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September 5, 2014

HR Manager
Human Resource Department
Dear Sir/Maam
Good day!
This is Jorie C. Abucayan !" years o# a$e De$ree ho%der in Hote% Restaurant
Mana$ement at Mindanao &o%ytechnic Co%%e$e Genera% Santos City. ' am submittin$
myse%# as an app%icant #or McDona%d R'CC ser(ice cre) you may o##er that ' may
' )or+ed at Cho)+in$ Duterte under a #ranchise company o# JTC Group o#
Companies and tas+ed as Asst.Restaurant Mana$er to Restaurant Mana$er o# our
store #or #our years. ' app%y to companies )here ' +no) ' can $et e,cited about )hat the
company does and reco$ni-es the s+i%%s and abi%ities contributed by an indi(idua% that
$eared to)ards the achie(ement o# the company $oa%s and ob.ecti(es. ' am sti%% )i%%in$
to under$o trainin$ #or #urther %earnin$. ' am con#ident enou$h to *uic+%y incorporate and
adapt the )or+ responsibi%ities that soon be $i(en to me.
/ou can reach me throu$h my mobi%e number0 09989851996 and emai% address
at .
' )i%% be (ery $%ad to attend to your notice at your most con(enient time e(en
Than+ you and God speed!
Sincere%y yours

or!e ". #bucayan

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