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Intervention Plan
ED 640 - Turner

Name: Kristina Ebner

Class Level: Multiple Subjects/SPED/ERC

Name of Plan: Creating Character

My goal as a teacher and the goal of our school as a whole is to help students learn academically,
control themselves and their actions in a positive manner, treat others with respect and know
there are people who care about them. We focus on building lasting relationships not only with
our students, but our staff, parents, community members and leaders.

Rationale for Intervention:

My school as well as my classroom has a very structured plan in place not only for education as
a whole, but also for our intervention strategies.
My principle and our staff feel it is important to have clear expectations, rules, consequences,
and intervention plans so that our school runs smoothly and there is no room for confusion or
frustration by parents or students. Our plan is very clear and organized. It allows for
accommodations when necessary, but specific and clear ways of implementing them.

Types of Intervention:

Our school has a pyramid of intervention for academics, behavior, and bullying or counseling
needs. We also have a web for community involvement that is added to our updated as needed.

Proactive Intervention Strategies:
~ Describe how your are going to Identify your Essential Standards and effectively unpack those
essential standards once they have been identified.

- Under each of my pyramids for intervention I explain and list the essential standards or the
beginning point of each of our programs. Another words, the foundation we build or begin our
pyramid with.

~ Describe how you can begin working on common formative assessments with other grade level
teachers or content area teachers.


- Our teachers have spent a great deal of time formulating assessments that are streamlined
through each grade, but also that use common language and build on each other as the grade
levels go up.

~ What is going to be in your Tier 1 Core Program?

- The Tier 1 Core Program we use is Pillars of Character and then varies through the grade levels
in the area of academics. Each grade uses the same curriculum and plan for behavior, however
some of the core curriculum or classroom behavior plans vary between grades. An example of
this is with classroom behavior plans. In K through 3
grade we use a simple red, orange,
yellow, green and pink plan and each student has a clip that can move based on behavior. In our
upper grades they use this form of discipline, but they also have a classroom economy and they
earn or pay money based on behavior and reaching their own academic goals that each student

Reactive Intervention Strategies
~ What is going to be the overarching goal for your reactive interventions?
~ What are the components of your Tier 2 Supplemental Interventions?
~ What are the Components of your Tier 3 Intensive Interventions?

The overarching goal of each intervention plan we use is fairness, early detection and to give our
students the best possible resources and plans to help them reach their full potential. Each level
and intervention is designed to redirect or present aid that assists the individual student on their
educational journey.

Part 1 Academic:
~ See attached pyramid on page 5

Part 2 - Behavioral
~ See attached pyramid on page 6 and form attachments

Part 3 Bully / Counseling Intervention
~ See attached pyramid on page 7 and form attachments

Part 4 Family / Community Involvement
~ See attached web of involvement on page 8


Referral Process
Identify the method by which you are going to move your students through the process.

In the area of academic interventions students are identified in the beginning through baseline
assessments completed at the start of the school year. There is a clear scoring system in place for
each grade level assessment and students who score below grade level are referred to ERC
groups first to attempt to help them reach their grade level standards. This is the case when a
student scores in the moderate need category. If a student scores in the severe area they are
looked at on a closer level. These students may remain in an ERC group, or they may be referred
to SPED in the case of a diagnosed learning disability or something that needs further assistance
than a small group setting can provide.
Students in ERC groups and in the severe category are weekly progress monitored in the core
areas they have shown to struggle.

Behavior plans and bullying situations are dealt with in a similar way and follow the pyramid for
intervention very closely. It is important that we document everything and follow the steps and
levels correctly especially in these two areas.
Students are referred to a behavior plan or bullying intervention when there has been more than
one occurrence documented. Each of these cases is dealt with on an individual basis, but our staff
strives to follow the levels of intervention as closely as possible to maintain a fair setting in our
school as well as showing students a unified and consistent example.

How are you going to revise your plan? (Very Important!)

My plan has been revised many times before arriving at the one we have in place, but for the
most part it stays intact at this point. We do discuss issues or possible needs at each weekly staff
meeting regarding any struggles or best practices we are having.
I have also revised my own classroom plan already this school year to include a weekly prize or
school money at the end of each week for collective good behavior as a whole. My students self
monitor and we daily keep tract of our wins and losses over all as a group. Working with
students who are in many ERC groups I found they often need a little extra motivation to
succeed and stay focused each day.

Describe the process that you are going to use to follow-up and maintain your intervention
plan. How will it be refreshed from year to year?

