made from the facts stated in the above paragraph?
1) Poverty measurement tools in India are outdated.
2) Increase in number of persons falling into poverty
varies considerably across the country over a period
of time.
3) Govt of India has stopped measuring poverty-
related studies.
4) People living in rural areas are more susceptible
to fall into poverty over a time.
5) None of these
37. Read the following information and five
statements given below it carefully and answer
the questions which follow.
Excerpt from a research report Average l if e
expectancy in southern part of India is far more
than that in Western India. While the average life of
a native of South India is 82 years, the average life of
a native of Western India is only 74 years.
Based on the above fact, the proposal that the above
study makes is that if an individual moves from
Western India to South India, his/her life expectancy
would immediately increase by eight years.
Which of the following statements would weaken
the above-mentioned studys proposal that people
belonging to Western parts of India should move to
South India to increase their life expectancy?
1) The average life expectancy of population living
in Eastern part of the country is also less than
the population living in South India.
2) Nearly 80% of the population in Southern India
has a minimum age of 83 years.
3) Higher life expectancy in Southern India can be
ascribed to the genetic makeup of the population
belonging to that area.
4) The average life expectancy of South India is
comparable to the best averages in the world.
5) Higher life expectancy in Southern India can be
attributed to better environmental conditions and
better healthcare facilities.
Directions ( Q. 38-41) : Read the following
information carefully and answer the questions which
f ol l ow:
Fortunately, more and more countries are shifting their
focus away from industrial development to control of
climate change these days.
A. The countries which focus more on controlling
climate change than industrial development are
onl y the ri cher ones whi ch can af ford to
concentrate on areas other than i ndustri al
B. Many countries had once prioritised industrial
development which proved to be harmful to the
environment in the long run.
C. Some experts are of the view that climate change
is not as alarming an issue as it is made to be
because it is a natural phenomenon and has been
occurring regularly throughout the history of
D. If climate change continues at the present rate,
it would bring in large-scale destruction to human
habitation in a very short time.
E. Industrial development is one of the biggest but
defi ni tel y not the only reason behi nd gl obal
38. Which of the statements numbered A, B, C, and D
mentioned above would weaken the argument for
the need of a shift away from industrial development
to that of controlling climate changes?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) Both B and D
39. Which of the statements numbered (A), (B), (C), (D)
and (E) can be assumed/inferred from the facts/
information given in the statement? (An assumption
is something supposed or taken for granted and an
inference is something which is not directly stated
but can be inferred from the given facts.)
1) E 2) C 3) A
4) B 5) Either D or A
40. Which of the following can be inferred from statement
(E) if it is considered to be true with regard to the
given information?
1) Nations also need to focus on sources other than
those generated due to industrial development.
2) Other sources of pollution have more adverse
effects as compared to those generated due to
industrial development.
3) Unlike older times, industrial development has
ceased to be a reason behind global warming these
4) If industrial development stops, global warming
would automatically come to an end.
5) If sources other than industrial development are
identified and controlled, global warming will end
41. Which of the statements numbered A, C, D and E
menti oned above represents a reason behi nd
curtailing industrial development by some of the
1) Either C or E 2) D
3) C 4) Either A or C
5) A
239 Miscellaneous
Directions ( Q. 42-45) : Read the following
information and five statements given below it
carefully and answer the questions which follow:
Since 2008, migration to urban areas in search of
employment has increased several times, surpassing
marriage as the biggest reason for migration in India.
(A) The wages and employment opportunities in rural
parts of India have been at par with those in
urban areas for last five years.
(B) Government and foreign MNCs have concentrated
on development of job opportunities only in urban
parts of the country.
(C) Marri age was once the bi ggest reason for
migration in India.
(D) More skilled professionals than manual labourers
migrate to urban areas in search of employment.
(E) The urban areas attracting migrants are already
facing and will further face a severe challenge
accommodating increased population while the
resources needed to do so remain the same.
42. Which of the statements numbered (A), (B), (C), (D)
and (E) mentioned above can be a reason/cause for
increased migration to urban areas?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) E
43. Whi ch of the fol l owi ng represents a result/
repercussion of the increased migration to urban
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) E
44. Which of the statements numbered (A), (B), (C), (D)
and (E) directly follow/s from the given statement?
1) Only A 2) Only E 3) Only C
4) Only D 5) Both A and B
45. Which of the statements numbered (A), (B), (C), (D)
and (E) mentioned above would weaken/contradict
the facts presented in the given statement?
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4) Only E 5) Only C and D
46. It has been reported in recent years that a very large
number of seats in engineering colleges in the country
remain vacant at the end of the admission session.
Which of the following may be the probable cause
of the above effect?
1) There has been a considerable decrease in hiring
of engi neeri ng graduates due to economi c
slowdown in the recent years.
