Battlefield Terrain

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Battle in the Vines


A note on terrain;
NO terrain is mysterious. ALL of it is normal for its type. Do NOT roll on mysterious terrain tables.
Fording points for riers !ill be mar"ed. T#ese are $onsidered %L&A' T&''A(N. )ridges are li"e!ise
$onsidered $lear terrain for moement purposes but models *A+ ta"e $oer using t#e sides of t#e bridges
s#ould enemy fire $ome from t#e appropriate dire$tions. T#ese bridge sides !ill $ount as a 4, $oer sae for
s#ots from t#ose dire$tions.
Forests !ill be indi$ated by a template !it# s#rubberies upon it. T#e template itself indi$ates t#e e-tent of t#e
!ooded area. T#e .green $rystalline. out$rops are treated A/ A FO'&/T for all intents and purposes. T#ey
!ill be pla$ed upon a template a$$ordingly. T#is in$ludes $oer saes AND diffi$ult terrain tests.
)uildings0 AN+ 1inta$t2 stru$ture !ill be treated A/ a building 3p425. 'egardless of !#et#er it #as a roof or
not 3roofs may be left off to indi$ate t#at su$# buildings may be o$$upied5. 6indo!s or grills may indi$ate
firing points. NOT all buildings !ill #ae fire points. /ome !ill #ae battlements.
SHANTIES are an example of a SMALL, AV9 building.
un!er" are an example of a Medium AV#$ building.
'uins !ill be any stru$ture not $onsidered a building. (f it is NOT inta$t7 it is a ruin. T#ese !ill follo! t#e
rules for ruins 3p485. (f t#e ruin #as a base7 treat it &9A%TL+ as t#ose mentioned on p48 3edge of base $ounts
for part of t#e terrain5.
Ot#er!ise7 t#ere !ill be a ariety of battlefield terrain $omprising0
(mpa$t $raters7 ridgelines:#ills7 'a;or !ire7 barri$ades7 tan" traps7 tren$# lines and battlefield debris:!re$"age.
Impa%& %ra&er" proide a <, $oer sae to t#ose models inside t#em.
Hill"'ridgeline" proide a <, sae to t#ose models )&=(ND t#e $rest of t#em 3NOT ON t#e $rest >
t#e #ig#est part of t#e #ill *?/T be bet!een t#e firer and t#e target unit.5. =ills7 regardless of #o!
steep t#e sides7 are %L&A' terrain.
(a)or*ire proides a @, sae to infantry models be#ind it. (t is also D(FF(%?LT terrain to infantry
and models t#at moe as infantry 3!al"ers5. (t is $lear terrain for e#i$les.
arri%ade"+ Aroide a <, sae to infantry models be#ind t#em.
Tan! &rap" Tan" traps are impassable terrain to nonB/"immer e#i$les7
Dangerous terrain to bi"es7 and open ground for all ot#er units 3t#is in$ludes 6ALC&'/5.
(f a model is in $oer be#ind a tan" trap7 it #as a 4 , $oer sae.
Tren%,line"+ are diffi$ult terrain. (f a model in a tren$# line is in $oer7 it #as a 4 , $oer sae.
Diffi$ult terrain to moe OD&' t#em.
a&&lefield -re%!age and rubble are area terrain. (f a model is in $oer be#ind !re$"age or
rubble7 it #as a 4 , $oer sae.

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