Each of my pyramids in the intervention plan has different monitoring systems depending on the
severity and need of the intervention. My academic plan has them built into it through
observation and progress monitoring besides the regular weekly and monthly testing practices.
My behavior system is a daily and weekly follow-up with every student, as well as various

follow-ups with specific students when necessary. There is a great deal of conversation involved
with maintaining it and good communication is necessary.
There is built in follow-up required with my classroom system both in their class economy as
well as their color chart. It allows for consistent and immediate results and consequences for
behavior issues, but also gives me the ability to reward good behavior, a changed attitude and
provides them a fresh start each day and each week with their badges, clips and the money
I strive to constantly create connections with people in the community whether it be attending
community wide events as a teacher or attending student ballet recitals or sports games and
meeting families and other community members. Our school has strong community support and
involvement and I believe this can be attributed to our web of connections and focus on building

Our staff meets about three times yearly to address our school behavior plan, bullying plan and
community involvement events. We update and revise things that dont seem to be working or
need more specific clarification.
My teaching team meets weekly during school improvement time to discuss best practice,
classroom issues and anything that may need to be addressed across the grade levels. We meet at
the beginning of each school year regarding our classroom structure, academic plan and behavior
system as a grade level as well. Our school feels it is important to be unified within each grade.
Any changes or refreshment to our pyramids are completed during these meetings within our
class or with our staff if changes are regarding the school as a whole.


Academic Pyramid of Intervention

Weekly progress
monitoring in some or all
core subjects
SPED Program
Inclusion for full
school day
Principle and parent meeting.
IEP and ERC (Education
Resource Center) referral for
some or all subjects.
Severe need students
have monthly
touchbase with teacher,
parents and ERC staff.
Moderate need students
have quarterly touchbase
with teacher, parents and
ERC staff
Part of a leveled small
group for some or all
core subjects
Before school reading
program inclusion for
students on iPads
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1
Mainstream classroom teaching all day. Whole class instruction, assessment completion and all assignments
finished in classroom and without any accommodations. We recognize that all students have special interests
and needs, but those needs can be met in the classroom at this level. Needs beyond mainstream classroom
availability would place students somewhere on the pyramid for an intervention.


Behavioral Pyramid of Intervention

Our school follows a plan of teaching good character traits. We focus each month on a different
one and recognize a student from each classroom that exemplifies that months character focus.
Our schools traits are Responsibility, Citizenship, Cooperation, Respect, Caring, Self-
Awareness, Safety and Kindness. We also use a system of Caught being good each week,
Panther (school mascot) dollars for positive behavior and a panther store.
Move your clip on the
behavior chart
Lose a privilege,
Possible call home
Lose Self-Manager
badge for the week
Behavior contract
created between
student and teachers.
Clear expectations
Visit with the principle
and may complete work
in the office for the day
depending on infraction
Principle and parent meeting.
IEP and ERC (Education
Resource Center) referral for
some or all subjects.
SPED Program
Inclusion for some
or all of school day
Mainstream classroom teaching all day. Whole class instruction, assessment completion and all assignments
finished in classroom. Clear expectations given to all students for behavior at school at the beginning of the
year. Students are given self-manager badges. They serve as their reminder to be in charge of their own
behavior. Student can lose badge for bad-behavior seen by any teacher. Must stay on green or have no citizen
money (4
grade) lost for a week in order to earn badge back.
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1

Bullying/Counseling Pyramid of Intervention

We start the school year off with an all school assembly focused on bullying, the 7 Pillars of Good Character
our school abides by and discussing ways students can talk about needs or problems with staff and making sure
they know what is available to them.
We also present the FAN (Family Access Network) information to students and send home information about it
to their parents. The coordinator can work with students and families in need of clothing, school supplies and
also connect them with food banks or shelters in the area in the case of homelessness, Students do not need
parents to come in order to receive clothing or hygiene help.
Classroom move or
possible school
change based on issue
Principle or counselor weekly meetings.
Spends time with janitor or other school
staff to learn good character or have
positive enforcement.
Loss of self-manager
badge and conversation
about bullying with Ms.
Doty or Mrs. Jeffcott.
Paired with a playground
and/or school day buddy who
is a teacher or duty teacher.
Must check in daily.
Discuss and write Pillar of
Character that was broken.
Write letter of apology
to person they bullied.
Referral to FAN
coordinator to fill needs
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1

movie night
at the
Open to the
FAN (Family
within the
and family
game nights at
the middle
Adopt a
a business.
Matched for the
year and have
special events
adoption with the
local convalesent
Family/Community Involvement
The goal of our classrooms and school as a whole is to create positive lasting relationships
with the community and families that make up our student body. Students learn the importance
of being part of their community and that they can be a contributing factor even though theyre
young. We also connect with our high school and middle school in the immediate area through
sporting events, assemblies and other fun events to build lasting relationships.

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