The Flight

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Its an American action movie that is based on real facts due to an

accident in 2000.
Whip is an airline pilot who was flying a plane from Orlando to
Atlanta but the day before he had been having sex and drinking
alcohol so the next day he sniff cocaine in order to wake up but
something wrong was going on with the plane, consequently the
wings of the plane and the motor cant operate properly and then
the plane crashed, in spite of the high the amount of dead
passengers was very small. Nevertheless the stewardess cant survive
from this accident.
Whip wakes up in the hospital with minor injuries and his friend from
the airline union introduces him to a lawyer who tells him there's a
chance he could face criminal charges because his blood test reveals
that he is intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine.
He has to go to an audience in order to be judged and he prefers to
stay in a place without alcohol even though he cant control himself
and he drinks alcohol again and he goes to the audience drunk,
finally whip accepts his blame and he goes to prison for 5 years. In
the last part of the movie his family is proud of whip because he
hasnt drunk alcohol for 1 year.

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