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6th Grade Language Arts


Dear Parents/Guardians,
Last week, students finished the final drafts of their personal narratives. As we
continue with our work in Unit 1: Changes in Me, we will shift our attention to
expository writing. Leading up to the Fall Interim assessment, students will again
consider changes in their lives, but this time with an expository lens. Our focus will
be on explaining, informing, and describing.
In order to write their own expository pieces, students will learn about elements
such as the introduction, hook, thesis statement, topic sentence, body paragraphs,
conclusion, and transitions.
At the end of Unit 1 on October 17th, students will submit final drafts of their
expository essays about a change in their lives.
Please sign below to indicate that you have read this letter and are aware of the
work we will be doing in class. Please dont hesitate to contact me with any
Thank you!
----------------------------------------------------------------Unit 1: Changes in Me (Part 2 Expository Writing)
Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
I am excited about: __________________________________________________________________________
I think Ill be good at: ________________________________________________________________________
I think Ill need help with: ___________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

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