2) Students have al ways pref erred to complete
graduation in three years, time instead of four
years for engineering.
3) The Govt has recently decided to provide post-
qual i f ication prof essi onal traini ng to al l
engineering graduates at its own cost.
4) There has always been a very poor success rate
among the engineering students.
5) None of these
47. The condition of the roads in the city has deteriorated
considerably during the first two months of monsoon
and most of the roads have developed big potholes.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of
the above cause?
1) The municipal corporation had repaired all the
roads in the city before the onset of monsoon with
good quality material.
2) A large number of people have developed spine-
related injuries after regularly commuting long
distances by road within the city.
3) The municipal corporation has been careful in
choosing the contractors for repairing roads in
the past.
4) People always complain about potholed roads
during the monsoon months.
5) None of these
48. Majority of the students who appeared in the final
examination of postgraduate course in management
in the local college have secured first class, which
is comparatively higher than the performance of
students of other management colleges in the state.
Which of the following may indicate that the results
are not in line with the general trend?
1) The students of the local college are qualitatively
better than those of other colleges.
2) The authorities of the other management colleges
in the state are stri cter in their standard of
3) The students of other management colleges in the
state performed better than the students of the
local college in all the previous examinations.
4) The local management college recently retrenched
many of its regular faculty members.
5) None of these
49. It has been reported in many leading newspapers
that the current years monsoon may be below the
expected level as many parts of the country are still
not getting adequate rainfall.
Which of the following can be a possible fallout
of the above situation?
1) People from those affected areas with less rainfall
may migrate to urban areas.
2) Govt may announce exgratia payment to all the
farmers affected in these areas.
3) Govt may declare these areas as drought-affected.
4) People may blame the govt and agitate for not
getting adequate water for cultivation.
5) None of these
50. There has been a spate of rail accidents in India in
the recent months ki l l ing large numbers of
passengers and injuring many more. This has raised
serious doubts on the railways capability of providing
safety to travellers.
Which of the following statements substantiates
the views expressed in the above statement?
1) Indian Rail ways is known for provi di ng best
comfort to its passenger.
2) People have no option other than travelling by
rail over long distances.
3) The railway tracks at many places have been found
to be stressed due to wear and tear in the recent
4) Local residents are always the first to provide a
helping hand to the passengers in the event of
such disasters.
5) None of these
51. A few travellers were severely beaten up by villagers
recently in a remote rural part of the state as the
vil l agers f ound the movement of the travel l ers
suspicious. The district authority has sent a police
team to nab the culprits. Which of the following
inferences can be drawn from the above statement?
(An inference is something which is not directly
stated but can be inferred from the given facts.)
240 Commonsence Reasoning
1. 5
2. 2; As mentioned, food was cooked and stored in
the open space for almost 12 hours earlier. Now,
this may be the cause of food-poisoning.
3. 5; That is why such a big issue is being made of
increasing the interest rates on loans.
4. 5
5. 4; This is why the tourist company has mentioned
the term hassle-free holiday package in the
advertisement, assuming that people will prefer
to tour by their company.
6. 1; The decision of the government to reconstruct
the department to attract the private investors
clearly indicates that the govt is assuming I, i.e.
there is possibility of making investment.
7. 4; It must be assumed; otherwise they cant take
such decisions.
8. 2; Both (ii) and (iii), speak positively for the product.
9. 3
10. 2; Any law will become effective without the support
of the implementation machinery.
Answers and explanations
11. 2; If Russi an technol ogy i s decl i ning, our
enthusisasm of acquiring a Russian equipment
needs to be questioned.
12. 4; If the software employees do not come into outside
contact, how can thei r talk or action bring
disrepute to the company?
13. 2; (1), ( 4) and ( 5) onl y serve in weakeni ng the
argument. (3) is more like a politician defending
his act. But (2) strengthens the argument; not
going for merit might put the US in the same boat
as Europe and Japan.
14. 4; (1) and (2) are beside the point. (5) is not valid
because that certain length of time applies as
much to China as to India. (3) might just be a co-
incidence. Besides, Nepal cannot be put on the
same seale as China and India. (4) is valid because
if distribution of food is not proper, there will
only be a greater possibility of famines.
15. 3; (2) and (3) are close choices. (2) can lead us to the
conclusion that more and more women are getting
attracted to the Net. But that is not our point of
1) The villagers dislike the presence of strangers in
their vicinity.
2) Villagers are generally suspicious in nature.
3) Travellers prefer to visit countryside.
4) The govt generally provides protection to travellers
across the country.
5) None of these
52. There has been a considerable drop in sales of four-
wheelers during the past six months when compared
to the number of four-wheelers sold during this
period last year.
Which of the following can the probable cause(s)
of the above phenomenon?
(A) The govt imposed higher excise duty on four-
wheelers at the beginning of this year.
