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Body Language and Attraction, 2


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Thi s i s the second edi ti on of Body Language and Attracti on.
After the astounding response to the fi rst edi ti on, I decided
to put together a second editi on sporti ng more i nformati on,
and li nks to further readi ng where appropri ate.

As you begi n to enjoy this book, be aware that di stri buti on i s
encouraged. Spread i t around i n any way you see fi t. Al l I
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1. Introduction, So Where Do We Start?
2. Rules for Accurate Body Language Reading
3. Practi ce Makes Perfect

4. The Eyes are the Wi ndows to the Soul
5. Dilating Pupils
6. Looki ng Up
7. Eye Contact

8. Smi ling Makes the Worl d Go Round
9. Ti ght Li ps
10. Sideways, Looki ng Up

11. You' re al l Hands

12. Arm Signal s
13. Crossed Arms over Chest
14. Sel f Hug
15. El bow Touchi ng

16. The Body Poi nts to Where the Mi nd Wants to Go
17. Open Posi ti oni ng
18. Cl osed Posi ti oni ng

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19. Leg and Foot Pointing

20. Personal Terri tory
21. Touch and Personal Cl aim
22. General Fl i rti ng and Attracti on Gestures
23. Concl usi on
24. Recommended Readi ng
25. Love Systems
26. Contact Me

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Introduction; So Where Do We Start?

Well , what i s body l anguage? Techni cal l y, i t s been defined
as the nonverbal and mostl y unconsci ous communi cati on
through use of gestures such as posture, faci al expressi ons,
hand movements, and al ike.

With training, the abi li ty to noti ce and defi ne body l anguage
can be used to reveal the true thoughts, i ntenti ons, and
current emoti onal condi ti on of everyone.

Vari ous studi es have concl uded that face to face
communi cati on consi sts of a l ess than 35% verbal
Component, and an 85% non verbal component.

Exampl es of thi s are seen i n every day l i fe; but few noti ce
them. For exampl e a woman who i sn t havi ng a good ti me at
the bar wil l si t with her arms crossed, l egs crossed, and a
sl ight frown on her face, and the guy who s tryi ng to i mpress
her might di spl ay the typi cal cowboy pose of hands in
pockets with thumbs protruding, pointing at hi s crotch.

The purpose of thi s ebook i s to hel p you become aware of
the varyi ng body l anguage used by those feel ing attracti on
for another; because the more aware you become, the better

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abl e you are to determi ne whether someone has a crush on

As well as being able to spot gestures of attraction, this
ebook wi l l teach you gestures of di sl i ke too i t s i mportant
to know these in order to gain a balanced vi ew of a person s
true feel i ngs.

Rules for Accurate Body Language Reading

One of the most common mi stakes a rookie body language
reader coul d make i s to i nterpret i ndi vidual gestures in
i sol ati on of other gestures.

For exampl e, when someone rubs thei r l eft hand on thei r
ri ght arm it can i ndicate many things negati ve feel ings,
sore arm, or perhaps they re just cold. It all depends on the
other gestures bei ng displ ayed at the time.

With this in mind it s important to remember that external
ci rcumstances infl uence gestures made at any given
moment. A cl assi c and often used exampl e i s the woman i n
miniskirt who sits with her ankles crossed tightly in front of

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If you remember that ankl e crossi ng i s usual l y associ ated
with negati vi ty and defence you mi ght bel i eve that thi s
woman s feel i ng a l i ttl e angry or unhappy.

But then you real i se the surroundings, and the si ze of her
ski rt, then real i se that she has to keep her ankl es (and legs)
crossed for certai n obvi ous and necessary reasons perhaps
she s just tryi ng to stop peopl e seeing up her ski rt!

Practice Makes Perfect

Reading body l anguage i sn t al ways easy, but i t i s al ways fun
(and useful!). You l l agree that the more you practi ce
readi ng i t, the better you l l get. My suggesti on i s that you
take at least 15 minutes each day and dedi cate i t to reading
peopl e s body l anguage. Thi s way, i n ti me i t l l become
second nature.

The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

A very true and often used saying; the eyes are the wi ndows
to the soul . Perhaps not l i teral l y! But they do tel l us a whol e
bunch of useful information about a person s thoughts and
feel i ngs.

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Dilating Pupils

When you re feel i ng positi ve, when you l i ke the
company you re i n, and when you hear somethi ng you
agree wi th, your pupi l s di l ate.

