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Budget Request Form

Complete the form below in order to request funds from the PTO. You will be asked to present
your request at the next PTO Meeting. Your request will be reviewed by the PTO oard and
members and voted upon. Your funds request will get a yes or no vote at that meeting! unless
further information or "onsideration is requested by the PTO. #eep this timeline in mind when
turning in a request to ensure that the oard and the membership have ample time to review and
resear"h as needed. PTO funds must be used to benefit students of $len %ste Middle &"hool's
health! welfare! safety! or edu"ation! and your request will be "onsidered in light of those
requirements. Please atta"h or e(mail any resear"h you have done on "ost and be sure to in"lude
enough detail about how the funds will be spent.
&ubmit a hard "opy of this form to the oard via the mailbox lo"ated in the s"hool offi"e or email
an ele"troni" version to )isa *ood! Treasurer + lisawood,-.-+yahoo."om.
Your /ame0s1
Phone /umber0s1
%(Mail 2ate of 3equest
3eason for your 3equest

4ow the money will be spent
5tems to be Pur"hased %stimated Cost
Budget Request Determination
*hen "ompleted! make 6 "opy for file! and deliver 6 "opy to requesting party.
Date of Meeting: 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
Request Being Considered: 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
Recommendation (Circle one:
8pproval 8pproval with stipulations stated below 2enial More 5nformation /eeded
Sti!ulations for "!!ro#al$Reason for Denial$"dditional %nformation Being
Date co!& 'as deli#ered to requesting !art&:777777777777777777777777777777777
Date of Dis(ursement ("!!ro#ed Requests Onl&:77777777777777777777777777777
Fund Dis(ursed From (Budget )ine item*7777777777777777777777777

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