Caricature Rubric

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Caricature Mini Project

Objective: In order to practice your descriptions you will make a caricature of yourself and then
write 7 grammatically correct sentences that describe your caricature.

Your Caricature must include the following:
-Be in Color
-Not on lined paper
-Include 7 grammatically correct sentences that describe your caricature in the first person. (3
physical attribute, 4 personal attributes)
i.e. I am a hard worker (personal) versus I have blonde hair (physical)
Sentences must be on the front.

This may not be done by anyone else. Must be done by yourself.

The following rubric will be used to grade your project

Organization and neatness:

The caricature was done
neatly and sentences were


Sentences had minor errors
and could be easily
understood by a native
Spanish speaker. (Think See
spot run.)



Student had fun with the
project, it represented
themselves, and it was school



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