Li kewi se the opposi te i s true when peopl e are feel i ng
negati ve and di sli ke a situati on thei r pupil s contract.

Di l ati ng pupi l s are known within the body l anguage
communi ty as mi cro-gestures, because they cannot be
consci ousl y control l ed and often go unnoti ced by the
untrai ned eye.

Al though di l ati ng pupi l s are often a si gnal that a person
l i kes you, i t s i mportant to read thi s gesture in context.
Pupi l s al so di l ate and contract with changing light
condi ti ons; they contract i n bright l ight, and di late in
l ow l i ght. Read thi s mi cro-gesture i n context wi th other
gestures and surroundi ng condi tions.

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Looking Up

Used frequentl y by women everywhere, thi s gesture
i nvol ves l owering the head at the neck, and l ooki ng
upwards at the other person.

Thi s gesture makes you appear more chi l dl i ke and
evokes a parenti ng reacti on in both men and women. If
someone uses this gesture with you, i t s l i kel y that they
want to be percei ved as cute and vulnerabl e.

Eye Contact

Making lots of eye contact i s a way to show interest and
respect. The more eye contact you make, the more the
person l i kes you. Studi es have actual l y shown that the
more you l ook i nto someone s eyes the more romanti c
and enjoyable they fi nd you, and your company.

On the other hand, too much eye contact earl y on i n a
rel ati onshi p can someti mes make peopl e feel under
pressure; they mi ght be wei rded out!

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To make a great fi rst i mpressi on, bui l d up a sl i ght
rapport fi rst, and gradual l y i ncrease the amount of eye
contact you re gi ving.

Smiling Makes the World Go Round

Money doesn t make the worl d go round smil ing does! It s
i nfecti ous. It spreads happi ness al l over. It s true - you can
brighten someone s day just by smiling the right smile.

There are di fferent types of smi l es guys i n particular don t
real i se i t though. If you re one of the guys who can
di stinguish the types of smile, you re a li ttl e ahead of the
rest. If you re one of the guys that was cl uel ess about thi s,
you re about to become an expert!

Many peopl e use a fake smil e to make them appear poli te
and agreeabl e. A fake smil e can al ways be spotted because
i t i nvol ved onl y the jaw muscl es worki ng. A true smi l e
i nvol ves both the jaw muscl es, and the muscl es around the
eyes. That s where the adage you smil e with your eyes
comes from.

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A true smil e often produces crows feet i n even the most
baby-faced of peopl e, in additi on to thi s the teeth are
usuall y vi sibl e. A smil e honest and true i s an i ndi cator that a
person l i kes you. Here i s a l i st of smi l es we commonl y see
from day to day:

Tight Lips

A ti ght l i pped smi l e i s spotted frequentl y. It s exactl y
what i t says on the ti n the l i ps are stretched across
the face formi ng a near-straight l ine. The teeth are not
vi si bl e.

The tight l ipped smil e i s often used by someone who s
hiding somethi ng they don t want to share. It s al so
often used by those who re just being pol i te.

It s a favourite used by women who don t want to show
that they don t li ke someone. Most men were
compl etel y obl i vi ous to the true meaning of this smile,
unti l now.

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Sideways, Looking Up

Thi s gesture consi sts of two parts; a bigger, fri endl ier
vari ati on of the ti ght l i pped smi l e where the l i ps are
l oose, and the l ooki ng up gesture from the eyes
secti on.
It s a common gesture used by women to convey that
they l i ke, or are attracted to someone.

Thi s smi l e evokes the parental, cari ng i nstinct in men,
who see thi s person di spl ayi ng thi s gesture as pl ayful
and youthful.

Youre all Hands

There are two basi c rul es to remember when l ooki ng at hand
gestures: open pal ms = openness, honesty, and li king,
cl osed pal ms (where you can see the back of someone s
hands) suggests hiding somethi ng, bei ng cl osed to i deas, or
are feel i ng as though they re i n authori ty.

Li fe i s riddl ed wi th exampl es of thi s. When peopl e apol ogi ze
to each other they mi ght say somethi ng l i ke I m sorry
coupl ed with presenting thei r two open pal ms.

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Open pal med gestures are l i ke sayi ng I feel comfortabl e
around you, I l i ke you, I m being honest, and I have nothi ng
to hi de. If you see someone maki ng opened palm gestures
at you, take thi s to heart and read thei r other gestures to
confi rm how they re reall y feeling.