(B) The petrol prices have risen considerably during
the past eight months.
(C) The rate of interest on home and car loans have
been rising for the past seven months.
1) All (A), (B) and (C)
2) Only (A) and (C)
3) Only (B) and (C)
4) (B) Only
5) (A) Only
53. There is an alarming trend of skewed sex ratio against
women in India during the past decade and the
situation may go out of hand if adequate steps are
not taken to stop female foeticide.
Which of the following can be an effective step to
reverse the trend?
(A) The govt should immediately completely ban the
use of scanners/sonography on expecti ng
mothers at all health centres.
(B) The govt should announce a substantial incentive
scheme for couples who have at least one girl
chi ld.
(C) The Govt should launch a nationwide campaign
to create awareness against female foeticide.
1) Only (A) 2) Only (A) and (B)
3) Only (B) and (C) 4) All (A), (B) and (C)
5) None of these
54. A very large number of technically qualified young
Indians are coming out of colleges every year though
there are not enough opportunities for them to get
gainful employment.
Whi ch of the fol l owi ng contradi cts the vi ews
expressed in the above statement?
1) Technically qualified persons are far superior to
those with standard degrees like BA/BSc/BCom
2) The govt has not done effecti ve pl anning f or
engaging technically qualified personnel while
authorising the setting up of technical colleges.
3) A huge gap exists between the level of competence
of technically qualified graduates and requirements
of the industry.
4) Majority of the technically qualified persons are
migrating from India to developed countries for
better opportunities.
5) None of these
55. The govt has appealed to all citizens to use potable
water judiciously as there is an acute shortage in
supply. Excessive use may lead to huge scarcity in
coming months.
Which of the following assumptions is implicit
in the above statement? (An assumption is something
supposed or taken for granted.)
1) People may ignore the appeal and continue using
water as per their consideration.
2) Govt may be able to tap those who do not respond
to the appeal.
3) Govt may be able to put in place alternate sources
of water in the event of crisis.
4) A large number of people may positively respond
to the govts appeal and help tide over the crisis.
5) Only the poor are going to suffer from this shortage
of water supply.
241 Miscellaneous
difference. Because the argument is not on the
lines of man vs woman. The argument compares
single women to married women and establishes
the former as the more favoured one. Now, (3) is
clearly against this line of thought.
16. 3; How can the strategy to curb molestation of woman
be effective if the responsibility to carry out the
strategy is on the shoulders of those cops who
have been accused of heinous charges against
17. 5; None of the given statement supports the
statement of the architect.
18. 3; I gives some more facts of the same nature; hence
it is supporting the statement. While II gives some
facts which are opposing the findings and hence
II is weakening the statement.
19. 5; Only III
20. 3; Since majority of the patients have responded
well to the drug, one wonders how some of them
have witnessed a deterioration in their condition.
21. 1; Only this can balance the equation.
22. 3; Such moti vati on should rather i ncrease the
23. 1; Without resources, the decision makes no sense.
24. 2; This statement shifts the parameter of happiness
from height to lifestyle.
25. 5; All the given choices would lead to an increase
in the number of visits to health facilities.
26. 3; Going to engineering colleges for tier-II cities also
shows the large scale of recruitment.
27. 4; In such a scenario, villages do not require banks
to the extent the govt wants them to proliferate.
28. 4; The fear of raids may have led to the immediate
action on the part of business houses.
29. 5; The recommendation makes sense only when
such rewards are in practice.
30. 5; Accreditation improves the image of an institute.
31. 1; In such questions as use concl usion and
inference (see Q. 32) differently, a conclusion
means the essence of the passage.
32. 4; Clear from the first two sentences of the passage.
33. 1; That is why the Centre wants to conti nue
providing subsidy.
34. 3; Only then can poverty be measured in all its
35. 5
36. 2; This is also a factor in the considerable variation
talked about in the last line.
37. 3; Since life expectancy depends on genetic make-
up migration cant enhance it.
38. 3; If climate change is a natural phenomenon, all
this maligning of industrial development amounts
to unnecessary fuss.
39. 4; The realisation of wrong priorties is leading to
the shift of focus.
40. 1; Since industrial development is not the only
reason behind the problem, we need to address
this as well as other reasons.
41. 2; Industrial development is being curtailed so that
the said destruction can be avoided.
42. 2 43. 5 44. 3 45. 1
46. 1; Economic slowdown af f ects the hiri ng of
engi neeri ng graduates. Due to thi s reason
admissions in colleges has been affected.
47. 2; Big potholes on a road may affect people with
spine-related injuries commute long distances by
road within the city.
48. 3 49. 3 50. 3
51. 4; The govt provides security to tourists across the
country. That is why the govt has sent a police
team to nab the culprits.
52. 3
53. 3; Extreme action (complete ban) is not a solution to
the problem.
54. 4
55. 4

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