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China Power Tool Industry Report, 2013-2016

Published by : Sino Market Insight

Published : Aug-2013
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China Power Tool Industry Report 2013-2016 released by Sino Market Insiht !ore"asts that
China#s output o! power tools will rea"h 260 $illion sets in 2016%
&y 'irtue o! liht weiht( "on'enient "arryin and use( hih produ"tion e!!i"ien"y and low
enery "onsu$ption( power tools are not only used in $any industries widely( but also
!un"tion as indispensables in !a$ily li!e% )ith the e"ono$i" lobali*ation( the power tool
$arket has been boo$in%
China is the world+s larest power tool produ"tion base% In 2012( China produ"ed 2,0 $illion
sets o! power tools% &y pro'in"e-$uni"ipality( .iansu#s power tool output was up to 123
$illion units in 2012( a""ountin !or $ore than /00 o! the "ountry+s total output1 in the sa$e
year( the output o! power tools in 2he3ian e4"eeded 56 $illion sets( !ollowed by 7uandon
and Shanhai%

8t present( China is speedin up urbani*ation and de'elopin the ad'an"ed $anu!a"turin
industry 'iorously( whi"h "reates a ood $arket and de'elop$ent opportunity !or the power
tool industry% China#s power tool output will rea"h 260 $illion sets by 2016%
The report "ontains !i'e "hapters and 6, "harts% It analy*es $arket si*e( i$port and e4port(
reional de'elop$ent( "o$petition patterns and !uture de'elop$ent trends o! China power
tool industry1 It also introdu"es !inan"ial "onditions( "apa"ity distribution( produ"t types as
well as the latest de'elop$ent in China o! 12 $a3or power tool "o$panies in"ludin 9en
Tools( &osun Tools( TTI( Stanley &la"k : ;e"ker( &os"h( <ilti and Makita%
Get The Detail Information Visit:-

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table Of Contents
1% Ma"ro-e"ono$i" =n'iron$ent in China( 2011-2013
1%1 China+s 7;P
1%2 Industrial 8dded >alue
1%3 In'est$ent in ?i4ed 8ssets
1%, Stable 7rowth o! Consu$ption
1%/ I$port and =4port
1%6 Pri"e @e'el
1%A Ma"roe"ono$i" ?ore"ast( 2012-2013=
2% B'er'iew o! Power Tool Industry
2%1 ;e!inition and Classi!i"ation
2%2 Industry Reulation and @aws : Reulations

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2. Overview of Power Tool Industry
2%1 ;e!inition and Classi!i"ation
2%2 Industry Reulation and @aws : Reulations
2%3 Industry Poli"ies
2%3 Industry Poli"ies
3% 7lobal and China Power Tool Market Si*e and ?ore"ast
3%1 7lobal Power Tool Market Si*e
3%1%1 Market Si*e
3%1%2 Ma3or Consu$ption Markets
3%2 Chinese Power Tool Market Si*e
3%3 I$port and =4port

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3%3%1 I$port
3%3%2 =4port
3%, Industry Co$petition
3%,%1 Market Stru"ture
3%,%2 Pro!essional Power Tools <a'e a 7ross Marin <iher than That o! ;IC Tools
3%/ ?ore"ast !or Chinese Power Tool Market Si*e( 2013-2016
3%/%1 ?ore"ast
3%/%2 Pro!essional Power Tools )ill 9eep 7rowin
,% China Power Tool Industry by Reion
,%1 .iansu
,%2 2he3ian
,%3 Shanhai

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
,%/ ChonDin
,%6 .ian4i
,%A Shandon
,%6 Si"huan
Purchase Details:-

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
. Operation of Power Tool !nterprises in China
/%1 9en Tools F300126G
/%1%1 Pro!ile
/%1%2 9ey ?inan"ial Indi"ators
/%1%3 Re'enue and 7ross Marin by Se"tor
/%1%, Re'enue and 7ross Marin by Produ"t
/%1%/ Re'enue and 7ross Marin by Reion
/%1%6 Sales Models
/%2 &osun Tools F002262G
/%2%1 Pro!ile
/%2%2 9ey ?inan"ial Indi"ators

