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Matthew Halpin

Mr. Halpin
Bible 10, Period 11
10 October 2012
Memory Verse Test - KEY
1) Jeremiah 7:27-29
!hen "o# tell them all thi$, the" will not li$ten to "o#% when "o# call to them, the" will not an$wer. &here'ore $a" to them, (&hi$
i$ the nation that ha$ not obe"ed the )O*+ it$ ,od or re$ponded to correction. &r#th ha$ peri$hed% it ha$ -ani$hed 'rom their lip$.
(.#t o'' "o#r hair and throw it awa"% ta/e #p a lament on the barren hei0ht$, 'or the )O*+ ha$ re1ected and abandoned thi$
0eneration that i$ #nder hi$ wrath.(
!ord$ 2 30
2) .onte4t:
- Before thi$ pa$$a0e, ,od reco#nt$ to Jeremiah the inn#merable wa"$ in which the 5$raelite$ ha-e di$obe"ed Him. 6rom
the time the" le't 70"pt #ntil now the" ha-e contin#o#$l" di$obe"ed ,od.
- After thi$ pa$$a0e, ,od be0in$ to de$cribe what Hi$ p#ni$hment 'or them will loo/ li/e.
3) &hi$ pa$$a0e come$ at the end o' a lar0er pa$$a0e in which ,od $eem$ to be de-a$tated that hi$ people contin#e to ma/e bad
choice$ that enra0e him and harm them$el-e$. 5 am ama8ed b" what $eem$ to be hi$ pro'o#nd $adne$$ at the choice$ o' hi$
people. 5t $eem$ li/e it $ho#ld be reall" important 'or me to /now that ,od i$ hi0hl" emotionall" in-e$ted in Hi$ people, and i$
deadl" $erio#$ abo#t their obedience.

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