C. Dipylidium Caninum: - C 2. C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7. C 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.D

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1.Which of the following cestoidea has a sucker as its organ of fixation?

A. Diphyllobothrium latum
B. Diphyllobothrium proliferum
C. Dipylidium caninum
D. Diphyllobothrium mansoni
. C 2. C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7. C 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.D
2.Which of the following parasites can be transmitted by autoinfection?
A. Echinococcus granulosus and H. Diminuta
B. D. Latum and Taenia saginata
C. H. Nana and Taenia Solium
D. D. Mansoni and Echinococcus multilocularis

3.Which of the following parasite may produce pernicious anemia?
A. H. Nana
B. Taenia saginata
C. D. Mansoni
D. D. Latum

4.Man act as intermediate host in
A. Cysticercosis
B. Taeniasis saginata
C. Diphyllobothriasis latum
D. Hymenolepiasis

5.Man can be infected with eggs of the following cestodes
A. Taenia saginata
B. Hymenolopis nana
C. Taenia solium
D. Dipylidium caninum

6. Fasciolasis is caused by:
A. ingestion of infected raw liver
B. ingestion of infected cooked liver
C. ingestion of encysted metacercaria in infected cooked liver
D. ingestion of encysted metacercaria in contaminated salad

7. Katayama syndrome :
A. occurs most frequently in S. haematobium infection
B. occurs most frequently in S. mansoni infection
C. occurs most frequently in S. japonicum infection
D. occurs in chronic schistosomiasis

8. Genital sucker of heterophyes located :
A. lateral to oral sucker
B. anterolateral to ventral sucker
C. postolateral to ventral sucker
D. midline of body of heterophyes

9. Vitelline glands of P. westermani extend through :
A. midline of the body
B. posterior to the branched ovary
C. medial field of the whole body
D. lateral field of the whole body

10 .In schistosomiasis, egg emboli may cause :
A. intestinal poliposis
B. cor pulmonale
C. verminous pneumonitis
D. katayama syndrome

11. Batherss itch occurs frequently in infection with :
A. S. haematobium
B. S. mansoni
C. S. japonicum
D. non human schistosomes

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