Outline For Final Formal Journal

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Name:_________________________________________________________ Period:_______ Date:________________

Outline for Final Formal Response for Unit Journals

Directions: This is just an outline, so no need for formal writing here. You do not need to write in complete sentences but you do need to
make sure your answers provide SPECFIC examples (not general ones). Note: when writing your Final Formal Response, some of these ideas
might overlapthats ok, this is just to get you thinking about the topic. Remember when you write your rough draft, go back and use
transition sentences where necessary to improve the flow of your writing.

Intro Paragraph
A. Attention getter to introduce the Journal Topic that your are writing on: (question, quote, statistic, fact, ect.)
B. Topic sentence/Thesis statement (record from brainstorming wksh)
C. Go back and number the 3 main points of your thesis statement (will be topics for body paragraphs. See next section)

Body Paragraph (s)

Write a couple of phrases/notes including specific the details of your supporting fact/evidence and explain how it supports your
answer to the journal question. Make sure to connect it to the topic sentence! Dont forget when you write your formal essay, you
will need to have transition intro sentences for each paragraph!!!

D. Connection to past and present

1. 1st Specific example from this unit to support your answer (should match #1 in thesis statement)
2. 2nd Specific from the history that answer (should match #2 in thesis statement)
3. Example from the present day/your own life that supports your answer (#3 in thesis)
E. Objection (this might be included in one of the above paragraphs or have a paragraph of its own)
Objection your plan to address: (think in terms of statements that might start, Some people might say)
How your plan to refute this objection: (explain WHY the objection is not true)

Conclusion Paragraph
F. Summarize your essay and restate your thesis:
G. Big Picture/Connection: How this journal topic applies to your personal life/society today? Why does it matter? How
could it affect the future? (make your reader realize that they did not just waste their time reading your paper!)

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