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Kaycia Sailsman

Home: 3473507346
Cell: 3474454795
State University o !e" #or$ at !e" %alt&
'a(or: )o*rnalism
'inor: +lac$ St*,ies an, -ilm an, .i,eo st*,ies
/ntici0ate, 1ra,*ation: 'ay 2035
Related Experience
Queens Chronicle, Intern Reporter 4)*ne 20345/*g*st 20346
%ro,*ce, 7y0er local stories 8ase, on c*rrent events in 9*eens.
E:ec*te, 07one an, in50erson intervie"s.
;esearc7e, ne" an, e:isting story i,eas in or,er to "rite a goo, story.
%*8lis7e, t"o to t7ree stories "ee$ly.
New Paltz Oracle !ta"" #riter$ 4<cto8er 20335'ay 20346
;es0onsi8le or contri8*ting "ee$ly articles ,*e every S*n,ay.
=earning t7e /ssociate, %ress style "riting in )o*rnalism.
%ro,*cing articles t7at ,eals "it7 ne"s an, eat*re stories.
%TA East !ide Access Pro&ect Co''unications Intern$ 4)*ly 20335 /*g*st 20336
U0,ate, Em0loyee ;oster on t7e 0ro(ect intranet
>oo$ 07otos o ne" em0loyees an, si&e, t7em or ?@s an, intranet intro,*ctions
Set *0 vi,eo an, a*,io eA*i0ment or conerences an, meetings
U0,ate, t7e oice gallery "it7 c*rrent site 07otos
Con,*cte, intervie"s an, %re0are, articles or t7e ES/ intranet
(eadership Experience
Educational Opportunit) Pro*ra' EOP$ Peer %entor 40BC33532C336
Hel0e, res7men 8ecome acclimate, "it7 cam0*s lie
/cte, as a 0ara0roessional 8et"een my mentees an, t7eir assigne, a,visor
Ke0t trac$ o t7eir man,ate, eig7t meetings ,*ring t7eir irst semester
Create, a menteeCmentor 8on,
@evelo0e, inter0ersonal comm*nication s$ills
Chi Alpha Epsilon National +onor !ociet), Parlia'entarian 409C2033505C20336
Kee0s or,er in t7e c7a0ter an, e58oar, meetings.
Dor$s in colla8oration "it7 t7e e58oar, to organi&e vario*s 0rogramsCcomm*nity service
Coor,inate t7e ann*al s0ring in,*ctions o ne" mem8ers
+onors and Awards
!#C =a,,ers or =ea,ers Sc7olars7i0 ;eci0ient 430C25C20336
SU!# Certiicate o /ca,emic /c7ievement 404C25C20326
C7i /l07a E0silon !ational Honor Society 404C26C20326
)im -re,eric$Es Sc7olars7i0 %rogram ;eci0ient 432C32C20336
Co'puter !,ills
%roicient in t7e 'icrosot <ice 0rograms 4Dor,F %o"er%ointF E:celF %*8lis7er6
%ractice, t7e /,o8e Creative S*ite 0rograms 4?n@esignF %7otos7o0F ?ll*stratorF @ream"eaver6
H% .i,eo e,iting sot"areF Din,o"s =ive 'ovie 'a$erF an, /vi,

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