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Running head: Juvenile Justice system 1

Juvenile Justice System

Stephanie Green
Dr. Raymond Steelmon
HSCO 501

In todays society it is hard to keep a child on the straight and narrow and able to track
juvenile offensive can be helpful to a parent. Juvenile crime in the United States has become a
major problem, in the closing decades of the 20
century, America began to fear its youth
because of the dangerous crimes that has been committed. Although juveniles are committing
these violent crimes there are some implications on why they are being committed. Research
have shown that juveniles are affected by problems such as poverty, family breakdowns, neglect,
alcoholism and poor education are known to commit such violent crimes or turn to drugs.

Juveniles living with these issues have shown signs as loss of temper, frequent physical fighting,
increase in risky behavior, announcing threats or plans for hurting others, or carrying a weapon;
however with this kind violent going on there are consequences for their actions.

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