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G air conditioner

Which is L.GS top selling model?
On general terms, what differentiates L.G from other competing brands?
What is the price difference/ after sales service/ delivery time difference compared
to competing brands?
Who are the major competitors?
On what grounds u consider them to be the competitors?
Point of distribution: Within how much radius are two L.G stores located?
What is the basis for deciding the location?
Who is your wholesaler?
How different is it from competitors?
Sales figures: On an average, how many air conditioners do you sell in a day/ week?
Do the sales remain same throughout the year?
Have you witnessed any fluctuations/ or seasonality in sales?
When do you roll out the schemes?
When do you roll out end of season sales?
Speaking generally, what might be the price difference during schemes and end of
season sales?
Does the above trend applicable to competing brands?
If so, what is the trend and how different it is from L.G?
When do you have maximum pressure to push the stocks?
When are stimulating activities rolled out? On what basis? How often?
How has your experience been with L.G sales force?
Have you faced any challenges with sales force?
How satisfactory/ unsatisfactory has your experience with sales force of L.G?
On what grounds?
How different is L.G sales force from competitor sales force?
How often are stocks not delivered on time?
How is customer feedback about L.G?
Does the company take the feedback seriously?
What customer issues have you faced so far?
How quickly does the company resolve the issues?
How different is L.GS grievance handling different from competing brands?
Do you get any corporate deals?
If yes, how often, whats the quantity ordered? How different is the price point? Who
negotiate the deals?

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