/%3%6 Main Produ"ts
/%3%A ;e'elop$ent in 2012-2013
/%3%6 Sales Reion( Models and Custo$ers
/%3%5 Produ"tion and Bperation Modes
/%, TTI 7roup
/%,%1 Pro!ile
/%,%2 &usiness Re'iew
/%,%3 Main Produ"ts and ;e'elop$ent in 2012
/%,%, @ayout in China
/%/ <I@TI
/%/%1 Pro!ile
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

/%/%2 &usiness Re'iew
/%/%3 @ayout in China
/%6 &la"k : ;e"ker
/%6%1 Pro!ile
/%6%2 &usiness Re'iew
/%6%3 @ayout and ;e'elop$ent in China
/%A &BSC<
/%A%1 Pro!ile
/%A%2 &usiness Re'iew
/%A%3 @ayout and ;e'elop$ent in China
/%6 Makita
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

/%6%1 Pro!ile
/%6%2 &usiness Re'iew
/%6%3 Main Produ"ts
/%6%, @ayout and ;e'elop$ent in China
/%5 <ita"hi 9oki
/%5%1 Pro!ile
/%5%2 &usiness Re'iew
/%5%3 Main Produ"ts
/%5%, @ayout in China
/%10 .iansu ;on"hen
/%10%1 Pro!ile
/%10%2 Main Produ"ts
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

/%11%1 Pro!ile
/%11%2 Main Produ"ts
/%12 &oda Industrial
/%12%1 Pro!ile
/%12%2 Main Produ"ts
Purchase Details:-"uir#
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

$ist Of %i&ures:
7;P in China( 2010-2012 FCT;G
7;P in China( 2005-2012 FCBCG
Cu$ulati'e CoC 7rowth o! 8bo'e-S"ale Industrial 8dded >alue in China( 200A-2013
Bperatin Re'enue( Total Pro!it and 7rowth Rate o! Industrial =nterprises in China( 2006-2013
?i4ed 8ssets and Sub-industry In'est$ent 7rowth( 2006-2013
CoC 7rowth o! Total Retail Sales o! So"ial Consu$er 7oods in China( 2010-2013
Re'enue and =4penditure 7rowth Rate o! Chinese Hrban Residents( 2006-2013
Total I$port and =4port >alue and CoC 7rowth in China( 2010-2013
Month-on-$onth 7rowth o! China+s CPI( 2006-2013
ore"ast o! Main Ma"roe"ono$i" Indi"ators in China( 2012-2013=
7lobal Power Tool Market Si*e

;istribution o! 7lobal Power Tool Market
Butput o! Power Tools in China( 200/-2012
8pparent Consu$ption o! Power Tools in China( 200/-2016=
I$port >olu$e o! Power Tools in China( 200A-2016=
I$port >olu$e o! Power Tools in China by Type( 200A-2012
I$port >alue o! Power Tools in China( 200A-2012
I$port >alue o! Power Tools in China by Type( 200A-2012
=4port >olu$e o! Power Tools in China( 200A-2016=
=4port >olu$e o! Power Tools in China by Type( 200A-2012
=4port >alue o! Power Tools in China( 200A-2012
=4port >alue o! Power Tools in China by Type( 200A-2012

Power Tool 7radin and Main &rands in China( 2012
7ross Marin o! Pro!essional Tools is Sini!i"antly <iher Than That o! <ousehold Tools
Butput o! Power Tools in China( 2011-2016=
Market Share o! Ma3or Pro!essional Power Tool =nterprises in China( 2006-2006
;ownstrea$ o! Power Tool Industry
Butput o! Power Tool in .iansu( 200/-2013
Butput o! Power Tool in 2he3ian( 200/-2013
Butput o! Power Tool in Shanhai( 200/-2013
Butput o! Power Tool in 7uandon( 200/-2013
Butput o! Power Tool in ChonDin( 2006-2013
Butput o! Power Tool in .ian4i( 200/-2013
Butput o! Power Tool in Shandon( 200/-2013

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