Arm Signals

They re used in other things besides guidi ng pl anes you
know! Arm si gnal s are used frequentl y and are commonpl ace
i n any person s body l anguage repertoi re.

In body l anguage, the arms are known as barri ers put up to
protect a person from harm. They re typical l y used to
gesture when a person s l acki ng sel f confi dence, feel s
threatened, or just doesn t want to hear what another
person s preaching.

They re not a defi ni ti ve I don t like you, however they do
i ndicate when a person s having negati ve feel ings. If
someone s usi ng repeti ti ve arm gestures coupl ed wi th
crossed l egs and ankl es, you l l know it s time to change the
conversati on.

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Crossed Arms over Chest

Both arms fol ded across the chest Coupl ed with a
strong frown thi s has a uni versal meani ng: I don t
agree wi th what you re sayi ng, I am uncertai n, I don t
l i ke thi s si tuati on.

Guys often use thi s gesture exude domi nance and
strength someti mes to detri mental effect when
they re wanti ng to pi ck up women.

Women on the other hand, use thi s gesture to si gnal
that they feel threatened, unhappy, or under pressure
they typi cal l y cross thei r arms over thei r breasts.

Self Hug

The sel f hug i s characteri zed by one arm at a person s
si de, and the other arm cl utchi ng at thei r el bow. As
chi l dren, our parents and carers hug us when we re
feel i ng sad, uncertain or tense.

The sel f hug i s an attempt to recreate the feel i ngs or
safety and securi ty we got from those l ovel y parental
hugs. A person usi ng thi s gesture i s l i kel y to be feel i ng

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i nsecure. Be sure to use thi s knowl edge to your
advantage; i f you know the person s feeling insecure,
do thi ngs to make them feel more comfortabl e.

Elbow Touching

Peopl e l ike to be touched. Interestingl y, studies show
that peopl e who touch others el bows are more l i ked
and l oved than those who do no touching at all. I write
el bows i n i tal i cs because i t s just that, elbows onl y.

The reason el bow touchi ng i s acceptabl e i s because i t s
far away from the i nti mate parts of the body; touch a
stranger anywhere above or bel ow the elbow and thei r
reacti on may be a l i ttl e di fferent!

It s a fact that gi rl s do more touching than guys but
equall y; i f a guy or gi rl touches your elbow it s a sure
si gn they l i ke you, and want your attenti on.

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The Body Points to Where the Mind Wants to Go

The body points, the mind goes. The angl es peopl e adopt
duri ng any i nteracti on speak vol umes about how they feel ,
where they want to go, and who they want to be with.

Open Positioning

Just like with palm gestures, when a person l i kes and i s
i nterested i n you, they l l adopt an open positi on. They ll
face thei r body at yours i n varyi ng degrees. The rul e i s
that the cl oser you are to actual l y standing face to
face, the cl oser and more i n l i ke wi th you they feel .

Typi cal we re just fri ends encounters wi ll see a 45
degree poi nting angle, whereas an I real l y l i ke thi s
person encounter sees an angl e between 0-45 degrees.

Closed Positioning

Cl osed posi ti oni ng i s used when two peopl e want a bit
of pri vacy. You l l see thi s when two peopl e are real l y i n
l i ke or l ove they l l si mpl y stand there and face each
other. It s a si gnal they l i ke you!

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Leg and Foot Pointing

Remember that the body poi nts to where the mi nd
wants to go. Watch out for body pointing as an
i ndi cator of l i ke and i nterest, but al so be aware of l eg
and foot pointing.

You l l see i n cl ubs that women s feet point to the most
attracti ve (or most i nteresting) guy in their immediate
fi el d of vi ew i t s another si gn of i nterest.

The same i s true of guys on gi rls; they ll be standi ng,
or faci ng the gi rl they re most i nterested i n. If you l ook
careful l y, you l l often noti ce that a seated man s knee
wi l l be poi nted i n the di recti on of the gi rl he finds most
attracti ve.
Al so noti ce that when someone wants to l eave the
room, thei r feet wil l often be pointing at the door
before they even say they want to l eave.

Personal Territory

It s a sci enti fi c fact that when two peopl e are cl oser
emoti onal l y; they l l stand, si t, and l i e cl oser than those

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who re not. Imagi ne a bubbl e around each and every person.
The bubbl e encompasses the person, and a smal l area
around the person.

