Create Your Own Genetically Modified Organism 1

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Year 10 Science: Inheritance and Change

Invent a Genetically Engineered Organism

You have been asked, by a top secret science laboratory (could be Kolbe but we are not at
liberty to reveal anything) to develop an artificially genetically modified organism
(plant/fungi/animal) to better man-kind.
Think of a naturally modified species and consider how you would genetically modify this
Write a report answering the questions below about your hypothetical new organism.
Provide a titled diagram of your organism labelling the changes you have made.
Report Questions:
1. Provide the new name of your organism and what kingdom it belongs to
2. Describe your modified organism in comparison to the naturally modified species
3. For what purpose have you designed your organism
4. What professional industries would be interested in your organism?
5. What process did you use to genetically modify your organism?
6. What resources did you use to research and design your organism (introduction)
7. How does your organism impact the plant/animal's habitat and life systems?
8. How does your organism affect the environment?
9. How is your genetically modified organism beneficial to people?
10. How is your genetically modified organism harmful to people?
11. What are the ethical issues connected with your modified organism?
12. After considering these questions explain if your modified organism would be beneficial
to society and the environment (ie your conclusion)

Research tips:
Look at research on existing genetically modified organisms
Look at scientific or educational web-sites regarding GM organisms
Find news articles regarding public opinion on genetically modified
Your findings may be presented in a report, One-Note, Powerpoint, video or
oral presentation. Discuss any other presentation method with your teacher.
Draft Due Date: _Week 5________________
Due Date: __Week 6____________________
Glossary words to discuss and research: natural selection; pure breeding, artificially genetically
modified; kingdoms; gene; phyla; genotype; phenotype; mutation ethical; evolution; speciation;
extinction; biogeography & geographic isolation

Marking Scheme:
Home Room: __________________________
Criteria Actual Mark
Quality and detail of research
Ability to interpret and communicate information
Overall presentation
Extent to which the information is presented
logically and sequentially
Clear, easy to follow layout (use of subheadings)

The organisms kingdom has been identified
The genetic process has been explained
The purpose of the organism has been identified
The professional affiliations have been identified
The impacts to other biota in the environment have
been considered.
Ability to answer ethical questions
Both sides of the argument are considered and
Final conclusions are drawn with information to
support views
Sentence structure
Spelling and grammar
Bibliography (correctly formatted)
Effective use of a number of reliable sources
Submitting this sheet with assignment 1

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