To a person, everything inside their bubbl e i s known as thei r
personal space. The size of a person s personal space
di ffers sl i ghtl y from person to person, but general l y fal l s
within a certai n range:

When peopl e are ul tra close for exampl e: l overs, spouses,
cl ose fri ends, or chi l dren, they can be seen standi ng
between 15 and 45 centi metres of each other. Onl y those
who re emoti onal l y cl ose to us can stand at that di stance
without us feel ing intimidated and under pressure.

Touch and Personal Claim

People touch and lean against things that they feel are
thei rs. For exampl e, a person wi l l someti mes l ean on thei r
wall s at home, but wouldn t dream of being invited into a
stranger s house then l eaning on thei r wal l s. Lovers hol d
hands, brush each other s arms, or tidy thei r partner up by
brushi ng i magi nary l i nt off thei r shoul der.

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One of the most unmi stakabl e si gnal s made by women to
show cl ai m to a man, i s when she pl aces her fl at pal m on hi s
chest. Si mi l arl y, a man wi l l place hi s hand on hi s partner s
wai st or back.

They key thi ng to remember here i s that we touch thi ngs we
feel are ours and we do thi s i n a vari ety of ways. Watch for
the sli ghtest touches; fingers, arms, or even feet they re
si gns of attracti on and desi re.

General Flirting and Attraction Gestures

When i n the company of the opposi te sex, the body l anguage
of both sexes changes dramati cally. Men stand a little taller
with no sl ouchi ng or slumping.

They l l sti ck thei r chests out and suck i n thei r stomachs
they l l usual l y do everythi ng they can to appear more
dominant. These acti ons happen automati cal l y around
women he s taken fancy to, or finds attracti ve.

If a woman takes a l i ki ng to the descri bed man, she l l
respond to hi s gestures by drawing attention to her breasts,
ti l ti ng her head, touchi ng and pl ayi ng wi th her hai r, and

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exposing her wri sts. She does this to make hersel f appear
more submi ssi ve.

There are of course, more del iberate and seducti ve fl i rti ng
and attracti on gestures whi ch are made, consci ousl y. They re
much easi er to spot yet most people miss them, and they
represent a much stronger attachment because they re done
by someone who s actuall y trying to get your attenti on.
Many of these are descri bed i n the Body Language Project.


I hope you ve enjoyed reading thi s book as much as I ve
enjoyed writing it. Body language i s a subject far too deep
to be covered i n such a short space, al though I do feel I ve
at l east brought l ight to some of the main points you should
watch out for, i f you re looki ng for attracti on.

Recommended Reading:

The Body Language Project i s an extremel y i nteresti ng
project, further expl oring the body l anguage si gns and
si gnal s used i n attracti on.

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It s the perfect partner for thi s ebook because i t expl ai ns i n
greater depth the things explai ned here, as wel l as other
important si gns and si gnal s used in attracti on.

Video and photo exampl es are i ncl uded, so you can actual l y
see the body l anguage. Sounds great, doesn t i t?

Cli ck here to vi sit the Body Language Project websi te.

Love Systems

We are Love Systems, the GUARANTEED method that can
teach any man how to approach, tal k to, and seduce or date
beauti ful women

Featured on Fox News, Dr Phil, WGN 9 News, the Tyra
Banks show, and in the international best selling book, The
Game, Love Systems teach ordi nary, run of the mil l guys
how to meet and seduce amazing women.

Thei r fl agshi p book Magic Bullets i s an i mpressi ve read,
and outli nes a set of methods guaranteed to get you almost
any woman you want, regardl ess of money or l ooks.

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The enti re thi ng i s routed i n femal e psychol ogy, so i t s
guaranteed to work. Sounds amazi ng? If you d l i ke to l earn
more, watch the vi deos on the Love Systems websi te.

And i f you d l i ke to know how to seduce any woman you l i ke;
whether she s the one you ve been after for ages, or just
that hot gi rl across the street, go grab yoursel f a copy of
Love Systems flagshi p book, Magi c Bul l ets.

Contact Me

If you d l i ke to get in touch with me for whatever reason,
there are many methods:

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I d l ove to hear your opini on on thi s ebook! And fi nal l y; I
wi sh you al l the best i n l ove and l i fe.

Joanne Fal l water.

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